
Passing clouds

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    It was good and relaxing. I miss my family (MOM & AUNT). My mom treated me like a kid again by cooking my favorite dishes for me, doing laundry and many other things. I miss her the most. I kinda feel lonely here.


    I felt so safe in my home inspite of my ocd getting triggered during certain times.


    I wouldn’t say lonely but its so quiet in here. In india you are always surrounded by family or neighbors.


    Dear Zenith:

    It is interesting, the mix of relaxing and anxiety, being that you experienced this mix growing up, and fast forward, during this most recent visit.

    In India you are always surrounded by family or neighbors.“- sometimes it feels good/ relaxing to be surrounded by family and neighbors, and at other times, it feels uncomfortable, annoying, doesn’t it? And you end up remembering the good and missing it..?



    Lol. You said it right. I used to get annoyed sometimes due to lack of personal space. But you feel less lonely when you have anxiety.


    Dear Zenith:

    When you miss India too much, remember the mix factor. It will give you the mental space to appreciate the positives where you are now!



    Yeah, I know. I felt so grateful when I was in India. There was lot of traffic in India. Some of my school friends were complaining about how thier husbands and in laws were treating them. There is no work life balance. It was chaotic. But when i came back to us i started missing my family.


    Dear Zenith:

    You miss your family, that’s understandable. It’s an old emotional attachment that got strengthened during the visit because of close physical proximity, and now you have to re-adjust to living far away from them. Did you notice if you already got used to the distance a bit  since you are back here?



    I am getting used to it. But my anxiety is acting up.


    My brain is in fight mode.


    Dear Zenith:

    I wish the title of your thread could apply to your anxiety, as in Passing anxiety. It’s a habit of the brain, by this point: the habit of getting anxious. What are you anxious about this afternoon?



    adding: fight mode against whom?




    I started feeling anxious the moment i entered home. I was always surrounded by family members  in India so its so quiet and depressing here. My brain started telling me that i felt less anxious in India and its more lonely here. So I am worried about if I should settle here or go back to India and take care of my parents. How will i survive this anxiety when i get old ? I am in my mid thirties lol. My brain started getting worried about future.


    Dear Zenith: I will reply in the morning.



    Dear Zenith:

    My brain started telling me that I felt less anxious in India and its more lonely here. So I am worried about if I should settle here or go back to India and take care of my parents. How will I survive this anxiety when I get old? I am in my mid thirties lol. My brain started getting worried about future.“- (1) Time to talk back to your brain, says I,  and tell it (kindly) that you need to focus on surviving anxiety today. Tell it that you’ll take care of future anxiety after you learn to take care of today’s anxiety, (2) I remember that you’ve been sending money for the care of your parents, so there’s someone there, in addition to your sister (and others) to care for your parents’ physical needs..?

    (3) Remember the mix factor I mentioned earlier: mix some negative memories of your visit to India with the positive memories, so that you do not get into nostalgia (remembering only the positives and missing those too much). Here are some negatives from June 16, two weeks into your visit: “It just triggered my religious OCD. Everybody in my family are more religious and ocd is telling me that I am a bad Muslim… I don’t have the peace of mind… I did talk back to ocd instead of running away from it. But the voice in my head still persists. Its making me anxious and hard to sleep through it“- which brings me back to talking back to your brain/ OCD: as calmly as you can, tell it the truth and reject its untruths.


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