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April 25, 2018 at 2:37 am #203963
Yes, he withdrew. Instead of eating dinner with us, he would play games on his computer or watch movies on his own. It became harder and harder to connect with him. My mother says that we’re so similar that we just clash and I can see that being true. My mom also took over raising me. She was the one I would go to for anything; to ask for permission to do anything, for advice, etc. He just seemed more interested in being on his computer than spending time with us. When we would speak, it would just turn into an argument. He is very sensitive and has a temper so he was hard to talk to about anything. I feel like even today I kind of resent him for that. He complains that I never really speak to him but I feel like thats his fault, not mine. He wasn’t really there for me growing up and now I feel like theres no connection between us so I don’t really know what to talk to him about.
April 25, 2018 at 3:39 am #203975Anonymous
GuestDear Cass:
You wrote earlier: “I have always struggled with feeling less than other people... I feel like I almost wait for someone I’m interested in to get bored or lose interest and move onto someone better”.
This started perhaps in your experience with your friend and her cousin, early in your childhood and you are currently experiencing this regarding this young man. This core belief (the italicized) will continue to affect your life until it is challenged, evaluated and changed. Best to do it in psychotherapy with a capable therapist.
It will be easy for a person to say, reading your recent post, something like: your father chose the computer over you and so you felt less than. But that would be too simple and most likely inaccurate because there is so much more to know that I do not know: the nature of the relationship between your parents, what your mother told you about your father (how she influenced your understanding of him and your relationship with him), and I know nothing about your relationship with your mother.
If you would like, share more about any of these items. It is okay with me if you choose not to.
April 27, 2018 at 2:39 am #204473cass
ParticipantMy mom and I are actually very close. We are probably closer than most mothers and daughters. I tell my mom literally everything about my life. My father and i often argue. I typically avoid speaking to him because it just leads to arguments. He is a very jealous person and my mom has mentioned that he sometimes feels jealous of mine and hers relationship since we are very close. Perhaps I gravitate toward men like my father? I don’t know. There are some similarities between my ‘ex’ and my father.
On another note.. I looked at my ‘exes’ social media tonight. I knew I shouldn’t have but I did anyways and of course, I just feel hurt. I want answers that I know I’ll never get. He just looks so happy with her and I don’t know how to accept that. I know this ties into my feelings of feeling inadequate and I know I need to overcome that somehow. Even while we were talking, I knew that it would never work in the long run so I know it is unfair to completely blame him for ‘leading’ me on but I think I just feel rejected which is making this all harder. I want to move on and feel better. Its been two months and hes obviously moved on, why can’t I?
April 27, 2018 at 2:57 am #204477Anonymous
GuestDear Cass:
A note about him looking happy with her on social media- doesn’t everyone look happy on social media, Facebook and such (I don’t have a Facebook account, or the like). I know people look happy in photos, smiling for the camera, and when these photos are posted online, the smile that lasted a moment lasts for days, months, years, for as long as the photo is there.
You wrote: “he’s obviously moved on, why can’t I?”- if you were in a new relationship, you would be moving on too, most likely. A new girlfriend replaces the old (titled or not) girlfriend.
Do you think that your father is jealous of the fact that you tell your mother everything, that you are close to her that way? Do you think he would like it if you told him everything?
April 27, 2018 at 3:13 am #204481cass
yeah thats true. I think it also just hurt seeing his friends comment things like ‘he looks happier than I’ve seen him in a long time’. It makes me think about what she might have that I don’t which goes back to me feeling inadequate.
I tried to move on and I was seeing someone briefly but still couldn’t move past my feelings about the end of my last relationship.
Yes, I think that he is jealous that I am closer to my mother than him. He is also jealous that my mother is closer to me than she is to him. I don’t think my mother feels close to him or really feels in love with him anymore. He would probably like it if I spoke to him more but I don’t really enjoy speaking to him and often run out of things to say.
April 27, 2018 at 3:59 am #204485Anonymous
GuestDear Cass:
If your father is jealous of the closeness between you and your mother, it means that he too wants closeness, with someone. Not your job to satisfy his need for closeness, of course. He had the opportunity, many opportunities to be close with you. Shame that he didn’t take advantage of those. I don’t know anything about the relationship between your parents, of course, other than it is not being a good one, not for a long time. I don’t know who rejected whom, who was aggressive to whom, and in what ways.
Do you know? I am asking because it may have relevance to your life now.
Back to social media, people’s comments- I wouldn’t take those seriously. People say things, lots of things. Again, people look happy on Facebook. They may be miserable but their photos are forever happy.
April 27, 2018 at 4:16 am #204491cass
ParticipantI don’t know everything that has gone on between my parents as they don’t really speak to me about it. From things my mother has said, I think she regrets marrying someone much older than her (12 year age difference). He doesn’t have the same energy level as her and has a tendency to complain about doing anything and would rather just stay home on his computer. She has said somethings that make me believe that she has fallen out of love with him. When we talk about guys, she always says to not marry someone older and someone who has a jealous personality so I think she resents these qualities in my father. She doesn’t seem interested in doing anything with him anymore and would rather spend time on her own or with me. I don’t think they really talk much. My father is the kind of person that talks at you rather than to you which causes her to just stay quiet. This is also a reason why me and him don’t get along. I can’t stand when hes rude to me or my mother so I call him out on it. He has a big ego and gets offended easily which leads to many arguments as well.
Its weird because I always told myself I would never date anyone like my father but the more I think about his personality, the more I realize how similar he is to my ex.
April 27, 2018 at 4:32 am #204495Anonymous
GuestDear Cass:
This is interesting. You wrote about your mother “she regrets marrying someone much older than her” and you wrote earlier about your ex: “He would also always say things implying that I would leave him for a younger/ more attractive guy”-
was he worried about the age difference with you because and after you expressed something to him on the topic of age difference?
April 27, 2018 at 4:56 am #204501cass
ParticipantI never really had a problem with the age difference. It was mostly a problem with him. He would always make comments about me being younger than him and how I’m a ‘kid’. He once made a comment that he thought his friends would think it was weird that I was 7 years younger than him but he said that they didn’t mind when he told them. Once while we were talking, he said that I should experience college and grow them come back to him. He was just always really insecure about the age difference.
April 27, 2018 at 4:59 am #204505cass
ParticipantAlso, thank you so much for listening to me vent and complain about a guy and giving me advice. I genuinely appreciate you taking time out of your day to write back to me.
April 27, 2018 at 5:15 am #204509Anonymous
GuestDear Cass:
You are welcome. So the age difference thing happens to be a coincidence.
You wrote earlier: “the more I think about his (your father’s_ personality, the more I realize how similar he is to my ex”- how was your ex similar to your father?
April 29, 2018 at 12:35 am #204669cass
They are both very emotional people. Very petty when things don’t go their way or they feel any sense of rejection. Jealous. Big egos but also insecure. Very, very sensitive. Can be very charming. Immature and childish.
April 29, 2018 at 5:43 am #204683Anonymous
GuestDear Cass:
I want to re-read all your posts this morning and see if I have any new understanding. I will summarize and comment: When you were 19, two years ago (now 21), you met a 26 year old man. You lived 45 minutes away from each other and it was difficult to see each other because of the distance and the fact that he was very busy with work and you were busy with school. During this exclusive relationship, in which you “lost (your) virginity to him”, you brought up the idea of making your relationship official, that is one of the titles boyfriend and girlfriend. His response each time was that it was too soon to make it official. He once told you that he really likes you “and doesn’t want to rush anything and mess it all up”. He also told you once that you “should experience college and grow then come back to him”.
The two of you argued a lot about the little time he spent with you, your complaint, and you going out to parties, what you wore, his complaints. He was worried that you would cheat on him with a younger or more attractive man. The two of you ended the relationship and resumed it a few times this year. He eventually ended the relationship for good sometime in March this year. In April you found out that he has a girlfriend, “an actual girlfriend that has a real title”. You wrote, he “gave what I wanted to someone else”, that is, the official title, girlfriend.
You wrote about your experience before meeting this man, starting when you were six or seven: “I have always struggled with feeling less than other people… I almost wait for someone I’m interested in to get bored or lose interest and move onto someone better…feelings of being less-than have always floated in my mind during social interactions”
You wrote that at around the age of six, your father “took a backseat in raising me… instead of eating dinner with us, he would play games on his computer or watch movies on his own” and that it led to you “getting much closer to my mom”. As you grew up, the distance between you and your father grew and you argue when you interact.
My understanding at this point:
The key sentence to me is this one, in which the pronoun we refers to you and your father: “My mother says that we‘re so similar that we just clash and I can see that being true.”
You suggested that it is your father who rejected you and your mother, withdrawing. What you didn’t suggest and which I see as true, is that your mother rejected your father. It may very well be that the two of them rejected each other, but the part of your mother rejecting your father is what I am addressing here.
When she told you repeatedly to not marry someone like your father, this means she has rejected him (“she always says to not marry someone older and someone who has a jealous personality so I think she resents these qualities in my father”). Her rejection of him is obvious here as well: “She doesn’t seem interested in doing anything with him anymore and would rather spend time on her own or with me”.
But notice this, your mother said that you and your father are very similar, sharing those same qualities that she resents. This may have meant, in your child’s mind, that you are next, next to be rejected by your mother. This may be the reason you are very close to your mother.
In your last post you wrote about your father and your ex: “They are both very emotional people… Very, very sensitive.. Immature and childish”. From your description of the relationship that was, I see no evidence of him being immature and childish. On the contrary, I see evidence of some maturity, wanting to go slow before making it official, to not rush, wanting you to experience more in life before resuming a relationship, being very busy working and being the one to make the final break up of the relationship.
In summary, it seems to me that the qualities you reject about your father and that you imagine exist in your ex are the qualities that your mother rejected about your father. In her telling you that you and your father are “so similar”, she has rejected you, for the same qualities.
Therefore, you believe that you are reject-able. That it is a matter of time before you are rejected.
April 29, 2018 at 5:47 am #204685Anonymous
Guest* didn’t reflect under Topics
April 30, 2018 at 1:01 am #204809cass
Actually this was over a span of 7 months. Im currently 19, we met when I was 18. When I say immature, I mean the way he would handle complications with us. Instead of working it out, he would go completely silent and wait for me to text him or reach out to them. He would often blow up on me when he was stressed and would then go on to ignore me for days after. One time, I was at a friends house until 4am and texted him when i got home because he wanted me to communicate more and he got very angry at me for getting home so late and we argued about it for 3 days. He would do things that would make me angry, just to get a reaction like deleting my comments on his pictures when he got upset with me. It was hard to bring up more serious topics with him because I didn’t know how he would react or he would just ignore what I was trying to ask him. The list of things are endless. He was very hot and cold. One second he was telling me that I was perfect and too good for him and the next we was upset over something I said or did. There were obviously things I would’ve done better as well. He wasn’t all bad but definitely had some toxic qualities. Sometimes I think that maybe I just made him insecure by being younger, in college, and in his eyes “out of his league” and it brought out the worst in him. I don’t know. Seems like the most toxic relationships are the hardest to move on from sometimes.
As for my parents, I don’t feel like i’ve ever been worried that I would be rejected by my mother but what you wrote makes a lot of sense too. Maybe because I don’t like many of the qualities my father posesses that I also have, I feel like someone else wont like that about me either which makes me feel inadequate, rejectable, and easily dismissed.