
Surrender, Accessing Shakti by clearing samskaras, eliminating false selves

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    Hi Seaturtle

    Thank you for sharing about this topic, it has been very interesting! Thank you as well for your kind words. 🙏

    Haha I doubt it is your first go around either. There was a Buddha that would predict how many lifetimes it would take to achieve enlightenment. It usually measured in the hundreds.

    Well the goal is for a soul to eventually achieve enlightenment and apparently the human realm is the only realm in which enlightenment can be achieved.  It is very curious. For you interest, the other realms are gods, demi gods, ghosts, animal and hell.

    I definitely see those things in you. You have a very special soul and are a wonderfully open person. I always liked people who are like this, it takes a lot of courage. ❤️

    Hmm I don’t know about Buddhism, but there are other theories. I always liked the idea of groups of souls being around each other, growing together and the idea of important people in your life being those souls. I don’t know what your beliefs about souls are? If you have any I’d like to hear them. 😊

    I love that you think of your sister as a soul sister. It sounds like you have a beautiful relationship.

    Thank you for humouring my inner child soul!

    Love and best wishes! ❤️🙏


    Dear Seaturtle:

    I do my best to consciously refuse to act a certain way to get some perceived approval from them. I am proud of this“- you are giving yourself credit for behaving congruently with your value of authenticity, not people-pleasing at the expense of your authenticity.

    My mom also has/had these poor-me sessions, demanding I see her… It was in this time I believe my mom used me as an emotional venting place….Then 16 when I moved in with him, is when he began to demand this excessive visibility from me“- at different times, both your parents used you as a source of narcissistic supply  (excessive need for attention and/ or admiration).

    I truly feel bad about your thoughtful message getting left without a response, please forgive me“- you are forgiven.

    Dear wise dolphin-anita, I appreciate and understand the imagery, thank you and please stay swimming close“- thank you and you are welcome (a sea turtle and a dolphin swimming side by side emoji).

    Hello Anita 🙂

    I miss you!

    It’s true at different times I have been on the receiving end of narcissism. Perhaps this is one of the reasons I want to understand and see myself so badly, because I never want to make someone else feel how they made me. Because I do believe they did it unaware of their manipulation and effect it would have on me, so I know it can be unconsciously done.

    I wanna learn and hear about the awakenings you’ve had in this lifetime? How have/do you set yourself up for spiritual growth?



    Hi Helcat!

    I miss this chat and especially you and Anita. I have had a busy summer, and find myself missing talking with you guys but not liking the part where I have to come to my computer and type. I wish we could have an in person book club or some other way of meeting. Even a set time every week on this site when we come and chat back and forth about current life 🙂 what do you think?

    “Haha I doubt it is your first go around either. There was a Buddha that would predict how many lifetimes it would take to achieve enlightenment. It usually measured in the hundreds.”

    I think you are right, that this is not my first go around. Honestly it feels like this has been a very pivotal lifetime for me so far, because I’ve had some major shifts, that afterwards looking back on myself realize I was not seeing things clearly as they are. My constant intention is to see things as they are. It can still be a haze sometimes though, where I feel like my thoughts and emotions are clouding truth. I am proud to even be aware of that haze though. I know I still have habits and triggers that cloud my vision, third eye. I wonder how many lifetimes it has taken for me to get to this place of seeing the fog and trying to see through it. If in this lifetime I can not only notice there is haze, but also learn to not let it cloud my vision, I would say it was an incredibly pivotal lifetime and I’m excited to start the next at that checkpoint 🙂

    “Well the goal is for a soul to eventually achieve enlightenment and apparently the human realm is the only realm in which enlightenment can be achieved.  It is very curious. For you interest, the other realms are gods, demi gods, ghosts, animal and hell.”

    Do you think our souls get to choose? or is the idea that it is some sort of order we are all put in.. to become gods? I want to learn more.

    “I definitely see those things in you. You have a very special soul and are a wonderfully open person. I always liked people who are like this, it takes a lot of courage. ❤️

    🙂 <3. Recently I am finding myself draw more people like this into my life and it is so refreshing. I met a special soul while I was recently in Colorado, his very open and light heart was so curious to me. We decided to go to a concert together and found me had this openness in common which made for just awesome conversation and connection 🙂


    “I don’t know what your beliefs about souls are? If you have any I’d like to hear them. 😊

    It is definitely a developing belief. Right now I feel like souls radiate at different frequencies and those frequencies are where they live. Victim mindset being a low frequency for example and drawing to it more events and people on the same frequencies, sort of like self fulfilling prophecy. I think souls get stuck in those cycles. I think I have gotten stuck in cycles. On a high frequency I think of someone who is unattached to earthly possessions, and souls who see every day as a new day, and every experience as new, not seeing things through the lens of their past. I want to get there, but I still notice myself analyzing other people and situations based off of my past, but I don’t think that is seeing things ‘as they truly are.’ I’d also like to believe that souls pass on with the knowledge or Karma, that they accumulated from past lives.




    Hi Seaturtle

    You are a ray of sunshine and very much missed around here. 😊 A set time for chatting every week sounds like a great idea. I understand if you are busy though. We are mostly around.

    Ooh please do tell about your busy summer! Mine has also been busy. There were birthdays. We went on holiday. We got COVID. I had exams and am finally on a break before the final. I can’t even remember all of the things that have happened lol because I forget (baby brain). My son has 4 teeth now and is very close to walking.

    I have faith that you will get there, you’re a very driven person and that is all it really takes a desire to grow and openness to progress. You have both in abundance. It does take time and a lot of practice though. I am still not there yet. It is painful for me to be present during challenging times. I’m trying really hard though.

    Yes, the idea is that we get to choose. But there are challenges. And for 3 days after death it is said that we stick around and can hear people’s thoughts about our passing. In this time some souls are driven mad. After the 3 days there is supposed to be an opportunity to move on and the challenges come, it is said that we face our inner demons and how we respond to that dictates where we go. There are practices that people do to stay calm and in control as a spirit to help them make the right choice. It is said that the realms correspond with emotions: greed, anger, jealousy and pride.

    It’s wonderful to hear that you are meeting more and more people with these qualities. I’m glad that you have a lovely day and enjoyed the concert, the communication and the connection. He does sound special indeed.

    It is always very interesting learning about other people’s beliefs. 😊 I would agree that people get stuck in cycles. The way that I think about it is that there are small windows of opportunity in life where we gain profound new awareness that allows us the opportunity to choose how we wish to respond next. The majority of the time I feel like people are almost running on automatic and trying to develop the skills for their choices until their next window. Being proactive in development’s helps bring these windows closer together. Having lots of experiences brings lots of changes too in my experience. Bad and good, it is sometimes hard to see the outcome for many years. What do you think?

    Love and best wishes! ❤️🙏


    Dear Seaturtle:

    I want to understand and see myself so badly… I wanna learn and hear about the awakenings you’ve had in this lifetime?“- a recent awakening for me has been to see myself in a positive, empathetic light: something I needed to see so badly and for too long.

    “How have/do you set yourself up for spiritual growth?“- I set myself for emotional-spiritual growth by communicating with people like you, here in the forums, and in real-life, and seeing myself, you and others positively and empathetically whenever it is possible and appropriate.

    I have had a busy summer, and find myself missing talking with you guys but not liking the part where I have to come to my computer and type“- I understand that it’s been a long time since you liked going to your computer and typing away your thoughts and feelings and events in your life, and I accept this change. I wish the rest of your summer to be a summer of Surrender, Accessing Shakti, clearing samskaras, and eliminating false selves 🙂!



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