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June 10, 2016 at 4:20 pm #106877
GuestDear Shirley:
Congratulations for completing your angel mural project! Let me know what comments you get from people on it.
Real Estate Monopoly sounds interesting enough of a distraction from academics. I read about you dropping some classes so to take AP Physics. Your interest in science is consistent. And the rubber ducks you followed…
It is weekend for Shirley, hope you are well!
June 13, 2016 at 7:12 am #107111Janus
Participantthanks a lot anita;) i think i have become a bit too health conscious these days. most of the time, i eat seafood, vegetables and rice along with low fat meats with low fat dairy products and also healthy fruits. since it has come down to the last few days of school, my classes have started parties and i hate having the unhealthy food. although i only had a party on last thursday and i ate three shortbread hazel balls, one small slice of pizza and half a cup of soda; i am a bit irritated b/c i didn’t go to the gym on friday or sunday, but i did do a three mile run on saturday in 10 minutes which burned 200 calories. also on monday, i ate a chocolate chip cookie, molasses cookie with chocolate fudge and a fudge graham cracker brownie. i know that i should have fun at parties at times and eating unhealthy food only a few times is okay, but i seem to be a bit annoyed still. after the parties, i often go out for a run or workout at the gym and i end up eating more fruits and vegetables and counting the calories i ate so i don’t go overboard. if it were me, i would love to avoid every party i get invited to so i can eat all healthy all the time. also i realize that my height 5′ 5” and i have become 120 instead of 118, but most of the time i know after working out i will lose the weight, but i’m still very insecure. oftentimes whenever i am sitting, i want to be up and working out b/c i feel as if the calories are adding up. i often may go to a party and eat minor calories then i will not eat anything unhealthy for 3 whole months no matter what. looking back at my notes from freshman year, i feel a bit sad b/c i felt i was a lot smarter back then than i am now. my parents say that it is b/c i have a lot on my mind and that my intelligence level is still the same, however i feel so insecure. one of my essays that i wrote for biology sounds so much better than the essays i have been writing now. i feel like i have gone from a smart child to one who doubts myself and doesn’t know how to do anything. looking back at how i was before, i wonder if i really wrote this and why i went from being happy with myself to someone so filled with doubt. i have so many questions about whether i know how to survive in this world with money, cars, rent. it would be better if my parents didn’t say my head is in the clouds with spirituality b/c being out in nature and meditating with angels helps me relax. my special friend thinks i overthink who i am. i think they have a view that science and spirituality don’t mix. here is a sample of my biology honors essay from freshman year (it is a research done on liver cancer, i love science and the medical field):
Liver cancer affects liver tissue. Liver cancer is the fifth most common cancer. It affects more men than women usually around the age of sixty-seven. Liver cancer can be fatal if not treated. A five year relative survival is 50% for a healthy individual who undergoes surgery. Blood tests can detect if there is high alpha-fetoprotein in the liver which is normally produced by the fetus, but if there is a lot it could mean liver cancer. Ct scans can be used to see if there are tumors in the liver. Liver cancer can spread to the lungs and elsewhere before it is diagnosed. Most liver cancers originated elsewhere in the body and spread to the liver. Studies have stated that an absence or malfunctioning of microRNAs (miRNAs) could be leading to liver cancer. MiRNA is an RNA fragment that prevents the building of a specific protein by binding to and destroying the mRNA that would have built that protein. Without this molecule, the liver develops fat deposits, inflammation and tumors. Restoring miRNA-122 reduced the size and number of tumors.
The cancer cells can spread to the bloodstream, lymphatic system and abdominal area. Treatments include surgery, chemotherapy and radiation. Surgery can be used to remove the cancerous areas of the liver or to have a liver transplant. Chemotherapy includes the use of drugs, doxyrubicin and cisplatin both which either slows or stops the growth of cancer cells. However, use of chemotherapy only shrinks a small portion and the effect is not long lasting. Chemoembolization is a procedure in which anticancer drugs are administered into the tumor and the blood supply to the tumor is blocked. External radiation can be used with a large machine sending high energy beams at the patient’s chest and abs.
There are four stages of liver cancer. Stage I is when the tumor is found in the liver only. In stage II, the tumor has spread to the blood vessels or there is more than one tumor present, but it is smaller than 5 cm. If there is more than one tumor and it is bigger than 5 cm, the cancer has spread to the blood vessels or lymph nodes. The last stage, Stage IV is when the cancer has spread to other locations in the body.
there is more to the essay and i might post it later;)
June 13, 2016 at 8:57 am #107118Anonymous
GuestDear Shirley:
Your focus/ obsession on calories, weight, health food- I share this with you and am trying to heal from it myself. I am making progress but it is a tough obsession to beat, for me. The cause is anxiety, fear. The same cause or factor that is involved in your self doubt. The obsession with eating only health food, not gaining weight, burning calories by (over) exercise, all these are ways in which you are trying to control danger, to ward off danger. The thoughts behind this behavior is something like this: if I only eat health food; if I don’t gain weight; if I burn these extra calories I ate- then I will be okay.
This is incorrect thinking involved in a real problem: excess fear.
This excessive, ongoing fear (with breaks; there are always breaks)- it is a problem that you will need to deal with. You have been dealing with it the best you can, meditation, nature, laid back friends, angels and you will need to continue to deal with it, but more than deal with it, it is possible for you to do healing work that will stick, over time.
It is possible that psychotherapy with a competent, empathetic, hard working therapist will do wonders for you. Wonders in helping you gain more insight as to why you are “Too Criticizing of Myself”- the title of your thread, why you are so anxious- how it started, how it is maintained and then figure out ways to eliminate stressors and choose a life most congruent with mental health.
Living separately from your parents can be a great stressor that will be removed. There are other stressors that can be removed, and skills to practice more. But the stressors- got to remove those.
Can you see if you can attend psychotherapy provided by the school/ community? I want the best for you and I am concerned. I know you will do fine if you attend to reality, and part of reality is your anxiety.
Till your next post, please take good care of yourself.
June 14, 2016 at 5:05 pm #107292Janus
Participantbeing in the school based room is really comforting with the green walls and all the colorful inspirations on the walls, it’s like being out in nature. my school based counselor has a great sense of humor and is easy to talk to. she was the one who gave me the idea for an angel mural and also has helped me start a self-reflections journal. monday, dave is also great, i showed him this ask-angels.com website and he really enjoyed it since he and i both like angels. i drew a card and it came up with “Forgiveness” and Archangel Zadkiel which is really cool b/c i think i need to forgive myself and learn self-love. i think the reason i am really criticizing of myself is that there are people who are sexist against women and they make me so irritated. sometimes when i go out for sports such as dance, some guys will make a remark that girls shouldn’t be dancing and they should be housewives. also my mom is quite criticizing and doesn’t like to workout and i get irritated when i am compared to her.
June 14, 2016 at 5:19 pm #107293Anonymous
GuestDear Shirley:
I like your school based counselor’s ideas (the angel mural and the self reflection journal). Talk to her more as you need to, about your mother criticism, the sexism that bothers you, your concern about eating and weight/ body image, anything at all.
I know Dave like angels and so do you.
I noticed you replied to another thread today. I will be reading it next (about body image).
June 16, 2016 at 1:23 pm #107468Janus
Participanteven though the ap biology summer work is a bit hard, i enjoy learning about cells and dna. Science never ceases to amaze me. Check this out:
June 17, 2016 at 10:45 am #107523Anonymous
GuestDear Shirley:
Science is indeed amazing, isn’t it? And so Shirley never ceases to be amazed by science. This is why I think directing your career at science, applying science to help people, a value you hold dear, is an excellent way to go for you, to go about in school now, in college and onward.
June 17, 2016 at 10:53 am #107526Janus
Participantthanks anita;) what do you think of this response to the question ‘Why do you think humans share about 1000 genes with prokaryotic cells (cells without membrane and distinct nucleus such as bacteria) ? What functions might the shared cells serve? Think about terms that deal with evolution such as natural selection (nature selects those who can adapt to thrive), competition, etc. in your response ‘
Humans and prokaryotic cells could have about 1000 of the same subset of genes because as an organism begins its evolutionary adaptation to the environment, the process of natural selection could lead to the sharing of genes that were formerly successful in thriving in a competitive environment. Over time as populations increase/decrease and climates change, there is competition for resources as well of the ability to survive temperature changes. All organisms derive from a common ancestor and may share certain characteristics that over time could give rise to new species that exhibit similar traits, and because these traits were successful in helping the former organisms survive, they may be passed on. The traits of prokaryotic cells were mostly unicellular and microscopic, however over time some may have joined together in a symbiotic relationship to give rise to multicellular organism or eukaryotes such as humans. The cells and genetic material within the prokaryotic cells could have combined to form many cells that could carry out many specialized tasks. For example, the vestigial structures in humans such as the bones in our arm share similar characteristics to the webbing of bat’s wings. The bones in our arms allows for flexibility of movement and in the bat’s wings may help the bat acquire food and escape from predators. These shared traits allow us to see the changes and continuities of evolutionary diversity as each organism to acquires certain traits to help thrive in their environment.
June 17, 2016 at 11:32 am #107529Janus
Participantgoogle is great, they have started giving astronomy and physics connections and i am reading up on gravitational waves (waves that cause a ripple in space time much like black holes) and light particles, also alisoncourses.com (free online courses) has started to offer science courses:D i read about this in a book called All the Bright Places by Jennifer Niven and though it is a hoax, it still is quite cool, even scientific hoaxes have acclaim;) i have also becoming more accepting of myself. it is officially summer and i already miss andrew, dave and steve ( my lunch buddy), i hope i see them next year.:
June 17, 2016 at 11:51 am #107530Anonymous
GuestDear Shirley:
As to the question in your first post: “‘Why do you think humans share about 1000 genes with prokaryotic cells?” I would answer simply: because humans have common ancestry with prokaryotic organisms. The teacher reviewing the answer of course, requires more details and you provided those.
As to your second post, I was always more interested in the biological sciences than I was with the physical sciences. I am satisfied being aware that gravity exists. But I know throughout your thread that you are interested in the physical sciences and that is wonderful. Of course black holes have been a fascination to people beyond the science of it, hence the black holes/ space science fiction books and movies so common.
June 18, 2016 at 1:19 pm #107605Janus
Participanti agree with you anita because i understand more of the biological sciences more than the physical sciences. andrew is more into the physical sciences. i read in my ap biology book that there is a difference between science and technology, science seeks to discover and explore new things while technology is more physical and seeks to create inventions, yet science and technology can come together in forms of engineering. also the coolest thing is that no matter what language emotions are in (learned this from psychology), people can tell anger and fear more easily than surprise and happiness. i like dave because he doesn’t mind the person you are and he always makes you realize your best talents. sometimes when i feel insecure or annoyed b/c my mind isn’t as technical as andrew’s, dave’s laidback humor helps me realize my true self. i love my friends for the talents they help me bring out. i admire dave’s openness, compassion and loyalty for his friends. he is great at giving advice. while i was feeling a bit sad last night b/c i missed andrew, dave and steve (my lunch buddy), i had the best dream. i felt myself floating on a cloud with a rainbow over me and i was feeling a bit restless wondering if life was passing me by when i heard a voice from above saying “Don’t think, just be. Don’t think of the things you think you are or think you’re not, just be the person underneath all the thoughts.” i was a bit confused and i looked up, wondering where the voice was coming from, but all i saw was a bright sunlight. anyway that sunlight opened up like a vortex and it swallowed me. i remembered crying out “i’m afraid, i don’t think i can go alone.” then i saw a hand reach out to me and i took it and it pulled me up upon the stars, the hand turned out to be the buddha’s. the buddha told me “don’t be afraid, you don’t walk alone. you carry the souls of those who came into your life with you. you are a star and the people you meet are part of you and part of the universe. we are all stars within the universe each in our cycle of life waiting for the explosion of creativity.” i was still a bit restless and the buddha took my hand and said “come, i will lead you on a journey.” i saw my life flash before my eyes and the buddha said “you are breaking apart the illusions, letting go of all that hinders you and being immersed in your true essence. you make the choice, don’t pay a mind to what others are doing, instead focus on the star that you are.” when i told the buddha that i wasn’t sure if i would ever be able to be as good as dave or andrew, the buddha took my hand and enveloped me in a warm embrace of light and love, i felt myself being lifted and cleansed with the purest vibration of love and i realized that i was whole. i realized that everything happens for a reason and the people who come into you life teach me many valuable lessons and change who you are. i feel as if i have become a better person from all the people i have met.
science rocks!
June 18, 2016 at 1:59 pm #107606Anonymous
GuestDear Shirely:
Your dreams are amazing, the words said, the thoughts articulated, the principles expressed are complete, as if each dream was designed to encompass all. As if each dream was put together by a bunch of writers making sure everything is there. Amazing, almost incredible.
Science rocks, I agree with you. Shame that technology has used some of science to create destruction, from weaponry to environmental decay to … that which turns people jobs to obsolete. It makes sense that Andrew who doesn’t like angles, is a technology person. Dave who is okay with angels is more compassionate. I mention angels in the context of your angels, what they mean to you. I wonder what thoughts and feelings your angel mural inspires in people.
Hope you have a good weekend, raining here, thunder and lightning last evening. I was walking when the loudest thunder happened above me scary. I was told that if there is a thunder and lightening storm and you are walking in an empty field… and you feel your hair is standing up, to lie down on the ground, low. Cows do that, bed down so to not be struck by lightening. So … remember that if your hair stands up in a storm.
Till your next post-
June 18, 2016 at 9:15 pm #107632June 19, 2016 at 2:21 pm #107694Janus
Participantthanks a lot, brievoung;) hope you are okay anita, thanks for letting me know to lie low in thunderstorms. i find thunderstorms fascinating as i often find myself calculating if the storm is approaching or moving away by counting the lightning and the thunder. sometimes a loud clap of thunder will startle me, but the flash of lightning, even though i know it can be dangerous, it still can be breathtaking on how powerful nature can be.
June 19, 2016 at 8:00 pm #107727Anonymous
GuestDear Shirley:
I am fine, thank you for your concern. Nature is breathtaking, thunderstorms on one hand and the silence of a vast desert on the other. The silence of the desert comes to mind.. I like silence, that kind of silence that cannot be disturbed.
Monday tomorrow, another week at school. Take good care of you, Shirley. Be good to yourself, always.