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June 21, 2016 at 11:54 am #107856
Participanti agree, but the desert heat is intense. andrew used to live in texas and he used to have a pet scorpion,i think they are pretty cool. the funny coincidence is that andrew’s zodiac sign is a scorpio. i like the idea of being near a forest where there are animals and trees and i can hear the soft trickle of stream water. last day of school was june 18, but i only had to come in june 13 (full day) and june 15 (half-day, get out at 11:25 for physics honors final). i was exempt from all my finals except physics honors, juniors can exempt all if they have ap classes and since i took the ap test in may, i didn’t have to take the ap english or ap world history final and i was exempt from pre-calc final (94 and above for exemption, i had a 99). i feel like the physics honors final was hard this year b/c i received a 75, but my overall grade was an 88. dave and andrew still keep in contact and dave told this funny story about this guy who tried to walk on water after reading the bible story about jesus walking on water and he drowned (i feel bad for the guy, but i still think he was a bit too idealistic). andrew has gotten me to really appreciate science and i find that i enjoy learning how gears and electronics work as well. dave is more into the biological sciences and is quite easy to talk to, while andrew is very technical minded and likes to compete, yet i have learned lots from them. b/c i was so busy worrying about the ap tests and college things throughout february-may, i felt bad b/c i didn’t really pay much attention to my special friend. he was still around looking out for me and there were times when he told me i needed to be more laid-back, but i rarely talked with him. his friends would often question me about him and he would often feel sad at times and when he saw me, he would always smile and ask if i was okay, i would just nod and then think about a school work or application i had to complete. towards the end of may and into june, i was more relaxed and anticipating the summer months, though i still had summer work. anyway, toward the last few weeks of school, my special friend met up with me and he told me that he missed those months when i was busy and he told me that he still cared about me and if i needed him, he would always be there. i cried and i hugged him and told him that i felt bad that i was so busy those past months, but he said it was okay, he said no matter what happens i’ll always stand by you and it will all be right in the end. he also told me that during those few months, he missed the me that was laid-back, but he still cared about me even then, it was just the fact that i was always tense that he was worried about me. anyway his friends were also happy that we were starting to hang out more again. i went out for a run with him today and we talked about our dreams, laughing as the sun caressed both our faces. while we were sitting under a shady tree, he said “i love you most when you are laid-back, but i admire your hard work as well. you are always good enough.”
June 21, 2016 at 12:59 pm #107863Janus
Participantanyway, it’s funny how when you know your friends for a while, you start to be able to tell what they like w/o asking them. i have this funny quirk that when i’m borrowing notebook paper, i never borrow from andrew unless it’s for a project or for origami. andrew’s papers are pink, yellow, green and orange and they are quite cool and i think they are more fun to be used to design projects and origami than for notes. andrew uses these colors to color-code his school subjects and he also uses colored pen markers to help with his notes. i am a visual person and i also enjoy using different color pens to write my notes b/c they help me see and remember the picture better. anyway, i think andrew reads me quite well b/c whenever i need notebook paper and i ask someone else, i always look at him first and we both laugh, we both think it is funny that i am this way even though i never told andrew in words about this, i can tell he knows. dave is also very organized with his notes as well, however his notes are plain paper and he enjoys coming up with mnemonics to help him memorize. i feel like both color-coding my notes and mnemonics help me. also dave’s notebook has tabs with subjects in it, so when i borrow paper it already has the subject labeled on it which is quite convenient. i usually just sort my notes by date order and also by chapter order, putting tabs to separate my subjects. andrew and i often tease dave that he might become a lawyer someday b/c of his notes.
What do you think of this for AP Biology?
Describe and contrast these four forces/ chemical bonds using no words longer than two syllables (specific names of atoms/bonds are allowed). Molecules are a two atoms bonded together (type of atom). i think the only word/s that are/is three syllables is/are “negative”. What do you think of pg. 45 question 11?
Chemical Bonds (Strongest —-> Weakest)
Covalent bonds: sharing of a pair of valence electrons by two atoms, forms molecules
nonpolar covalent bonds: equal sharing of electrons such as H2
polar covalent bonds: not equal sharing of electrons such as H2O , electrons pulled toward oxygenIonic bonds: transfer of valence electrons between a metal and not a metal
such as NaCl when sodium becomes a cation (loses electrons) and chlorine gains electrons (anion)
don’t form molecules instead forms a compound (salt) which is a blend 2 or more unlike elements
crystal lattice structure dissolves in water
Atom with stronger notion to attract electrons (more electron negative) strips electron away from other atomHydrogen bonds
Weak bonds maintain shape of molecules by helping the atoms adhere to each other
hydrogen bonds occur between a hydrogen atom carrying partial plus charge and a more electron negative atom (such as oxygen or nitrogen)
hydrogen bonds can be seen in NH3Van der Waals Interactions
regions of plus and minus charges within a molecule that allow all atoms and molecules to stick to each other
occurs only when atoms and molecules are nearby each other
ex. gecko walking up a wallpg. 45 Q11 Scientific Inquiry
Observations: Female silkworms moths emit chemical signals that can be detected by male’s sensory organs (antenna) far away.
Question: How can male silkworm moth’s antennas detect this specific molecule admist other molecules within the air?
Hypothesis:The specific receptors on the antennas bind to molecules in the air. The neurons that correspond to these receptors send messages about this binding to the brain and allow the insect to perceive the sound.
Prediction: Measuring the average output of an insect antenna to its brain will help determine how the antenna receives sound and transmits it to the brain to be processed.
Experiment: Using a electroantenography (measures average output of insect antenna to its brain) can help determine the total electrical potentials of an antenna’s reaction to a chemical signal.
Results: Test does not falsify hypothesis. The sensory receptors bind to molecules within the air such as water vapor and the neurons that pick up these specific receptors send messages to the brain so the male silkworm moth can perceive the sound.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electroantennography
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antenna_%28biology%29#InsectsJune 21, 2016 at 1:42 pm #107867Janus
Participantthere is a thunderstorm this morning at 6:55 then stopped at 7:30, now it has begun again at 3:45.
June 21, 2016 at 3:18 pm #107884Anonymous
GuestDear Shirley:
Congratulations for getting to the end of the school year as well as you have, with good grades and good experiences. I didn’t know the year already ended (I don’t listen to news or read news, so it didn’t occur to me).
Are you still going to be in contact face to face with Dave and Andrew? Online/ phone contact? I think you already miss them. I think you already miss school…?
Thank you for the chemistry reminder: covalent bonds, ionic bonds, I remember well enough. Regarding “The sensory receptors bind to molecules within the air such as water vapor and the neurons that pick up these specific receptors send messages to the brain so the male silkworm moth can perceive the sound.” This is the thing that most people don’t realize: everything we see, hear, feel with our skin (temperature, pressure..), smell and taste, all goes through our brain, all is our perception. All is projection because it all gets processed in our brain before we interpret, evaluate and respond- or not- to sensory input.
I too prefer the forest to the desert. I dislike heat. What I fondly remember about the desert is the experience very early in the morning or in the evening, when it is not hot and there is nothing but stillness, silence. I am going to take my walk soon. No thunderstorm today.
Regarding what your special friend told you: ” “i love you most when you are laid-back, but i admire your hard work as well. you are always good enough.” That is priceless.
I hope you feel comfortable with taking advantage of his offer to spend time with him when you need company. That is, if you feel comfortable knowing that he would like to be your boyfriend. Is it a problem for you?
Till your next post, take good care of you.
anitaJune 21, 2016 at 4:51 pm #107887Janus
Participantthanks a lot anita for your insight;) with dave and andrew, we still meet up at the library a couple of times and i often message them online for advice. andrew is often experimenting with a science project so he often doesn’t reply to my messages unless its something important, while dave responds to most of them. my special friend is no longer jealous of andrew and dave b/c he understands that they help me be myself and also help me with my academic things. he’s also content to keep it at a spiritual relationship b/c he got a girlfriend toward the last few weeks of school. i used to be jealous when he hung out with other girls, but now i don’t mind b/c as long as he is happy, i am glad. his girlfriend and i are good friends and we all get along. she helps him be more of himself and see his talents and also helps him with school. he is learning more about trust and unconditional love when it comes to relationships. i don’t miss school that much and am happy to take a break from my classes. the ap biology work is quite fun and andrew also is taking it next year. i think it gives me comfort that dave and andrew will still be my friends even when we leave for college. dave set up a college blog online where he gives advice to people who are stressed about school work and andrew has a lot of cool science links to explore. i feel as if i carry the spirits of my friends and also the school within me and it shall endure where ever i go. there is one of my favorite quotes from Beneath a Marble Sky by John Shors which is about the building of the Taj Mahal and how the emperor built it in honor of his wife and the quote is “Many people fear death, but I do not. For I have tasted this oneness called Love. Death cannot temper with it. I’ll take my Love with me and it shall endure.” i feel like i have dave, andrew, steve (my lunch buddy) and my special friend for the reason to teach me how to embrace my talents and to feel the oneness of spiritual love that endures. spiritual love is one of the best gifts i have been given in this life, i even wrote an essay on it and also an essay on greed. so many people think love has to be physical and they sometimes tease my special friend when i’m around him and it makes him feel insecure, yet i know that the spiritual love we share will help each other grow and i will take the love that all my friends showed me, that made me a better person and spread it to the world.
June 21, 2016 at 8:02 pm #107901Anonymous
GuestDear Shirley:
Glad you are in contact with Dave (who is more responsive) and Andrew. And Steve your lunch buddy?
And your special friend has a girlfriend who is also your friend, excellent. You are focusing on spiritual love and that is well.. very spiritual and just what you need.What are your plans for the summer? When is school starting again? And it would be the last year of high school, 2016-2017, correct?
June 22, 2016 at 1:49 pm #107968Janus
Participantsteve (lunch buddy) is busy studying for ap calculus and i think i am also taking it next year. i think school starts the first day after labor day which is tues. september 6 or somewhere around that time, but it’s most often on a tuesday or wednesday after labor day. for the summer, i have already pretty much finished my ap biology summer work, but since i like science so much, i think i may read ahead and do more research. also i have started a new meditation program where i meditate and it helps me with my mental clarity and healing. i am taking an online class called Empowering Your Life that teaches you how to find your life’s purpose and also find the guides and the courage that will help to pursue it. here is a meditation i did to speak with my spirit guides
I surrounded myself with light for protection and focused on the space above my earlobes. Asking “May I meet my highest and most loving spirit guides? Come and communicate with me now.” I felt warmth through my veins from my fingers to my toes. I saw a rainbow of light lifting me as the background noise of my surroundings faded. Feeling wings wrap all around me, I saw emerald’s green light entering through all my chakras. I saw white light and saw door opening, heard a voice, violin music and trickling water. The voice within my mind intoned “Indeed I am here. You are now being healed and initiated with the power of divine healing. You are loved and empowered now to spread this healing to others. You are healed from within; You are loved and you are whole.” Asking “May I ask your name?”, receiving the answer “I am Archangel Raphael, helping you to discover the healing from within. Reawakening your mind to your inner talents, reconnecting to love and divine health.” I felt the wings wrap around me, a deep clarity of mind as memories of divine knowledge, purpose, healing and love filled me. In my heart, I felt peace as I knew I would be guided through life, as i knew my purpose and talents. All that I, all that I ever was was being filled with divine light and healing. Intoning “I would like to thank you Archangel Raphael for your insight. is there any advice you would like to share?” I saw the wings unfurl and white light engulf me and heard “Go in peace. Go with love. Remember your inner talents and your divine knowledge. You are love and healed. Listen to your heart, let your spirit awaken, follow the path of love.” I opened my eyes filled with a new sense of purpose and vitality, knowing that I would learn to follow my heart and not those thoughts within my mind that hold me back.
June 22, 2016 at 6:58 pm #107975Anonymous
GuestDear Shirley:
So you have the end of June, July and August before the final high school year, your 12 grade, as I understand it.
During the summer you will do science research, meditate… probably continuing a moderate (notice: moderate!) exercise, walks in nature, socializing with your special friend and his girlfriend/ your friend; maybe meet up with Dave and Andrew; maybe Steve your lunch buddy. And there is your online class and meditation program.
What a lovely meditation with your spirit guide Archangel Raphael, resulting in you opening your eyes “filled with a new sense of purpose and vitality.”
And don’t forget to keep yourself as calm as possible, being as laid back as possible. Do whatever it takes to keep your stress level as low as can be, through meditation, mindfulness, spending time outside in nature, walks, maybe calming music and.. asserting yourself with your patents so that they leave you alone to just be.
Till your next post, take good care of yourself.
June 24, 2016 at 11:49 am #108125Janus
Participanti read this book called Ice by V.C. Andrews and it is about a girl who is quite taciturn, but has a great singing voice. her mom is selfish and shallow and only cares about her appearance, while her dad promotes her musical ability. Ice often gets teased in school for her name and also for her lack of speaking, but she ignores it. She becomes friends with Balwin who is a great piano player and together they help each other realize their musical dreams and be more confident. Balwin is also teased at school b/c of his weight and also his father pressures him to find a job that will make more money instead of being a musician. balwin feels insecure about himself and also around his father, his father wants him to go to Yale to be a financial advisor, but he wants to pursue a musical career at Jullian. together Ice hand Balwin help each other with their talents and they both end up winning a musical scholarship and Ice is accepted into a elite musical school. here is a poem that i was inspired to write from the book:
Song of Life
Let the melodies of the divine flow within the soul
Let them carry you upon their wings through all the clamor in this world
Walk to the harmony of the beats your heart sings
Play the music of your soul
Play away the sadness and doubt
Wrap yourself in your dreams of hope
Play the song of your true self loud and proud
Let them curse and laugh, ridicule all they want
They can not touch the voice of courage within nor do they know the true songs that you sing
Hear only the symphonies within and evoke the music for the world to hear
Beauty suppressed in the face of fear is like a rose that has withered before touching the rays of the sun
Let your inner self blossom like a flower
Let the music flow shedding light upon the darkness and shadows
Tear apart the cobwebs of doubt and negativity that try to ensnare you
Hold the doubts tight in your hand and go play the songs of life
Fear only makes you forget your talents making the music flow out of tune
You don’t have to be like them, forget what the bitter hearts say, don’t change yourself to be better for someone else, just be yourself and be happy
It is better to be happy being yourself living your dreams than to live in fear or an illusion of who or what you should be created by someone else
You are good enough, you have your own beautiful song of life, don’t let others control the strings of the music you play, control the tunes with your heart and inner voice
Start embracing the music of yourself now
Don’t be the person lost in the shadow of failed dreams
Appreciate the things you’ve done in life, go and dance to the music of every moment
Wrap yourself in the music, forget the things that aren’t true and dance upon the stage
Sing louder, longer and better
What does it matter what they think of you?
When you’re out there turn up the music and dance upon the stars, don’t let the sands of time sift away
Celebrate your soul’s rhythm and harmony
Play the music of your true self, walk the path of the songs in your heart
Don’t leave the beautiful melodies within to be left unspoken
Add your special song to the heavens
June 24, 2016 at 3:58 pm #108149Anonymous
GuestDear Shirley:
An interesting story, Ice. A story of what is, unfortunately so common in school, bullying. You used the verb teasing, Ice being teased for her name and Balwin for his weight. Might as well use the verb “bullied”- how many children get hurt every day from bullying at school, great shame.
Your poem, most of it is the most beautiful poem of all that you wrote, and I loved them all. Here is the part that in my mind is the most beautiful of all, leaving me amazed and at awe of you, Shirley:
“Song of Life
Let the melodies of the divine flow within the soul
Let them carry you upon their wings through all the clamor in this world
Walk to the harmony of the beats your heart sings
Play the music of your soul
Play away the sadness and doubt
Wrap yourself in your dreams of hope
Play the song of your true self loud and proud
Let them curse and laugh, ridicule all they want
They can not touch the voice of courage within nor do they know the true songs that you sing
Hear only the symphonies within and evoke the music for the world to hear
Beauty suppressed in the face of fear is like a rose that has withered before touching the rays of the sunLet your inner self blossom like a flower
Let the music flow shedding light upon the darkness and shadows
…Fear only makes you forget your talents making the music flow out of tune
…Don’t be the person lost in the shadow of failed dreams
…Add your special song to the heavens.”Did I mention I am at awe?
June 26, 2016 at 5:37 pm #108312Janus
Participantsometimes i feel as if i should just follow the model “don’t think, just act.” sometimes my thoughts of fear and negativity seem to swirl around me and i just push them down, i am no longer going to allow myself to be controlled by them. sometimes when i feel myself in fear, i take a second to realize all the talents i have and go for it and let go of those limiting thoughts. sometimes it is good to just focus on the wings of angels lifting me helping me be confident, feeling the wind blow my hair back and experiencing the freedom of my soul and suppressing the fear. i tell myself that fear only holds me back and the bitter hearts of the world would only want that when i could be free to experience the power of what it truly feels to be alive. even though i am fiercely independent and self-sufficient, i think when i am older i will raise a family and i will teach my daughter or son how to be confident, to raise their heads high and to enjoy the beauty of life. i have begun to do yoga and take a dance class and it is fun and the instructor helps me truly realize the power and strength of women. i hope i can teach my daughter to appreciate herself as well. these days it is like a glass pane stands between me and this world and i have begun to focus more within, i have unearthed the dark parts of me that make me restless, but i have learned to bring them to the light and heal. all the strong emotions of hate, fear, love seem to be controlled as i journey within and experience self-discovery, all i feel is a sense of contentment and detachment from myself as i am learning more about the divine within me. i don’t care what path i take in life as long as i find spiritual fulfillment and i realize i have found some guidance in my dreams. i have been receiving dreams of science and math, the earth heart-shaped and filled with light. i think i know what my purpose in life is now.
June 26, 2016 at 7:20 pm #108315Anonymous
GuestDear Shirley:
You know more today about your purpose in life. I would like to read more about what you know today that you didn’t know yesterday about your purpose in life. When you are on a healing path you see more in what you saw yesterday.
“Every one of us has to find a way to live with fear” is a sentence in a poem I like. Some fear we have to live with. No way to eliminate it. There are ways to diminish what is excessive, maybe even eliminate the excessive fear. You are a courageous, amazing young woman, Shirley. I have never met anyone like you.
June 27, 2016 at 3:33 pm #108364Janus
Participantthanks a lot anita;) at first i was filled with a few restless thoughts, now the meditation i’ve been doing has helped. through practice, i have managed to still my mind from thoughts and have also become more patient. i have been meditating by focusing on my third eye (place between my brow) and imagining myself creating a serene future. the third eye is good for psychic visions and it often helps me to dwelve into my mind and see the different aspects of my life that i have experienced. i also do a meditation where i surround myself in light and imagine the light infusing me with power and confidence. i allow the light to take me into the void where i let go of myself and connect with my spirit.
this is quite cool:
this is quite interesting:
i was born in january and i think it describes my personality quite well.June 27, 2016 at 5:24 pm #108379Janus
Participanti also did a free angel reading on ask-angels.com. The daily angelic inspiration told me to Choose myself, that i was worth it and i should cultivate love. for the angel card i drew archangel ramaela which is the angel of joy. also today i did a meditation for joy and i kept hearing a voice in my mind that kept saying joy and focus on your inner child and i got a vision of an angel in pink and myself inside a rainbow. i get the intuitive feeling that archangel ramaela and archangel raphael are my guardian angels b/c i often see and feel pink and green light around me. also i remember once wearing a necklace with an angel of joy when i was young. i was radiating with divine light in my aura and i had mental clarity. i am getting more and more dreams of me spreading positive light by combining spirituality, science and math to help the world. in all my dreams, i am dressed in pure white in garments like a nun and i am lighting candles to brighten dark corners. i also see myself leaving my physical body, disengaging from all the things that hold me back and becoming part of the heavens. i realize it doesn’t matter if i am alone out in nature and never raise a family b/c i have experienced a oneness, a divine love that is so beautiful and unconditional that i am okay whatever happens in life. i may be another mother teresa or gandhi.
June 27, 2016 at 8:06 pm #108385Anonymous
GuestDear Shirley:
The January born women description does fit you: “remarkably ambitious, but rather serious and conservative.” The critical part will weaken over time, and I do hope you talk more about your feelings.
Here is then your latest expression of your goals and purpose in life from these most recent two posts:
1. “Still my mind from thoughts.”
2. “Become more patient”.
3. “Create.. a serene future
4. “Infuse.. me with power and confidence”
5. Have “mental clarity.”
6. “Choose myself”
7. “Cultivate love.”
8. “Focus on (my) inner child”
9. “disengage… from all the things that hold me back
10. “Spread.. positive light by combining spirituality, science and math to help the world…may be another mother teresa or gandhi. ”Indeed you are ambitious and at the same time, another one of your goal is
11. Be “okay whatever happens in life.”
Excellent job expressing yourself, I say.