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July 7, 2016 at 8:11 pm #109108
GuestDear Shirley:
I thought about you today as I heard commentary about the hot and humid weather these days on the east coast. Seems like you like the heat though.
I think people bring you down because the criticizing inner voice in you gives them power and they, the people, give it power. They feed on each other. That criticizing inner voice, in Freud terms, it is the superego, only in your case as in mine it has been an abusive superego (other terms: toxic inner critic. I call it the inner bully).
Like an abusive parent who beats up a child, so does this abusive superego and there is no benefit in abuse, not when another abuses you and not when you/ part of you abuses yourself. I figured out some things about this topic lately.
There is a way to externalize this critical voice, this abusive superego, toxic inner critic… this inner bully. I wish you could attend psychotherapy with a competent, caring therapist just for this reason, for this purpose: to minimize and… externalize this inner bully. It is possible and with help you can do it. Then you will be able to move forward without this energy draining inner bully.
With this inner bully it is like you are moving forward with great difficulty because of strong friction making your movement forward difficult. Without this inner bully you can move forward without something pulling you backward, without this exhausting friction.
Do you think there is a way for you to attend therapy for this very purpose, this summer? I wish you could.
It is raining here on the west coast.
July 7, 2016 at 11:12 pm #109125Authorgirl
ParticipantHey : )
The most important thing is to look at everything in a positive light . Don’t let negativity define you. Be confident in yourself and honest with yourself. Only surround yourself with people who push you spiritually in a positive direction. I’m a perfectionist at heart, so I’m often seen as two-dimensional. I’m so good at what I do, people forget I’m human. I cry too, I lose too,and I fail too.- behind the scenes, but I make success look effortless in front of an audience.
My only advice is to enjoy life and make yourself hard wired for a deeper connection between service and God. Make sure you reflect that in any art you chose. Mine is writing. There’s so much I want to say to inspire others, and I haven’t figured out a way to say it in my art. I’m trying to figure out how to heal others using my artistic form- that way I am servicing God too. The quality of your life is always determined by the quality of your service to others in need. I have a higher calling when writing. Using it as a way to uplift someone whether it is humorous or entertaining- reading it, makes their day better. Ultimately, my goal is to brighten the world- that is the central aspect of my personality. That is my service to mankind.
I have a ” psychotic” work ethic.That’s enjoyable for me. I love pushing myself. Bruce Lee has a quote that I am trying to shift my life towards that was enlightening- ” Some targets are only meant to be aimed at” – meaning that by my own choice, my mind isn’t going to dwell on failures, the only thing that matters is the “right here and right now”. Don’t let success go to your head and failure go to your heart. Hope this helps : )
July 8, 2016 at 8:38 am #109150Authorgirl
ParticipantAlso, with this generation of kids growing up, bullying is the “norm.” Being self critical is the ” norm”
Like, I’ve worked in the entertainment industry as a journalist for many years. And what I’ve learned from it- is its politics and nature is brutal; because it’s all about money and business at the end of the day. It’s not about being human. And if you go into it you have to understand that there is certain amount of battery you have to be willing to go through to sustain in it. It’s a very,very toxic environment- that breaks down your mind, because there is always that person, who is willing to do anything to anybody to get ahead.
Which doesn’t work for me, because I genuinely care about people. The maximum joy I get is to create something that makes someone else’s life better and brighter. I’m past cars and jewelry- you know? I don’t even wear a watch or anything. But the joy I get from entertainment journalism is seeing how celebrities are able to use their fame, to make someone else’s life a little brighter or better. It’s like a power they possess, where God chose them out of everyone else to heal people, help people. etc. All they have to do is shake somebody’s hand, or smile and write their name on a sheet of paper- and it’s something that person will remember or think about the rest of their lives ( literally) and may even change them for the better or worse, depending on the encounter. I find that humans aren’t creatures of logic, we are creatures of emotion. And we do not care what is true, we only care about how it feels. So in seeing the power that fame can have on others, that’s what attracted me to the profession initially. I wanted to be apart of it and use my platform to write an article that may impact the lives of 6,000- 10,000 people, just by reading it- inspiring a new thought, discussion, changing your mind- etc – not to get off the point, I pray that, you are feeling better about yourself. And that you know that, your failures are only surface and as big as you allow them to be. That is doesn’t define you.
July 8, 2016 at 8:38 am #109151Authorgirl
ParticipantAlso, with this generation of kids growing up, bullying is the “norm.” Being self critical is the ” norm”
Like, I’ve worked in the entertainment industry as a journalist for many years. And what I’ve learned from it- is its politics and nature is brutal; because it’s all about money and business at the end of the day. It’s not about being human. And if you go into it you have to understand that there is certain amount of battery you have to be willing to go through to sustain in it. It’s a very,very toxic environment- that breaks down your mind, because there is always that person, who is willing to do anything to anybody to get ahead.
Which doesn’t work for me, because I genuinely care about people. The maximum joy I get is to create something that makes someone else’s life better and brighter. I’m past cars and jewelry- you know? I don’t even wear a watch or anything. But the joy I get from entertainment journalism is seeing how celebrities are able to use their fame, to make someone else’s life a little brighter or better. It’s like a power they possess, where God chose them out of everyone else to heal people, help people. etc. All they have to do is shake somebody’s hand, or smile and write their name on a sheet of paper- and it’s something that person will remember or think about the rest of their lives ( literally) and may even change them for the better or worse, depending on the encounter. I find that humans aren’t creatures of logic, we are creatures of emotion. And we do not care what is true, we only care about how it feels. So in seeing the power that fame can have on others, that’s what attracted me to the profession initially. I wanted to be apart of it and use my platform to write an article that may impact the lives of 6,000- 10,000 people, just by reading it- inspiring a new thought, discussion, changing your mind- etc – not to get off the point, I pray that, you are feeling better about yourself. And that you know that, your failures are only surface and as big as you allow them to be. That is doesn’t define you.
July 8, 2016 at 11:40 am #109165Janus
Participantthanks a lot arthorgirl;) good luck with your profession as a journalist;) One of my favorite quotes is “You can be the candle or you can be the mirror that reflects it.”~Unknown. You are a candle helping light the way for others. I agree that in today’s society we focus more on money and emotions when we should be working on helping build community. I also enjoy writing as well especially quotes and poetry. I would like to someday post them on a social media site and help spread positivity. I also enjoy pushing myself working on the new puzzles of me, finding out new ways to be more positive and deepen my relationship with the divine. There is a technique a practice when people around me are negative, I imagine a mirror and I imagine the negative energy being reflected from its course into the ground to be dissolved. I agree at times since I also feel two-dimensional like many people don’t see the many sides of me, but they only see what’s on the surface and don’t see beyond into the backdrop. It’s like a drawing on a paper which seems limited, but I try not to set limits within the lines and see all the space that I can cover and shed light upon. I don’t really care much for jewelry and I only keep a watch to keep on schedule, but I rarely glance at it. Most of the time, I just rely on my intuition. I think true power isn’t money, fame, athleticism or beauty; it’s the ability to see the star that is within you and let it shine for others. I don’t mind fame and money when it is used to help others and doesn’t seem too selfish or shallow. I think I am learning more and being more accepting of myself, when I feel doubt I remind myself that I am a spiritual being with a purpose and not just an insignificant physical being. When I meditate I allow the divine to enter into me and tell myself “I am living for the divine and that’s what counts.” There are so many people in this world that set limitations on themselves even through their religion that they forget that God, higher power, etc. are supposed to be loving and encompassing, not one that limits people from experiencing who they truly are. I find that society sometimes puts limits on gender and women often make less than men, but I am working on transcending all of the negative conventions of society. To me it doesn’t matter what race, gender, ethnicity or religion you have, what matters is that you live your life in happiness and you help others.
I agree, anita that an inner bully sometimes criticizes me. i have an online class with a teacher who is helping me learn more on how to empower myself. whatever happens that inner critic doesn’t stay with me for long before i manage to pretend that I am air and I am my soul and all the earth of my physical negativities drop away and are dissolved within the ground. my teacher tells me that the critics don’t live the life i live, so i shouldn’t listen to them. She said “Pay them no mind unless what they say is true. Pay them no mind since they do not help you and only cage your soul.” also i have read that stress and negativity only bring more of it and i realize i want to work on a positive life. i am also learning how to stand up for myself more and use humor to defend myself at times, other times i just ignore people. She has been teaching us psychic protection such as grounding, cleansing and also emanating a positive vibration like a bubble around your aura.
July 8, 2016 at 1:17 pm #109173Anonymous
GuestDear Shirley:
There is a difference between an Inner Critic and an Inner Bully (or an abusive inner critic). The first is necessary so we play by some reasonable rules, for example, when you wait in line and you are impatient, wanting to rush ahead of someone in front of you, a reasonable inner critic would say: Shirley, I know you are in a rush, but we have to wait in line for our turn, please relax, breathe in, let go, relax. An Inner Bully, on the other hand will say something like: Shirley, what is wrong with you? Do you think you are more important than the person in front of you? Shame on you!
See the difference? So yes, listen to a reasonable, patient and gently inner critic. But an inner bully should not be listened to but rejected and expelled. Replace the bully with a reasonable inner critic.
July 9, 2016 at 9:22 am #109231Janus
ParticipantThanks for clarifying anita;) ap scores came out now and they were expected. i got a 3 on my ap world history exam which means i’m qualified for college credit. i haven’t been the greatest with english ever since i shifted my interests more to math and science so i got a 2 which means possibly qualified for ap english. i wonder if there is a way to generate power and confidence without appearing snobbish. every time i try to generate self-confidence someone thinks i’m being cynical. i have managed to improve my circulation and health by doing a journey through the elements meditation which is a meditation from tibetan buddhism. i imagine the universe is filled with fire and i take it into my body, mind and soul with my breath and i imagine the fire of the divine entering into me keeping me warm and giving me energy (often is good for the winter or whenever my body temperature just drops for some reason), i do a similar thing for water which keeps me cool in the summer. i also use air to feel weightless and it helps me let go of my physical body when i have doubts about it, also i use earth the same way imagining my body becoming heavy like the earth and dropping into the ground letting the negative energies sink into the ground.
July 9, 2016 at 9:30 am #109232Anonymous
GuestDear Shirley:
I like your meditations: keeping yourself warm in the winter, cool in the summer, light when needed, grounded when needed. Congrats for getting 3 in world history and 2 in English. To appear confident but not snobbish- well, pay attention when you are confident, if you are not thinking snobbish thoughts then you are not snobbish regardless of what someone may think. People see through their eyes with their prejudices, assumptions, personal experiences. Most often, people don’t see you as you are, they see you as they are.
July 9, 2016 at 11:27 am #109236Janus
Participantthanks a lot anita;) i feel like i have become quite detached from the world when someone is angry, i just look at them with a detachment like i don’t care. people spend so much time rushing and letting anger get to them as the seconds of life pass them by when they could be reflecting on how to make themselves better or cultivate more positive thoughts. i know my detachment and optimism annoys some people as i also have begun to develop a solid self-assurance that doesn’t care what others think of me. some people think my detachment means i’m being cynical, aloof in my own world or just too optimistic, but i believe that life is a dance and that even without music, the wings of the soul shouldn’t be caged. a lot of my policy is just to let things go and expect disappointments and just let them go, don’t let them tie you down from experiencing the beauty of what life is meant to be, one of adventure and compassion. the meditations i do keep stress under control and i have seen an improvement in my mental clarity (i have also developed a stronger intuition) and they have given me a sense of vibrancy, a sense of being and power that i seem to emanate. also i no longer fight the dark parts of me, but i allow them to be as i balance them with aspects of light, everyone has a little of gray in them and that balance is what is right. we only need to let the lighter parts of our selves shine, in every star there is a yearning to be massive and powerful to become a black hole (i love science) to suck everything even light in, but i want to live my life in the void of light and it doesn’t matter how massive (how much fame, athleticism, etc.) i have, what matters is that i embrace the person i am who is healthy and happy. i find that i don’t worry about my weight anymore, i just eat healthy and tell myself “it doesn’t matter if they don’t like me, for i am my own self, a divine being and i am happy.” the positive thinking has helped me tone my body and i am quite happy with myself, there is still an inner critic but it is less abusive and most of the time when it seems to sneak up on me to become an inner bully, i don’t let it.
the troubles of the world don’t affect me anymore and i will only listen to the wings of my soul.July 9, 2016 at 3:41 pm #109256Janus
Participantcheck the first video, i think it is quite touching. https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100007186669477
July 9, 2016 at 8:58 pm #109265Anonymous
GuestDear Shirley:
I like your detachment but of course, it cannot be practiced at all times perfectly. Keep at it, best you can.
And every time you notice an abusive inner critic, aka inner bully, reject him and invite in the gentle, patient, kind inner critic. We all need an inner critic to guide us, to make and follow certain rules so to get along in a (complex!) society. See to it that your inner critic is kind, not harsh, not shaming.
I didn’t open the video- I don’t like to click on videos…
This is the first time I communicate with you when you are on a summer vacation from school. It is so different to not be hearing about the same friends and your classes and teachers. I kind of miss them all. Do you?
July 10, 2016 at 2:50 pm #109320Janus
Participanti have been spending time in nature and also i have been experimenting with science and reading books. dave went on a cruise a few weeks ago and andrew is busy with a new science invention he is experimenting with. i still think about my friends as they cross my mind a lot, but there is so much wonder out in the world that i find myself wrapped up in it. i think my lunch buddy steve is busy with his summer work and my special friend having fun with his girl. i’m just glad that i still carry the memories of my friends with me and sometimes when i do something, it gives me a sense i’m acting like them at times. when i laugh and glance up at the heavens, i get feeling in my heart when i realize i am acting like my special friend who lives each moment of his life in joy. today i got up for an early morning run and i saw a beautiful sunrise. the sun’s golden rays were like a halo striking and illuminating up the world and the crimson sky was breathtaking, also the slight breeze that rattled the trees was great as the birds were singing their tune. i feel like there is a a new awakening in me of my soul b/c everywhere i look at in nature, i am filled with awe. i love just to listen to the rain and the birds flying in the sky.
July 10, 2016 at 7:47 pm #109333Anonymous
GuestDear Shirley:
You are a poet. Dave and Andrew, Steve your lunch buddy, your special friend- I miss them too. And I am glad you are in awe in nature. I like morning the best. I look forward to the first singing of birds, knowing it is a new day. In the evenings, like now, I am ready to sleep, to let the day end. In winter time it gets very dark at 5 PM. Now, at summer time it is not dark until after 9 PM. Sometimes it is sunny, sometimes rainy.
July 11, 2016 at 2:22 pm #109421Janus
ParticipantI have a friend who has become a writer and I’m thinking maybe I could be a freelance writer on my spare time when I’m not busy experimenting with science. I’m a bit nervous awaiting my ap biology grade for summer work, i hope i did well on it. morning is great when there is silence before the cars start going and it is a start of a new day, also late at night when it is cool in the summer and also there is silence as well.
July 11, 2016 at 4:30 pm #109429Anonymous
GuestDear Shirley:
I am thinking you may be doing your best writing, as a freelance writer in the morning, when there is silence before the cars start going and late at night when it is cool in the summer and silent. Your writing, it is often enough as if you are planting flowers on the page/ the computer screen. I can see the flowers you plant, the words you choose, see the colors, the fragrance and I hear the silence of the sun shining on those flowers, maybe a stream of water nearby. You combine writing and nature well and when you put in angel wings, it gets musical.
Hope you did well on your ap biology- I am guessing you did.