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July 16, 2016 at 2:11 pm #109802
Participanti like your analogies with the sharing of electrons and the insect input-output with its brain. i think think scientific analogies help me understand science and the world better;) numbers in temperature with units in science seem a lot, but its so cool and i find myself being able to process it. i realize there is another example of negative feedback in thermostats say the room temperature is 72 degrees and you turn up the heat to 90 degrees, it will take time for the heat to rise and when it reaches 90 degrees, it levels off so the room temperature doesn’t overheat, i think a thermostat regulates the room’s temperature much like our own body regulates its temperature. the negative feedback mechanism offsets starts to inhibit too much of the product so there is a balance. also an item with more volume absorbs more heat such as a swimming pool absorbs the heat from the sun, however the pot pot of coffee has higher temperature. i’m learning lots from the ap biology book.
July 16, 2016 at 4:12 pm #109805Janus
ParticipantJuly 16, 2016 at 4:18 pm #109806Janus
ParticipantJuly 16, 2016 at 8:34 pm #109814Anonymous
GuestDear Shirley:
Homeostasis- the body keeping the same temperature no matter what the temperature outside is, the same blood sugar concentration, the same… same conditions. The saying goes that you can always count on things changing, except that the body needs sameness. And so it is mentally, we need sameness, a routine, something to count on to be tomorrow and the day after. If we have a relationship, be it parents, friends, we need to know the people in our lives will be the same through time so we can rely on them, trust them … to be the same. In the midst of change we need sameness, physically and mentally. This is why you need to be rooted like a tree even though you like to fly. You can fly but then, once in a while you have to come down to earth for sameness.
From the two articles you posted I learned that you are an Earth Angel- perfectly fitting: Shirley the Earth Angel. I think that from now on, I will address you as “Dear Shirley the Earth Angel:” or “Dear Earth Angel:” Would that be okay or do you prefer the usual Dear Shirley? I am excited about the Fitting here, a perfect fit. (I don’t think of you as an Incarnate Angel because I don’t want to think of you being on earth for too short of a time, as it says in the article!)
Shirley, Earth Angle- perfect!
July 17, 2016 at 3:33 pm #109885Janus
Participanti like the idea that you mentioned rooted like a tree and flying in your post;) i had a dream last night that i was letting go of all the attachments of the world and i felt myself develop wings and fly upon the stars where there was light and rainbows everywhere, i was no longer rooted to the ground, but free in my soul. i agree that when things change, there still has to have stability so that people can still have solid ground to stand on. i don’t mind being called an earth angel, thanks a lot anita;) I am still reading “The Barcode Tattoo” and it has quite cool science facts in it. Allyson, a friend of Kayla’s and part of a group called Decode who resist getting the bar code tattoo says “We have almost the same genes as flies. Yet even though our genes are nearly the same, we are human. How is this possible?” (Suzanne Weyn 110). I looked it up and it’s true, I think the reason we share so many genes with animals is that we were all born from star energy from the Big Bang. here is the website: http://www.eupedia.com/forum/threads/25335-Percentage-of-genetic-similarity-between-humans-and-animals. Plants need 17 elements to survive, while we need 25 elements. the main elements are mostly carbon, nitrogen and oxygen and i think they all undergo cyclic processes within the atmosphere to form new elements or be renewed. I did more research on the barcode and the limiting posts that had the numbers 666 and this website came up: http://www.av1611.org/666/barcode.html (this explains about the barcode, the website has headings so you can just skim them, it’s a bit long)
If it is difficult to see where 666 appears, go to http://orig06.deviantart.net/7d60/f/2014/055/d/6/bar_code_666_mark_of_the_best__by_mistikfantasy-d77teta.png (this shows the image). Also on page 90 of the book, it talks about a virtual reality headset which is a headphone which can make you feel, see and hear images. the headset makes the person feel and believe he/she is really at that particular place even though the person doesn’t move from their location. it would be really cool if a headset like this were invented and it is wireless and you just carry a headset and an eye scan that locks into the headset and allows you to see, feel and hear the images. you don’t need an ipad or anything, since the sound is in the headphones and the images are being projected through the eye scan. the characters in the book use the virtual reality headset to view places without the barcode where they may seek refuge or comfort if needed. Also on page 112 it states how Kayla feels about the other members of the Decode group and I feel like this parallels how I feel at times “They were older and they were also so brilliant in their own way. She wasn’t equal to any of them- not in brains, courage or even the ability to express herself.”
Kayla is doubting if her words in their newspaper will help since she is great at art while the rest of them are good with technology. Ever since the government in the book has begun to require the barcode tattoo and there have bad incidents of people losing their jobs or being tracked too much or having their data have mistakes in it; Decode has been trying to find a way to spread the word about the negative affects of the barcode.
This book is quite cool and i see some parallels with our government and the census as well and how big companies are dominating with products.July 17, 2016 at 5:25 pm #109887Janus
Participanti think i am becoming a science geek, i am finding science everywhere in life and i love it;) i think there was a reason andrew came into my life to help me further my interest in science, i feel like i now have the confidence he usually portrays when he talks about science, i may even know a little more about the things he knows and a little more about the natural things in the world. if two objects are close together and one is hot and the other is cold, their will be an energy transfer between them until both objects are the same temperature. i think this also happens between blood, if one person is really energetic and the other is tired, the transfer of blood will make one person a little less energetic and the other more energetic. also the sun is red at sunrise and sunset b/c red has the longest wavelength and when the sun is lower in the sky (about to rise or on the horizon), the longer rays have more medium to travel through and become more visible. also rainbows are caused by dispersion in raindrops when the sunlight strikes a raindrop and the colors are dispersed like that in a prism. sometimes the raindrop is fat and wide, it will cause a double rainbow since more sunlight can be refracted and dispersed, but the second rainbow is fainter since the wavelength is shorter after creating the first rainbow and the second rainbow is reflected (the colors are reflected). i think it has something to do with the angle of refraction being greater than the critical angle (when incident light strikes a surface and travels at a 90 degree angle to a refractive surface), so the rest of the light is reflected in total internal reflection. i also love thermodynamics and magnetism and i realize they can be used in biology, chemistry and physics how cool;)
i also think i have an idea on how to create a virtual reality headset, but i might need andrew’s help, andrew’s knowledge on electronics especially radios and sound is still better than mine. andrew has been telling me about many science things he has experimented with in electricity.July 17, 2016 at 9:17 pm #109908Anonymous
GuestDear Shirley/ Earth Angel:
Be back at the computer tomorrow morning, about ten hours from now to read your last two posts.
July 18, 2016 at 11:22 am #109931Anonymous
GuestDear Shirley< Earth Angel:
I find parallels between the book “The Barcode Tattoo” as you tell it and real life marketing. I don’t think there is any area in life as much tracked as what people purchase and who purchase what, all for the purpose of increasing sales. The scanning barcodes in supermarket and anywhere else really is about gathering information about how much of what is sold and by whom. Same with sales online. Company aim at getting this information and collecting it for the purpose of maximizing sales, profits. So every time we purchase something, it is like a tattoo. The advertising of things to buy affects very much what people believe they need, then they buy these things, and more advertising follows. So it is a real life, everywhere fact of life: we are tracked and molded by the highly motivated marketing industries.
Virtual reality headphones, like in the Matrix movies… and like reading your posts, as in the above: ” i had a dream last night that i was letting go of all the attachments of the world and i felt myself develop wings and fly upon the stars where there was light and rainbows everywhere..” I can see you flying upon the stars with light and rainbow, quite a sight!
Hope you team up with Andrew regarding your virtual reality quest. Like Kayla who was good at art while others good at technology, in a teaming with Andrew, you would be the one whose strength is in art, and he maybe more in technology.
Your transfer of energy example makes me think of abuse (again, comparing science to human behavior)- when a person is distressed, the person tends (unfortunately) to transfer the distress to an innocent other so to be relieved, as in “misery likes company.” The key is when feeling distressed is to not transfer it by criticizing another and otherwise mistreating another.
Till your next post, take care of you, Earth Angel!
July 18, 2016 at 3:31 pm #109959Janus
ParticipantI agree that it is quite eerie that “The Barcode Tattoo” mirrors our world now. Also sometimes other market places can get a hold of your interests and they can send you information as well. Scanners and computers are quite prevalent in many places such as in medical areas, stores and the like. I agree that the transfer of energy makes a great analogy to the transfer of negative energy from person to person. i think andrew wants to become biotech engineer. he is really great with machines such as computers, radios and graphing calculators and also knows about pulleys and simple machines. he also is great at biology as well and is also taking ap biology and physics honors next year (i took it this year and i’m done with it). i’m more of a molecular biologist and i enjoy biology and chemistry and enjoy working on learning about the human body and how to help it heal using vaccines and stem cells (genetic engineering- studying cells and maybe figuring out ways to replicate dna and make people age more gracefully) which. I want to combine a bit of science with natural remedies as well. i think while i am researching on new ways to enhance the genes of people, andrew would be the one studying the electrical impulses of the nerve cells (i love neuroscience as well) and helping build simple machines to help assist people. his knowledge about computers can help with imaging and graphing calculators (i’ve learned a lot from him) can help a lot. andrew says that if we end up in the same english honors class, he will be competing with me on my grades, but the pressure on science seems to have eased a little and i think i’m starting to understand the things he knows and he is diligently studying the things i know. i realize that even though i am still a little jealous of andrew, i am also just as smart as he is and we share a lot of the same interests in science. i find electricity, magnetism and thermodynamics fascinating and more so than home and car improvement much like andrew. there is just so much out there in the world of science that keeps changing and being discovered. dave says that it would be great if andrew and i started working together and sharing our knowledge and i think we have been doing that a little. i now know more about electricity and also field biology than i thought i knew and i realize i understand the world of science more now, science is so vast that andrew and i have so many interest and new things keep coming up. i know i’m going to be a medical scientist and maybe combine some electronic knowledge as well and also natural ways of healing. dave wants me to submit some of my poetry and he is also proofreading some pieces. andrew is pulling me toward the science field, while dave is pulling toward the arts and i think i want to combine both. my head is filled with so many thoughts of science and art these days and i think i understand how the natural world works more and dave has taught me more about economics. i feel more confident about myself since dave and andrew help me develop my talents, however i am still wondering how i can find a career with science, electronics and natural remedies. I think andrew is still trying to figure out which branch of science he will go into either biology or physics, maybe both and i am also working on it as well. all i know is that i am definitely going into the sciences and still keeping my spirituality (dave likes my spiritual nature) while andrew says it distracts me from being truly scientific. andrew likes the idea of possibly trying to invent new machines to help others, also without much drugs. But we both agree that sometimes to alleviate the pain, there must be treatment before other methods of permanent treatment are administered. there are too many things of cancer remissions and i don’t appreciate the idea of doctors telling the patient’s about their death such as avoiding them or just telling them straight out, i think there needs to be more compassion to ease those into a new life. dave believes in angels and an afterlife and agrees with this idea. conventional medicine isn’t the greatest. Modern medicine lacks the concern for spirit as well, they just treat the symptoms and not the cause, the treat the physical body without looking and accessing if the patient has something within such as environmental or mental factors that contributed to this problem. They fight with treatments instead of healing for a cure and teaching the patient to be calm and work on reducing their stress and working on their healing. They till the patient to hang in their and fight the pain when it just makes the suffering worse, when the patient should just accept the pain and work on letting it go. Here are some quotes from Spontaneous Healing by Andrew Weil (not the andrew who is great at science) about what some people say about modern medicine and i think i agree that they are harsh:
“Doctors don’t take time to listen to you or answer your questions.”
“All they do is give you drugs, I don’t want to take any more drugs.”
“They said there was nothing more they could do for me.” (How about comforting the patient, helping them live their lives better instead of this medical pessimism?)
“They told me it would only get worse.” (Why do doctors try to scare the patient more?)
“They told me I would just have to live with it.”
“They said I’d be dead in six months.”
Andrew Weil is a graduate from Harvard University and after seeing the negative aspects of modern medicine, he wrote his book and began to find other doctors who had compassion and also helped cure and not just treat.
i also have an urge to read every science book that i have in my home b/c i have been quite interested in science.July 18, 2016 at 8:36 pm #109962Anonymous
GuestDear Shirley, Earth Angel and future Medical Scientist:
You make a lot of sense. It is called a multi disciplinary approach to healing, isn’t it? Take care of the body and the spirit, treat core issues and symptoms, not only symptoms, suggest different options, interact with the patient as a person, not as a thing, etc.
Andrew and you- back to the chemistry analogies- are like a polar compound, Sh+Andr- (with Andrew with the strong technical, no-spirituality position) and you and Dave are a covalent compound, ShDav, the two of you more alike. No surprise Dave is on a cruise (still?) and Andrew is working on some technical invention (I forgot what exactly).
The other day I following a walk in the city of Bellingham I stumbled into Western Washington University campus and came across the book store, went inside, and how exciting: all the books there, what lovely looking books, there was a science section and all others. Exciting, just to be there.
Till your next post, take care of yourself!
July 19, 2016 at 9:16 am #110037Janus
ParticipantThat is really cool that you came upon a book store;) i love books as well and i often spend my time in my school’s library or just reading books. dave came back from his cruise a week ago and now he is helping me with my poetry, but andrew is tugging me in the science direction and i’m just being tugged in different places. it’s like a polar covalent bond where the more electron negative atom currently andrew pulls electrons toward it and the other loses an electron. my special friend is like the nucleus of the atom helping me be balanced in both protons (positive) and neutrons (neutral) while having some electrons circling me. andrew told me that there is a thing called an Ocular Rift which is part of a video game and it allows people to play the game in virtual reality, but the real headphone with sound and virtual reality without any connections will have to come in the future. the Ocular Rift has two screens that display images differently because of the focal field of the eyes, but they display a 3-D image. The headset also detects head movement so when you move your head, there is a headset that moves so the images can still be seen. i think andrew and i are both competitive when it comes to science and andrew and i are both good at reading other people. yet dave is more calm and less competitive.
July 19, 2016 at 9:36 am #110042Janus
Participantmy inner bully has diminished and i am confident with my appearance, but my inner bully likes to sneak up when i’m working on an a science experiment or when i’m resting. the inner bully creeps in and says “you will never be a good scientist as andrew. why even try?” and when i’m resting my mind the inner bully says “why are you being so lazy? andrew is being more productive and he knows more than you do. you’ll never survive in this science world. stop daydreaming.” i am now working on getting rid of the inner bully that inhibits my intelligence and i think dave is quite perceptive, i think he sees my doubts about myself when i’m around andrew and he encourages me to still keep going and enjoy the rewards. he tells me that i am smart and i will be a good scientist. the inner bully makes me quite irritated at times with myself
July 19, 2016 at 9:47 am #110043Anonymous
GuestDear Shirley/ Earth Angel:
Andrew is pulling you toward science; Dave toward poetry.
I like your analogy of your special friend being like the nucleus of an atom: protons plus neutrons. It is the nucleus that keeps the electrons around; otherwise the electrons will travel all the way away from the nucleus, lost in space. The nucleus is like the rooting to the ground, being like a plant rooted to the ground, and the electrons are like you flying. Makes sense…? If so, take this image and develop it (I feel like there is something more in it)..?
You knowing what it is the inner bully is telling you is good-better know than just feel bad not knowing why. The inner bully just wants to rain on your parade: “Why even try?” He asks, but not really asking but suggesting you give up. It doesn’t instruct you about how to do better in science or otherwise: it doesn’t guide you or teach you- it only criticizes (Much like your mother, isn’t it?)
I suppose you deal with the inner bully same as you deal with your mother- let those electrons (the unhelpful criticism, the bullying) fly away from you and get lost in space- isn’t that an imagery you can use?
July 19, 2016 at 2:42 pm #110058Janus
Participanti like your analogy of electrons flying off into space in an atom like negative energy:) I think there is a thomson model in which electrons are in the nucleus of an atom because thomson believed that the plus and negative charges were the ones contributing to the neutrality of the atom, but since the protons and electrons would be attracted to each other, the whole atom would then implode (much like if you allow too much negative energy to attach to you and you become destroyed by negativity) so the electrons must be on the outside in an electron cloud which is depicted in the rutherford model. the thomson model reminds me of a chocolate chip cookie because the dough is the protons and the chips are electrons. also it is impossible to determine the position and speed of an electron at the same time. Say a person is running around the room, you can track his/her speed when he/she is moving, but since he/she is moving you can’t know his know his location since he/she keeps moving unless you tackle him/her then you wouldn’t be able to calculate his/her speed. it’s like when andrew and i are competing and andrew moves ahead with a speed that can be measured (how much knowledge he has already acquired), but i still can’t tell where he gets the knowledge unless i ask him to stop his acquiring of knowledge and ask him where he learned it so i can be smarter, but then andrew can’t speed up his knowledge because he is telling me where to get the knowledge. also andrew is currently learning about prosthetic legs that can be connected to a nervous system and possibly have just the same functions and reflexes of a real leg possibly in the future, while dave is out in nature enjoying reading. dave, andrew and i all like obstacle runs especially running cross country, nature is beautiful for both dave and me, but andrew sees nature in a scientific view.
This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by
July 20, 2016 at 9:30 am #110136Anonymous
GuestDear Shirley/ Earth Angel:
Very interesting thoughts and images. Didn’t know about the chocolate chip cookie model. And your analogy of Andrew running and him having to stop so you can learn from him, otherwise you won’t be able to learn from him. It is good that he does stop once in a while. I think he has to stop, otherwise he will exhaust himself and definitely get dizzy and faint. When you see him run, let him run until he gets tired. He will eventually stop.
This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by