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    If you only knew
    The loneliness that I feel
    Every day
    Every single day

    You ask me
    Why am I not self confident?
    Why I have low self esteem?

    It is because every day the loneliness eats away at it
    It insidiously whispers that I am unworthy of love
    That I will only hurt others
    Others will never want to be with me

    You see me smile
    It is not out of happiness
    It is to bear with the pain

    Sometimes …
    It is just so hard to breathe

    Loneliness that is unbearable .. is like death
    You have already died
    You are simply waiting around for your body to catch up



    I wrote the above in a moment of deep pain because I chose to let myself feel that pain so as to see where it would lead me. It led down a dark path to a partial truth – a segment of who I am and where I am at in my life; There are other parts of my life that lies counter to this overwhelming loneliness otherwise I have no doubt that I would already be dead.

    I write this to be honest with myself; The fact is I am lonely.

    I have a great family, amazing friends, a successful career; I am sound of spirit, mind, body, and heart; I have traveled far and wide, and my living situation is fantastic. In short, I have been blessed with a great many things, and I have a fortunate life. Yet despite all of that or maybe because of it, I find myself inanely lonely.

    Monday night meditation, book club, gym or the occasional wine night with friends
    Tuesday night for dinners and spontaneous activities
    Wednesday evening runs
    Thursday night to catch up on alone time, mediate, and to the hit the gym
    Friday night happy hours
    Saturday to spend with friends
    Sunday to relax and get ready for the work week and the occasional hike

    I travel at least once a quarter to visit far-off friends; I travel to destinations unknown routinely to seek travails and appreciation.
    I eat healthy; I lead an active lifestyle.
    And if I didn’t find the random hookups to nowadays be meaningless, I would probably throw casual sex into this list as well.

    I do not lack activities to do or people to do them with; It is simply that I lack fulfillment in all that I do … It is stale.

    So, I try to let it go; Let go of the routine and the let go of vying for life’s control; I pray and I try to live in moment; I try for stillness and for patience. For all of that, I still find myself stifle and lonely.

    What do you do when life proves stale and dying is not a viable option?

    The Ruminant


    You had changed your profile, so I am not sure which name to call you. Out of curiosity, why the change?

    I can relate to what you are saying through my own history. Now that it is in the past for me, it is easier to see things from another perspective.

    First of all, when one is depressed, the whole narrative changes. How you explain to yourself everything is vastly different from how you would explain your life events if you weren’t in a depressed state of mind. So yes, it is good to accept the feelings of pain, but to create a story around it might lead you onto a wrong path, away from the actual truth. By all means document your feelings and express the pain, but do be careful, as words are very powerful.

    My personal view of depression is when one lives a life that is not in sync with what is actually happening. Constantly wishing that things were different or obsessive thoughts about the past or fear about the future. The life that is lived in those moments is not actual living, but rather, being in a state of mind removed from life.

    I got a lot of attention when I was a young woman, yet still always felt like nobody could actually see me. The real me. It was horrible and whilst I wouldn’t describe the feeling as loneliness, it was still a state of not being connected with other people. Only now do I realize that I was the one who prevented the connection. I didn’t allow people to see the real me and I was constantly shielding myself in various ways. Partly still do. So, what was inside of me, my core, that so needed a human connection, slowly withered and suffered. The more I suffered, the more I came up with ways to protect myself from the very thing that would’ve brought life back to me. So yes, I know that you can be surrounded by people and still feel lonely, but you are the only one who can change that. You are the gatekeeper to your own authentic existence.

    It is also not just human connection, but connection with your surroundings, connecting with animals, plants, the earth, the sun… When depressed, it feels like sun doesn’t quite shine through and the life giving rays are blocked. But that sun is needed, just like all the rest of it is needed to feel alive.

    It is possible to do everything “right” and still not reach the state of being truly alive. It is also possible to do everything “wrong” and feel the life force rushing through your veins. The difference is in the attitude, and an attitude can not be faked.

    What did you want to do when you were a child? What were your dreams and aspirations? What made you feel happy? What made you feel safe? If you can remember those things, then that is one way to access your authenticity; the time before adulthood, when being and living a certain way become a way to fit in. It is so very important to accept and tend to all parts of ourselves, even when we think that they are not acceptable. Especially if we think that they are not acceptable! You can’t live fully whilst denying a part of you.

    Also, try not to over-think things. Feel instead. Sit in the sun for a moment, and open your heart. Touch the grass and smell it, feel it, experience it. Without trying to think what it feels like. That would also be an authentic experience. Words can create a buffer between you and life, and removing them for a moment can create intimacy.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 9 months ago by The Ruminant.

    Thanks The Ruminant

    Hi Sean

    For some reason, I do not feel you are suffering from depression. Well, you are not exhibiting any features of it during your daily routine and in the way you have written that poem.

    Despite having so much to do and with so many people in your lives (it may be superficially but you still have them), you are finding yourself lonely. I feel the key to your fulfilment lies in a task or tasks where you will be responsible for something at a larger level. For example: responsible for a partner, responsible for a kid’s upbringing, responsible for looking after someone who is in need, responsible for carrying out a charitable cause, responsible for making lives better for a community or country etc. You get the drift, yeah ?

    You know the answer to your loneliness but perhaps do not have the way forward. Give it a shot mate. Start with a small step of contributing to someone’s well being and your loneliness will disappear.

    Loads of positive energy coming your way and may you find the courage soon to take up responsibilities for a bigger cause 🙂



    I agree, I got that you have to have A Mission in Life. An Over-Arching Story Line. For you to be a Secret, or not so secret Super Hero. Pick a mission. Something people in your community desperately need. Help provide it. Then you will feel part of the Tribe, as it were.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 9 months ago by Inky.
    Big blue

    Hi Sean,

    Based on how you’re feeling, it’s worth mentioning to your doctor. You may have something to address or at least be aware of. They can refer you to a specialist as appropriate.

    Big blue


    I want to thank you for writing such a meaningful responses to my post. I am still trying to absorb it all and be more authentic to myself.

    @The Ruminant – In response to your question, I go by both Alex and Sean; I changed it from Sean to Alex both for a bit of anonymity and also because I compartmentalize certain thoughts/feelings base upon the named persona.

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