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    Dear Helcat,

    I am not angry at him or for his wife. Being self centered, I only thought how useless I am cause I could not be compassionate. That I have no wisdom in this matter. But, when one comes upon a person who is hungry but you know the person has stolen before, do you feed the person or not. So being a thief should not prevent one from feeding the hungry. The sun shines on all the people not the select few. Compassion should be given to those who need it.

    So, again, I do need to work on myself. Need to clean up mu thoughts. Not to let one’s sense of reason and feelings of righteousness controls one’s actions or words. He was here for a few kind words. Much like that girl who keeps posting about her ex living next door and feeling like her ex cheated and lied to her. She just wanted to hear a kind word. I was stupid and just told her to stop and move on otherwise she will not move on and live a better life. It should not matter what I want.


    Hi Tommy

    It looks like you achieved what you wanted to a hieve in the end. 😊 I think that he did too, so all was not in vain.

    Love and best wishes! ❤️🙏


    It occurred to me today upon reflecting on the  relationship difficulties in the fourth trimester. Hardship can make people act out of character. But when we act out of character, flexibility is allowed. It is a temporary reaction. A moment of madness. There may be judgement and the start of attachment with empathy. But it is easier to let go of behaviours, thoughts and feeling that you don’t identify with.

    I’ve had moments in the past thanks to meditation. Shutting down anxiety because my health was too bad and it was making things worse and I could not cope. I had a similar moment yesterday. I could not sleep because of anxiety. I thought to myself. I need to sleep, I will be useless to my son tomorrow if I don’t. I don’t want him to experience anxiety like this when he is older. What would I tell him that would help him? Sometimes our minds can play tricks on us thinking of lots of horrible things. But those things rarely happen. Often good things happen or just okay things.

    It is funny how we attach to behaviours and thoughts and feelings that occur over a prolonged time. Some of this is science. Some of it not. This is me, this is unchangeable. If you believe it, it is true. A calm quiet acceptance, a refusal to engage with the mind can help so much.

    Anxiety involves tossing and turning things. Imagining, playing with it in the mind. This is an active process. It is hard to restrain. Very hard, but not impossible.


    It is said that perception is what makes stress stressful. Once again I am having difficulty sleeping because of hormones. Instead of anxiety this time. My mind is at play, wondering about paintings and the nature of the universe. Time to calm down and go to sleep.


    * Dear Helcat: thank you for your support on the other thread. I hope you sleep better, that you are sleeping  restfully as I am typing this.



    Hi Anita

    Thank you, that is very kind of you to say. 😊 I have always appreciated your kindness. I hope that your shoulder feels better soon.

    Love and best wishes!


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