
What do you do for yourself that makes you happy?

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    Lately I’ve been refocusing on myself and learning to make myself happy instead of waiting for others to do it for me. I’m curious what kind of things people do for themselves that makes them happy! My list (so far): reading as many books as I can, working out when I can and not putting pressure on myself to be super fit, going to Church and rediscovering my faith and volunteering.

    So curious to hear from others!


    Reading, drawing, crafting, listening to music and only focusing on the music, avoiding social media. Yes, the last one does make me happy!


    Going for a pleasant night walk with our love,A long drive through hilly areas, Nice Day Dream @office:-)
    When i cook and things come out very well above my expectation!! When a big problem vanishes just like that !!!
    Father’s love and care!

    All these and a lot more …… in the lists make me happy !!


    Love these! Emmanuelle – I also seem to be happier when I avoid social media. It’s amazing how wrapped up we get in other’s lives and how that can impact us. Ani – I also feel that way about cooking mainly because usually my food doesn’t come out well haha!


    Me too, I am so much happier when not involved in social media! Wow, what a powerful medium! I’m struggling to find things I enjoy at the moment though, time to take some time I think!


    I’m also trying not to watch the news as much! It’s sometimes difficult to find a balance between wanting to be informed and feeling completely overloaded with depressing news.


    Bren, me too…again! It’s depressing plus whether it’s reliably informing us about the correct things is questionable. Sometimes I think I think too much… 🙂 On the social media topic though, I’ve started yoga and find that the Instagram yoga community is really positive and supportive full of lots of people spreading love and acceptance, I really enjoy yoga and catching up with the IG people I follow. That makes me feel happy.

    Big blue

    Hello all,

    A similar story here like your discussion so far….

    I enjoy fresh air – walking, driving. Good food. Talking with family and friends. Yes coworkers too. Working out at the gym. Music. Taking pictures. Other stuff.

    I got off social media two years ago and am barely on now. No TV at home for more than a year. I have a lot of time to relax.

    Big blue

    Big blue

    …. Like social media snd TV, another one is Unsubscribing from emsil. At the time, I wanted these emsils, but now they’re bacon. Unsubscribing cuts the phone going off. Yay! 🙂

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 7 months ago by Big blue.



    Reading, meditation (despite the fact that I am not very good at it!), laughing, spending time with my toddler and my husband.

    And as strange as it sounds to many, I enjoy when I am able to work evenings/nights at the mortuary where I am employed (I am an embalmer). It is always very quiet and peaceful. I often listen to Buddhist chants or calming music on my ipod as I work.

    Rarely, I am also able to enjoy going camping, one of my very favorite things!

    Denise McKen

    For me, dancing, singing and joking around with my kids are three things that lift my spirits.

    Tx Gue

    I write positive stuff(Eg:gratitude journaling,positive jornaling),I exercise everyday to maintain my physical health and more importantly I am finding steps to prevent myself feeling sad and stressed and finding happiness,positivity,doing these makes me happy


    Reading, walking, gardening (just starting to have my own allotment – so this is the first time that i have my own little patch of land to experiment on, so excited!), crocheting, sometimes trying new recipes (and other times being very lazy with cooking haha), watching inspiring movies or documentaries, meditating, dancing.

    It’s in the past year that i’ve actually discovered, how important it is to do things that we like. Before I never had the reflex to do that, how crazy! Many of those activities still don’t come easily, so it’s nice to have reminders about it, like this topic 🙂

    I have the same as Rhiannon, I’ve also deleted my facebook account at the moment (it’s a pity that you can come back so easily) because it really doesn’t make me happy. But on the other hand, i am in so many groups and news sites, that i find a lot of links to interesting articles, which is a pity to miss…

    Shawn McKibben

    Swimming makes me really happy. Every time I get out of the pool I pretend that I am the first human to ever walk on planet earth! (I’m a bit weird, I know). I try to find joy in the little things and seek to be content, rather than search for happiness.

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