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  • anita

    Dear Robbie:

    You are very welcome! Y are still 9 hours ahead of me. By the time I submit this, it will be 2:11 pm here, U.S.; 11:11 pm, Poland.

    “It is possible that the closest thing to receiving their attention could mean their financial support – them giving me money. But I don’t really feel it. I don’t know! I’d have to really pay attention to this, this is very important”-

    -yesterday, you wrote: “my mother was thrilled – …’I give you the money right now if you want!’ That felt good! It felt like a welcoming hug. It felt like healthy support from my family“- so it’s not necessarily that receiving your parents’ money felt good, but that seeing your mother thrilled in connection to you, that made you feel good, like a welcoming hug (your words)

    I will reply further to your post above (and to whatever you may add before I return) Wed morning (your Wed afternoon). Good night, Robbie.


    in reply to: Telling the difference between gut and fear in relationships #427967

    Dear Seaturtle:

    “For example him being late, I did feel like this was controlling in some way, that he to a degree was purposely being late to show some sort of power dynamic“- maybe, if he was on time for work appointments but not on time for dates with you. If he was late in both contexts, or late with you and with other people, it could be the… weed. (I have a neighbor who uses weed every single day multiple times per day, so I know a thing or two about the behaviors entailed)

    I would ask him all the time, ‘is this what you want?” and he was irritated by that question. I tried to ask him how things I did made him feel and he literally did not know how to answer those questions… I told him everything, all my thoughts. He did not tell me his”– maybe he didn’t know how to answer those questions and didn’t tell you his thoughts because of what the following quote from Harvard Publishing describes (I am adding the boldface feature to it):

    “Recent research published in The American Journal of Psychiatry closely followed nearly 1,000 individuals in New Zealand from age 3 to age 45 to understand the impact of cannabis use on brain function. The research team discovered that individuals who used cannabis long-term (for several years or more) and heavily (at least weekly, though a majority in their study used more than four times a week) exhibited impairments across several domains of cognition. Long-term cannabis users’ IQs declined by 5.5 points on average from childhood, and there were deficits in learning and processing speed compared to people that did not use cannabis. The more frequently an individual used cannabis, the greater the resulting cognitive impairment… The impact of cannabis on cognitive impairment was greater than that of alcohol or tobacco use. Long-term cannabis users also had smaller hippocampi (the region of the brain responsible for learning and memory). Interestingly, individuals who used cannabis less than once a week with no history of developing dependence did not have cannabis-related cognitive deficits. This suggests there is a range of recreational use that may not lead to long-term cognitive issues” (Harvard Health Publishing)

    “Using marijuana causes impaired thinking and interferes with a person’s ability to learn and perform complicated tasks. THC also disrupts functioning of the cerebellum and basal ganglia, brain areas that regulate balance, posture, coordination, and reaction time” (National Institute on Drug Abuse)

    “He did not volunteer information about himself to me, I had to pry it out of him, in ‘deep’ conversations that ‘exhausted’ him“- because of how difficult it is to have deep conversations when cognitively impaired (due to frequent, long-term use of weed).

    I feel peoples pain, like if I witness someone being spoken to mean, I can feel it and won’t stand for it. I can’t even watch certain movies if someone is being treated badly I can feel it too intensely“- When I watch YouTube of real-life (not actors) people in pain, I feel pain/ empathy and it feels like a release for me, it is an opportunity for me (as I analyze it) to feel my own pain, to bring it up from where it’s buried, and give it acknowledgment and expression (crying).

    I also think my breakup with N gave me a sense of superiority… N was the hardest thing I have ever done, relationally, and if I can do it why can’t they. To me I feel like, stop complaining and leave if he is calling you bad names and treating you badly…so here I lack empathy and feel my decision making is superior“- Would you feel okay with someone who broke up with an N-like boyfriend six months or a year before you did, feeling superior to you?

    I agree with everything you said in this paragraph: ‘So, now, I am quite embarrassed for having vilified N- it was wrong of me to do so, and I don’t want to do this again, not here in your thread and not elsewhere. What I am now inclined to think (from the totality of what you shared, which I did not re-read) is that N has very low self-esteem, that he is highly addicted to weed which keeps him mellow and unreactive (the Teflon brain we discussed), that he is a people pleaser, perhaps codependent..’“- good to read that you agree with all of this!

    The day the narrative shifted for you majorly and you said you could no longer speak about N and I should leave that relationship, I read it with a grain of salt“- good to read that you take some of what I say with a grain of salt! (I mean it).

    “I do not want to feel superior to others, but I do and I don’t know why… I believe that I am special and unique but I am also insecure that I am the only one that thinks that, which is probably true”-

    – You are special and unique. I think that the need to feel superior to others is born out of feeling inferior to others, an.. overadjustment to feeling inferior.

    I do think I make better decisions than many others and have more awareness than, F for one“- I made the mistake of expressing superiority over F and N, in our conversations here, on your thread, joining your similar superior sentiment. What was that one emoji I sent (not) to you… “a chakra snob”, something like that. Feeling and expressing superiority over others is the other side of the same coin, feeling and expressing inferiority to others. Better avoid both.

    “My analysis would be that (N) cared SO much about what his parents felt, and wanted them to get along so badly that he ignored all of his own needs and took care of them”- this would be consistent with him ignoring his own needs in the relationship with you.

    “He grew up so far from his own feelings that he doesn’t even know what they are, and it has been so long since he thought about them that now they are all in a big scary box he is afraid to open… He would spend days in the mountain with his dad, climbing the mountain and then skiing down, freezing and dangerous. He loves being in survival mode”- I’d think that with his feelings removed from his awareness, locked in a scary box, he has trouble feeling alive, and engaging in extreme, dangerous activities makes him feel ALIVE.

    He loves being in survival mode, where his mind shuts up (he uses weed to have the same affect)“- when people don’t feel alive, there is a vacuum (of the feeling that’s not there) and rumination takes over the vacuum. When feeling-alive, rumination is gone.

    This is leading me to think: it’s not reasonable to expect a person with his feelings locked in a box.. to SEE you.

    “It was his desire to be in this survival mode that made him WANT that (shroom)intense situation to happen. That intense situation that he took me to, a place I did not feel safe. I bring that situation up so often because it was the first time real doubt and fear entered my mind about the relationship”- I see.

    “N cares deeply about the people around him and wants everyone to get along, he brings people together with his amazing cooking and his generosity that attracts others…”- with his feelings in a scary box, he cares deeply about people?

    “He doesn’t like losing people.. he was really impacted by one of his friends leaving without a word last year… He wanted to be close to people“- can you identify what of his feelings are in the scary box you mentioned?

    “N puts others feelings over his own… His need to make others happy, and my desire to make him happy I think was uncomfortable for him… Grouped together he did not like that I didn’t always want to do what would make others happy… once we became closer, and I started to want him to be selfish with me, he no longer admired that trait I had. He wanted to continue to people please and I didn’t… I wouldn’t call him a people pleaser at all I would say he likes to keep the peace between people”-

    – people pleasing and keeping peace between people is the same thing: “People pleasing is the act of making others happy to avoid conflict or negative feelings” (psychology today).

    Him saying he felt that way made me want to run to him, but I couldn’t so what could I do with those feelings? throw them away. Even now convincing myself he was just being dramatic.. but it hurts me because I know he was sad, but after all, maybe it was just because he hates to lose people, not necessarily because he wanted me“-

    – the same theme post breakup as in pre-breakup (“what do you love about my personality? like me specifically apart from othersI don’t feel seen“, July 29, 2023). Seaturtle needs to be seen as a uniquely superior individual, apart from all others,  one in a category of one.

    I am thankful that we can communicate so honestly. I am seeking a therapist but often I feel therapists are afraid to set their patient off, so they avoid very confrontational conversations, but that is what I want and need. I don’t want someone to tell me I am always right… I want to get stronger and open this third eye as wide as I can! even when it is hard“- we didn’t talk about the cage for a while, where F placed hatch.. away, 1 in an cage of 1. Does hatch associate freedom with being 1 in a world of 1 (still 1, apart from others, but outside the cage, seen by all)?



    Dear Robbie:

    Feb 18-19, 2024 (I will be adding the boldface feature selectively to the following quotes): “My mother used to hit me whenever she would find out about my bad grades. A few times, I remember being brutally hit with a belt. Often after hitting me she would cry and apologise. She lost it quite a few times like that…

    “Finally in the summer of 2022 I was finally financially independent from my parents. I was living in Poland with my girlfriend and I was making better money now… I finally felt more responsible, less tied to them… Up until the age of 29 I was basically fully and later partially supported by my parents

    During the period when I was fully independent, every time we talked on the phone they would offer to help me financially If I needed it. They would even insist. I always said no. I thanked them and told them if I found myself in need, I will let them know. Well, those times have come and I remember asking for their help… The moment I received money from them the cage fell down again. I felt it right away. I was again, on a leash.

    “It’s Christmas!… We went to spend a couple of weeks with my parents. I needed to be ‘home’…  I’ve been thinking about doing a course and I wanted to ask my parents for their financial support in order for me to become a Personal Trainer….At first, my mother was thrilled – ‘oh, finally! you’re doing something! We were worried about you. Why didn’t you tell us earlier? I give you the money right now if you want!’.  That felt good! It felt like a welcoming hug. It felt like healthy support from my family.

    “Towards the end of our stay, I’ve had enough. My mother was already acting very standoffish because she thought we didn’t spend enough quality time together as a family – the 4 of us. She cornered me and started a fight – told me I didn’t care about them and I only cared about myself. I’ve had enough! I told her, that the way she’s been treating me when I was a kid hurts me still. I reminded her how she used to hit me… She rejected it completely. At first, she said she didn’t hit me and I’m talking nonsense. Also, she said to me – ‘You’re leaving in 3 days. From that point, you’re on your own’.  She didn’t talk to us for the next days. Before leaving, we said goodbye and cried. Still, she wouldn’t own it. She kept telling me that I was a handful and It was very difficult for them to raise me

    “We said goodbye and went back to Poland on the 5th of January this year. Since, I’ve been looking for work…  I feel terrible being supported still by them. I really hoped I could mend things with my parents, I hoped to make things work better… I called my mother 10 days after we left. I was hoping she’d by then cleansed a little and we could actually have a normal conversation. I ended up listening to a 40 minutes monologue – her telling me how bad many things I’ve done as a kid and that I deserved to be hit. And she was joking when she told me I’d be placed into foster care. Since, we’ve talked very little and I’ve been told she’s been very down and acting crazy lately. Maybe she feels guilty. What a mess.. I can almost hear you say”-

    – I went (again) over our past communication, and like I thought, you didn’t share about your mother hitting you back in 2018 and onward, not until a couple of days ago.. even though you submitted many long posts. In the past, you presented both your parents as severely emotionally neglectful, there physically but not emotionally. In this new thread, you shared for the first time that there was abuse- beyond neglect- on the part of your mother. This fits with your descriptions, in previous threads, of the tension and physical discomfort you experienced when in her presence.

    I am trying to get an understanding about your mother by looking at the parts I boldfaced above and the only word that goes through my mind is “crazy” (your word above), not sensible or reasonable. She seems bitter, angry, chronically stressed, perhaps, unaware/ having no insight into herself or into others.. unpredictable, impulsive…  Can you help me understand her better?

    A thought that came to my mind yesterday is related to these quotes: “I was also a shy person all the time and I guess I rarely got much attention” (June 8, 2018), and “I would do whatever it takes to stand out, so more attention comes my way” (Feb 19, 2024), in connection to you getting positive and enthusiastic attention from your mother when you asked for money (“my mother was thrilled – …’I give you the money right now if you want!’“, Feb 19, 2024), and how it felt for you to receive her positive and enthusiastic attention (“That felt good! It felt like a welcoming hug. It felt like healthy support from my family“, Feb 19, 2024).

    It is possible that this positive and enthusiastic attention from your mother when you asked her for money.. is behind a motivation on your part, throughout your adulthood, to get into situations where you need money and then ask her for money, because it pleases her to give you money and she gives you this positive attention…?


    in reply to: Intrusive and Anxious Thoughts #427955

    Dear Kshiti:

    (I am adding the boldface feature selectively to the quotes):”I get flashbacks of what I felt during that time, some examples are – ‘nothing ever gets better’ ‘there is no point of looking for my wellbeing’…  I began feeling that just when things started to become better, they went for worse. At this point my past baggage became really heavy  because I began to think that it’s pointless to keep hopes as all I got was traumatic setbacks again and again… It brought at the same time, an unbearable mix of emotions like despair, frustration, bitterness, hopelessness etc. I felt that no matter how much I tried, things would always get worse. I think because the situation was grave and had high stakes, it became traumatic”-

    Despair is the complete absence of hope, and Hope is the expectation or trust that something positive will happen in the future as a result of your efforts today. Here is a quote (from good reads) about despair: “Losing your life is not the worst thing that can happen. The worst thing is to lose your reason for living“.

    To counter and defeat your personal despair, Kshiti, clarify to yourself what is your personal, chosen Reason for living, a purpose for living related to something you value most. And focus on that reason every day, state it for yourself when you wake up in the morning, when you go to sleep at night, and in-between. If you would like to share your thoughts about this, please do, and hopefully.. I can help you in the process of finding and choosing your own, personal Reason for living.

    Helplessness is the feeling and belief that you have no control over what is happening and what might happen next, that no matter what you do, you can’t prevent bad things from happening, so what’s the point.

    It is true that we are all helpless in some situations and lots of people do find themselves in helpless situations such as wars, earthquakes or, on a smaller scale, financial bankruptcy.. or the loss of a scholarship. Here The Serenity Prayer can help (it definitely helps me). You can repeat it to yourself in the following words, or you can customize it to fit your religion or lack of religion, to English or another language: “god, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; the courage to change the things I can; and the wisdom to know the difference“.

    This prayer/ focus is about adopting a calm state of mind, as calm as possible for you in regard to situations you truly cannot control, and to adopt a courageous state of mind in regard to situations you can control, at least in part, and then put this courage into action. You can think of courage as Strength in the face of Despair.

    Here are a few quotes about courage (good reads): “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it’s the courage to continue that counts”, “It takes courage to grow up and become who you truly are”, “Courage is the most important of all virtues because without courage, you can’t practice any other virtue consistently”.

    Back to your words, Kshiti: “It would have been so unfair… it shattered me because of the sheer unfairness.. the biggest challenge was that it was due to entirely unfair reasons!“-

    – Here are a few quotes on Fairness aka Justice: “Nothing is to be preferred before justice”, “Win or lose, do it fairly”, and “Life is unfair. And it’s not fair that life is unfair”.

    Kshiti, accept with as much calm as you can all that you truly (and sadly) cannot change, and focus on changing what you can: practice fairness and justice in your choice of words and actions, and encourage others to do the same.



    in reply to: Telling the difference between gut and fear in relationships #427946

    Dear Gen Z Seaturtle:

    Regardless of how old I may be (I am not.. ?!! ???!!) it is WRONG to let the bee’s knees die. The bee’s knees must make a comeback in your generation, and the world will be a better place for it!


    in reply to: Telling the difference between gut and fear in relationships #427943

    Dear Courageous Seaturtle who is the bee’s knees (bee’s knees emoji)

    No freezing toes today, (rainy but not cold). I hope that we both sleep well tonight!


    in reply to: Intrusive and Anxious Thoughts #427942

    Dear kshiti1502:

    You are welcome! I understand better why this event was traumatic for you, a big part of the reason is that it was, as you said, “entirely unfair“. I want to reply further Tues morning, when I am better focused (it is Mon afternoon here).


    in reply to: Telling the difference between gut and fear in relationships #427938

    Dear Seaturtle;

    I read only a bit of your recent post, beginning, middle and end, as I am not focused and about to go on my walk, but reads like this is all a great opportunity for the two of us to open that 3rd eye wider and bigger. Will get back to you in the morning! (Also, I like you very much, and was hoping..!! that we keep communicating, so glad to receive your message!)


    in reply to: Intrusive and Anxious Thoughts #427933

    Dear Kshiti1502:

    You are very welcome, and I am glad that you will be looking into online information PTSD.

    Here is the thing, I made significant recovery in my physical health by the end of 2022 and panic attacks also eased out by that time period“- recovery from severe anxiety is not a linear process, as in once recovered, always recovered. There is progress, relief, then something negative happens and there is regression, and healing needs to be resumed.

    personally think that if it’s related to the symptoms of PTSD, it is connected more with the scholarship issue”– I understand that the intrusive thoughts occurred following the scholarship issue, but .. do you think of a halting of a scholarship application process as a traumatic event, in objective terms?



    in reply to: Intrusive and Anxious Thoughts #427930

    Dear Kshiti:

    You wrote about the moment your scholarship application process was stopped: “I think my emotional state at that moment has left such imprints that they still affect me, making me ruminate over them even though my reality is different“.

    The reality of your scholarship application changed, as it was processed and approved, but let’s look at what parts of your reality did not change (I am adding the boldface feature to the following quote): “I had already faced some serious challenges in the past three years, including a chronic spine disease that kept me crippled for a year and resurfaced again in 2021, conflicts with family members especially my dad, a toxic relationship“-

    – First, it saddens me that instead of your father having empathy and compassion for you for having a chronic spine disease- he’s been giving you difficult time on top of difficult time!

    Second, I assume that your thoughts about your chronic spine disease and about your toxic relationship with your father included thoughts like “nothing ever gets better”, “there’s no point in looking for my wellbeing”, “I’m tired now”, and “this is so unfair”!

    Third, your scholarship application was halted unexpectedly, and your previous thoughts resumed: “nothing ever gets better”, “there’s no point..”,  etc.

    The Trauma behind your flashbacks is not the halting of your scholarship application, but what happened before.. and still. What you are suffering from now, seems to be Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), the trauma being your father’s toxic misbehavior toward you, and the chronic spine condition.

    What you need to do now, seems to me, is what is recommended for people suffering from PTSD. You can do an online research on the matter, if you’d like, and let me know of your thoughts..?



    in reply to: My dad is a drug addict #427927

    Dear James:

    You are very welcome and thank you (!) for your appreciation and heart emojis, you made my day!!!

    Anytime you want to post again, please do.




    Dear Robbie:

    I spent a long, long time on a reply to your recent post earlier today, almost concluded a long post with quotes and all, like I normally do, and then lost it all after opening a new window. So, this reply will be different and way, way shorter than the one I lost: first, you are welcome and thank you for your kind words and love sentiment. I do hope, like you, that people will be reading your story will draw hope and help from it. You express yourself so well!

    Thank you for the author/ book recommendation. I looked up quotes and particularly liked the ones I was able to process (having ADD myself), one about children doing way more reacting (to parents0 than acting; another about how ADD is about tunning out chronic pain experience in childhood because the developing nervous system cannot handle the ongoing (negative) stimulation, nor can the body tolerate the high levels of stress hormones secreted into then blood. It reads like, by the way, that if you, Robbie, suffer from ADD, it’s not as severe as in my case.

    I was glad to read that you are still in a long-term relationship with your girlfriend, who reads like a lovely person! I hope that you land a job (in Poland or in Spain) fitting your needs for money/ financial independent, on one hand, and your need for freedom and flexibility, on the other hand.

    In regard to your mother, I was thinking about what drives her in regard to how she’s been treating you as a child, and still. It seems to me that she feels guilty for hitting you, for threatening to send you to foster home, etc., (as she should), but her response to her guilty feelings is- unfortunately- not to acknowledge, sincerely apologize for her past behaviors, and correct those- but instead, to guilt-trip and threaten you further. In other words, her solution to her past wrongdoings against you is to .. add wrong on top of wrong… (nice work, mom… not!)

    Am I correct in my understanding?


    in reply to: Telling the difference between gut and fear in relationships #427925

    Dear Seaturtle:

    I am just wondering what this information that you re-processed about me and how that changes your analysis of me, I want to see myself through your eyes. You amended answer, that me and N could never be happy, is that because of what we spoke previously, his spider tendencies, or is it because you now believe I would be harmful to him? Why could we not possibly make a healthy relationship?“- I just tried to locate (for a 2nd time) a sentence you wrote some time ago that caused me alarm, like a beginning of a shift in my understanding, but I can’t find it and I am overwhelmed by the sheer amount of our posting, so much to re-read. So, I’ll try to do without re-reading:

    At first, my empathy was with you for feeling UNSEEN, for growing up that way, just as it happened to me. I thought and expressed to you that your expectations of N (based on your two original posts) were unreasonable, that it was not N being responsible for you feeling unseen, that it was F’s (and your mother, in some ways) responsibility. We talked a lot about you projecting F into N.

    The first shift, as I remember it, was when you described the cash and C word incidents. I then thought that the reason you complained about lesser things in regard to N’s behaviors (ex., N not getting your jokes, not his fault at all, really) was because you didn’t want to face the bigger faults in regard to N’s behaviors, or misbehaviors. This shift led to discussing N as a spider, motivated instinctually to keep you too weak so that you don’t leave his web, seeing him as a controlling person.. aka the bad guy in the relationship.

    Next, you wrote (and I can’t locate it), paraphrased, that you will not get back with N unless he was not afraid to adore you 100% of the time (or just 100%, I don’t remember), and I thought: this sounds so… over the top. But I figured, maybe you were upset, and it just came out, those words, this sentiment.

    You then asked if a healthy relationship with him would be possible, and I couldn’t remember what was so bad about N.. I lost the idea that N was .. the bad guy. A couple of days ago, I re-read and studied your two original posts (which you submitted before I was back to being a participant in the forums), and it occurred to me that I was wrong: N was not the controlling party in the relationship, you were: you stated it yourself, that the date nights were about what you wanted to do, etc., and you suggested that maybe you were narcissistic. Now, the narcissistic word is so overused that I didn’t pay much attention to it, and the fact that you brought it up in regard to yourself made me think that it’s almost evidence that you are not.

    There was another thing, you kept saying that you are an empath, big on empathy for others, and yet, lately, I asked myself: where is it? Didn’t see it. You’ve been delightful to communicate with, and I liked you so much.. just didn’t notice empathy. For N, I don’t recall it. Or for other people.. other than your younger sister, maybe..

    So, now, I am quite embarrassed for having vilified N- it was wrong of me to do so, and I don’t want to do this again, not here in your thread and not elsewhere. What I am now inclined to think (from the totality of what you shared, which I did not re-read) is that N has very low self-esteem, that he is highly addicted to weed which keeps him mellow and unreactive (the Teflon brain we discussed), that he is a people pleaser, perhaps codependent, and still, I think, not a good partner for you (for his weed use, if nothing else). And I think that you are not a good partner for him. I think that the cash and C word incidents were a couple of times when he was not able to do the Teflon thing/ to be mellow (you mentioned that at those incidents, he wasn’t on weed, if I recall correctly), so he sort of.. verbally exploded.

    I know that following some therapy and hard work, you will be able to have a healthy relationship with a man who is suitable for you.

    If we met again and he (N) turned a leaf and wanted to enter these conversations with me, I could see it resulting in a healthy relationship, what do you think about that?“- I think that you need to turn a new leaf and that N should get help with his weed abuse ad wit his self-esteem and assertion skills.

    What is the difference between trying to manifest good things for myself and be positive, versus too high of standards for my future when I typed that I was inspired and trying to reprogram myself to truly believe my life is going up from here“- got to take on more humility, to be willing to be equal to others instead of superior. Start or restart your journey as a person equal to others, other people being equal (not inferior) to you.

    I am not trying to say I am so different than others and so special, in fact my dad reminded me quite often I was not“- and you tried to prove your father wrong..?

    My point is that N did not understand how I saw the world, and as much as I tried to understand how he saw the world“- how does he see the world (summarized)?

    I would make a comment and he literally would just not even react, and sometimes is ok but it was so often I started to literally ask if he could hear me, and he could but his mind was other places”– weed places.. ?

    I was jealous of his roommate. I was jealous that when he walked into the home while N and I were relaxing together, that N’s whole demeanor shifted. We went from a calm moment together to him yelling across the room about money and work… N’s roommate called girls gross names, talked about his sex life all the time and was very vulgar… I was jealous when I would be laying in N’s bed waiting for him and he would talk all night with his roommate“- maybe N is a people pleaser when it comes to dominant/ controlling people..? Or N is vulgar too (when not on weed)?.. (Who is N…?)

    “N dropped my heart all over the place, being late, denying his own words and ignoring both his and my feelings“- yes, denying his words, I now remember this part.. Not cool at all. Yes, he is not,, the good guy in the relationship. Both of you messed up. But you still have your 3rd eye open, even during this difficult time. His 3rd eye may be forever closed.

    “When you said I “required and demanded of him complete and ever present adoration” I am not sure how to feel about this. When I first read it I wanted to deny that I was this way, because the phrasing sounds extreme… When I see successful relationships that have gone the distance, a common factor is that the man adores the woman for who she is..”- what successful relationships have you witnessed (in real life) and did you witness these closely..?

    So when my roommate cried on her birthday because her boyfriend was in a bad mood all day and didn’t treat the day as special… this was narcissistic?“- I wouldn’t think that. but when you felt devastated by N not getting a joke.. that’s extreme.

    I feel like I care too much if anything, about the feelings of others“- when you heard that N said post breakup that he feels like dying.. I don’t remember you caring too much for his supposed suffering.. Like I wrote above, I am not in touch with you caring too much for N, for friends… We communicated so much, I don’t remember all.

    What is the difference between actually being in an unfulfilled relationship where someone is treating you wrongly, and you just being narcissistic for believing you deserve better?”- I think that both you and N treated each other wrong at one time or another (one is not the bad guy while the other is the good guy), and you both deserve better.

    What I hear is that if you are this way then you just are and you don’t deserve what you think you do, you’re delusional“- you deserved positive attention and respect as a child, you deserved to feel that you mattered, that what you needed and wanted was valid and of value. You didn’t get it then. You weren’t born with unrealistic expectations in regard to a romantic partner, the unrealistic, extreme expectations (overall, put together) were the result of a severe lack in childhood.

    “I feel overwhelmed. It doesn’t resonate with me that I don’t deserve more than what N was able to be for me, and I do believe my future partner will adore me, being told he may not honestly makes me question everything I ever thought about love. I feel confused, do I not know who I am at all? This whole time, since the breakup I have been trying to remind myself I did the right thing and that I deserved more than how he was treating me, and not to be told I don’t deserve anything and thinking I deserve more is being narcissistic, I just feel lost.”-

    – I boldfaced what you said I told you, but I didn’t tell you these things. I do believe that you deserve a man who is not constantly on weed, too9 mellow to have deep conversations, Teflon-ing what you say to him., etc. I am not saying that having deep, honest conversations with a romantic partner is too much for you to ask.

    Please calm down best you can. I won’t be able to write more to you today. Please take a hot bath, go for a slow walk outside.. I wish you would see a counselor/ therapist. I am sorry that you are feeling lost. Here is a quote I read today and thought about you: “So self-acceptance does not mean self-admiration or even self-liking at every moment of our lives, but tolerance for all our emotions, including those that make us feel uncomfortable.”― Gabor Maté.


    in reply to: Intrusive and Anxious Thoughts #427922

    Dear Kshiti1502: I am sorry about the delay in my response. I’ll be back to ytou soon.


    in reply to: Telling the difference between gut and fear in relationships #427920

    Dear Seaturtle: I am reading your most recent post and typing a reply.


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