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  • in reply to: New relationship anxiety #152840

    Hey Heartbrokengurl,

    I know being in a new relationship can be overwhelming, but in time the anxiety will mellow into comfort if he’s right. I know you are worried the more you fall for him the more he will hurt you. I am the same way. You could let it prevent you from getting closer (which is what I do, but I don’t necessarily advise it) or you can enjoy it! Enjoy the anxiety! You have found someone who you love to spend time with! You’re so lucky!

    What also has helped me it to take a step back and look at dating from a more neutral perspective now. I have come to realize that most girls have at least one other guy who they flirt with or keep around to make themselves feel good. A lot of guys do, too. Maybe just looking at dating with this more realistic perspective so if you find out this new guy does have another girl, or he is not interested, then it won’t hurt as much. And if he is all in with you, all right!

    in reply to: I've felt empty for years #152836

    Hi Sophie,

    I’ve felt this way before. For me it was my relationship with some toxic people in my life. Once I started to move on from those people, things started to get better. Not seeing them anymore didn’t help much. I had to decide to let them go. Is there anyone in your life that could be causing these negative feelings?

    Also, as Glen mentioned, working on something meaningful and inspiring to you can also help infuse your life with purpose. What do you love to do?

    Now that I think about it, that time in my life was a pretty self-centered time. I had some habits that were clouding my life that I needed to work on. I am now trying to focus on other people while developing the weaknesses in my self, and I don’t feel that detachment as strongly anymore. Maybe you might want to try helping a person or two a day, even if they don’t realize you tried to help them. As Glen noted, I think you will find by focusing on creating goodness for others, more goodness will come back into your own life.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by Mark.
    in reply to: Dating, relationships and Mental illness #152834

    Hi Eliana,

    I have also dealt with mental issues in my life, although I never sought medication for them, and I had a few ideas that I thought might help. I know how chaotic the mind can be! One of the things that helped me the most was basically to just ignore my thoughts the first time they arise. You have a thought, and then you have a reaction to the thought. I have started focusing on the reactions . Just pretend the thought isn’t even attached to you personally. It’s just a blip of words. It has no meaning except the meaning you give it. But we place so much importance into these blip of words that they start to overwhelm our lives. Mediation, just sitting and listening and breathing without interrupting the flow of sounds may help to start to calm your mind a little. Listening — to the faintest sound, to all the different sounds — can be very healing. Ignoring your thoughts and homing in on the reactions they produce could also help with your coping skills you mentioned you have some trouble with.

    I can also relate on the dating side of your story. One of my biggest fears is my own issues making someone who I love life worse. So I don’t let myself to connect to many people. I actually like not having another person to always worry about, because I worry so much already. I read that much of unhappiness is the excessive desire for others to think about us. So I don’t hope for anyone to think about me. Instead, I’m just taking some time to work on myself, on my life. You can search and search for the right person, but perhaps only when you are ready will that person come into your life.

    At least you realize the issues that are preventing from finding a meaningful relationship. A lot of women don’t realize their issues. Work on the things about yourself that you don’t like. As you progress in your self-development, I think you will notice the quality of your relationships will improve as well. Focus on the possibilities — there are as many as you imagine!

    in reply to: A Rough Road #152726

    Hi Mangtinez,

    I know it is hard when we are surrounded by so much disappointment and sadness not to sometimes get lost in it, but try to focus on the possibilities instead lingering over things you have no control over. You could worry and blame yourself for your cat’s health issues, but it isn’t your fault and that doesn’t do any good. Focus on hope instead. What do you love to do? What makes you happy? You say you wish you could find another job that will allow you to grow more. Well, you can always get another job within two weeks! Imagining these possibilities and planning them like a vacation can provide a lot of hope. And then prepare for the worse case scenarios. If you’re cat does have cancer, you could always get another cat. If it turns out you don’t have a baby, you can always adopt. I also want a child and imagine the scenario of not being able to get a girl pregnant. But I still would want to adopt and watch a little one grow up and be able to be there for them.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by Mark.
    in reply to: My little brother is a heroin addict #152722

    Hi Dreaming,

    I  can’t even imagine what a powerful addiction heroin must be. It is obvious how much you love him, but you should know at some point it’s not even about other people, but just quieting the craving of addiction. It sounds like you probably will be receiving “the call” someday, so maybe preparing for the worse case scenario could simply be imagining it, and then think about the first thing you will do, and then the next, so that if it does comesyou are not shocked. But in the meantime, try to focus on the hope out there, in your relationship with your brother, in knowing you are doing the best you can. Depression is often a sign a person is not moving on from something. I can not even imagine the entanglement between addiction and depression, but perhaps a combination of treatment and support will be enough for him uncover the roots of his addiction and heal.

    in reply to: partner 16 years left me and i am heartbroken #152592

    Hi Elsa,

    This was really brutal to read. You took care of  a man who you love and still love but he left you after a successful surgery that made him not need your support anymore, but now you are wishing he would be there to support you as you are going through recovery for cancer.

    I think you are right the only answer is time. But a lot of it has to do how you choose to spend that time. Usually I would suggest doing something you love, but I understand that chemo and heartbreak probably makes it difficult to get excited about very much.

    You know what I found helps me when I am down or overwhelmed? Helping someone else out. You should try it. Choose someone who needs help and see if you can do something for him or her. I think it’s because focusing on someone else and the goodness you creates is a whole lot better for our happiness than focusing on losing someone we love or a disease.

    Another thing that helps me get over someone is thinking about something about them that I didn’t like and anytime I am idealizing the person in my mind to “return” by thinking about the negative thing. It’s sort of reverse positivism that makes us feel more positive!

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by Mark.

    Sorry, I was going to add in an edit, but I just want to add that I totally understand what it is like to go through something that is makes a person detached and emotionally unavailable. Sometimes that happens to really great guys. Just know there is a difference between the circumstances life is placing on a person  and how we react to those circumstances. Just because he is going through a lot doesn’t mean he should be “self-absorbed”.


    How does he make you feel? How do you think he will make you feel if you stay with him for a few months? You don’t have to stay with someone who makes you uncomfortable or who treats you badly. There are a lot of great guys out there. If you do decide to move on, take the search for someone else as an opportunity to develop into who you want to be.

    I totally understand about having a special connection, though. There are a lot of guys out there who want a girl to think they are special. We can place so much emotions and meaning onto another person. Is it those original powerful feelings that are causing you to want to stay with him, or do you still feel enough for him to want to be with him? Sometimes guys start to take their partners for granted because they think they are special

    You also don’t have to settle on a with him/without him scenario. You can take a break, remain close, help him without living with him. There are a lot of different possibilities out there.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by Mark.
    in reply to: A bit lost, spiritually speaking. I don't "fit" in. #152578

    Hey Alfred,

    It’s OK not to fit in. You don’t have to fit your beliefs into one of the cookie cutter views on life out there. Maybe being uncertain can be a good thing because you can question, live, and seek meaning. Maybe it’s once we are “settled” that we sort of become stuck on this one way of viewing life, that limits us to so much else out there.

    in reply to: Lost in life then lost family #152322

    Hey Andrew,

    I just wanted to suggest perhaps looking over the resentments with each of your family members or others you are in conflict with to think about if perhaps you are being too harsh or are in the wrong in the relationship with one of them. You sound like a very passionate person. Maybe taking some time to reflect and put yourself in their shoes for a few minutes to think about how they might be thinking of you. And then if you decide that you are being to0 harsh, take some more time to of a way you can make things right with them. It doesn’t even have to be obvious — just a sentence tossed into a conversation to let the person know that you care and want to make things right.

    Also, mindfulness practice (not lingering on a troubling thought) and searching for cool things to do (Google and Yelp) can help with the boredom and maybe even some anxiety. Just finding ways to relax and not have your mind on all these things bothering you, then focusing again when they do.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by Mark.
    in reply to: why wasn't it enough #152320

    Hi Avery,

    I know how you feel. I know what it’s like to allow someone into your life and then watch as drugs start to ruin both of you. Drug addiction is incredibly powerful. To be honest it is probably more powerful than love for another human being. You stop caring about pretty much everyone and just focus on getting high so you don’t feel bad. So you probably either saw him high or feeling bad.

    I know that you have gotten comfortable with your love for him. But there is always possibility out there! If you don’t want to jump in, online dating is cool because you can totally control your image and experience. Having coffee with someone can be really worthwhile, even if it doesn’t lead to a match. Also, focusing on doing something you love rather than always thinking about him will help you to begin to move on, which is what you probably need to do to break this cycle of hurt.

    Give it like three months. Just three months to be yourself, do what you love, and grow into the person you want to become. Hang in there.

    in reply to: How to get through the hard times #152316

    This is a really inspirational post. Every line could be a quote! Living life focusing on hope, instead of not moving on from something that we often don’t have control over anymore. There is so much beauty if you can see beyond the pain.

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