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  • in reply to: Long Distance Relationship and Emotional Abuse #103226

    Hi Avery,

    I’m sorry that you are in the current situation you are in.

    I believe the reason you feel guilty if you breakup is because you feel like this not something someone else might do. You are essentially judging yourself, as if you are accountable in some way. You may be thinking that you could do more, that you could of prevented or changed him to be better. But no one can change someone that doesn’t see change them self. Up until this point, its like you have been with him for such a period of time, you are struggling to see yourself beyond the present. Without the connection of being girlfriend and having a boyfriend. In one quick motion you become the ex. That life and connection with him is no longer the same. We fear situations like these because generally, there is no way back. It feels like uncharted waters, every step you take is new, unfamiliar. Who you are is linked with him, and it’s painful to see him do what he is doing to you and to himself. The guilt is so deep rooted in you because you have been conditioned (like Anita said above), these feelings of guilt and regret may not be originally your own. you are being reactive to everything he does. If he cannot see anything more in life but you, then he is blind to the beauty that surrounds him. The sunrise, the first morning breeze, the beauty of music, the way trees grow to reach the sky. It’s his own eyes that cannot see what he has, you should not feel guilty, you know what you had. You have been manipulated and influenced by the person you love. By the person you love…The person who is meant to bring a smile to your face, the once who is there to support you, the one that makes you a better person. The longer you stay, the harder is will be to leave. You will judge yourself harsher. You need to understand, that after everything is said and done, you are still a unique, beautiful and interesting soul. This won’t change. You will still have hobbies, your fav take out shop will still be there. The world will keep spinning. Just embrace it.

    I know your boyfriend might do something rash, i don’t know what you should do. But do what your gut says. Tell the police, his family if you believe that will help. If something comes out that you are ashamed of, don’t be. You are an adult, you make decisions because you want to. Don’t be ashamed of choices you made (whether you think they are good or bad) they happened. You cannot change the past, but the present….that’s up for grabs ๐Ÿ™‚ The choice is yours.

    I hope this helps, and i wish you the best of luck.

    in reply to: Painful Memories Returning with a Vengence #103224

    Hi Gigi,

    From what you have written, it seems like you have a lot of hurt and animosity towards yourself and the actions and decisions you have made in the past. The fact that you are writing here means that you are willing to make a change. It will be hard, not because of who you are, but because you need to accept the decisions you made. You outlined above the relationship issues you have had and I feel, like when I read it, that you don’t really love yourself. You seek others to day so, to support and love you because you don’t. If you don’t love yourself, if you are not the one who is singing your own praises then you really cannot expect someone else to do so. Don’t expect others to complete you, be surprised when they do.

    In regards to losing friends and having people hate you. Well, feeling sorry for yourself, believing that nothing can be done, isn’t going to improve the situation. The first step towards healing is accepting and then apologizing. First apologize to yourself. Give yourself a big ass hug. Find comfort in yourself before others. Then consider apologizing to the ones you hurt or you feel you wronged. Whether they accept your apology is up to them, but you have taken the first step towards accepting the past. Now you can start to focus on the present. Spend too much time looking back, you won’t see what’s in front.

    You mentioned that you have not given it your all. Well, start to now. You are limited and inhibited by yourself. No matter how much exercise, or how much you don’t drink, this can heal you, but it cannot solve the questions you have. Healing is great, it gives us energy to move forward, but until you have given it all, until you have accepted and looked inside yourself and smiled… the questions will remain. Nothing is stopping you. Dedicate yourself, from this point on just being better than the day before. Learn from your past to help enlighten your present, but don’t regret. What has happened has happened. You hear voices, but they aren’t others, their yours. When you hear such language, the reason it damages you is not necessarily because it’s true, its because you don’t believe in yourself enough to rebuke such accusations. Once you learn to love yourself, once you learn to accept the ‘real’ you, nothing will damage you. You will be bulletproof.

    Gigi, life ain’t easy, living is hard work. Although you may wish, right now to be another person, in another place, time and space, this ain’t some fictional story, this is real. You are the hero of your own story… what type of hero do you want to be?

    I hope this helps, if you have more to add please feel free to comment further!

    in reply to: Conflicted #100379

    Hello geekgrrl70,

    You do seem to be hitting an emotional dilemma. I think you are trying to leverage something that cannot be actually measured. You are measuring and comparing two ‘what if’ scenarios. The problem with this is that the future is not some mathematically equation with a neat little number at the end. Yes you could live your life the way you want to, this is not selfish, it’s your life. Your partner is also living her life the way she wants to, so by this definition she is also being selfish. It all seems complicated, doesn’t it? What happens if you do break up, how will the kids react? They have already been shifted from one place to another. How will your partner feel? you most likely will feel guilty and feel that you have lost a friend that you can pour heart out to.

    Anita raises a good question, why not start to do things separately? My aunty has been married for 45+ years now, she does everything she wants to do by herself, and my uncle does likewise. It actually makes them happier, because at the end of the day they still have each other plus richer experiences. I think the contrast with your situation is that you are growing, whilst your partner has decided that she has reached her potential. And that is her prerogative. If you decide to travel, learn more about yourself and improving then your partner might ‘catch the bug’ too. If you both value each others happiness then sacrifices can be made, as long as you know they aren’t going to be in vain.

    If you are fighting, once again as Anita pointed out, this isn’t great for the kids. They already been a part of one relationship and most likely seen it, now they are going through it again. THis may impact and influence how the perceive relationships and love.

    If you have no common interests with one another, besides being a person you speak to and who understands you, what do you love about her? What makes you look at her that way? what makes your heart flutter when she walks into a room? It’s okay to have divergent interests, as long as you both have similar morals, values and beliefs then i can understand that. My mother and father have nothing in common in way of physical interests (mum = gardener, dad = economics), but both love each other because of the experiences they have shared, the children they have raised and the beliefs that they share. I think it comes down to what you see as a deal breaker in this regard.

    I just donโ€™t want to do something Iโ€™ll regret later.

    This goes 360 back to the notion that you are dealing with a lot of ‘what ifs’. You are deterred by the fact that you won’t find happiness, love and a relationship ever again. Have some faith and confidence in yourself. Believe that you are good enough, and that if others can’t see you as you see yourself then that’s their fault, not your own. If you are having these thoughts, your partner must as well. Maybe share a talk with one another, ask some questions. Be realistic about the direction of the relationship. Tell her how you feel. I think because you have a pattern, when things are bad i want to leave, but then they get better and i can see myself with her forever. This pattern is a distraction, it is providing stability, it is in a sense the structure of your relationship. Of course a relationship isn’t meant to be smooth sailing, but it isn’t meant to be hard work, after all you don’t get paid! ๐Ÿ˜‰

    You can continue to sacrifice your position if you love her that much. But you will end up regretting the you didn’t do more when you had the chance. If you go travelling, your doing it because it’s what you want to do, it’s not because you don’t love her. If you go outdoors and live in your own moment, it’s not because you don’t love her, it’s because you wish to discover something new. Both love and self discovery can work together, but it may be that you do such things end up feeling a sense of loneliness, but you are not alone.

    I hope this helps, if you have questions or comments, please feel free to post again,

    in reply to: When is it time to call it a day? #100376

    Hello Littlemisshoney,

    I have five points that i wish to make, hopefully they are not to long ๐Ÿ™‚

    I think it would be wise to put a line in the sand, namely, i want you to disregard the first part of your life with your SO. From the moment that you got back together should be what should be concerning you. Since, in the past things were different as you have admitted. Your SO has also taken a step to better himself mentally by seeing a counsellor. Now that you have done that (and i know this is hard), try to look back on these memories, which you already are, but try to separate your feelings on the past from the realtiy. When you see a picture of you two together, try to recall the moment, not the image. When we see a smiling face from years before, unless we are in a happy place in the now, the past seems tainted. You have mentioned that you find it hard to think of the good times, i would assume that there are many, especially considering that you two ended up coming back together. I believe there is a flame within both of you, but it’s buried deep down and being repressed by your current feelings.

    My second point is guilt. I feel from reading your post that you somehow feel responsible, almost guilty because you have been unable to help your SO. However, you should not be feeling guilty over something you didn’t cause. As a partner you shouldn’t be expected to carry the burden. You have been a supportive partner, which in this situation is all you can be. You can not fight your SO’s inner demons for him, he must conquer his own darkness within. I also think that’s something that is playing on your mind, if you leave, what will happen? what will he do to himself? Basically, anything that happens afterwards you may blame yourself for, even if you never involved in the process itself. Also, you may also be feeling guilty if you were to break up that you would find happiness he wouldn’t. I think this is natural since you don’t dislike him, you are just not happy within your own life anymore.

    The third point; parenthood. I’m sorry that you had a miscarriage. I think getting over it will take time, nothing more nothing less. I think it plays on couples minds, it was so easy for them, why me? why us? I think time will heal these emotional scars, and i hope for the best for you in this part of your life. THis is also where i would like to bring up parenthood. If you feel you partner is emotionally distance, this isn’t necessarily going to change if your SO becomes a father. I believe that people can change their opinions, understandings and perspectives, but i don’t believe that one can truly change what they inherently are. Can you see your SO as a father? a role model? Being a parent isn’t an easy life, you become responsible for another life. Even if you became parents, do you think your SO would support you? Will he be that shoulder that you lean on for comfort? If you can’t, in your heart answer one way or another, then that in itself is an answer.

    Fourth; he is good enough. I think you have the frame of mind, that your SO is just good enough. You have a biological clock ticking in your ear and you feel that you would rather be a mother before anything else. I believe that you clearly don’t think you are attractive enough to hook another guy. You clearly don’t think you have enough qualities that would make someone interested in you both sexually and romantically. Once again, i believe this is because you keep viewing yourself through your current lens. Do you really want to live your life, especially when you become a mother with someone that was just good enough. Sure, your feelings may change for your SO, he may prove himself capable, but this is the catch-22. Do you risk everything for uncertainty, or risk sanity for certainty?

    My final point; you. My mother has a saying, “I would rather wake up alone and know who and what i am. Knowing that i have my own back, knowing that i can do whatever i set my mind to”. When you are in a relationship, my understanding it is meant to be a team, a team that works well. Sure, sometimes the team has issues with purpose, direction etc. But it still a team that both are mutually invested in. When you wake up, you should feel that your SO has your back, encourages your notion of who and what you are. A partner should be able to put your mind at rest, because with him by your side; you are validated. You are a girlfriend, a partner, a friend, a lover, a member of the team. You know who you are in relation to your SO. Do you know who you are now? You mentioned that you started to gain your confidence back after the first dissolution of your relationship, have things changed? I think you need to weigh up whether or not you want to continue to wake up feeling like the opposite of who you are or want to be; or do you want to wake up and look @ the mirror and say “i love you”? Do you love yourself, littlemisshoney? This is why i like my mother’s quote. I would rather spend the rest of my life alone, in my own company knowing that i’m who i want to be, that i love myself for my strengths and weaknesses. WHat about you?

    At the end of the day, if you follow your heart, take the fall, and it’s what you want…..then it was worth it.

    THanks for reading everything, I hope this has helped. Please if you have something to add or wish to comment, please continue to post.

    in reply to: The guy I'm seeing is confusing… #100373


    I’m not quite sure how serious he may be taking this as a ‘relationship’. Since you only use the word ‘to hang out, which doesn’t mean you are dating or even in a relationship to begin with. I don’t think the guy is confused, so much that it’s what you want from the ‘relationship’. You are also both at a young age where there is a lot going on in your lives. If he is in high-school then he is probably doing other things. If you have only been hanging out, as a male myself, that doesn’t in my head mean he is dating or into you (i can only go on the information that you have provided). Because he might see this as a serious thing, it may not be a priority for him.

    Apart from being sweet, funny and respectful; what do you actually like about him? Besides the top layer kind of stuff; like he is intelligent etc. How does he make you feel? I ask because if you invest a lot of time and effort into someone then of course the assumption is that it will be reciprocated. Where do you see this going? I would ask him the same question, that way you can figure out if you are on the same page and want the same things. The natural reaction is that he may answer back and say something along the lines he is busy. Which may be true, but if you are in to someone, you tend to make it clear by your intentions and actions. Whether or not you move on or continue is for you to decide.

    Hope this helps. If you have a comment or want to say more, please feel free to continue this post.

    in reply to: Confronted my wife tonight #100069

    Hi Jeff,

    I remember commenting on your original post a while ago. I’m so sorry to hear things ended up this way. Once again, i have never been in your position before, so i’m coming from the outside here. But i hope i can be of some assistance.

    I think, the storm has passed. It seemed before that you were a boat of the rough seas, shoveling water out from the boat as more spilled aboard. A dreaded sinking feeling comes over you, is this the end? As @El and @happythoughts have stated, when one door closes, another opens. The storm has passed, the boat is in tatters but still serviceable, it’s time to make port and see what can be done. Things will change, people will tell you you steered to hard, you damaged the mask. But all of this is in hindsight, no one could of predicted this storm.Old hands will retire from their service with you, while new ones will enlist. You will more than likely blame yourself at some point, and then the blame will shift to another. But a ship is not built to last, it it built to endure. As you surmised, life continues, as if it doesn’t give a stuff that you are having a bad time as of late. But that, in of itself is helpful. The world is still spinning. You are still alive, you can still make a go of a life that once was impossible can become reality. This doesn’t tarnish who you are or what you can become.

    Your identity and who you are has changed. You are no longer a husband, but an ex. But you are still a father. And i would assume a great many of things as well. You can still be the role model your son deserves, you can still be the person you have always been and more. The most important thing to remember; is every new day you are rebuilding and retooling your ship. Readying it for sail again. The sea calls to you again. This is not the last voyage you will take.

    Best of luck Jeff,

    in reply to: Sorting out feeling after being deceived. #100068

    Hello Samantha,

    I am having a hard time believing, that who I have discovered him to be, is actually him.

    Is my intuitionโ€™s perception of him just my way of holding on?

    I want to help you (or at least give some advice/ suggestions). I have known people before who appear as one thing and then time reveals another face. I think in your instance, it’s a complex dilemma. Firstly, you may need to consider that you never knew him. And this is hard, hence part of the reason you are fighting. It is not your perception or intuition this time around. You simply believed and had faith in this person. When we have faith in someone, we have in essence judged them and deemed them ‘worthy’ of being in our lives. Everyone does this, some people are more open others more closed to the potentials that can be allowed to enter their lives. Case in point, you made a judgement and it has been betrayed. Everything from this point, comes into question. You begin to question if you didn’t know the person, who was he to begin with? If you knew him, then what’s changed for him to show another face? I believe you are correct, that you are holding onto the fragments of his personality and traits. And why not, it makes sense, something you have invested time, space and affection towards has turned out differently than expected.

    You also are connected to this person. You identify with him, not as a stranger, but as someone within your life (no small feat). Because you have connected with him (in whatever way), you may have vouched for him, called him friend even. He was a part of your life and now that new information has come to light, you might question who you are? Who am I to him? Because identity goes two ways. Without you, who would he be to you? and vice versa. I also think this is why your internally fighting, you are trying to hold onto who you were to him before everything came to light.

    However, why has it played out this way? Why did you not see the ‘real’ version? The next question becomes why? Why hide your true nature unless you are ashamed of it? I think you have accepted that you don’t know this man, but are seeking to understand why you didn’t in the first place or why some aspects have been hidden. It will be difficult to be objective in this position, i can understand that. Everything becomes tainted, even if it never was. Being lied to hurts, but it hurts more if there is no reason to do so in the first place. Is it possible to speak candidly to this person? Or at least to speak to others who are close to him, who can impart wisdom and history to you about him?

    I believe, just as I have before, that he is lost, but has a truly good heart.

    Then you still have faith in him, as such he is quite a lucky person to have someone like you in his life. The only other thing you could do, is to move forward. Discount the past, as best you can, and try to understand this new person, if you want to of course.

    I hope this has helped you somehow. Please feel free to comment and post again. If i’m completely off the mark, please tell me.

    in reply to: Help me change my perspective on going out/dating #98930

    G’day Dreaming,

    I paired it with black nylons and short heels to keep it classy. In the past Iโ€™ve been told Iโ€™m attractive and was genuinely happy with how I looked yesterday.


    By the end of the night I felt completely invisible compared to these other girls.

    So let’s deal with the pink elephant in the room. Firstly, how you feel about yourself doesn’t need to be validated by other people. We require validation much of the time because we feel that we are wrong, making a mistake, that we are SOMETHING rather than something else. So if you felt good about yourself, then being approached by a bunch of fellas who noticed it was a bachelorette party wouldn’t be a big deal. And this is the main point, it was a bachelorette party. Even though i’m not the most observant guy, i would notice that in a bar/ pub etc. Such parties are attended by…only women, only women who are having fun or want more fun. When a woman is relaxed, guys be like “okay, now it is time” ๐Ÿ˜‰ The fact that guys went up in packs to other females has less to do with attraction and emotional vibes than what seems apparent. Yes picking up on a girl that is smiling and laughing etc may be one way to check a girl out. BUT not all guys at a pub/ bar wherever what to go up and compliment a woman, maybe they just want a drink. Actually, it’s not so much ‘pretty’ women that get hit on, it’s the ones guys think they may have a shot with. Maybe the guys that were there were shy and didn’t want to come across. You know, you could go up and hit on a guy and compliment him ๐Ÿ˜‰ . Also just because some guy got a phone number, doesn’t mean he is going to call. Sometimes, guys just like the chase, like knowing that they have the ‘balls’ to approach a woman and get her number.

    I just felt like the evening reinforced a notion of โ€œyouโ€™re not valuable, youโ€™re not going to meet someone who is excited about you, youโ€™re not good enough, youโ€™re not desirable, etcโ€ฆโ€

    Well this is a mindset, no one said that to you, only you are thinking this. You should value yourself first, you should see yourself as having a ‘use’ rather than seeing yourself as a ‘use’ for someone else. So try not to think in singular equations:
    Because no guy approached me = not attractive. Such equations are useless, you are basically asserting that your self worth is based on others ‘outer’ impression of your physic. This doesn’t sound like a healthy relationship with yourself. I think it has to do with the break-up, since you have lost a part of your identity you want someone to bounce off with so that you are re-defined as ‘something’, because in your mind you are ‘nothing’. It is true that our identity is shaped by our surroundings, by the people we call friends, how we are addressed by others, who we are to others. If we have no meaningful connection with others or communities…then who are we? I want you to try to understand who you are in relation to yourself. Who is Dreaming? If i take her friends, her colleagues, people who just know her, who are you? What does ‘Dreaming’ mean to me? Ultimately, you will discover you are someone, it may be personality traits (eg reflective and deep), it may be hobbies (eg you’re a ‘trekkie’ , an expert on Klingon!! ๐Ÿ˜‰ , an animal lover etc. These kinds of things….you own. Find out what you own, Dreaming.

    How can I change my perspective on dating or reach some sort of acceptance or peace?

    Finally, i don’t think you have to accept the terms of modern day dating on it’s ‘socially understood terms’. What dating means to some people means something different to others. So you should come up with your own definition. To me, going on a date = meeting in a casual place where you pretend not to ask 20 questions interview style, but ultimately do ๐Ÿ™‚ So it’s not crucial to change your perspective, it’s more beneficial to at least have a perspective. If you don’t get asked out, there could be hundreds of reasons why a guy wouldn’t ask you (many of which may not have anything to do with you). Why not ask him? why not ask out a guy? What you would be feeling, is exactly what a lot of guys feel ๐Ÿ™‚ Use online dating apps. Nowadays, you can find love/ companionship anywhere.

    Look it’s great to be complimented, but don’t let they be your everything, you should re-affirm to yourself how beautiful you are, how classy you looked that night etc. Don’t get into the habit of viewing yourself through the lenses of others….that can never end well. Compliment yourself everyday instead, trust me, you know yourself better than anyone else.

    Best of luck, and if you have more to say or what to question something i wrote, please post again.

    in reply to: College senior confused on what to do for work #98926

    Hi Annie,

    I have a mate who did a ‘baccalaureate’ program, and by passing the core subjects they admitted him into Med school. Maybe look for programs like that, one’s that feed into major programs. I don’t know a lot about the industry, so i can’t comment on how you would enter into it. Have you considered doing counselling instead? You use the word counseling to describe psychiatry. They are two different fields; Psychology looks at the mind, behavior and how our mind works. Whereas counseling looks at helping others understanding and assisting others with their everyday lives (problems, situations etc.). This forum is basically a form of counseling. ๐Ÿ™‚ I don’t know where you are, but in Australia you can do specific degrees for counseling at TAFE (tech college) or at university. Most of the time, counselors work everywhere and anywhere, they are not regulated and as such cannot dispense medication (I believe). Just ignore this section if i got the wrong end of the stick ๐Ÿ˜‰

    As for loans and rising debt. This is something i think about often. Personally, even if low paying, turning down work isn’t the best option nowadays. Maybe/ hopefully you will get a call back for some of the other jobs you applied for. The loans if they are like Australia, you shouldn’t have to pay back instantly. The only thing you could do is keep going for a masters or looking for a way into med school. And just pay if off later on in life. This is the reality of the situation i’m afraid. I worked for 7 years or so after finishing high-school so i had income to support myself up until recently to continue to go to university. Now i take loans since i left work to go full time. If i had time and was offered a job, i would definitely take it.

    What I think may work is if I get a job to pay off some of my loans while looking for masters programs and doing a masters program while I work.

    THis is a great idea. What about community college’s? Night courses? This way you could work during the day and attend class at night. Either way, working and studying is what a lot of students do. If you can find part time work even casual in the field you want to get into, you may be able to see if it’s for you etc. As someone said to me today, ‘this is my future self’s issue, not right now”, so look at it that way, if you want.

    I don’t think you are too lost. You seem to have a goal, somewhat of an idea of where you want to go, it’s more the financial side of things that concern you the most. I would be speaking to professors, professionals in the field you want to get involved in, because they can give you the down low and where and what to study. What are you studying now? Maybe some of those courses may allow you to enter into post grad courses. Speak to career advisers at college as well.

    Hopefully this was helpful. Overall, as long as you have a direction then whether it takes a year to 10 years to reach the destination, you will still get there in the end.


    in reply to: What's wrong with me? #98745


    No problem! ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks

    I really want to make the change! But Iโ€™m not sure what my first step would be.

    Yeah it’s not exactly like practicing for a exam or something, you can’t actually see yourself make progress (physically). This is more an internal debate within yourself. Your ideal man, may in fact be what a lot of women/ men want in a partner. So, i guess not only being aware, but when you are in that moment, when you want to go further in a relationship, just take yourself aside question whether or not you are making an ‘idealist’ choice or a ‘real’ choice. Basically, it’s only through exposure to this situation that you are going to be able to change your attitude and perspective.

    I just donโ€™t seem to handle other peopleโ€™s emotions well.

    A,ha! We have a touchdown! This is what i was thinking when i began to read that you didn’t like the emotions that your ex showed. The way you have been writing has been reminding me of my brother. He struggles to express his emotions, but he also cannot deal with others emotions. He views emotions as weakness, if you can’t hold it in, then you are weak. He wants to deal with everything himself, if he needs help he won’t ask for it. And yet he wants love….it’s quite contradictory. It’s like wanting to be with someone who can support you, you can trust, someone who is your friend and then at the same time; someone who excites you, is mysterious etc. It’s two lines of divergent thoughts that don’t really end at the same destination. The main grasp here is to understand that emotions are strengths as well, being weak is only what we deem it to be. Everyone is raised differently, so everyone has a different view on weakness.

    I suspect that this has more to do with the fact that, as an individual you should be able to control your emotions, why should someone else do it for you? Their your bloody emotions! And i think this idea comes 360. Because as much as you want to be more than just friends and form a strong connection with someone, you also don’t want to be leaned on by your partner. You gave an example of this before in regards to movie selection. You want someone you has the same mentality as yourself. Truly nothing wrong with this. You want your partner to have the strong, stable emotional center that allows him/ her to deal with their own issues. But it is through our emotional bonds with one another that we connect. Yes, of course you can connect with someone based on looks, on intelligence, on shared interests. But a relationship is about vulnerability, about sharing experiences, emotional or not.

    To summarise what i have written, i would say that you cannot change what you are attracted to. I have an ideal type, and so do you. We all do. But i also understand that no one (maybe someone) will perfectly fit into the cookie cutter shape. And if they don’t, that’s okay, because if i continue to pressure someone into being my ideal, then they aren’t themselves and everything would be based on a superficiality to please to me. In the end, i wouldn’t be in a relationship with anyone but my own fantasies. I think, if anything you should instead of wasting you time and going on the chase or like wise being chased, direct your search. Actually go after what you want. Whether that be through dating agencies or online. At least then it’s in black and white. I’m sure there are people out there that have some of what you consider idealistic traits. Like myself, i’m sure there are women out there that have some of the traits i value. It’s just that they might have other traits that annoy you/ me ๐Ÿ˜‰ So it comes down to one question; what can you tolerate, what can you not? This is IMO, what a relationship is about, if you tolerate more than the ‘not’s’ well….he/she may be the right one.

    figure out what I want and need.

    Finally, this is what you could focus on, right now. Try to figure out what you, right now need in your life. We need money, we need a lot of things. But generally we always want more. It’s in our makeup. And over time what you want and need will change. I think what’s driving your ‘where do i go’ questions, is more the fear that you take a wrong turn and end up missing out on someone or something. Which is understandable, but truly there is no right or wrong choices in life, there are only choices. Whether one goes straight, takes a detour, rounds the bend too fast, your making progress. Some things in life are easy, paying taxes, buying food etc. But things aren’t simple with humans. We are all complicated, interesting individuals who have a story and identity. For the everyday person, we make choices everyday that are neither right or wrong, just choices. Through our choices, we learn, through learning, we grow, and through growing we make more choices and the cycle repeats. In your case, just moving in any direction is better than being still. You cannot regret something that has not happened.

    So what are you waiting for?

    If you have more to add or questions please continue to post ๐Ÿ™‚

    in reply to: career change? #98660

    Hi Sandra,

    Is there anyone with similar experiences? Or who can tell me how to best handle this?

    I have been in your circumstance before except i made the choice between a stable job in hospitality vs. going back to school. Actually it was quite a difficult choice to make, i felt that i had let myself down and let my pride ruin me. I thought “nah, i don’t want to go backwards”. But sometimes we have to take a step back to go forward. If you want to be a teacher, than that’s fine. However, i would start planning out how you would do it. I would assume you would have to go to university and start studying. Figure out how you are going to get accepted into uni, the kinds of courses available, accommodation etc. Work out the details first, before you decide to dive head first. Once you have enough info, talk to your supervisor or head, give them the details, where you are headed and what you want to do. Propose that you are willing to work part time or casually while at university (even before then, start to plant the seed about your future plans, it gives your employers some notice, if it’s out of left field, they won’t be too pleased). As you state your colleagues appreciate and respect you, so they may want to keep you under such terms. That’s what happened to me. After all, it’s not as if you hate your job or company, it’s more that you have other things to do with your life. Everyone can understand wanting to move on and further yourself professionally and personally.

    I continued to work part time and attend full time uni, until the business i was at was sold. This was my out, i didn’t want to work for these new fellows, so it was an opportunity to solely focus on my studies and get through faster. The move from customer service, the move from German, it sounds like everything is falling into place. It’s like two ships meeting in middle of the ocean, you can jump onto the other, they are that close. If you don’t, it’s not the end of the world, you just end up catching up to it in your raft ๐Ÿ˜‰ It’s no biggie, but you may find it an easier break taking this opportunity now, rather than later, or at least begin to set the wheels into motion. But once again, if you have to work in a job that you aren’t that keen on, just focus on the goal and work towards that. Save what money you can, get as much knowledge as possible on courses, maybe even buy one of the textbooks for a particular course and read that. Just prepare yourself. If you can take a course or audit one at a university, see if it’s really for you. I have seen many students go to university and leave because it wasn’t what they expected nor did they want the stress and pressure. As long as you have a motive and can justify why you are still working there, it won’t get you down as much.

    I hope this helps,

    in reply to: What's wrong with me? #98648


    Everything you are posting here is great! you are in a sense talking yourself through your current situation. We all just happen to be in the bleachers screaming and cheering like at a grand final!

    Like a relationship camel.

    This has made my day! ๐Ÿ™‚

    The difference that stands out the most to me with my ex is that he pursued me and took a little more control. I didnโ€™t always have to do the work

    Okay, i think we are getting to the end game here, you connect with men who are as invested in going places as you are. A man, not some guy or boy, but a man who knows what he wants, is confident in himself, trusts his choices. You want a man that takes action, but also cares about your feelings and what you want to do. You want a man to look after you (protect you, or at least feel like there is a hulking silver back gorilla that’s got your 6!…i mean this metaphorically of course). IMO he sounds like a ‘bloke’, you want a ‘bloke’! To me, it sounds like you actually know what you want, you know the kind of guy that can make you happy. It’s a matter of just finding him. Easier said then done, i know.

    I think things started to fall apart when he got emotional. He cried once

    You would hate me, i cried recently watching the animated movie ‘The little prince’ ๐Ÿ™‚ But seriously, i think it could also be that you have a particular idea of what a man ‘should’ be and what a man ‘shouldn’t’ be. Everyone is entitled to their perceptions and beliefs, however they still need to be somewhat realistic, otherwise your relations will always be based on an un-achievable ideal. This more than anything else will cause you sadness and depression. You just have to work on slowly changing your perceptions of the ideal, it will take time, but start to ‘soften’ your ideal. Be willing to step outside of your comfort zone in this regard. I also believe that when people are in a relationship, naturally they become more vulnerable, sometimes emotions run high as a result. If you want something more, then you may have to give a little more.

    I want everything to come easy to me, and when it doesnโ€™t I give up.

    This is a mindset, and attitude. It can be adjusted, you just have to want to do it. Since it will be challenging and difficult you may well truly give up. So then try again. And then try again and again. You may spend your entire life trying, that’s what i have done. One is not empty because they haven’t achieved what they set, one is empty because they decided they weren’t good enough to dust themselves off and try again. Each time learning from your past experiences, not mistakes, just experiences. You have to rationalize your choices: either continue down this path (which is why you wrote this post) or attempt to change. These are your choices. Until your want is as great as your need, you will continue down the same path…as a relationship camel. One of the most powerful quotes i know is that; “If you find a path with no obstacles, it probably doesn’t lead anywhere” Frank A. Clark

    (Iโ€™m a notorious โ€œI love youโ€ slut. I even say it to the mailman.)

    Then be aware next time that you should tone down the use of such a word. Love is not an easy word for people to understand, at one moment it’s an emotion, at another it’s a feeling, at another it’s an expression of one’s inner emotions. Love is not a word that should be thrown around willy nilly. It’s fine if you are joking around, but when it’s time to get serious, try not to say it because you feel that the moment demands it. Only say it, when you truly feel it. Although your feelings for another may be subconscious, your understanding of it is conscious. Don’t say it unless you mean it, unless you understand what you love about someone. Words are more powerful than most give credit to, they have the power to influence, hinder, hurt, save, manipulate or destroy someone. They are truly magical. With great power, comes great responsibility ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Once again, everything you are writing, is a form of healing, a form of inner reflection. I think, ultimately you know what you want to do, more so than myself or others. All i can say is; believe in yourself. Believe that you can change your current situation, believe that you are capable of finding love, believe that at the end of the day, it can only get better.

    I hope this was helpful, if you have any comments or questions, just keep posting ๐Ÿ˜‰

    • This reply was modified 9 years ago by Matty.
    in reply to: Running away or starting new #98644

    Hi Vidalevi,

    Iโ€™m planning to take up a new job in another city and anyways I was looking for a change since long time. This has given me that opportunity. What I would like to know is, whether this is the right way to approach it or should I work on controlling my emotions better ?

    You could go up and ask him if he is married or has a partner etc. That way you know deep down whether or not your emotions will be reciprocated. Also your title is somewhat deceiving, you are not running away, nor are you starting again. Your just moving on. Running away implies that your scared, and nothing you have written should make you afraid. You have feelings for someone that might already have a partner. I think everyone has felt that before. I know i have. It’s whether or not that you act of those impulses that can cause you or someone else pain and hardship. I think what may be holding you back from just saying ‘to hell with it, i’m off” is the ‘what if…’ questions. What if he is free? What if he is the one? what if i regret it, what if nothing changes? I think moving on, finding a new location is actually healthy. When i was working my Aunty told me to never hold any one job for more than three years, other wise you won’t grow professionally, and personally we all need change. As humans, we need to keep moving, we always want more. It’s in our nature. So i think looking for new opportunities and challenges is great.

    From what you have written you haven’t indicated any emotional stability problems. So i don’t think you need to control your emotions. You have a thing for the “Bruce Wayne’s” of the worlds….i get that, they usually have great cheek bones! ๐Ÿ˜‰ So you have a type, it’s not the end of the world. Although you can’t help who you begin to develop feelings towards, you can certainly control how much exposure you have to such individuals. Changing city, changing atmosphere, changing the scenery are great ways to progress with your life, both professionally and personally. Actually we can develop feelings for anyone, it just has to be within a certain space and time. Feel the feelings that you do, what you should keep in check is that you are not committing yourself to others if the relationship is not a mutual exchange. Before you start anything with anyone just go through a mental checklist of what you want out of the relationship. And re-evaluate as time goes on.

    Ultimately, if you are looking for love…well why not try online dating, at least you may have my options, literally at your finger tips! Obviously, love shouldn’t hurt, this is not a 80’s chart topper! If you move to another city, take you time, adjust to your surroundings, enjoy yourself and when the time is ready for you, get back on that horse!

    Best of luck,
    If you have more to add, or have more questions, please continue to post. ๐Ÿ™‚

    in reply to: What's wrong with me? #98584


    Every man Iโ€™ve ever dated has been totally blind-sighted.

    Have you ever dated a friend? It just makes me curious as to the men always being completely taken by surprise. Are these men/ women ever been close to you before? A relationship can be any length of time, how long does it take before you generally start to bore? on average. Because i wonder, when you start to get bored, could be a sign that your getting ‘too interested’ or they are getting too interested in you. They personal things you wouldn’t share with others. If this is the case, then i think it’s less about being in relationship with someone who likes chit chats and annoys you. It could simply be you don’t want to share who you are inside to others. You like a bit of mystery? I’m just trying to wrap my head around someone who is successful at catching the fish, but always releasing them back into the wild. I mean it happens, man there are so many movies about it. But this is real life ๐Ÿ™‚

    Being an only child can have certain effects on one’s life. For instance, if you were the center of attention as a child, then not much (IMO) changes over time. This makes sense, there was only one of you ๐Ÿ˜‰ But it does bring the question of your limited attention span to others. It’s like once you have received enough attention you move on. It could be symbolic of your need to be appreciated by others, but not judged. We always judge people, it’s a fact that makes most uncomfortable. But this is how we end up with friends, partners etc. By passing judgment on others we either trust them or don’t. It’s just a thought, and i think i’m way off.

    I resent having to share my life with anyone.

    Maybe it’s that you are just not ready. Maybe you still in the prime of your life and want to play around, it’s more that the relationship side accidentally becomes attached. Almost like a ‘tag along’. So it truly depends on whether you want to be in a relationship right now. Do you? You might find that the timing is not right, hence why you only want ‘crushes’ or partners for a short time. You are filling a temporary void until you move on. But eventually you will want to settle down (permanently fill that void), it’s just not now. You feel an attachment to your previous ex, as an exercise put his name in the middle of a piece of paper and write down the things that make him/ her standout from the rest. What made him more than the others? Hopefully you might be able to see a difference in your previous patterns. Finally, when in a relationship certain sacrifices and sharing occurs (although you state you haven’t had issues sharing), but material possessions is one thing, it’s different when it’s yourself (your emotions, will, beliefs, things that make you who you are). If you aren’t prepared to share part of your life with another, than what’s the point? You wouldn’t be in a relationship, it would be two people living together without really knowing each other until it becomes awkward and moving on as a result.

    But then again, and this is my second major point, you haven’t met the right one. I mean you have been with many people and in various relationships, i figure there are still a couple million people out there….you only have to find one ๐Ÿ™‚ that’s the good news! You sort of have found someone who is your ex, so maybe the next time will be better. You could just have a different procedure for finding a decent mate, that’s all.

    What do think? Again, there is nothing wrong with you…unless you’re doing a ‘species’ on everyone! ๐Ÿ˜‰ I always tell people, that ‘normal’ is socially constructed, that what we think is normal, may be only within our own community, within our own household..even our own mind. So don’t measure yourself to others who just meet one person and settle down, have kids etc. ‘Different’ is normal.


    in reply to: What's wrong with me? #98460


    I flirt with guys and then when they show interest in me, immediately I get bored. If I do happen to enter into a relationship with a man, I seem to always be looking for flaws and once Iโ€™ve zeroed in on those flaws, everything they do irritates me.

    Well this is the pattern, i guess the first thing is to understand why the pattern continues. You stated that you have always had unsatisfying relationships; did all the men have similar traits? similar personalities? do you have a particular type that you go for? Also what would MAKE you satisfied? is there anything in particular when in a relationship that made you go; “ah, i wish i had more days like this?”. The little things annoy you said. Are they insignificant (leaving the toilet seat up, messy etc.) or significant (always fighting, strong egos etc.)?.

    I will be interested for a few moments but then I will suddenly flip and decide I canโ€™t stand them or want nothing to do with them. (This also happens with girls Iโ€™ve dated, I just prefer men in general)

    Hippiechick outlined that you may enjoy the chase. A little bit like a game. I would also suggest that maybe you just like the ‘thrill’ or ‘honeymoon’ stage of the relationship. When it’s all lovey dovey happiness. You see it all the time on TV and online, celebrity found soulmate, divorce 9 days later etc. I believe people who dwell in this stage of the relationship, generally do so because they haven’t thought of where the relationship is even going. Connecting with someone on an intimate level is not a haphazard, lets give it a crack adventure. It’s work, you are creating a functioning team which influence and bounce off one another. Are you looking to be serious? are you willing to set roots down? are you willing to allow someone else into your life? It could be you (subconsciously) aren’t interested in a relationship with others, right now. Maybe you unconsciously sabotage your feelings because it isn’t the right time.

    Iโ€™m getting very anxious and depressed about this.

    When you end the relationships, how do others feel? is it mutual? is it “what…um…i don’t understand”? I guess it is ‘normal’ to feel nervous and a little depressed because its a recurring pattern. Well, it would make sense to start to re-evaluate what you do and do it differently. Instead of just flirting and letting the other partner initiate, why not you just go up and ask them if they are interested?

    Also, where is you life heading, do you have a direction. If you do that’s great. If not, then trying to find that direction should be your focus. In either case, ask yourself whether or not you need a relationship. Is it apart of your direction? I’m asking a lot of questions since you know that there is a pattern, but understanding the ‘why’ is a soul searching task. You don’t have to answer me, these questions are more for your reflection. However if you feel like continuing then please post again ๐Ÿ™‚ Look at your past and try to reflect and see what you can learn from it. Extract the information.

    Best of luck

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