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ParticipantHi Skyylar,
To me it sounds like you started off feeling defected and lonely because your friends are off doing their own thing. Your parents are also not being as supportive as you want too. As a result that support network, the community you guys had together has been broken and is no longer as supportive as it once was. Ultimately things have changed so quickly that you haven’t had time to adjust. Without your support network you feel like your truly walking alone and without any guidance or support. This has led you to worry and become anxious over things/ issues that are arising. Without your community you have, in a sense lost your identity of who you are.
Well, it’s not all bad news. Generally, as humans our identities are shaped by those around us, those we interact and share experiences with. But we often forget that we can construct our own identities and validate them ourselves. When people say they want to go back to a happier time, i’m optimistic that it can be done. However, when we think back, the circumstances were different. You can try as hard as you want to return to who you once were, but you may end up disappointed, because your attitude and opinion of yourself a year ago would of been supported by your friends and family. Personally, i would aim to make yourself a fun loving girl from this point, not try to duplicate the past. If you continue to look backwards at what was once before, you won’t see what’s coming straight at you. Possibly, because we, as humans see ourselves as members of larger communities and networks, we forget ourselves as the individual making these networks cohesive. I want you to look in the mirror and just look at yourself. What makes you happy, what makes you angry, sad, makes you laugh? What makes you important and special? What makes you…you?
Just because you are quite, doesn’t make you less able to have friends, it just makes you less vocal and visible than the rest. And i think we become friends and form bonds with people who have something we value, respect or namely don’t have. So your roomies could still be your friend, they may have just made a ‘human’ mistake and taken for granted that you aren’t affected by what they are doing.
Jane made a good suggestion; speak to your roomies. Try to understand why they are acting this way, instead of just accepting it at face value. Also, seeing a doctor doesn’t mean you will start taking pills. They can give them to you, but you don’t have to take them.
“Knowing others is wisdom, Knowing yourself is enlightenment” Lao Tzu
I hope this was helpful,
Sincerely, MattyMatty
ParticipantHowdy Darcy,
Don’t feel that you have to pressure yourself into feeling good about yourself. being happy with yourself shouldn’t be an effort, but a reflective and peaceful experience. DO you feel guilty because you identify with something/ someone that you feel is ‘wrong’ or ‘taboo’? When it comes to your own happiness, it’s your right to be selfish, it’s your life (as long as your not stepping on toes to achieve such a thing). You must be measuring your ‘guiltiness’ to something, what is it? What makes you go from feeling guilty to feeling not guilty? We feel guilty when we are doing something wrong, but the act of being happy doesn’t make you guilty. Is your happiness hurting someone else? Or is it affecting another in a negative way?
Everyday brings a new challenge, some days are harder than others, so don’t feel that you have to be great every single day.
I also am afraid that if I start feeling good I won’t have anything to focus on anymore
Well, once you complete one goal, set another one. There is nothing to stop you from focusing on something else. If anything, your new goal could be ‘to maintain this feeling’.
Hope this helped,
ParticipantHi Shirley,
My goals….I have some practical ones (outer) and some inner ones as well:
1) Give back to others; i’m in a position now where i have a bit of experience and seniority and i want to help guide others and pass knowledge onto them.
2) learn and enhance my knowledge of new/ old things
3) Read more….definitely need to read more!
4) Try to cut down on my sugar intake, stick to three meals a day
5) as a result of 4) finally be able to reunite the suit pants with the suit jacket, it’s been too long!!
6) Try to help others on tinybuddha. It seems like there’s a lot of people hurting in the world, maybe i could help some.Matty
ParticipantHi Mandy,
I would like to ask your opinion about whether I should, after a week or so, restart my friendship with him.
I watched my brother break up with his girlfriend and then become friends with benefits later on. It messed with him, mentally. He struggles to separate his original feelings for her and these new feelings. Now that he wasn’t in a relationship he felt that they were starting a new, a new chapter if you will. But they weren’t, they still had the same feelings for one another, but because they weren’t ‘in a relationship’ somehow they thought they were immune to one another, and would never fall in love again. All they were doing was continuing down the same road. When they were together like any relationship they had their ups and downs. And when you become close again after breaking up, you naturally only recall the good times, which will give you a warped perspective on the past and your relationship. I don’t care what people say, being a friend with benefits makes you as emotional invested in another as someone in a committed relationship. Maybe it will be different with you two, my brother’s first time relationship ended badly, your’s seems more amicable. As ElleTinker700 stated, making boundaries or at least making internal limitations to yourself about your friendship is a good start if you want to pursue a ‘friendship’.
I don’t want to cut off my friendship when he has told me I am the only person he feels he can call on
Is it your fault he is lonely? It seems to me that you are feeling guilty for your ex’s decisions and of course you shouldn’t be. Your not the one pushing people away, he is. Being a compassionate friend is one thing, but once again you need to define to yourself what that entails. Being in love and being friends are not binaries, although they are commonly seen as such. Now that you know you aren’t in love with him, what do you actually like about him as a friend? As a friend, what is their on offer? Generally, we form bonds with others because they are in essence mutual engagements. Are you both friends because you want to or because you feel you have to?
would it be too easy to fall back into old habits
Only you can answer this one. Based on your experiences and past, have you had habits that you broke (for whatever reason) and then went back on? Ultimately, do you trust yourself? Because you cannot erase the feelings you once had, they will always be there.
I hope this helped a little,
ParticipantHi Dreaming715,
I used to be a lot like you. I would get very annoyed at myself as to why i was incapable of finding someone, actually anyone. But you cannot control who you meet or in our case…who we don’t meet. I guess in life there is not ‘one’ person for everyone, i believe that love is truly all about timing. I don’t think destiny or fate have as much to do with it as we like to believe. I think at the end of the day some of us are just in the ‘right time’.
I’m just haunted by this fear that I’ll never get to experience what my close friends are experiencing
Same here, My mate has a girlfriend and been together a couple of months, he met her at med school. My mate is a lot like goofy, so it surprised me (although i’m truly happy for him) that he was able to meet someone. I went out for dinner with two female colleagues and their partners…and it was incredibly awkward watching two couples stroking each others hair touching each others legs. And then get the question; “why are you still single?”. But you know what, i’m still not afraid to end up alone. Personally, i don’t want to be in a relationship just for the sake that i’m feeling lonely. Simply put, i don’t need to be in a relationship just to validate that there’s nothing wrong with me. Sometimes i think we get confused by wanting to be involved with someone and wanting a relationship.
This feels like a short amount of time when you factor in 1) The time it’ll take to “love” and be content with myself 2) The time it’ll take to venture back into the dating world 3) The constant misses and incompatibilities while dating 4) Finally finding a compatible person but then not rushing things 5) Planning a wedding 6) ETC…
You got it all planned out, huh? 😉 You are much like myself. I planned that by 25 (i’m 24 now) i would have a girlfriend (steady relationship) and was living away from home, possibly renting. None of that has come true. And i got really down on myself a couple of years ago, because it was apparently my fault that i was incapable of finding love, incapable of meeting that person that would bring fulfillment. But i realized there are only so many things you can control, for instance; your current appearance, your exposure to the opposite sex and your own happiness. You however cannot control someone else’s feelings (i mean you can, but that’s just manipulation!), you cannot control where your life or experiences will take you.
Could I be 100% fulfilled and happy without another person to love and grow old together with?
I’m not having a go at you, that’s the last thing i want to do. But you’re putting a lot of stock behind some fellow bringing that much’happiness’, which isn’t right. This future fellow has a huge burden on his shoulders before you have even met him. What i mean, is that my understanding is that in a relationship the partners are a team and they bring certain feelings, emotions and experiences to the table. But they shouldn’t be expected to bring everything. Instead of looking for that ‘happiness’ in others, you have to learn to create your own. I’m not saying you should be content, but you certainly don’t have to spend your time thinking about what if’s that are out of your control. I am aware that you are a woman and as a man i will never know what it’s like to fall pregnant let only only have a short window to do so. I just feel, from experience that you’re now putting pressure on yourself to be happy. Being happy is a choice not a chore. Finding love should be a choice not a chore. And what is to say that being with someone will make you happy?
Don’t measure your happiness against ‘happy’ couples, remember the grass is always greener on the other side. I know, like myself you will always yearn for what you don’t have. But just focus on what you do have, focus on your health, career, prospects etc.
I hope this has helped, but this is not to say to give up hope. You should just be aware that life doesn’t end because you haven’t met that special someone, it should be just another chapter in you book called life.
You don’t have to go to that much trouble! I appreciate your interest in me, but you don’t have to spend that much time on me. I don’t want you to overload 🙂 I just hope when i read your overview that i’m not going to be shocked by anything 😉
1. I would say that our honesty wasn’t forced upon, we were given freedom and openness, so that’s what i mean by honesty.
a) not lying (“did you break this?”)
b) telling the truth (“This suit makes me look like a penguin right?”)
c) honest with your thoughts & being open (“Tell me what you are really thinking”)2. Sarcasm….Well our family is sarcastic a lot of the time. And then you have to understand that we are Australian so our sense of humor might be a little different. My close friends are both American’s and sometimes they thought i was offending them. But i wasn’t i just forgot about the culture differences:
a) In our responses (“Are you talking to me?” = “No i was talking to the brick wall you daft ******”)
b) Taking the piss/ the mickey out of someone (joking about someone at their expense (“Who told you that you have 20/20 vision, you couldn’t even see that you blind ******”)
c) In our tone [this is harder to give an example] (“That was a good one” [raising the intonation to sound skeptical/ not impressed)I hope this helps. I’m looking forward to our next correspondence.
ParticipantHi Lil.Lilly,
My philosophy has always been changing, but it has become quite stable in the last year or so. I’m going to list them, but i won’t be as comprehensive as you have been. Which i must say, it is very impressive how you can consciously explain your philosophies. To live a decent life:
1) Question everything, whether it be logical or illogical. I’m very curious and question a lot of understandings and knowledge. It’s not that i want concrete answers, all i want to do is understand.
2) Understand that perspective is everything. Many concepts, terms, beliefs are in fact constructed by us. Irrespective of what the original intent, it’s us that give life and meaning to such things. As such our perspective forges our understanding.
3) Believe that people’s intentions/ choices are neither good nor bad. How we go about those choices is another matter.
4) Understand that everyone has a story. Everyone you meet has a past, a story, insight and worries.
5) Understand that we may have differences, but we all breathe the same air. We all require food to live, we all seek some form of happiness and we all wish to mean something to someone. Our differences are only as big as we allow them to be.
6) Seek to understand and love oneself. You are your biggest fan.
7) Understand that nothing is ever stable but that unstable/ in flux is the norm. Nothing stays the same forever. Embrace and accept that change doesn’t mean difference but that change can mean improvement..
8) Go with your heart. My heart may make illogical choices from time to time, but i can never fault myself for not finding a solution.Matty
Yeah sure if you want to review the entire thread to give some possible explanations, i won’t stop you. Thank you for your understanding on the previous question too.
Thanks for listening and being interested in not only the thread buy my life in general. Your kind words mean a lot to me as our continually correspondence has as well.
From his point of view:
I guess there a many experiences, however it won’t translate through my words properly. It is mainly in his voice, and his choice of words and actions. Because his behavior is just normal to us, most of the time i just ignore him and go to my room. Nowadays we can go weeks without seeing him, so my memories are being squashed into one. Plus there is a lot of back story in order to understand why what happened occurred.Honestly, it’s not that i can’t answer your question, but that i, in essence don’t know how to. It’s difficult to describe the feeling someone gives you. My brother is no exception, because he doesn’t speak his mind and bottles his emotions a lot of the time we have to read between the lines. And if you fail at that, well he get’s annoyed at you, condescending or obnoxious sometimes all of the at once and all you hear is curse words at 100 decibels. The times i have tried to be brotherly and speak to him while he had a level head ended badly because he doesn’t want or need your advice. And he dislikes it when people try to help him. Plus the more i speak of my brother the more my mood changes. It’s not as if i hate him, i do love him, but the problem is it’s not reciprocal and i doubt it ever will be. It gets me down. I also dislike the fact that i also (in a paradoxical way) separate him from the family. By speaking about him like this i feel, in reflection that i’m also excluding him from the family, like he isn’t really related to me.
I don’t mind you asking questions Anita,you can ask anything, but sometimes i just don’t know HOW to answer them.
Regarding the “incredible shy” – how was the ex girlfriend shy? How did her shyness express itself?
For instance, if she was sitting at the table, she would sit there as if a scolded child. Or trying to make herself seem smaller, hunched shoulders, head down all the time. She would just look down at her feet. Mum always tried talking to her, bringing up all subjects from university to the weather, she tried harder than all of us. It’s hard to find something to talk about when she seemingly didn’t say anything. My brother was not good at bridging our family and his GF together; this for example “Oh did you guys know that XXXX is into the guitar” never happened. When his ex-gf would come into the house, she never said hello to anyone, she would just walk straight into my brothers room. Right in front of everyone. If she wanted something, she would ask my brother for it. I used to have a stack of comics books and my brother came into my room and asked whether i had any recommendations for his GF….she was sitting across the hall! And yet she told my brother that we all hated her! I think at various points we tried. I think if anything we were just indifferent to her.
Was or is your mother controlling? Showing no emotion? Did she berate your brother, or you… or your dad as well
In my mind my mother isn’t controlling and never has been. Although i could just be bias. Heck i think i have incredible amounts of freedom. Mum is very emotional woman too. My father side of the family struggle with emotions. Which is where my brother gets it. Although me and dad have similar values and morals, my brother is physically a spiting image of dad and thinks like he does. I’m more like mum in regards to how i think. Mum wears her heart on her sleeve. Mum has never berated me or anyone.
“As a younger version”, i don’t mean physically or mentally like my mother, but my brothers ex treated him like he was a child. That’s what i mean. Mum noticed this first, she was depressed about it, because she felt as if she had done a bad job raising my brother and as such needed a new mother in his life. This is always a moot point that my mother struggles with daily. My mum has had to deal with a lot, during this time, my father wasn’t in the best health (he an be quite pessimistic at times), mum’s dad (granddad) had terminal cancer and was staying with us until…well until the inevitable came. My brother was doing all this with his ex-gf and mum was concerned about me and my future. Whether i would go to uni, meet a girl etc. Things only parents worry about. It got mum down a lot. She developed anxiety and depression, shortly after and had to take pills that messed with her head. She is a lot better, mentally, nowadays, and doesn’t need the pills. Although she has other issues of diverticulitis (bowel and intestine problems) she is fine. She has just accepted everything as it is. That’s all she could do. She couldn’t and still doesn’t understand how she could raise two children the same way and end up with completely different results. I always tell her its not her fault, my brother decided to go his own course for whatever reason. I will never understand why we are different, i can remember as kids that we always hung out, even in school. it was as if somewhere along the line something changed him, like he became a drastically different person.
This reply was modified 9 years ago by
Your brother, is he older? How did your mother react to his years of rebellion?
No, he is younger. He is 22 this year. Three years difference. He works in television and is extremely successful. He rents a house out about 20 mins away from us. My mother and the rest of us are still just ‘reacting’ to my brother. He has issues, serious ones. We suspected ages ago that he might be bipolar. Especially considering there is a family history of it on the my fathers side. My brother depressed us all at one point or another. One week he would be ‘how you been man? hows work?” other times he would just swear at you and in the end i would have to ask him to leave. I never had trouble with him until i graduated school (we were in the same homeroom, always walking past each other), then he just became…. well an arse. And that’s a nice way of putting it.
He didn’t really respect any of us. He would make you feel like nothing. He was always right. He is the type of person who knows everything but truly understands nor values nothing. He would always comment how everyone else was always more fun, nicer people than we were. In fact a couple of weeks ago he stated he had met some girls parents and they were the nicest people he had ever met. Mum’s used to it now, but i hate it. My brother isn’t and emotional person. As a kid he never cried, i remember watching the Lion King for the first time, i never stopped crying. My brother never did.
What scares me the most is that i know one day he will regret his behavior. But i fear by then, it will be too late to talk to anyone. At times i felt he manipulated my emotions. I had to learn to calm myself and learn to walk away. Because of his job, it’s quite stressful. So whenever he comes home it’s just negativity and attitude. I guess he is just taking it out on us.
He is especially condescending to mum. Which is just wrong, since she has always been the one to extend the olive branch. When my brother ended up with a girlfriend, he was only 18, she was 17. We were all concerned that he was too young, not to be in a relationship, but to move in with each other. It was like they were pretending to play ‘house’. I met her a couple of times, and she was incredibly shy, controlling and showed no emotion. And since my brother struggled with emotions, it just didn’t seem like a fit. I have always been led to believe, with mum and dad as examples, that opposites attract. Seriously, i started to get concerned that he had just replaced mum with a younger version. One time, at the dinner table, she was berating him in front of us for eating too much bread.If my brother wasn’t messed up before, he was now. He made my mum apologize to her because mum had apparently been ‘too sarcastic’ in her own house! It was about how she was asking her about her future and where my brother would fit into it. She felt that we all hated her and insisted on coming over more regularly so that we would like her. But she would never speak to us, just go straight into his room. He tried to make me apologize as well once. I refused to. After meeting her a couple of times, (she never said anything to me, we honestly had nothing in common, and my brother was a bridge builder himself) i remarked to him that she had as much personality as a brick wall. Obviously i shouldn’t of said this to him. But it was the truth, i tried to engage her, but she wasn’t interested.
Anyway the relationship didn’t last. He didn’t love her, he told us that. He liked the physical side of the relationship more. And so did she. Actually, to me it sounded as if they were trying for two years to make sex a relationship builder. I think this has scared my brother quite a bit. During the aftermath he told us a lot of details, mainly related to emotional abuse. My brother has been in some relationships now, but he is emotional scared. He accepts that he has issues that he should deal with, but he won’t open up to us, and has no interest in seeking help. I think he feels just accepting he has things to work out, is enough for him, instead of perhaps taking action.
The fact i have written so much about my brother is probably not a good sign of our relationship. But i truly believe he can do anything he wants. Even through the bad times, i still love him, he is my blood. I will still be here to support him whenever he needs it. Even if it hurts. I wish i could say he would do the same, but he won’t.
I wonder if this is why your face looks so serious? Because being funny and telling jokes or however you tried to make them laugh was annoying to them, was frowned by them? Maybe this is why you took on the serious look, so to be a dutiful son?
I don’t think this is the reason. My parents were more “why does everything have to be funny, your doing my head in”. This was their common reaction. They weren’t against me being funny, more that i just wasn’t good at making jokes. Apparently now i’m a natural! 🙂 I knew i was annoying them. I don’t think i ended up becoming serious because of this. I remember talking to mum about my connection issues with others back when i was in school. And her response was that i tended to be way more mature for my age, then other teenagers. So maybe it’s not so much that i’m serious, but other people perceive my maturity as a sign of seriousness.
Maybe i have one of those faces. You know, some people ‘can’t be taken seriously’ because of their attitude or the way they dress. I could simply be the opposite, ‘i’m taken too seriously’?? Anita, you described me on point before. It could be simply people’s perceptions. Either way, it no longer matters to me whether i think i’m serious or others do. I know i have people that care and understand me as I am. That’s my than enough. If i asked for more, it would be just selfish, IMO.
ParticipantHi Daniel C,
I understand you have GAD, have you considered seeing your school counselor? After all, they are more than likely going to be the authority of career paths and college. Anita is right,
you can reduce your own anxiety by gaining insight into yourself
Because your still growing, it may seem like you are against the world, but honestly, your just fighting yourself. You feel that you should be getting better grades, or impressing your family. Try impressing yourself first. Don’t think about the little details of college and grades. I know this is easier said then done. There is always more than one way to skin a cat. I failed to get into university…twice. I tried sitting the final exams again, but actually, my result was way worst. I thought that was it for me. But i found a back door. At the time i was working, and the back door had a fee, but once i paid it and completed two courses successfully, i could enter university as a ‘student’. Even if you don’t succeed the first time, just try again. Each time you will become wiser. This is what life is all about! If we aren’t challenged then we will never truly know how powerful we are.
Your wrote some things about your parents. And i understand that you feel like they aren’t being the most supportive at the moment. However they could be just looking out for you. I will be the devils advocate for a second; maybe your mother is just worried and this is her way of motivating you? It could be she wants only the best for you, but unfortunately it is coming across as more pressure. Maybe your father doesn’t want you to get disappointed if you don’t end up in your choosen degree, maybe he wants to lower your expectations so it doesn’t hurt as much? I could be completely wrong.
I guess this is what I get for choosing to go to a challenging private school.
To me, it sounds like you have accepted the challenge 😉 Actually this is very interesting to me, you chose to go somewhere where you would be challenged, somewhere where you would engage with the best, right? Give yourself some credit and a pat yourself on the back for making it this far. This says alot about your character. I want you to reflect on where you have been, where you life has taken you in this short time. Although it seems your up a creek without a paddle, it only seems that way because you are struggling to get past ALL the hurdles at once. Your grades, your parents, college and your degree. Take it one step at a time, the sum of all these parts are not greater than you.
“It doesn’t matter how slowly you go, as long as you don’t stop” Confucius
I hope this helped or gave you some suggestions, Good Luck
ParticipantHi Anita,
Thanks for getting back. There are three people in my life that i call friend, i would say they are in my inner circle. I truly care about them, even if we only talk once a month or so, they know who i am. They understand me and they see me the way i always wanted to be seen as. Maybe that’s my criteria, maybe i trust someone when they’re on the same page as me? I’m not quite sure. I guess it’s just a feeling, someone you feel completely comfortable around.
don’t seem to have much of a need for a romantic partner
As i have said to my parents, i would never say never, in fact i am interested in dating and meeting girls. It’s just not exactly a priority in my life at the moment. I still feel that i’m trying to figure who i am. I mean, how can i embrace another, if i’m still learning to embrace myself? If i meet a girl i like, than anything is possible. I would say though, i’m not the kind of guy that will date anyone for the sake of dating. And i don’t think i’m waiting for the ‘right’ one. I guess i haven’t met any women that i has sparked my interests. I’m attracted to a great range of women, so it could be the environment i’m surrounded by. I’m afterall in quite a young environment, maybe i will meet someone when i go traveling or study abroad? I don’t know, it’s kind of exciting not knowing, in a way.
had a … rebellious time in your life, teenage years maybe, where you challenged who your parents were?
Never. 🙂 I think the closest i ever got to annoying my parents was when i though everything was a joke. When I was 15-16 i was trying to be a comedian (figuratively) and always try to make them laugh. Apart from that, i never rebelled. My mother grew up in a small farming town. She was THE rebel, especially considering the stories her father used to tell me, along with her siblings. So if i ever rebelled, i’m pretty sure it was nothing compared to Mum’s. She would smoke, go out and stay out for a weekend drinking. If i ever did rebel, she probably would of thought it funny 😉 There was a time (final years of school) that i had teenage angst, angry at the world, society and the government. But after high school i realized i was truly just angry at myself, i felt that my shortcomings were greater than my strengths, which was false. I have mentioned that i was different, right 😉 Even though i was doing a trade while i attended school, i was focused solely on my education and work. I guess it never occurred to me to rebel against anyone. When my brother came of age, he rebelled, and it was a tough 5-6 years. When i saw him do that or go through that period in his life, i don’t know, i guess i was happy i never went through that stage of my life.
I have always respected my parents and loved them unconditionally. My parents provided my brother and I with a lot of freedom, we could say what we wanted in the house, we were to be honest at all times. Because of this, i respect my parents. As a parent, i assume you never truly know what you do right now and how it will impact your child in the future. I do bump heads with my father quite a lot, i think it’s more to do with that we are similar but have different approaches to the same problem (i.e cooking dinner 🙂 But as i have gotten older, i have grown to understand my father more and more.Please understand, Matty, I do not argue with content.
No problem, i am very open. You can ask me anything you want, that’s not a problem. No one has ever asked me questions like you are, it’s a liberating feeling.
I will wait for our next correspondence,
Have a good one Anita 🙂Matty
ParticipantGood evening James,
I often hear people saying that if a relationship is such hard work then it’s not meant to be.
I have no knowledge of relationships, but this is what family have told me; a relationship is like a team, it should be work, work that you enjoy, a collaborative effort where the members are aware of each others strengths and weakness. But it should not be ‘hard work’.
You mention a couple of times about your gut feeling and how your unsure of your current partners interests and motivations. The problem with going against your gut, is that it tends to linger and cause issues later down the track. Irrespective of whether the decision is the ‘right’ one or the ‘right one right now’, you can never falter yourself for following your instincts. As a result, because you are struggling with this issue, this is causing the anxiety, the ‘what if’ question; will it get better? No one knows if things will get better, of course there is always hope, and hope is not a problem, it’s crazy, unfounded hope that’s the problem. I think this is what your experiencing. Aragon had faith and hope that Frodo would cast the ring into Mordor, but that was because he believed, trusted and respected him. You currently have no basis or evidence to support the claim, in the future she ‘might’ be an amazing partner:
At the moment when i’m not with her I worry that she will entertain guys flirting with her, even if she won’t cheat again.
Trust and respect. With trust comes judgement, we judge people all the time, and until we feel they are worthy, it is only then we give them our respect. Ask yourself, right now, do you trust your partner? Do you respect your partner? From the way your writing, it seems you don’t even trust her right now.
She has a lot to give and once she gets over her issues I think she will be an amazing partner. The problem is right now I am not emotionally fulfilled.
This says everything to me. Once again, i have no relationship to speak off, however i see romantic love and friendship only slightly different from one another. You say “I think she will be an amazing….” and yet at the same time say “…not emotional fulfilled”. Please don’t feel i’m having a go at you. I’m just trying to get to the root cause here. If i wanted to talk my friend up in front of people, i wouldn’t be saying ‘i think she is awesome”, no ‘she is awesome, she inspires me everyday’. Because i believe in her. Otherwise, why would i even be standing in front of a bunch of people. As long as there is air in my lungs, i would defend my friends. Would you defend her? i don’t mean in a fight or anything…i mean in front of others, if someone had a go at your partner in front of you, what would you say?)
history of codependent relationships. I can’t hold a job and tend to ‘latch’ on to partners.
To me, this is your root cause of all your issues. It is one thing to be dependent on others, it is another to be so dependent that you lose sight of who you are and what you want to do. Your partner has talked you into not breaking up once, your unwillingness to be alone is causing you to be anxious, since your gut is telling you to do the opposite. And because, i believe you fear being lonely, your choosing to stay with your partner for now. IMO Being alone is completely different to being lonely. But even then, we are never truly alone, there are people everywhere, so by definition you cannot ever be alone, even on the walking dead, you would still be surrounded by zombies. And loneliness, well this is simply a matter of perspective.
Personally, the decision is in your hands, never forget that, you have the power to make a choice. I would suggest taking time to be away from your partner for a little bit of time, maybe a couple of days. Without influence or malice reflect on who you are now, Figure out whether you want happiness and the joy of another in your life or just to be happy with yourself. Sometimes we forget that we too can validate our own happiness. Finally, figure out if your willing to hope that things will get better.
I hope this helps, once again, i have no experience in being in a relationship, so this might all we worthless advice. But i believe that looking in from the outside is no different to being inside, it’s all a matter of perception and perspective.
Good Luck, Matty
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