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By that point, I was really fed up with him always cancelling which he knew so yeah I’m sure it came off as accusatory and at the time, I was upset as well. It wasn’t that he got upset that bothered me, it was the way he would show his anger that was a problem because that wasn’t the first time he has reacted that way.
We had completely opposite schedules. I has class during the day and by the time I was done, he had work until around 10pm. The only time we could hang out was after he got off of work but whenever he was supposed to come see me, he always had a reason as to why he couldn’t come. We would go weeks without seeing each other even though we only lived about 45 minutes from each other. We both had weekends off but he never really made plans with me on the weekends even when he said he would.
By talking this through with you (the break up and relationship), I feel like I’m starting to see that realistically it was never going to work. I think that maybe we brought out the worst in each other shown by the constant fighting, jealousy, and insecurities on both sides. He always seemed to have a problem with our age difference and I think that maybe he didn’t want to make it official because he was worried of what his friends and family might think about him dating someone who is only 19 and in college. Distance also always played a large role and was the center of most of our arguments. Towards the end, he would make comments like “the distance is just really hard”, “we don’t make time to see each other”, “the distance makes it hard” in regards to him being able to trust me.
I guess I’m just struggling to accept this because I really cared about him. As much as I believe that he deserves someone that he can have a real future with, it hurts me to think about him being happier with someone else. It was the first time I had felt so attached and had such strong feeling for someone. Even though we weren’t good for each other and there were many problems, the thought of him made me happy and it really hurts me to see him live with out me. This has all just been hard to process.
ParticipantWell during valentines day I asked him if we were going to do anything and he asked if we could do it another day because he hates celebrating valentines day and I told him that was fine as long as he actually planned something and went through with it (he had a problem of cancelling our plans). Well he got really angry and went off on me telling me that I was making him feel sh*tty after he had a great training session and that I dont f*cking understand and that I should go find some other f*cking dude and that he was f*cking done. There were many more f*cks said in the messages. He also said not to even bother responding because he was f*cking done. I still responded and he didnt reply. I think texted him the next day trying to fix it as usual but he did not respond again. We didnt speak after that and then 3 days later, he responded to something I posted on my snapchat story as if nothing happened. No apology, nothing. That was one of the times we ended because I told him I couldn’t do it anymore then ended up getting back together a week later because I missed him and I just felt really attached to him.
I tried to walk away many times, hence the on and off part of the relationship. It was mostly me who ended it. I just really felt like I loved him and I still feel that way which is making it hard to move on. I never told him I loved him and sometimes I wish I did because I really think that people shouldn’t be scared to say things like that but I was. I was scared he would hurt me and he did.
I wish there were a way I could get answers because these questions just cycle through my head over and over everyday constantly. But I also know it would probably just hurt me more to reach out to him.
It was just the way that he would speak to me sometimes. He was cold and rude and hurtful when he wanted to be. He was a self-proclaimed asshole. All my friends and mother would say that the things he said to me sometimes were awful but because I was so into him, I ignored it.
I think I should’ve stuck my ground more. Whenever I would bring up a problem I was having with out relationship, he would either explain it away and make me feel like I was being silly for bringing it up even though it was a valid concern. Or he would get really angry and shut down which made me feel shitty and would usually lead to me reaching out and apologizing even when I had nothing to apologize for. I think I would have walked away sooner if I could go back. I think that part of me liked the drama in some weird twisted way. I don’t know. I don’t know why I stuck around for so long.
I’m a little confused why he would continue a relationship with me if my lifestyle bothered him so much. I feel like he should’ve walked away sooner instead continuing a relationship with he that he saw no future in. I think I’m just confused because he told his friends about me and spoke about me often from what he told me but never wanted to make it official. Then he meets a girl and is completely willing to be in a relationship with her so quickly but strung me along for 7 months. It feels like I was a cushion until he found someone that he actually saw a future with. Its confusing because just a couple weeks before he was telling me that he has a big heart for me, loved me, and was so lucky to have me. I understand that it was maybe my lifestyle that was preventing him from making it official but if he told his friends about me, why was it such a jump to just put a label on it. Maybe he was embarrassed about the age thing? But then it goes back to, why even pursue anything with me if age was such a problem.
Well the reason I had suspicions was because while we were still talking, there was a picture posted and he was out with her at one of her friends birthday lunches. I didn’t give it much thought at the time but found it odd after. But you’re right, I just have my suspicions.
Yeah she knows everything. I think she’s a little done hearing me talk about it, as are all my friends and probably you haha. It just helps me process things to talk about them until I can’t anymore. She thinks he’s an asshole but she’s my mother so of course she does. She’s always told me that I forgave him too easily when we were together and should’ve stuck up for myself more.
ParticipantTo clarify, by cheating I mean that I think he began talking to and seeing his current girlfriend before he and I ended.
Yes, this makes sense. Just a little hard to accept but I suppose more break ups are. I have suspicions that he cheated on me, and it makes me wonder why he would do that when he was so worried I would do it to him. Seems a bit unfair that he expected me not to cheat on him (which i never would) but then goes to cheat on me.
No, i met him in 2017. I turned 19 a month after meeting him. I wouldn’t necessarily call myself mature. I have things I need to work on as well. But I would say I tried to talk things out with him which was met with silence or more snarky responses most of the time.
Actually this was over a span of 7 months. Im currently 19, we met when I was 18. When I say immature, I mean the way he would handle complications with us. Instead of working it out, he would go completely silent and wait for me to text him or reach out to them. He would often blow up on me when he was stressed and would then go on to ignore me for days after. One time, I was at a friends house until 4am and texted him when i got home because he wanted me to communicate more and he got very angry at me for getting home so late and we argued about it for 3 days. He would do things that would make me angry, just to get a reaction like deleting my comments on his pictures when he got upset with me. It was hard to bring up more serious topics with him because I didn’t know how he would react or he would just ignore what I was trying to ask him. The list of things are endless. He was very hot and cold. One second he was telling me that I was perfect and too good for him and the next we was upset over something I said or did. There were obviously things I would’ve done better as well. He wasn’t all bad but definitely had some toxic qualities. Sometimes I think that maybe I just made him insecure by being younger, in college, and in his eyes “out of his league” and it brought out the worst in him. I don’t know. Seems like the most toxic relationships are the hardest to move on from sometimes.
As for my parents, I don’t feel like i’ve ever been worried that I would be rejected by my mother but what you wrote makes a lot of sense too. Maybe because I don’t like many of the qualities my father posesses that I also have, I feel like someone else wont like that about me either which makes me feel inadequate, rejectable, and easily dismissed.
They are both very emotional people. Very petty when things don’t go their way or they feel any sense of rejection. Jealous. Big egos but also insecure. Very, very sensitive. Can be very charming. Immature and childish.
ParticipantAlso, thank you so much for listening to me vent and complain about a guy and giving me advice. I genuinely appreciate you taking time out of your day to write back to me.
ParticipantI never really had a problem with the age difference. It was mostly a problem with him. He would always make comments about me being younger than him and how I’m a ‘kid’. He once made a comment that he thought his friends would think it was weird that I was 7 years younger than him but he said that they didn’t mind when he told them. Once while we were talking, he said that I should experience college and grow them come back to him. He was just always really insecure about the age difference.
ParticipantI don’t know everything that has gone on between my parents as they don’t really speak to me about it. From things my mother has said, I think she regrets marrying someone much older than her (12 year age difference). He doesn’t have the same energy level as her and has a tendency to complain about doing anything and would rather just stay home on his computer. She has said somethings that make me believe that she has fallen out of love with him. When we talk about guys, she always says to not marry someone older and someone who has a jealous personality so I think she resents these qualities in my father. She doesn’t seem interested in doing anything with him anymore and would rather spend time on her own or with me. I don’t think they really talk much. My father is the kind of person that talks at you rather than to you which causes her to just stay quiet. This is also a reason why me and him don’t get along. I can’t stand when hes rude to me or my mother so I call him out on it. He has a big ego and gets offended easily which leads to many arguments as well.
Its weird because I always told myself I would never date anyone like my father but the more I think about his personality, the more I realize how similar he is to my ex.
yeah thats true. I think it also just hurt seeing his friends comment things like ‘he looks happier than I’ve seen him in a long time’. It makes me think about what she might have that I don’t which goes back to me feeling inadequate.
I tried to move on and I was seeing someone briefly but still couldn’t move past my feelings about the end of my last relationship.
Yes, I think that he is jealous that I am closer to my mother than him. He is also jealous that my mother is closer to me than she is to him. I don’t think my mother feels close to him or really feels in love with him anymore. He would probably like it if I spoke to him more but I don’t really enjoy speaking to him and often run out of things to say.
ParticipantMy mom and I are actually very close. We are probably closer than most mothers and daughters. I tell my mom literally everything about my life. My father and i often argue. I typically avoid speaking to him because it just leads to arguments. He is a very jealous person and my mom has mentioned that he sometimes feels jealous of mine and hers relationship since we are very close. Perhaps I gravitate toward men like my father? I don’t know. There are some similarities between my ‘ex’ and my father.
On another note.. I looked at my ‘exes’ social media tonight. I knew I shouldn’t have but I did anyways and of course, I just feel hurt. I want answers that I know I’ll never get. He just looks so happy with her and I don’t know how to accept that. I know this ties into my feelings of feeling inadequate and I know I need to overcome that somehow. Even while we were talking, I knew that it would never work in the long run so I know it is unfair to completely blame him for ‘leading’ me on but I think I just feel rejected which is making this all harder. I want to move on and feel better. Its been two months and hes obviously moved on, why can’t I?
Yes, he withdrew. Instead of eating dinner with us, he would play games on his computer or watch movies on his own. It became harder and harder to connect with him. My mother says that we’re so similar that we just clash and I can see that being true. My mom also took over raising me. She was the one I would go to for anything; to ask for permission to do anything, for advice, etc. He just seemed more interested in being on his computer than spending time with us. When we would speak, it would just turn into an argument. He is very sensitive and has a temper so he was hard to talk to about anything. I feel like even today I kind of resent him for that. He complains that I never really speak to him but I feel like thats his fault, not mine. He wasn’t really there for me growing up and now I feel like theres no connection between us so I don’t really know what to talk to him about.