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  • #444454

    Dear Mollie

    I am sorry that you feel so many areas of your life are unfulfilling & in flux, making it hard to find vibrancy & positivity.
    Can you identify anywhere else in the world that has a warmer & sunnier climate that you could pursue your career? I must admit that i too am effected by grey cold windy wet weather. On the rare bright days in winter months I make sure to charge up by facing the sun even if it is just a few minutes. My son does temping in his chosen career which enables him to only be in workplaces that he enjoys & have time off to fulfil a good work life balance.
    Congratulations on caring about your relationship with your parents & having concern how your negativity is effect them. Not that you should shelter them completely from this frustrating period in your life, more that make the effort to be aware of the small joys in your life & share those with them. ie I went for a walk today & noticed how beautiful the cherry blossom is.
    Oh yeah having expectations dashed is a real bummer. Sometimes life is easier when we decided to give ourselves a break & put aside expectations, that way chance encounters & new avenues have the potential to appear.
    Hope you have a good weekend.
    kind regards


    Dear Omyk

    Thank you for your kind words.
    I too had moments where I yearned to be in a relationship – looking at in depth- what I need is support & companionship. Like you the majority of the time I am happy & content.
    I now realize that I am not good at sustaining a longterm romantic relationships. So is that fair on me & the other person to indulge in running away from my short term discomfort? As the years of celibacy roll on those moments of yearning decrease in their frequency & intensity leaving more space for universal compassion & love to grow.
    Wishing you a happy & contented week


    Dear Omyk

    My first husband died in a motor bike accident at the age of 23 leaving me with an 18 month old baby & then my ex died when his boat sunk at the age of 36 leaving me to bring up our 10 year old so I get that feeling of urgency & yet my father is 94 & still with me, so on the flip side I could have another 30 years. I guess the trick is to live each day the best we can, showing love & compassion to those around us, looking after our inner life & doing enough each day so that we can feel contentment at bedtime.
    I wish you all the best in your ministry & hope your congregation appreciate & support you.
    Kind regards


    Dear amber

    Many people are turning to innerchild meditations to help overcome the issues around unmet emotional needs from their childhood.
    Are there any particular changes that trigger the feeling of discomfort? Being curious about loneliness noting when, how often & its duration can help us see it as something that arises & disappears. Sometimes in our desperation & impatience with this feeling can lead to us being unskillful ie binge eating, alcohol drugs & casual sex.
    There are many buddhist teachings on impermanence on you tube.
    best wishes


    Dear Kris

    I am sorry that things did not work out for you in the way you had hoped.
    I know that “friends with benefits ” is trendy – as is hook ups which is the modern equivalent of one night stands for my younger years.
    I agree with Anita’s advice about how to find & make friends in your area. If you are also wishing to fulfill your sexual desires, then a vibrator wont stand you up & also there is no chance of getting an STI.
    I hope that you find a worthwhile relationships both inside & out of the bedroom. Honor & respect your needs in a way that does not cause you harm. Many of us have been thru this dilemma – forty years on I still cringe or laugh at some of my escapades.
    kind regards


    Dear Alessa
    Thank you for posting this prayer. Om tare tutare ture soha.


    Dear Omyk
    A life of celibacy when it is ones own choice is a helpful container/bridge for our spiritual & worldly life. A life of celibacy that is imposed by an external party is a heavy & constricting burden.
    We can have a fulfilling & supportive relationships without the romance & physical intimacies. Friends can be inspiring, fun, challenging & much much more. Each one bringing moments of connection & love, that beautiful poem of Anita’s is a wonderful illustration of this.
    I wish you all the best with simplifying your life & may it bring you peace & restore your vitality.
    Kind regards


    Dear Ariel1276
    I am sorry that things have not improved with your interfamily relationships.
    “I feel like throwing my hands in the air and just say to hell with trying.” – Mentally run thru this in two ways 1) All guns blazing vomiting out all the anger & hurt. 2) in a gentle wise compassionate way ( it is okay to feel sad) . Then see how these different ways make you feel emotionally, physically & mentally.
    Life is too short & unpredictable to hold grudges, death is just a breath away. Live each moment with as much peace, joy, dignity & compassion & gratitude. We only have control over our own motives, decisions & behaviour.
    Kind regards


    Dear Gage
    You & your friend/girlfriend have traveled a long way down the healing path
    She has managed to give up the narcotics & alcohol.
    From the many people I have spoken with over the years the drug & alcohol abuse has been a side effect to deeper core issues.
    In this case her insecurity/paranoia around other women (not an uncommon theme).
    In my early 30’s I was a waitress in a small community I always gave the woman attention & compliments and took minimal notice of their partner, so as not to rouse any jealousy.
    I have also been on the flip side when I was visiting my partner who was a lay person at a monastery. He introduced me to another visiting woman with just my name. She made it very clear that she wanted him & thought that I was in the way so after about 20 mins I got up dropped a kiss on his head( the equivalent to scent marking my territory ha ha !) & walked away. When he & I met up later I had to explain his faux par in not introducing me as his partner as she still thought he was single & up for grabs! we settled on the term ‘best beloved’. Although he & I discontinued the romance some years later we are still firm & supportive friends a decade on.
    I hope that both your therapist will give you pointers in how to start healing this particular sore area.
    kind regards


    Dear Kinga

    I am sorry that you have not found your ‘complete package’. In your mind what is the difference between pausing & giving up completely on having a fulfilling relationship? Do you feel that your biological clock is ticking?
    Maybe 2025 should be dedicated to your personal healing & growth and take the pressure off on searching for a relationship.
    It is possible to feel happy, content, vibrant & whole without a significant other in our lives.
    Happy New Year


    Dear Agathe

    So the honeymoon period has worn off. Love is more than the heady excitement of the initial period.
    Grasping & attachment bring suffering & so does aversion.
    Stress releases chemicals into your body & brain and these effects can last longer than one thinks, so although the source of your stress has departed, the side effects have not.

    So what good qualities does your boyfriend have? Remembering them & having gratitude will help refresh your heart.
    Thinking and implementing doing something nice for him without worrying about the outcome.
    I am sure the rest of the group will come up with something.
    Kind regards


    Hi Adrainne
    Many people find the pressure and expectations of a modern Christmas hard to take and for you memories of past festive occasions add to this burden.
    My boss would have egg sandwiches down by the sea on the 25th.
    My favourite thing to do was go on retreat at a Buddhist monastery and when my family commitments are no more I will return to that ritual.
    I wish you a peaceful winter break.


    Dear Robi

    What if you are chasing after a fictional happiness? Some of what you have here & now has that potential to be your happiness, your girlfriend, a job that does not involve a stupidly long commute giving you time & flexibility to do the things that nourish your body & mind. If you are always chasing that elusive “what if something, some one, some place is better” happiness & contentment in the here & now will allude you. Moments of small hapinesses do add up to make the whole.

    kind regards




    Dear overpoint

    Congratulations in the progress you have made with your healing.

    I have 3 suggestions to try

    Earthing/grounding  stand barefoot and or put your hands in earth for at least 15 mins you can imagine that the excess energy is flowing into the earth below you.

    Tai Chi  again imagine the energy leaving thru your hands

    if it is windy you can sit or stand and imagine the wind blowing thru you and taking the energy with it.

    Wishing you all the best



    Dear Halle

    I am so sorry that you do not have a loving & supportive family(even when you have suffered from a miscarriage) & that their years of unappreciation has taken such a toll.

    At least you have friends & when new people meet you they recognize the good that is within you and that is a good starting point from which you can grow towards a happy & fulfilling life. I hope you find  safe & supportive place & people to help you thru your separation & beyond.

    Kind regards


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