Forum Replies Created
November 13, 2024 at 8:31 am in reply to: I am having guilt-related familial issues with a guy I’m about to date #439326
ParticipantHi Lulu
Whether you stay with your boyfriend or not is up to you. I guess you are now taking stock of the way you communicate. Things said out loud or written as obvious but there is also the tone & content of internal dialogue. Most people especially when we are young are not actively circumspect about what they say. Think Say Do is how we operate a lot of the time, this chain reaction can happen in seconds. ie tummy rumbles Think I am Hungry, Say internally I fancy a sandwich, Do make & eat the sandwich.
If we are glib about hurting ourselves & others it can slowly erode our ability to be kind & compassionate to ourselves & others. Words do have power.
ParticipantDear Louise
I am sorry that your mum passed unexpectedly. You have had a lot on your plate dealing with her estate and your yearning for freedom from a relationship that was not fulfilling you and now you are feeling adrift.
There is not a lot of point discussing should have, would have as this will only pile on the misery. When you notice one of these disturbing thought/feeling arise gently tap your heart & say it is okay & it will be okay. This way you are not suppressing or ignore those feeling, your acknowledging them but not adding to them. The other technique to bring you back to the present is the 54321 technique Name 5 things you can see 4 things you can hear 3 things you can smell 2 things you can feel the touch of 1 the taste in your mouth.
If you want to continue with your travels checkout the workaway site where you exchange food & accommodation for about 25 hours work. This will give you built in companionship and save you money and have new experiences.
ParticipantDear Arie
Would you prefer your son to conform to your expectations and live a miserable unfulfilled life or for him to be a happy loving human being? Your son did a very brave thing coming out to his family about his preferences. We fall in love with the person not their gender.
ParticipantDear Jana
Ideally we all would be able to lhelp everyone with thier lives. You set good boundaries with the older lady, some seeds of kindness take longer to germinate than others (it can even take lifetimes) There are teachings about gift giving, you gave her the gift of your companionship, what she chooses to do with it is up to her. When we give any gift we relinquish ownership of it otherwise it is not truly a gift. Likewise when some one is angry with us, we have the choice whether to accept their unpleasant gift.
You certainly cant go wrong with any of Thich Nat Hans teachings. He was a deeply wise & compassionate person.
As for the Diamond Way as I understand it when the 16th Karmarpa passed 2 people were “found” as the 17th Karmarpa this led to a spilt in the lineage. Though both were ordained one has since disrobed and married. My friend follows one and I follow the other, the way we choose to see it in our limited simple way that keeps the harmony between us is like the 16th Karmapa is our grandfather and he had twin sons our fathers. Also truth like gravity does not belong to anyone, but to all.
Keep on with the intention to heal & grow. Think how extraordinary Helen Keller was. It took just one person to see possibilities for her and act upon them, the rest is history.
Best wishes
ParticipantDear Me
I am sorry that your father has terminal cancer ( I looked after my mother at home up to a few weeks before her passing from cancer) my relationship with her had been rocky in the past, I managed to put aside our past hurts. I was with her when she passed peacefully.
My comment on this is not meant to be a critisim So I must live it by getting into extremly good shape, make as much money as I can and experience life. Any statement using words like extremely can cause oneself a problem ie. if you dont meet the high standard of extremely fit how are you going to feel about yourself? Money does not necessarily equate to happiness ( how many rich & famous people have committed suicide or drank & drugged themselves to death). Would you be willing to compromise your health, friends and or ethics to get rich? What kinds life experiences are you looking for?
I pray that your father has a peaceful & pain free passing and that you go on to have a happy & fulfilling life.
Kind regards
ParticipantDear Jana
What a lovely & inspiring thread. So many people are deeply damaged by their childhood and go down an unhelpful path like alcohol for many years just adding more harm on top of the initial circumstances. Congratulations on all that you have achieved so far. I came across Buddhism in my forties and it has helped me grow and nourish the gentleness inside me everyday since.
I see from the net that there are about 7,000 Buddhists in your home country and that there are a couple of dharma centres in Prague. Is it possible for you to check them out in person where you would meet people who are on your wavelength & allow your inner life flourish. As I am unable to get to teachings in person, I enjoy watching offerings from the sangha at Sravasti Abbey in USA and I also did their on line study course which was very enjoyable.
You are gentle being who wishes to be in step with nature and the natural rhythms of life and have few fellow spiritual companions. The hectic hedonistic Western lifestyle is not really conducive to long term happiness, health & well-being, so don’t beat yourself up for not wanting to conform to a shallow life.
best wishes
ParticipantDear Omyk
I get that the task of sorting thru your late wife’s things can be overwhelming when you have so little down time due to work pressures. If you can come up with a clear outline before you start, the task will be quicker & easier. ie what kind of photo you want to keep and roughly how many ie a wedding photo, a picture of your wife holding your baby with a loving look upon her face and one with her with your child for each year as they grew up etc. Ok at this moment your teenager is not that sentimental but as the years pass especially if they have children of their own these pictures will become precious connection to their roots.
A dozen photos nicely displayed can bring comfort and assurance that your wife is actively honored over the coming years.
Best wishes
October 25, 2024 at 10:56 am in reply to: Lost 4 Years of Celibacy & Ended Up Trapped with the Wrong Guy. Feeling Hurt #438982Roberta
Participanthi Nik
Get out now he is an abuser trying to get you pregnant so to control you. the phrase barefoot pregnant & chained to the kitchen sink comes to mind. He does not treat you as an equal. I too gave up my vow of celibacy for a man it left a big hole in my wellbeing. I did a purification ceremony and retook my vows which I kept for a year to start with and continued this on a rolling process for five years before choosing to stay celibate for the rest of my life.
I hope you find yourself in a safe & nurturing workplace.
Kind regards
Participantdear Laven
I am sorry that you are presently stuck in an awful thankless situation. I am looking after my father 93 with dementia so I have walked a little in your shoes re caring. that said your foster family are abusing your good nature and they will not step up to take their fare share of the burden whilst you are there and to be honest from what I have read in your threads they will make you homeless as soon as she goes into care/hospital or passes away. You have paid more than your dues to your fostermum, time to get out & start healing putting yourself first for once is not selfish in this situation. There is a site called workaway which gives room & board for 25hrs per week work all around the world, this could give you access to accommodation in the immediate short term.
Wishing you all the best
ParticipantDear Jakub
My heart goes out to you. Yet another child who has been let down & deprived of a safe happy childhood by those who should be providing the care & love each & every-being deserves. I hope that you find a good therapist who specializes in healing the inner child. You are no way responsible for what when on in your parents lives when you were a child or later. The voice that tells you that, who’s is it? According to Eckart Tolle the pain body wants feeding & its favorite food is negative feelings.
I find it interesting how we give some thoughts more weight/credence and yet what are thoughts? Some have a very uncomfortable energy. If we think of them like bubbles in a glass of lemonade they appear / arise, there is not alot of difference in size and eventually pop/disappear.
Congratulations on getting your own place, a home, a sanctuary, a place of peace a place to heal & nurture your own well being.
ParticipantDear Cutie J
Before you traveled to see your GF you knew in your heart of hearts that she wanted out of the relationship long distance or not.
Of course we only have a snapshot of the relationship to base our comments on. As she is not writing here, there has to be some supposition going on about her motives & feeling. Her previous relationship was an emotional minefield for her due to her partners suicidal tendencies. Your issues put her into yet another minefield, she must have breathed a huge sigh of relief when you moved to another city. Of course it is possible that there is some kind of co-dependancy going on as well.
Your violent out burst in her home ( which should be her safe space) had her locking herself in a closet and brandishing a pair of scissors for protection. Afterwards she just tried to keep herself safe by trying to keep things both on an even keel and also grabbed the opportunity to be out of your presence by going to play tennis until you left.
Moving forward it is in your power to seek professional help to heal the damage that was caused from your childhood onwards & not pursue another relationship until things are well on the way to have been successfully resolved thus reducing the chances of a co-dependency arising.
ParticipantDear Prudence
What things do you do that brings you joy? ie if you like painting join an art club or art classes this way you will gain confidence in socializing as you will already have something in common this also goes for volunteering for something that you are interested in.
As your world expands you will meet people who hold the some of the same interests & ideals and this will increase your chances of finding a date.
Good luck
ParticipantDear John
I find the teachings on” what makes a precious human birth” counteract any extensional thoughts.
Each of us are uniquely the same – we all want happiness & freedom from suffering.
When we joyfully set aside the self centered grasping mind and purposefully take care of others and the planet.
Love contentment connection & joy abound.
regards Roberta
ParticipantDear Krish
Many things cloud our judgement & these are mostly go by without any awareness that they are active. If one is tired, hungry or need the toilet then their patience is obscured. When we are fearful or come across something that pushes our hurt button we can be come angry. Jealousy clouds gratitude & generosity.
Get to know & trust yourself, as you wish to live a minimalist life it should be easier to become financially independent. You have no control over what others may think of you or say about you ( if you have no contact you do not have to listen to their opinions). Live your life true to your values and you stand a better chance of achieving happiness & satisfaction.
regards Roberta
ParticipantHi John
Thanks for the link to the article. I too enjoyed the exercise at the end. I encountered the Hara when being taught Karate also I think it may also called dantien. In both Tai Chi & Karate I was taught to move from the hips rather than the head & shoulders, also Tai Chi helped to slow my breathing down.
Regards Roberta