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ParticipantHe is turning 38 in sept as well. He is very smart and quite spiritual himself. He is a hard worker but seems to live moment to moment (check to check) which worries me as well. Don’t get me wrong, Im not assuming a man should take care of me while i stay home – I work my butt off and pay for everything if not 50/50 with everything when we go out. Im very dutch (lucky for him huh?!)
But yes exactly, I do want it to come from him and be genuine without me having to say this or feel like im threatening him. Oh, another thing I have to mention, hes been married before. He wed in his 20s to a girl from another country and moved there to be with this girl. I don’t think that the failed marriage affects his outlook on marriage, but since he has had many relationships since so I dont know. Maybe Im wrong. Regarding the roomate, I dont know if they have talks what I said or how I feel. They’ve been friends for years so it could be possible.
I like your ideas! its like putting a bug in his ear and putting it in his court to make action or else if I want to break it off then he will know why. I win because I expressed how I felt and can walk away knowing that and if he doesn’t want that then, hey we’re not the right fit. We briefly spoke during the day today and still it was so hard for him to discuss things! Hes just doesnt want to deal with it.
ParticipantYes…sigh.. Inky he is the guy with “The Roomate”. Regarding what I want, I haven’t pressed the issue or even discussed it – yes, partly my fault I know. I’ve been happy just being with him up until this point – but I have set an internal time, if nothing happens by end of this year, im moving on. However with how things are going the way they are, that time may come sooner rather than later. It knocked some sense into my head when you said, how can a man stand in the way. Thanks for that! What I worry is, if he will think its too soon and walk time apart which make me feel at fault for not being patient or if I just chill out things will fall into place later. Do you know what I mean? If I do speak, I’m going to have to be prepared what his answer esp now with how things are going. Its just hard to grasp when someone you want to be with cuts you off. Im very confused at the moment.
ParticipantTR, Inky and Jasmine – I had a horrible restless night last night and to wake up to all of your replies helped me so much today I cant even tell you. Thank you truly! i’ll share what this dream of mine is – its the want of family and marriage. I haven’t been the type of girl that envisions marriage and a team of children since childhood, in fact I didn’t even really want kids in my last relationships which was throughout my 20s. However, now that Im approaching 35 in sept, its been heavy my mind more and more. Call it the womans internal clock ticking well, perhaps but whats really having me come to terms with the idea of letting that dream go is the realization my current relationship has me in. I go though periods where I feel he distances himself, and The Ruminant, here is where I am taking your advice by speaking up and taking my power back 🙂 I am and will do this, promise you. Its hard too, as my guy is being insensitive lately. It was quite evident last night. He’ll ignore and act like nothings happened as if Im not even worth the time and effort, He didn’t use to act like this. I’m going to really put it all on the table when I get a chance and ask him if he wants to go our separate ways – perhaps that is his tactic, to push me away for me to say that. Its been bothering me which is why I brought up this question. In my mind I feel if this were to end then itll be some time before the next (I know myself, it is difficult for me to find yet fall in love again). I know Im projecting into the future but this is how I feel. Its been overwhelming lately making it hard for me to focus and perform at work. And yes, this is something deep down I don’t want to give up. I don’t know what to think, how to act, or how to not act anymore.
ParticipantHi Little Buddha, I too feel and act the same as you do. I wish I could offer strong advice to help you (us) but I’m learning how to overcome this myself : | I have been doing this more though and its been helping me: when I feel the “stuckness” to express what I feel, I try sitting still and really sensor my emotions and as they come up or feel strong I ask myself (kinda of like a second party) “why am I feeling like this? and/or what can I say/do to help me in this situation?” The simply asking yourself has been really helpful to me becuase if you remain neutral without the ego interfering (this is very hard) you may receive a honest answer. Its a practice I try to work on everyday! It’s hard to express when Im hurt cause I fear I’ll appear weak or jealous so nothing is said on my part and I create a wedge like you said and I become passive agressive. Do you do that as well? Do you feel like its your pride that holds you back like your afraid of sounding needy?
ParticipantHi Tracy – Im so sorry to hear what your going through. I can very much relate. You have wonderful advice here and support on TB though, have comfort in know that. Regarding your partner, has be always been insensitive to your needs? Was he different when you two started dating? Its only been 3 months which is odd to me because this is somewhat new and he is already acting like this? If you dont mind me asking, do you foresee a future with this man? You mentioned ivf, is this thoughts for the future or with your current man? I’m asking all these questions becuase, if you dont foresee a future with him, then what is the purpose being around someone that brings your energy down further? Matt made gave some excellent advice (thanks so much btw). I know its harder said than done, but truth is – we have to find it within our selves. Like you, I struggle everyday and try to learn more about myself everyday. Mediation has helped me a great deal. Do you meditate?
ParticipantThanks Big blue! I appreciate that. And thanks to all the repliers as well. It helps so much to discuss and receive neutral advice from all views, it really does. Yea, I do feel a little stronger yet its hard to balance that with my tendency of detaching my feelings or pulling back (I tend to do this when I get fed up). Sigh, i am seeing this as a teaching for myself and our relationship though. One day at a time.
ParticipantThe Ruminant and Inky – thanks for the stories! Glad you had a breakthrough Inky, and it did indeed resonate with me. Its so true though… why are we the ones that ended up feleing bad / guilty etc for setting or expecting boundaries for crazy situations?! And yes, I understand your situ where you had to appear occupied or say your busy for that crazy friend. You were dealing with “crazy” so i wouldve done that too!
Re: the cooking for him, i know its an awkward siutuation and I’m understanding the the jealouy is coming from the thought of them playing this married couple as Emmanuele said. I spent the weekend at his house (reason for the late reply to this thread) and he’s been mentioning that its been hard for her to find a place. I have heard her complain about having bad credit thus causing her to miss out on all these places she applys for and he’s not charging her but instead having her buy groceries and toiletries because her ex took the deposit from their last place and she doesnt have money saved up yadda yadda. Oh and to question regarding why she doesnt stay at a girlfriends house? Beats me! She’s stayed with him years ago (another time looking for a place) for 3 months! She has many female cousins so Im not sure why she doesn’t go there. This past weekend though, she stayed at one of her cousins house the entire weekend. He said hes been asking hows the place hunting more often so she prob wanted to give him space. He seems kind of concerned why she was away though by texting and checking on her. Perhaps overly concerned or maybe jsut worried? idk.. i just noticed that over the past couple of days.
Big Blue, i will take take your advice and ask all the whys, whens and hows moving forth. I can see where your getting at 🙂 I tend to bottle my emotions ( that was so spot on The Ruminant) I have a habit of analyzing the situation first before anything is said when I should jsut speak more from the heart and what im feeling. Im witness what i do and I work more on myself everyday. I’m starting to get tired of this heaviness on me and ‘ve decided to focus on me and my spiritual growth. Im going to try to just trust and let thing fall as they may and hope I find out what I need to know and/or do in the days to come. Thats all I feel i can do at this point.Jane
ParticipantAll great advice, thanks everyone. I’m trying to understand from everyone’s perspective I really am. I can’t help it and I especially don’t like what Im feeling. this has only started happening within the past week or so. I’ve maintained my cool and level of understanding this entire time – around a month or so. Inky – Yes, you can say you are correct perhaps deep down im upset because I’m not living with him. There is truth there. It is a bit of jealousy but some days I do understand and genuinely feel bad for her. I do respect him for having heart to help a friend, I think that is a great, but I just feel he didn’t take my thoughts into consideration. No, I don’t see any flirting however who knows when im not around? He walks around in his boxers sometimes and I jokingly teased him and he said “oh shes like family”. I guess. We all do get along fine, I feel comfortable with her alone and Ive even invited her out on occasions. Their agreement for payment to him is to buy food and clean up here and there… so she makes him breakfast and/or dinner. Im conflicted with how I should feel – Im unconformable yet im really trying to trust and have patience. Btw, thanks Teresa for joining to just reply 🙂
Participant@Emmanuelle Thanks for the reply and agreement. I guess im second guessing myself because he’s making me feel like I’m overreacting even though he didnt say – its his behavior. He’s been kinda quiet and distant which makes me return that towards him. I did ask him if it was my male friend staying with me and he said he would feel the same, but I feel he is just saying that. His apology didn’t feel sincere, more like an ear for me to vent. I guess I can see this as something I really need to take a second look at now because if he is acting this way then how will he deal with future situations you know? : |
Participanttotally unrealistic Inky. “Put some furniture or a lot of your stuff there so there is suddenly no room at the inn.” Shall I move my couch there randomly one day? ha. Yes, Im not his wife and i dont pay rent but we are in a relationship. So gf/bf do are limited to what they can say or do? In that case there are many “friends” in the world! This is a respecting of my feelings thing. I would have the courtesy to ask him if hes ok with it so I am kind of angry that he didn’t and furthermore hes being insensitive to the whole situation now. Anyhow, I have thought enough about this whole ordeal and I cant make him feel what I want him to feel or act therefor I’m pulling away from the situation moving forth. I’ve said what I had to say and I’m kind of turned off by him now. I’m letting things fall as they may. Maybe this is the beginning of conflicting personalities.
ParticipantHey tiny butterfly – I’m glad I stumbled on your post because I can sure relate! I’m sorry to hear what your going through and I wish you much strength. It’s easy to let others affect how you feel and act especially when you love that person. It’s a good start that you are realizing what you’ve done and how you feel though, cause from there you can work on yourself little by little. I know how it is to be so angry and become provoked to hit the person you love.. its all the bottled up anger as you know. I’ve done this myself unfortunately. At this point, its been done. You’ve apologized I’m sure to him so let it be. Just know that it was wrong and you will not resort to that again. We all make mistakes, its the not realizing and willingness to change that is wrong. Do yourself a favor and let the heavy guilt go. I know the pain of a breakups as I was depressed for many years after an 8 year relationship and what I have learned is to be kinda and gentle with myself as much as you can and feel whatever emotion you need to go through – try not to resist it. I come to realize that the pain and arguments are due to my urge to control what I want and foresee things to be when we can’t think that way. We cannot control others. They will be how they will be and the only control we have is over ourselves. Make this your priority right now. Do things that make you feel happy and full filled. If you need day of crying and listening to sad music then do it but do wallow in it. We come into this life by ourselves and we will leave by ourselves. These people and experiences come and go and we have one life to chose to let it affect us or jsut go with it and trust life itself. Its hard, but I am constantly working on my mind, thought patterns and living in the present as best I can. Its quite freeing when you surrender actually. Do you meditate? Mediation has helped me so much I can’t even tell you. Sending love and strength your way! xoxo
Participantto add, I know myself well enough by now to realize when I feel like this. Its because the other person is pulling away. What I would like advice on is, do I wait and be patient or do I move on and let things flow as they may…
Sorry I’m really down and would like an outsides perspective. Thanks again.
ParticipantThanks Crystal for your reply. I had an uneasy night full of anxiousness so reading your post this am made me feel better and got me really thinking today. We spoke briefly last night and I let him know that I’m feeling unappreciated and I’m not happy where we are at right now. I was calm and collected. I dont know what got into to me to speak up, I actually wanted to wait but it just came out. I basically said I’m feeling unsure how things are between us and that I’m feeling unappreciative and all I want to do is make him happy and if hes not happy or unable to communicate with me then why and how can we stay together? He was responsive and reassured me that wasn’t his intentions but I still feel he was just being an ear for me to vent and just being nice to avoid conflict. I just don’t feel he was sincere. Even after the conversation, which is still left open cause it was quite late, he hasn’t made an effort to reach out even through a simple text today. Wouldnt one do that if the other person cares about the others feelings being left hurt? Its pains me yet I’m trying to see him for what he is and how hes acting. I meditated as usual today but found it difficult to just “be”. I feel so hurt, confused, and anxious I don’t know how to deal with it all at the moment. If he continues to neglect this situation how do I bring this up again? And to answer your question, yes I love this man and want a future. Its not being in love that im in love with. Ive been happy and content single and I know I can do that again, it just takes time. Truthfully, what would cause him to act this way? Was I blind to see that he truly loved me? I felt he did yet now Im confused with all of this going on…