Forum Replies Created
ParticipantThank you TeaK,
It’s a battle every day. I fight for survival. I have to come to the terms of not having my own kids, not having my own family, not having anyone of my own to create memories with. Every time I see, hear or get reminded of kids, my heart breaks. It’s the biggest loss in my life. I have to realize that there will be no one at my deathbed. I have to realize that I will be alone, miserable, and forgotten. I wish I could go back in time and change things.
I don’t know what to do if the therapy doesn’t work. I’m so terrified of the unknown. 8th of May was supposed to be the end for me. If it wasn’t for all the support and kind words and guidance from all of you, I wouldn’t be here now. How to bounce back, to “heal” myself seems impossible.
Every second is painful. I’m conflicted. I get more and more depressed, and the feeling of hopelessness is torturing. To be honest, at the moment, the feeling of ending everything is more tempting than anything else. I’m afraid I will never heal, and relapses are right around the corners. I’m so heartbroken and devastated. This is the worst feeling ever.
ParticipantDear Sarah,
Thank you for your loving and caring words.
I have tried to ignore my suicidal thoughts for a while, but now they get more intense. I’m struggling every day to find a reason to live. Most of the time, It feels impossible to go on. I can’t see past the pain. I just want the pain to stop, the anguish to go away. I know it’s all in my head. But it feels like the whole world is collapsing on me.
ParticipantDear TeaK,
I want to heal, but I don’t have any strength left. I’m so confused, afraid, and unstable that I’m literally grieving for the loss of the loved ones as if they were actually dead. It feels like I’m living in a thick fog that leaves me feeling empty, exhausted, and entirely unlike myself. I feel detachment, from both my body and my sense of self. I feel alienated from their own reflection, I don’t recognize and feel any connection with myself. I’m so tired and exhausted, but my fears and anxiety, regrets, and remorses are torturing me. I’ve realized that I’m a lost soul, I wish I was never born. I have so much poison in my mind. I’m going to a mental health professional for counseling today. It’s my last hope!
ParticipantDear Anita,
Thank you, I guess it was a step in the right direction. But at the moment, nothing makes sense. I have so many fears and negative thoughts. I’m afraid of the future, afraid of living, afraid of losing my loved ones, afraid of losing my senses. It’s a really awful feeling, I feel useless and a burden to everyone. I have enlisted the help of mental health professional. It’s my last hope. I’m losing my grip. I’m sorry, I’m really sorry for being so negative.
ParticipantToday, I’m really struggling. I’m having a really rough and awful day.
Woke up emotionally numb, empty, and lost. I felt disconnected from my body. I woke up early(3 AM) gasping for air, felt like I was choking. I wanted to scream out loud for help but had no voice. I wanted to cry, but I was empty of tears. It took me 2hours to get out of my bed. I managed to get out of the apartment, to get some fresh air- I managed to build some strengths to walk. I walked for a while and looked to the top of the local hill. The hill is known as the “suicide spot”. As it’s quite steep, and I had no strengths and no motivation, I just stood there for at least 3 hours. I cried and screamed my heart out. Maybe as a desperate attempt to escape suffering that has become unbearable. After a while, I came to my senses. I walked back home. I’m lost, feeling emotionally and physically exhausted.
I have been thinking about my life. What to do with my life, how to cope with my emptiness, how to cope with my depression, how to fix the “unfixable”. I have lost my smile, I don’t see any “happy” ending.
I know I shouldn’t post this, and these “self-harming” thoughts should be directed to a mental health professional. But, I’m scared they will put me on a suicide watch. I’m afraid I have Bipolar Disorder or severe Borderline Personality Disorder.
It was sad to hear about your separation anxiety and battle with low self-esteem. Sometimes, life throws us curveballs, sometimes we hit, sometimes we miss. The most important thing is to take a swing every time (my mentor used to tell me that all the time). I hope and pray for your husband’s health. The most important thing is to keep a good spirit and faith and cherish every moment.
I’m sleep walking through life, and I will and want to do every thing to “wake up” and start living. Reading your story and absorbing all the positive vibes and positive words on this forum gives me hope. I wish I had the courage to reach out earlier. I need all the help I can get.
I agree with you- I wanted to kids so bad, I wanted to be the father I never had. To be their rock, be their safety-net, be their guiding star. As I have two nieces, I try to channel all my love to them. It’s not easy, because I’m not healthy, mentally and physically. And my mind and health is deteriorating slowly. I don’t want to be focus of attention, so I don’t visit them, and don’t spend any time with them.
ParticipantAnd, Do you think my longing and regretting not having kids is due to something else? Is there any other”hidden” deeper reason for this hurting?
I’m checking somatic therapy now. I have tried traditional therapy without any results, hence I have nothing to lose.
I have so many fears and every day they intensify immensely. I lack the feeling of belonging, I feel isolated and cut off from the rest of the world. I have this feeling or misconception that all my relationships are/were superficial. I know it’s not true, but in my mind, that’s a reality. This morning, I had another fear creeping in my mind. What if I manage to get a little bit healthier and maybe if I manage to conquer my fears and beat the depression. Will I regret and hate myself for all the time I lost being depressed?! I think it’s in my DNA to always find something to nag about, the glass is always empty. I need to break this habit and retire the depression once for all.
TeaK, you seem to be a reflected and intelligent person. Can I ask about how you manage to conquer your fear and battles?
Do you have any relapses or “flashbacks”? Do you have rainy days? And if so, how do you reset your mind? Are you happy and full of life?
I apologize in advance for being too nosy.
It was CBT. I know the therapist was doing everything to help me, but just addressing my old “wounds” made me more depressed. I know there aren’t any magic pills or any “quick fix” but there was no effort done to “soothe” the pain either. At least the therapist should have given me some alternatives to how to cope with my anxiety attacks or give me some breathing exercises. I wake up every morning depressed and “out of my mind”. I can’t take it anymore.
ParticipantDear TeaK,
Yes, that’s correct. The sermons and audiobooks, especially those with comforting voice, gives me inner peace and calms me. Maybe, since I never had a father figure in my life, I look to these for guidance and knowledge.
I have mixed feelings at the moment. At one moment, I feel there is hope and I can heal myself and relieve the pain. But the very next moment, everything looks grim and literally the end of the road. Will the pain ever go away? or will it get worse? I don’t have any strength left, I feel like a “lost” case.
ParticipantI realized that one of the main reasons for my depression is my bad habit of comparing my life with others. I must avoid mindlessly scrolling through social media feeds as much as possible. I envy everyone, especially those with kids. I feed my mind with negative thoughts and it’s getting worse. Every morning is a battle.
ParticipantThank you Anita,
As I have limited sleep and a really bad sleep pattern, I can sit for hours and read. I just got my copy of “The Art of Happiness” by Dalai Lama. I reckon books are my best friends. Maybe they’re my way out of pain and depression.
I wish I could give something back to all of you. Thank you for giving me hope and a lifeline.
ParticipantThank you TeaK,
I have the Ave Maria now on my iPod. I’m still struggling with getting sleep at night. At the most, I can sleep 2hours, before I wake up all stressed out and hyperventilating. I have a long list of audiobooks and sermons that I listen to every night. If I don’t have my iPod, I get stressed out and my mind goes in over-drive. I’m addicted to listening to audiobooks and sermons. For the last year or so, they have been my “guiding spirits” and given me some h0pe. I will add more lullabies to my list.
I’m very grateful and blessed for having all of you in my life. I really appreciate and cherish all your help and inputs.
According to my doctor, it’s COVID-related. I have only got some anti-itch creams (hydrocortisone creams). I agree with you, I need to heal from inside, and it is most probably my body cleaning itself. Do you have any early morning rituals or meditation techniques that can soothe my mind in the mornings? I’m waking up depressed in the mornings and find it a real struggle to get started with the day.