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April 12, 2021 at 11:54 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #377550
ParticipantEvening Sammy, sorry you had a difficult weekend but glad you had some you time to yourself today. I was in the same boat and declined an invitation to sit outside the pub, far too cold and not really feeling it at the moment. Yesterday was OK just wanted to get out of the house to be honest but all in all happy I had a chilled weekend and squeezed in a workout as well. So it’s a 110 mile trip to work each day but I get picked up and dropped off, normally have a sleep on the way there lol.
Thank you for kind words, I will keep going, I feel like I’ve got my sensible head on now and will bide my time, I caught a glimpse of her name on my messenger when scrolling through and see she changed her profile pic but I’ve stood strong and not reinstalled fb to look so I’m definitely becoming more resistant to wanting to know what’s going on in her life.
When that moment does happen when I meet someone who is on the same wavelength ill be sure to tell you all about it! Thank you for the positive messages, they keep me believing.
April 11, 2021 at 8:24 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #377483Jay
ParticipantAfternoon Sammy, hope today has been better for you. Woke up again at 6am, another 5 hours sleep! Its weird though because I don’t feel that tired, didn’t have much to do today and was feeling a little bit down this morning so I actually dragged myself in the gym and done 14km on the bike and felt better for it and then got an invite to watch football round my friends so at least I haven’t been stuck indoors with time to dwell on anything and back to work tomorrow! I actually get up at 5am as we have to travel quite far to get there but I’m used to it now so all good.
I do believe this has happened for a reason and was a chapter that had to be undertaken for my own good, we did have some good moments and as much as I wanted to make more memories and enjoy life with her, I did really know from the start in my gut it couldn’t of lasted for a long period of time and the attachment and infatuation has masked that. At this time I have changing emotions but I do think once the pain settles down and I get to the point where I love myself I will look back without bitterness or hate, I think I’m doing at times now and it is still early days.
Your right as well with the weekend being unexpected, on Friday I thought I would spend the weekend indoors dwelling on things but I have seen a lot of friends and socialised without drinking any alcohol so I feel good about that and I’m not feeling constantly sad and down about everything, starting to feel things will get better now rather than just hope they will.
April 10, 2021 at 2:46 pm in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #377456Jay
ParticipantHey Sammy, hope you feel better from yesterday and are having a good weekend! Mine hasn’t actually been so bad, yesterday I didn’t feel great and only stayed at my friends for a short while as I felt anxious and wanted to have a quiet night in online with my friends, didn’t sleep well either, think its a combination of my thoughts and sleep pattern, I hate waking up at 6am when I don’t have work!
Today I have felt a lot better, I chilled in the day and have been to see friends in the evening and not felt really down, I’ve been able to laugh and joke with them and I’ve avoided drinking alcohol and also I’ve not let myself constantly obsess what she may or may not be doing, I think this is a combination of the medication possibly and I’m still going strong on the SM blackout so that has definitely helped, could also be I’m finally starting to accept she’s gone for good subconsciously and my mind could be adjusting to moving forward after how long its been now, hopefully this carries on and will be less curious as to what’s going on in her life.
I’ve started to make notes of how I feel in my phone now with dates, it’s a bit late but I do have this thread to go back on also if I need to give myself a boost and see the progress I’m making.
Who I was prior to meeting her was a very lost person, I had no direction or ambition to change my life, I had pretty much given up on doing anything apart from working a dead end job which I hated just so I had money to pay what I needed to live and then just get wasted at the weekends, I never even to buy any new clothes unless I had to, I literally had no pride in myself and really was just floating through life. This is a big reason why even though its been painful to be on and off for the last year and half I would never regret it because it has awoken me to really look at my life and change my perspective on what I want for the rest of it. I was really unhappy prior to that night I met her in the pub and we hit off and she made me feel the best I had in years for the first couple of months, this is obviously why I have become so attached and desperate to cling on no matter how toxic it has become, she may have used me when it was convenient for her but to be honest it’s has been my gain to endure all of it to learn lessons and be a catalyst for better things, I’ll be sure to thank her for that if we cross paths in the future lol.
Overall though weekend has not been nearly as bad as I feared, I’m starting to feel positivity more often now and I’m determined to use the way I feel to push me to do the things I want to do in the pursuit of my personal happiness.
Thank you for checking in, I hope you enjoy the rest of the weekend!
This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by
April 9, 2021 at 7:19 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #377409Jay
ParticipantI know I need to create new patterns, I feel like I’m going down the same ones daily lol! I’m hoping the therapy helps with that, I’ve tried so hard to focus different patterns but i alwayd come back to the same roads, the worst is in the morning when I first wake up, within a second I’m aware of whats happening, such a dark surreal feeling. I may start to write things out to help organise my thoughts, I’ve done this before and it did help.
I’m not spiritual but I do enjoy reading, I tend to read a lot online, I have a wealth of knowledge on dealing with losing someone you deeply care for leaving your life in a painful way but its so hard to implement everything, saying that I know timeframes vary and i may have deeper issues that need to be addressed.
I know what your saying about my friends, I’m very much cared about and I know that, it’s more about me wanting to be myself and I’m happy to wait it out until I feel better, I know this isnt going to last forever.
I feel have closure now that’s she’s seeing someone else, Ive actually said before I wish she would just move on if she doesn’t want me because at least I can be left alone to heal so its happened now, I think it’s just stinging because she has moved on with someone else and I’m still grieving, although like Danny said I’m working on myself to better and she had just jumped in at the first opportunity when she has all the issues she has, I will reap the benefits in the long run, well I hope so anyway
This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by
April 9, 2021 at 6:25 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #377404Jay
ParticipantFor the first week it’s advised not to drink alcohol as it delays the effects, if I’m honest I said to myself I’m not really enjoying participating in that at the moment so I’ve decided to take a break from it until I feel want to rather than doing it for the sake of it, I’m not even going to go to the pub next week when they open the gardens! I will be OK my friends online play over the weekend so I can chill with them, that’s my safe haven for now and a place I’m comfortable at the moment, I’m going to be down whatever I do so I might as well do it in the comfort of my own home. I just don’t feel like I’ve got energy to do anything, I might force myself in the home gym we have, even if it’s for 20 minutes just to get some endorphins released.
I’m well aware she will not be given me any thought, especially if she’s in the fresh phase of dating someone else. I was hoping because I’ve got rid of SM I’m not reminded of her image and it will help fade it out but today the thoughts seem stronger, I’ll peservere of course and when I feel better and start socialising and doing activities again it will get easier. I’ll be sure to try out that technique to see if helps!
Most of my friends are great and understanding but as this been affecting me for a long time, I don’t like to be around them at the moment because I’m not my self and don’t like bringing the atmosphere down with my mood.
I know this will pass and I’ll stay strong, I’ve done everything I can this week to improve my situation so just have ride out the storm.
April 9, 2021 at 4:02 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #377400Jay
ParticipantMorning Sammy, hope your good! The positivity has faded a bit today, this could be the medication taking effect as you feel worse before you feel the benefits but I am soldiering through. Also it’s the weekend, the worst part of the week for me, unable to stop any manifesting thoughts of what she is up to not matter how hard I try, I just want them to disappear! Of course I know I’m still in early phases and grieving will take as long it takes and I won’t act on it, I really had the urge to look on fb earlier but resisted, it’s been a week and I don’t want to fall down, doesn’t help that I haven’t got much going on myself, I’m going to pop into my friends after work but will only be for a short while, I’m not drinking for a bit until the tablets have kicked in.
Thanks I’m glad your noticing the changes through the posts, I myself at the moment am happy I’m making these steps and doing what I can but at this point I’m still feeling not much progress in how I feel, I know it’s all about time, I’m really keen to speak to the therapist as when I had the assessment and explained the root cause of why I was feeling like I am it helped immensely, I gave a brief breakdown from start to finish of the timeline of how it has played out and even when I was explaining this, it is making me realise how bad it is and the way I’ve been treated and how it is going to be better for me when I finally move past it. The goals are there and it’s a daily focus to hit as many as I can by the end of the year, Rome wasn’t built in a day!
Honestly you and Danny have been fantastic taking the time to post, it’s been a real comfort, I feel like this thread is an important support bubble for me at the moment so thank you so much
April 8, 2021 at 5:35 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #377360Jay
ParticipantThanks Danny mate, your spot on, I know its no longer my problem and I need to focus on myself, I have no doubt she will follow the same cycle and I do tell myself she will struggle to find someone to treat her the way I did. Seeing the picture was painful but a wake up call to see this and in sense speeding up the moving on process, thanks for recognition on the steps I’ve been taking, I am actually proud of myself after shelving the idea for a long time.
I would preferably like to go to Thailand with a friend but I’m open to going on my own, think it would do the world of good to meet new people and experience some independence and have my own adventure so we will see towards the end of the year what the situation is and makes plans from there.
She doesn’t have much of career just a regular retail job, I will say though she does work when she can and is not shy on that front, i know she was envious of my mum though as she is a kept house wife who doesn’t need to work and runs the home, it was just a personal insecurity as I was in a dead end job with no ambition to do better when we first met and since then I have changed attitude and now I have a well paid job that I enjoy.
I did consider all the points you made about the family side of things, it would have been a massive challenge to make that work but I was prepared to do that if we could have been happy together, now I’m in the mindset of all the opportunities I will have without having to commit to that which is why once I get over this I will be grateful it happened.
Good luck with the wedding planning and hope it comes to a conclusion sooner rather later! Cotswolds sounds great, will always remind me of This Country!
April 8, 2021 at 3:59 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #377358Jay
ParticipantAs I say at first I was not on bored with that but as I grew to like her and she stated she wanted a family unit at some point I knew that was a sacrifice I would need to make, as I don’t have children I actually warmed to the idea of becoming part of her family and would of welcomed them into mine, only danger of that is it can be taken away and you are left picking up the pieces so I was reluctant to do so at times.
She always offered to pay her own way, she works hard for the life she lives I will say that but me being me I always offered to pay and did buy gifts, not with the objective of trying to buy her love but just because I wanted to treat her and I’m able to do so, so no that’s one thing I will say she definitely isn’t a gold digger. I did have doubts on long term because of my career and what I could provide but she always insisted that didn’t matter and wasn’t about money. I also agree with the introduction to her children, she doesn’t have much free time I guess only every other weekend so there was no choice in order to spend time together, 2 weeks before the breakup in September I actually went there for dinner with all of them around the table, that really annoyed me because there was no need to do that if she knew things were not right, I read into it and thought it was positive.
I’ve definitely been given breadcrumbs, even in the last messages exchanged when I was being desperate she said she doesn’t know how she will feel in the future and may be drawn back together, probably cowardice tbh rather than being firm and saying its over for good and you should move on.
It was unbalanced on the support front, she would say I’m capable of so much more and have potential but when I lost my job it felt like everytime we spoke I was made to feel I should be doing more to get one rather than being sympathetic. It wasn’t an urgent issue money wise to get one, in fact I took first temp job just to help with my mental health to get back into a routine. I always knew she didn’t love me, it never got deep enough, in my opinion I don’t think she is capable of giving too much love because of the life she leads.
I think I’m really gonna benefit from CBT, this is the big problem for me at the moment, once I can channel the obsessive thoughts and behaviour patterns I’ll be on the right track to getting over this. I’m still going strong on the SM black out, the longer it goes the easier it is as I tell myself I will have to start all over from day one, I won’t bother blocking I just dont need SM full stop at the moment, it’s quite refreshing to not go through the news feed everyday, the longer I go with this and not be exposed the to anything to do with her it will fade and be less painful.
I think the combination of the medication and therapy to map out all the issues will be the foundation I need to rebuild myself into a better, stronger person and will be better equipped for finding future happiness.
April 8, 2021 at 2:09 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #377354Jay
ParticipantHi Sammy, just a quick post to say the call went well, it was an assessment and they are referring me for CBT, not sure how long it will be but I definitely felt better for it so feeling positive about finally getting out of this hole at some point!
April 7, 2021 at 10:36 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #377338Jay
ParticipantI know it’s crazy how I’ve let it go like it has, like you said in a previous post she knew I was vulnerable and easy to manipulate, for the first 3 weeks I wasn’t really that interested as I couldn’t see myself being someone who could get into a long term relationship with 3 children but I thought we had developed a connection, it really does seem as she felt comfortable with me and knew I was a nice person it was convenient for her to get some company for the time being, what I still can’t understand until this point is why she always came back, she could or easily found someone else and moved on.
Of course I can take all this into future relationships and to have more respect for myself, normally I’m really good with being firm with people and not being taken for a ride but this particular person I was just soft and let her walk all over me, guess she just had a hold on me, i really believe it was more her of a person than fear of being my own, at times I really believed it could work out.
No I’ve never spoken to a therapist before, I’m not nervous or anything, i can comfortably talk to people I don’t know well about feelings, I also hope it can benefit me in some way and I’m open to anything that will help with the battle I’m in currently, I’ll be sure to let you know Sammy thank you.
April 7, 2021 at 8:29 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #377334Jay
ParticipantIt was about 2 months in, she had come back from a holiday with her children and she just felt long term it wasn’t going to go anywhere even though she enjoyed my company, anyway I tried to reason for a couple of days and then just left it, about a week later she wanted to meet up and ended up staying with me for a few nights because her kids were away, I knew really I was being used because she had nothing else going on but I was craving her company then, few days after that she felt she hadn’t given it a chance and wanted to carry on dating so of course I went along with it, I knew all the time in my gut it was doomed but I just really liked her around me so I settled for this as shameful as it is, I think it was a combination of both desperation and liking her, I never thought she was the one because I knew early on the balance was off and I was far more into her than me, from my point of view though this was the first person I had felt that way about in a long time, in hindsight I would of loved to have gone this isn’t worth my energy so let’s just leave it, still I have learnt lessons and I’ve improved my life massively whilst this has gone on.
April 7, 2021 at 6:35 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #377329Jay
ParticipantI would say yes to all those things with OCD, not to an extreme but I feel uncomfortable with things like odd numbers etc., not a serious issue with those incidences but there is trait there, ruminating in particular I would say.
I wouldn’t say spying but I would read into things like profile picture change etc., I know that’s a red flag, it was from the get go after the first time she got cold feet with seeing each other, from that point onwards I never felt secure in whatever the relationship was but was happy to go along with it because I was still spending time with her even though it wasn’t right. There was a lack of communication on my part as well as I never wanted to lose what I had at the time no matter how toxic it was from the outset, these are all lessons though, I was just so desperate to keep anything alive I lost all control of what was going in and that in a sense probably contributed to her losing attraction.
Also apologies I never tag, I add from my phone and for some reason I’ve never got the hang of it lol
April 7, 2021 at 5:40 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #377322Jay
ParticipantI definitely suffer from mild OCD, have never been diagnosed because its never been a problem but it has manifested in dealing with this on/off relationship into something unhealthy, something I will mention when I speak to the Councillor tomorrow as ideally I wouldn’t want this to reciprocate in any future relationships.
The SM obsession has been a big issue for me, it became an addiction even when we was seeing each other due to my insecurity of what was going on between us and it has just snowballed, it’s been 5 days now and that has been the longest period for 18 months I wouldn’t of checked, I’ve identified how important it is maitain avoiding it because it will keep stirring the image fresh in my mind.
The medication will probably take a couple of weeks to have a positive effect so I think today its just the positivity of taking an action to improve the situation, I spent so long going around in circles in my mind and not getting anywhere and it has been torrid time, I feel a sense of relief that things will should start to improve.
Thank you for those kind, encouraging words, roll on getting to the light at the end of the tunnel!
This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by
April 7, 2021 at 4:16 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #377316Jay
ParticipantHi Sammy, hope your all good. Feel a lot better today thank you, started the tablets yesterday evening and have an appointment to speak to someone tomorrow, I’m going to ask for help on dealing with techniques to deflect the obsessive thoughts, think a placebo effect has kicked in from doing something because the anxiety has lightened and I’ve managed to stay strong on leaving the SM alone, I’ve had urges but I’m determined to avoid it at the moment, I really think that is making a difference.
I’ve not got any plans this weekend I’m going to chill whilst the tablets kick in and then go from there, I’m just taking each day as it comes, the weekend was a real low point for me and I feel now the only way is up, I’ve got my friends online I can chill with and maybe go out for a drive we’ll see.
I know my time will come once I’ve got over this healing stage, good things come to those who wait!
This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by
April 6, 2021 at 6:40 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #377276Jay
ParticipantHi Sammy, please don’t apologise, I’ve was looking before you even said anything and even before the hook up in January, I’m limited to what I can see but intelligent enough to work stuff out, anyway I’ve well and truly burned my fingers doing it because of how’s if made me feel but I would rather know because curiosity would eat away at me, I know it hinders the whole healing process when your seeing up to date pictures and even the name in text which is why I haven’t been getting any better but I feel I’ve learnt my lesson now.
I did feel anxious about contacting my gp but after the weekend I felt I really didn’t have a choice in the matter so we will see how that goes, I do feel a bit of weight off my shoulders for doing it because it is positive and my mum and sister are really pleased as they think it will help me find light at the end of the tunnel. All I want to do now is drop this attachment and move on, the last 18 months if I’m honest has been very detrimental to my well being but also taught me a lot.
I really do hope at some point I can find someone who can return the love and support I can provide and experience a whole different relationship, your words give me the belief I will find it.
The trim look is a combination of both I guess lol, I am eating everyday although not as much as I used to but the job I do now I’m averaging 12k steps in walking so that is helping me and thank you I know I’m doing well considering the circumstances, I just want to keep building and eventually get the place where I want to be.
This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by