Forum Replies Created
ParticipantDear Anita,
I do agree with you that animals, babies, children and adults, however old, require the sensation of touch. In my terms, the sensation of touch comes from the heart so touch could be said to represent love, certainly a level of acceptance. We all want that as a basic human requirement, don’t we. Stroking of a pet could be seen as making a connection to that pet and perhaps receiving a response of appreciation through say the purring of a cat. For an elderly person who has very little opportunity to connect with the outside world, he or she may feel a little less lonely by being able to communicate to the pet, verbally and otherwise.
How do you know what your spirit energy might contain after your death, who else would it be if not Anita, where do all your thoughts come from? What if your thoughts already exist on another plain? The earthly lessons are said to be in the learning – would there be any real point in an earthly existence if all that learning was wasted at the time of death?
I would love to hear more from you.
Thank you for your words of advice. Yes, I was challenged but I am much more capable on certain fronts than I generally acknowledge. Thank goodness it wasn’t a question and answer session – my thought processes take about three days to kick in – not always desirable! Perhaps they’ll speed up through these posts but I am usually more intent on listening than responding.
I think for me it is mainly in the planning – having a structure to work to which also allows time for feedback. Being sensitive is the part that can play havoc with me if I let it so, yes, I have to find ways to cut off which for me is going back to nature, walking through wooded areas and restocking my energy reserves.
Thank you again for your kindness.
ParticipantDear Kevin,
Thank you for voicing your alignment with some of my beliefs such as we all have a predesignated purpose to fulfill during our incarnation and that there is an ongoing journey through many incarnations which our souls make.
I see ourselves as being an integral part of the Universe governed by universal laws. Eastern traditions give us our seven main energy centers which are responsible for how our bodies flow, each one having it’s own single element of Earth, Water, Fire, Air, Communication, Thought and Belief. These energy centers also follow the colors of the rainbow, red being at the root and resonating with the Earth quality. No matter what our activity – tree climbing, mountaineering, flying – we always gravitate back to Earth. Astrology, movement of planets, our time of birth, gives us our character. My reasoning says that the planets continue to impact on our character throughout our lives, perhaps giving us our challenging times as well as our more peaceful ones.
As I believe that everything that happens to us during our lifetime has an impact on all levels, mind, body, spirit and emotions, I am now exploring in my own mind whether these impressions received by the spirit through our lifetime are the part we take with us.
The idea of flying free really appeals to me.
Love and Light
ParticipantDear Kevin,
Welcome to my healing white path of light and love.
ParticipantHi Kevin,
Thank you so much for your words of encouragement.
I have been facing certain fears around speaking out – my comfort zone is normally one of ‘listener’, going with the flow, not necessarily contributing in a group situation. I have recently recited some poems that I’ve written to two small groups of familiar faces, quite personal to me, revealing a deeper level of myself. Scary! I also attended a seminar on public speaking, aimed at promoting our business, where we were required to write a 60 second speech on our work. We were then asked to go round the table containing 5 or 6 people reading our speech and then one person was elected to give their speech to the room. It was me! There I was standing up with a microphone in my hand in front of maybe 40 people delivering a less than polished speech. I survived!
I will take heart from your heart. Thank You.
ParticipantHi Emilia,
I have a close family member who is severely disabled and I have immense respect for those teachers and carers who interact with her. When she left her last school, she was given a photo album full of all the different experiences she had had in their care with comments attached from members of staff. They nearly all remarked how they would miss her beautiful smile. One was even generous enough to remark that she had learned from Sophie and that she could go on to be a better teacher because of her. WOW! You are doing a fantastic job – don’t ever forget that.
Because my office bound job involved a lot of sitting, I developed the ‘photocopier hop and bop’ to get my energies circulating.
You sound like you are being emotionally drained – reminding yourself to breathe deeply as suggested by Kevin is a good way to re-energize and if you can interact with laughter this is a great stress buster too.
ParticipantDear Anita,
What a lovely reply. I see my mind more as a giant filing cabinet where the files are only closed until such time as new information appears when I might need to re-examine my earlier thoughts and scrap anything that has outlived its’ usefulness.
The two examples I can give which have happened through these posts are to do with that experience I had forever ago which I have now been able to apply logic to (cerebrospinal nervous system) and I have used the term “solar plexus” so many times thinking of it as a location, but through search engines I am now told that it is a collection of nerves. That information gives me a much better understanding as to why the mere act of placing a hand there acts as therapeutic touch and literally soothes the nerves.
I don’t claim to be religious but I do believe that death is just another state of change and that the spirit lives on – we’ll probably just have to beg to differ on this one.
ParticipantDear Anita,
I was not aware that any religion taught that the physical body can survive death. Cremation would rule that out as would skeletal remains following burial. Have I closed my mind to the possibility or have I applied logic? Religions were created long before science began researching and measuring. Beliefs and truths have their own identity. Beliefs might be formed on the back of misconceptions therefore subject to change whereas truths could perhaps be seen to be established facts (or facts waiting to be established).
I have heard that some people have had experiences of meeting with a physical being during times of “emergency” only to find that once the “emergency” had passed, these physical beings seem to vanish into thin air. Can a guardian angel (if that’s what they are) appear in physical form or can our thoughts be manipulated in just such a way that we perceive them as solid? I don’t know where that came from – I’ll start scaring myself soon.
I have never had the conscious experience of my spirit leaving my body, as some claim to have done – I have however had the experience of my spirit returning to my body (just the once) – accompanied by such a feeling of elation. With my experiences, I can’t fail to believe that there is an existence beyond the earthly plain.
Thank you once again for drawing this out of me. I do not usually share in this way.
ParticipantHi Kevin,
Didn’t know your post was ongoing – I’m a novice at TB but I’m sure I will get to grips with it eventually. I hope you’ve recovered from the effects of your fall. Keep on keeping on, as they say.
ParticipantHi Kevin,
I’ve been wanting to, considering, planning to do something similar for decades – a mixture of discussing stress, why and how it arises and ways in which we can reduce it, such as meditation. I have a tea set sitting in my cupboard which I inherited from my mother-in-law which would suit just such a purpose. You and your wife sound as if you are very much in tune with each other.
Congratulations for taking that first brave step. I am sure it will bring you endless rewards.
ParticipantHi Emilia,
Not sure how the structure of your day goes and why you would think that your boyfriend and dog aren’t getting the best of you in the afternoons. We are all capable of getting annoyed and it’s an unrealistic expectation that you can be happy, happy, happy come what may. We are all connected which means we connect to negative emotions as well as positive ones.
If you are not motivated to complete tasks in the evening, it might be worth writing a list so that you can prioritize what needs to be done the next day then set it aside whilst you get on with that very important task of relaxing.
ParticipantHello Anita,
That’s a post that requires even more of that blessed stuff called thought.
There is a difference between physical form, brain which is tangible, to thought which has no tangible form. I cannot possibly believe that dense form (body) can survive death.
When I said I felt the thought travel, this thought had words so I felt the words travel. The knowledge that The Cerebrospinal Nervous System has thirty one pairs of nerves emerging from the spinal cord, each nerve having an anterior and posterior branch, makes ‘sense’ of what happened to me when I know that the posterior branch of the nerve is responsible for sensation. My heightened state of sensitivity had created this nervous reaction which pulsated through my whole body. Rare, I know, but nonetheless true, my truth.
I don’t wish to force my opinions on anyone either. It’s better to remain open minded, perhaps through examining our belief systems, and if someone else out there has a ‘light bulb’ moment through something either of us has said, a worthwhile task will have been accomplished.
ParticipantHi Kylin,
I can relate to your fear of making mistakes as I can inwardly cringe if I’ve omitted to do something which then leads to criticism either by myself or others. I, too, can spend hours on an email trying to get the wording exactly right. It is not “mortifying” to omit some information. This is like saying that you want to die. It’s a complete over-reaction and if it takes months for the other person to reply, then it wasn’t that important in the first place. The more stressed you are, the more mistakes you are likely to make. However, “new” mistakes are an opportunity to learn.
The things that you are describing come from being in a stressed state. Lack of sleep, worrying, mind going blank, shivers, trembling voice. Wondering what you might have done wrong and worrying what you might do wrong in the future are two areas that you could delete from your internal dialogue. One way you are focusing on the past and you cannot change the things that you did and the other way you are focusing on the future which is unknown.
Both stress consultancy and reiki are therapies that are designed to help you relax. As a stress consultant, I would talk to you so that I could establish how you came to be in this stressed state. The treatments, by which I mean the tools that I would give you to use, would be breathing techniques, visualization, guided meditation aimed at muscle relaxation and a ‘reprogramming’ of the mind whilst you were in a receptive state, similar to hypnosis.
There are lots of guided meditations on the market which would help you in this way. Perhaps you could begin by obtaining one which is designed to help you sleep better.
In Reiki there is a principle which says “Just for today do not worry”. This is aimed at the student of Reiki who is also just as likely to fall foul of emotional disturbance etc. as anyone else. Can Reiki change your thoughts? This is an interesting question which I think Anita also asked. We all have to take responsibility for ourselves and our thoughts can only be changed in as much as we want them to. When we realize that certain thoughts might be damaging to us, we might then be willing to release them i.e. not have them any more.
Reiki works on the subtle energy levels and can help heal wounds, internal and external. Some people tell me that I “took their pain away”. If I take someone’s pain away, felt as physical pain, this would then lead me to believe that their emotional pain (feeling) had been reduced or removed and then their thought might be “I am no longer in pain”. This would then go on to lift their spirits. (Mind, body, spirit, emotions). Thank you for giving me the opportunity to explore this with you.
If you weren’t stressed before you took this job and you are now, then that would be an indication that you need to change.
Whilst your posts are specific to you, I would prefer that you stay with this link.
ParticipantHi Lara,
I hope you feel better by sharing your truth. As much as you love your nephew, you shouldn’t be comparing yourself with him. You should just be thankful that he is in your life with such a wonderful personality. The truth is that people won’t come looking for you. You have to be prepared to at least meet them half way. Join a group that centers around a hobby that you really enjoy and you will automatically have a connection. You don’t know whether you or not you will have lasting friendships from such groups but at least there will be one day a week when you are not feeling ‘lonely’.
ParticipantHi Kylin,
Welcome back. If you are considering having one or more Reiki treatments, please bear in mind that you, the client, just have to sit or lay back and allow Reiki to happen. There is no manipulation of the body, just the placement of hands and energy flow. The word “Reiki” is actually two words in Japanese “Rei” meaning universal and “Ki” meaning energy. The healer should just assist the energy to flow in its natural manner. It isn’t necessary for you to fully understand the concept for it to work.
If any more questions arise, please feel free to ask them.