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  • in reply to: Farewell Llama Jack #86878

    just thought of a question Anita re inner selves:

    I know you are not Christian and don’t believe in God but do you think it possible that an inner self identity can be the voice of God?
    Or is God the Chairman, the one who tries to reach a beneficial consensus for all?
    I’d like to think that there is such a voice in me. One that can steer me on the right path. Advise me in times of pressure and negativity.

    in reply to: How to be happy and let go? #86876

    Have you tried drugs?
    sorry bad joke
    Relax though. Don’t think there’s anything wrong with you because a lot of people , young and old feel negative and alone in this big, crazy world.
    Some people have found sanctuary in religion. Personally I’d recommend Buddhism or Christianity, but no need to become hardcore about it. Keep searching for people who have good values, values aligned with yours.
    I think we are meant to suffer like you are at the moment, now and then. it reminds us that there is more to life than eat, sleep, drink and worry. It forces us to keep searching more sincerely for the things that can help us become better human beings.

    in reply to: An Act Of Kindness That Helped You #86864

    I thought my value was about my ability to analyze and figure things out intellectually, but I was wrong, my value is in my ability to love.

    That is a truly profound insight. And made me think about my own ability to love.
    Buddhists say we should have a kind of neutral, equal kind of love for everyone, that is free of likes and dislikes. I don’t think I could ever achieve that kind of love. I don’t think I have this broad love and acceptance of humanity, which maybe you have I think.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 4 months ago by jock.
    in reply to: Farewell Llama Jack #86861

    Thanks Anita, your posts as usual, full of vitality and warmth. I’ll write some long posts again, just not now. Cheers.

    in reply to: Is this Forum "Real Life"? #86858

    I am not aiming at being accepted by a single person here other than to be accepted by myself.

    I still have an inner self that wants to please everyone on here .
    This is where your courage and self-esteem are higher than mine. And that is admirable.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 4 months ago by jock.
    in reply to: An Act Of Kindness That Helped You #86857

    I can’t match the length of your posts, nor the quality I imagine… mmm don’t put the email on here that is for sure, endangering your privacy. I owe it to my partner for us to remain friends in the context of this forum only is what I’m trying to say. I’ll pop in here now and then. As I said before, these forum addictions are a concern. What happens is we get addicted to people, responses. Validation. Love.Acceptance. We get validation for being ourselves and that is not easy to get in the real world. usually we are encouraged to wear a mask, hide our true selves. We get rewarded for fitting in, being compliant, not complaining, not being a burden to anyone.
    Not my last post but you take care, Anita.

    in reply to: being lost in life #86841

    hi. My guess is that your relationship with your Mum is causing you the most grief. Better to not work with her at all, if you can find another job outside the business, that would be much better. It won’t be easy, but at least you don’t have to deal with feeling of guilt and obligation. Have a long term goal of gaining your own confidence, your own separate identity. That is the challenge and it aint easy for any of us. I’m still struggling myself. There’ll be pain, but make it worthwhile pain, one you can learn from.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 4 months ago by jock.
    in reply to: Is this Forum "Real Life"? #86820

    No this forum is not real life like facebook.But I can’t act silly on there. Prospective employers? And how can I talk honestly about family matters with them all there as well?
    But this is the real cyber me. I don’t hide my real opinion, which I might have to on facebook, due to political correctness. I am more free to be me here, which of course has turned out to annoy certain members. But no I’m not going to apologise for that. Maybe it shows that we have to wear a certain mask everywhere even online. We can’t be completely ourselves anywhere. Mmm, starting to bore myself, Better stop.

    in reply to: Was any of your parents good-enough? #86814

    hey Glenda

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 4 months ago by jock.
    in reply to: Farewell Llama Jack #86813

    I know you’ll all miss me a helluva lot
    And I’ll miss you a bit too.

    in reply to: Was any of your parents good-enough? #86811

    For impersonating a moderator, I sentence you to one week on Tiny Buddha, in solitary confinement. No visitors allowed! 🙂

    I don’t want the last word. This thread can go on forever, for all I care.
    But if you look back, you’ll notice that a lot of posts have taken on the authoritarian tone of a moderator. Hence my assertion that we do in fact need a moderator on Tiny Buddha. A moderator would’ve closed it down long ago. I’ve seen forums, where at the first sign of conflict, the thread is closed. perhaps that is going too far. We don’t have to be that strict but still there needs to be boundaries so people avoid name-calling for example.
    Call me Old Red, Lassie, Beethoven, Good Ol’ Guard Dog Jack, Snoopy, whatever….

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 4 months ago by jock.
    in reply to: Farewell Llama Jack #86810

    Am I pathetic?

    Don’t answer please because I know what you’re gonna say.

    in reply to: Farewell Llama Jack #86808

    hey pomp come back, honestly
    you can call me what you like
    I don’t care
    “guard dog” can be a term of endearment
    I needed time to heal, time to forgive, that’s all
    as for calling you an alcoholic
    we all got addictions
    and I’ve had my fair share
    I guess I feel guilty now for not taking an interest in other members here
    we all need healing
    me as much as anyone
    the heat of the moment
    brings out the poison in all of us
    I admit

    take care

    in reply to: An Act Of Kindness That Helped You #86806

    I’m hoping that poem I wrote for you leads to self-love, full and utter acceptance of yourself. because it is better for all of us not to become dependant on others’ love. That is like walking a tightrope, afraid to upset the other. Self-love is more useful, like a mobile phone, you can carry it around with you all the time. 🙂

    in reply to: An Act Of Kindness That Helped You #86804

    Hey Anita
    you deserve all the praise you get . But I’m going to scale back my presence on here, one reason being I may be actually causing you more harm than good. Other members showing resentment of our natural alliance which I had no political motive whatsoever. We gelled naturally and they felt left out, simple as that.
    Keep on doing what you’re doing though because as Saisha said you are making a difference, the best I’ve seen on any forum. I don’t have that level of dedication and energy which is totally awesome.
    I was going to do a fun LLama Jack eulogy (to myself)even I haven’t quite left yet. 🙂
    Take care. the privilege has been all mine.
    And as for real life. I’m not pretending I like you, your courage and tenacity. that’s the real deal!

Viewing 15 posts - 496 through 510 (of 919 total)