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your analysis is absolutely brilliant and keeps me motivated.
I don’t think I could’ve done so well without your interest
and please go ahead with your idea about using your inner selves to deconstruct Marvin
thanks again 🙂jock
ParticipantThis is getting corny, weak sentimental. I’m starting to weary of it, so better to stop before it becomes really pathetic 🙂
But it has served its purpose for me.
I wonder if some people only have one or two inner selves? I envy that kind of simplicity. Still it only takes two to argue.My writing reveals to me that I blame Marvin for basically everything, especially lack of confidence and to a less extent, Ruminator Ron.
Better not to blame anyone. But it would be nice if Marvin could at least have a vacation.jock
ParticipantChairman: Just for a change of pace, we’ll do something different now. Let’s play Hot Seat. Any volunteers?
Ron: I volunteer Marvin into the Hot Seat.
Norman: I second that! (nervous voice)
Marvin: What!! How dare you Ron! And Norman? You wait! I’ll get you for this..
Please no Pressure Percy (aka Highly Strung Hyena): That is a great idea!
Marvin: What! This is a conspiracy!
Chairman: Ok Marvin. Looks Like you’re in the hot seat. Basically you sit out the front and answer any questions from anyone. You must answer honestly.
(Marvin trudges slowly to the front and sits in the hot seat)
Analytical Al: Marvin, who are you? Why do you exist?
Marvin: I don’t know. All I know is I love scaring the pants out of Norm and Ron, oh and Percy too.
Al: Ok. I’ll tell you. You are a result of Jack’s masochistic need to continue punishing himself. He based you on a combination of older siblings and their worst bullying tactics. Add some religious guilt and wa la!
Marvin: OK. Thanks Al. (sarcastically) Now I know who I am. I thought I was just a thug!
Norman: (shaking) Why are you so mean to us? Me and Ron and Hyena)
Marvin: I’m just doing my job. Didn’t Al just answer that question?
Ron: Yeah, why do you attack me? I’m helping you out anyway by brooding on past negatives.
Marvin: I don’t thank anyone. it’s not my style.
Adam Adult: You admit you are just a thug. We don’t need thugs. just leave, will you.
Marvin: I’m not ready to leave yet. you’ll have to drag me out.
Chairman: We can vote you out Marvin.
Marvin: Oh, I didn’t know that.jock
Participantgood point about Marvin, an obvious one too.
Fat Fat Fran does sound like a pain. I mean you are thin and she’s still bothering you!
You got a few trouble makers there too, I see Anita.jock
ParticipantChairman: Any other general business?
Rumi Ron: I’d like to propose that we send an angry email to my work colleague. I’m fed up. He has been making sarcastic comments about my incompetence, gossiping to others about my weirdness and laughing at the way I talk. He called me a turkey the other day. It’s just unfair and outrageous.
Adam the Adult: What would be the nature of the email?
Rumi Ron: (reads email)”Hey Brainless! This email is a warning. If you continue to harass me, I will not only report you to the boss, but I will contact my lawyer, even the police. Stop it I say! Stop it right now!”
Analytical Al: Bit emotional don’t you think, Ron?
Rumi Ron: That’s the problem with you Al. You don’t understand emotion. I’m fed up!
Chairman Chuck: I suggest you cool down before you write anything.
Llama Jack: At least, he didn’t call you a llama, Ron!
Ron: Ha Ha. No time for your wit LJ. This is serious!
Adam the Adult: Why can’t you ask to talk to him face to face?
Ron: You make it sound easy.
Al: It’s not easy I admit Ron. He is much taller than you and can look intimidating.
Chairman: You could request a meeting with your line manager?
Adam the Adult: I disagree.He needs to sort to sort this out face to face.
Ron: Ok you do it Adam then if you’re so tough.
Chairman: We all have to go together. Strength in numbers
Adam the Adult: I can do this myself I think. Dig deep, visualise and don’t react.
Ron: I’m offended now. Are you saying I’m too reactive?
Marvin the Monster: Yes he is. You are over reactive, oversensitive and over the hill. You are more pathetic than Norman!jock
This is by far m.ore rewarding than any job I’ve done.
The creative process for all of us, once we tap into it, drives itself.
And its self-healing as well.
I owe it to myself to go further with this.jock
ParticipantI feel for you Trixie. It’s an unenviable position to be in. I have been there a few times. Training is never ideal is it. I am slow to catch on anything with a long process. “first this, then do this, then do that, and then do this”. Not too mention dumb with my hands and inefficient which bosses hate. Your trainer sounds awful and you have my profound sympathy. Weigh up whether to quit or not.Any positives? Anyone you can become an ally with? Do you like the tasks you are expected to do?
This reply was modified 9 years, 5 months ago by
ParticipantThe first one I created was the comic, Lllama Jack. A lot of this idea is seen through his lens. He thought it would be fun to explore other characters. yes the balance comes in of course too. Pious Pete is like the opposite and a part of me brainwashed in childhood by religion and guilt and keeping up good appearances.
Just look at your issues and they create themselves.
Immature, irresponsible-Lllama Jack
Lazy, too fat-animal Abe
Uptight, judgemental-Pious Pete
Troublemaker-Ruminator Ron
Participantlove the names ! 🙂
ParticipantI have a character in my head I’ll call Highly Strung Hyena. This is a default reactionary character who seems to want centre stage in stressful scenarios which require lots of confidence such as confronting a work colleague or negotiating with a boss. My idea is to create another character to deal with these situations and let HSH sit them out. ATA (Adam the Adult) needs to practice in the mirror (visualisation) and I have to believe that Adam can do the job required. Self belief in a newly created character. it’s still me though.. 🙂
This reply was modified 9 years, 5 months ago by
Participantdoing great
you got some comical characters in there, (annoyed ann and intellect irene)even you don’t mean them to be comical. But I can see now that Lama Anita is having a good laugh at herself, which looks very healthy to my way of thinking.
So are all of us carrying around with us a huge cast of characters in our minds all day? No wonder I’m exhausted by the end of the day. 🙂jock
ParticipantThat’s a relief Anita. Go ahead. Would love to read yours.
Thanks Sann.Coincidentally, it is my turn to chair a meeting next month at public speaking course. (hence the idea) Quite nervous about the role actually.
Chairman Chuck: All those in favour say “Aye”
All (except Pious Pete): Aye
Chairman: The Ayes have it. Motion carried . You are all allowed to eat and drink as much as you like during meetings.
Animalistic Abe: (brings out a packet of choc chip biscuits) I’d love to share but sorry they’re all mine.
Pious Pete: Don’t be so selfish.
Animal Abe: Pete you go on a diet and I’ll pack on the pounds.
Pious Pete: We’re supposed to be working together here. Like one happy functional family.
Chairman: I think Peter has a point there. Either we all eat or we all go without.
Adult Adam: Otherwise we’re working at cross purposes.
Ruminator Ron: Yeah all this recent ruminatin’ is makin’ me hungry too.
Animal Abe: Oh ok then. here you all are.
Neurotic Norm: I’ll go without so there’s more for the rest of you.
Marvin Monster: Norm, shut up and eat or I’ll blame you for everything….again!-
This reply was modified 9 years, 5 months ago by
Participantplenty of short women out there…
the jockeys seem to do OK
I find short guys usually not short on confidence. In fact I can think of two that were downright Hitlers!jock
an honest question
do you think my level of insanity is above average?
I mean how many people would start a thread like this? -
This reply was modified 9 years, 5 months ago by