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  • in reply to: More Poems #91149

    What is art?
    And are you an artist?
    Or should I say, have you discovered the artist within?
    I think Art is very underrated.
    It bridges the gaps between the science of psychology and the dogmas of religions.
    It attempts to express that which conscious thought can’t express.
    It goes beyond rational thought.

    in reply to: More Poems #91148

    We are all waiting to be woken up
    By the one who let us fall asleep

    In a previous life I was Jack
    but thanks to Caitlin Jenner
    I’ve transgendered into a woman
    I’m out of the closet
    No longer a skeleton
    Obesity saved me from that

    You can’t beat her
    She’s an emancipated woman
    was stuck in the prison of a man’s body
    now reborn as a gal

    in reply to: More Poems #91143

    How the hell is hell?
    Hot and humid I heard
    So heaven is not hot?
    As cold as the North Pole?
    Hell must be like those countries on the equator then.
    And those of us who live in temperate climates are in Purgatory?
    Waiting to go to Antarctica?
    But if Antarctica really is heaven, I don’t want to go to heaven after all.

    in reply to: More Poems #91142

    I wandered lonely as a kangaroo
    Just looking for something to do
    Until I noticed something strange
    What’s this?
    Oh I see now
    It’s a little meaning of life toy
    Just what I needed
    Must be fun to play with
    Very similar to a Rubik’s cube
    I’ll have to buy the book to figure it out
    To master it

    in reply to: Do I have a victim complex? #91139

    It actually is very freeing to share this with someone because few people know

    That’s why I post on here.

    in reply to: Never really happy with anything… Pursuit for Perfection #91129

    I know the person I would like to be but I just canโ€™t seem to bring myself to be him. It is easier being me

    Let’s look at that statement again.
    Do you really know the person you’d like to be? Have you fleshed it out in detail? Written it all down?
    Is this ideal self so great? He may lack the good qualities you have now.
    So you say it is “easier being me”. Do you mean you prefer to be the lazy version of you? Do you really know who “me” is?

    I think you’d benefit from meditation or mindfulness. get some distance from your thoughts and emotions. You may discover there are some positive thoughts in there as well.
    Maybe it is a matter of accepting the imperfect version of yourself.

    in reply to: How can I change? #91092

    I hate my appearance and every aspect about myself

    There is the core of your problem. Self-esteem. Until you get good self-esteem, all those other issues will not be solved.
    Re appearance:
    None of us are model types on here to my knowledge. I might very well be the least attractive person . I think appearance is all about presentation. Make an effort. People appreciate effort. They can see you are trying to look presentable. Honestly, if I have to choose a friend I don’t value appearance anyway. If they have some self-confidence, I pay attention to what they say, not how thy look. Confidence and effort are more important than appearance. Energy and enthusiasm too.
    I think you should let your personality shine through so others can enjoy the real you!

    in reply to: Assuming God exists #91087

    Happy birthday Goddess Anita, for yesterday I mean.

    in reply to: Finding it hard to cope with my marriage break down #91086

    Yeah I’m sorry to hear about your plight. My support system is kind of narrow as well. Must be why I post here so often.
    getting back to you: can you confide in anyone at all? Someone needs to hear you out for your benefit. And be on your side too. Your hubby sounds totally confused and best not to take him seriously from now on, in my view. I emphasise my view. Only my opinion. He has some issues he needs to address, as do you if you don’t mind me saying. You are not a good mix it seems. Can you have a trial separation?

    in reply to: Assuming God exists #91085

    Once again, hilarious Juanita. You have a great sense of humor. I only wish I could be that funny 😃

    I only wish other people could be as funny as me too. ๐Ÿ™‚

    in reply to: Assuming God exists #91084

    HNYD Anita. I hope you don’t have a Goddess complex. ๐Ÿ™‚

    in reply to: Narcissistic Personality Disorder and their victims #91015

    The victim now doubts everything about themselves, their thoughts and opinions, their ideas and ideals. They become co-dependent on the abuser for their reality.

    This part really resonated with me. Looking back now, I think I grew up with older siblings who showed a lot of narcissistic traits such as:
    -inflated sense of their own importance
    -deep need for admiration

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 2 months ago by jock.
    in reply to: Assuming God exists #91003

    Ever seen that movie called “Oh God” with John Denver and George Burns? Highly recommend it for showing God with a sense of humour.
    It was an old 80s movie.

    in reply to: Assuming God exists #90995

    Wouldn’t we be surprised to find out God has a great sense of humour!
    “Well I must’ve had a good sense of humour to create you, Juanita!”
    “Hey, I have all these CCTV screens up here watching everyone. It’s boring actually! If I can give you good advice Juanita it is this. Live a more exciting life! Make my time watching you more interesting!”

    I think we might take God too seriously. (hears thunder clap)

    in reply to: Do I have a victim complex? #90977

    That’s right. The worst of it is, the one who victimised us, was the one we looked up to, admired, cherished. Then the power they had over us was enormous!

Viewing 15 posts - 61 through 75 (of 919 total)