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ParticipantDear anita,
the “sounds and thoughts” meditation was not the one you were talking about it seems. A window wasn’t mentioned there. I found the things he said there made sense, but I also have a hard time concentrating at the moment and a hard time to absorb the things he says.
Making my life better every day sounds like a very good idea and like it could work. Just at the moment I feel very exhausted and overwhelmed. Sometimes I feel hopeless and I have a lot of self disgust. I guess I will have to start with very, very small steps. Today I have the interview for this program, where a mentor will help you with your career. Then I also want to study for a while, even if it is just for a short period of time. I have to just start. Clean up for half an hour. Go for a walk. I also don’t want to think so much about K. Maybe this can be a start.
What you tried to explain there about my relationship with my parents, I can understand it on an intellectual level. It makes sense. I also read somewhere that you try to resolve your childhood problems in relationships. But emotionally, I don’t quite get it. Even as a child I disliked my father. He was just too unfair and unkind to me. He hit me and said terrible things to me. My therapist also said that, even if a child doesn’t like their parent, it still secretly wants their approval. But I don’t know, somehow the thought didn’t really sink in.
ParticipantDear anita,
I can look for that meditation later. There is one called “listening and thoughts”. Maybe that is the one.
Today I was feeling a little bit better, more calm. After work, I went for a long walk. The bad thoughts still are there though. What I have started to notice lately is that all my negativity and anger is directed towards myself. Meanwhile I barely got angry at the two men that hurt me. Instead I tried to understand them. Even if I could feel the (emotional) pain they had caused me in my body. And with the first one especially, even after he had so obviously mistreated me. My therapist suggested that this was so i could feel in control of the situation, but I don’t completely understand it yet.
About not trusting myself. I am not sure, but it could be because my parents are so overprotective. My father is scared of everything and expects something bad to happen always and everywhere. I think I told you already about how my sister went for a on-the-job training to another city? My father was very worried and thought that the company was not to be trusted… My sister even said that maybe he thought it was related to the mafia… He sometimes has some crazy theories like that. And if not, he is definitely always listening and talking about bad news. And judging others harshly for their misbehaviour, while not being able to take criticism well himself. So I think I might have learned that fear-based thinking from him.
When there was a conflict, there was very little understanding and negotiating. It was more of a “his way or the highway” kind of situation. At the same time he also wasn’t consequent with his punishments. I think my parents, they didn’t know how to be parents. And at some point they kind of gave up, I think? And they left me and my siblings to ourselves. At least I know I didn’t have much guidance during my childhood and teenage years. But I also didn’t trust them and didn’t take them seriously after a while. We lived under the same roof, but we didn’t even eat together (when I was a teenager), because we all came home at different times. And I didn’t care for their opinions anymore (they were too narrow-minded).
And my father, like I told you before, he didn’t like me. At least, it felt like that. Once he said to me “You are a disgusting person, who hates herself”. Now I think, that he was maybe talking to himself there, not being happy with himself. So if you hear things like that, I guess it doesn’t exactly help with your self-confidence. I remember being unhappy as a child. So unhappy, that I thought about suicide even when I was younger than 12 years old.
And there were also those arguments with my sister, where she went to seek my father’s help. And as I remember it, he was always on her side. So my feelings were not respected or disregarded there. My feelings also were disregarded when it came to the religion issue. They had no understanding for my point of view, I was just supposed to fall in line and be a good presentable daughter of a pastor. Of course I understand that this was my father’s job, but they could have handled the situation better. They could have tried to understand me and put less pressure on me. There just was no way for me to find my own path…
Hm, I don’t know if that answers the question or if I rambled along for too long.
About shame. I don’t remember many examples of when I felt shame at a young age. I know I was overly sensitive. I was always scared for teachers to criticize me or call me out even in elementary school. And if it happened, it hurt more than it should.
The children in elementary school didn’t like me, I was always the weird one. They once called me “monster” (but the word in German is much more derogatory). And the teacher heard it. Even then I said to the teacher that it is no problem, because I didn’t want to be disliked more by my peers I think? So that pattern of minimizing the abuse of others is very old…
Once, when we visited my aunt, I got scared of her father in law. I said to my mother: “I am glad that I don’t have such a bad grandpa”. And my mother told it to my aunt and they laughed about it, and I felt very ashamed. I guess I got ashamed over little things. Somehow I cannot come up with a lot of examples.
One thing is for sure. The message I got from everywhere was: the way you are is not right. You shouldn’t be so shy, you should be more confident, you are too sensitive, you cry too much, you are too fat, not pretty enough, you shouldn’t get angry, you are not good enough in school… But there was not much guidance on how to deal with those things.I still feel like I am complaining when I write about these things… But I think what you wrote earlier is true, that these experiences have shaped me and damaged me. And both of my siblings have problems too.
But I want my future to become better. I want to be at peace with myself one day. And make better decisions for myself.
ParticipantDear anita,
thank you for looking up the name of the author. There are some of his meditations on youtube and I listened to the “Befriending” one.
Today I am not feeling so good. Yesterday, after the walk and going to Yoga class, I felt better. But then, in the night, I couldn’t sleep. There is the feeling of anxiety and stress in my whole body and my heart hurts. Only listening to an audiobook calmed me down a little.
First, I asked myself today, if I am a slut. But then, I managed to calm myself down a little bit. I told myself that I have very little experience with men and then I also don’t judge others who are sexually very active. So why would I judge myself? And I also don’t like people who are intolerant and who use that word and try to devalue others. So I should stop to devalue myself. So I calmed down a little bit.
Then I started to doubt my own perception again… And I asked myself, if I just did not communicate well enough with K..? But then I reminded myself, that the things he said on the phone were indeed weird and suspicious. And that it was definitely the right decision to end it as this would have never become a healthy relationship.
I wish my own head would stop playing those tricks on me. I learned to not trust myself and my own feelings and it is very hard to undo. Hopefully I can unlearn those wrong messages about myself and get on a healing path.
You are right that these thoughts about what others will think are my own. Yesterday after yoga class I felt better and thought to myself: most likely my neighbours have their own problems to worry about. It would be weird if they thought so much about me and it is none of their business.
I think my own bad feelings about myself trigger those fears about what others will think. And at the moment I am very unhappy with myself. I have so much self-doubt and shame. But it will likely get better after a while and with some distance. And if I don’t repeat my mistakes. Therefore I want to stay single for a very, very long time. Or maybe forever. But if I meet someone, I will get to know them slowly. I want to do nothing I am not comfortable with and listen to my own feelings more. And speak up, if I am unsure or uncomfortable.
But it is easier writing these things down than putting them into practice. But I think as long as I don’t date any men, nothing too bad can happen.
ParticipantDear anita,
thank you for your help and always replying to me. Most people would only judge and look down on me.But you actually took the time to try to understand and help me. Really thank you!
Good to hear that your foot is better now! Hopefully the weather will get better too and you can go out for your daily walks again!
Today I also went for a walk by the river. It is a nice springlike day. I even collected some shells and the sounds of the waves reminded me of the ocean. At the moment, going for walks really helps me to calm myself down. I want to do such things that make me feel better. Now I want to study for a while and later go to Yoga class.
The idea of using guided meditations sounds good. I found some on youtube, I can try and see if there are helpful ones there. Or maybe there are some at the library or I can ask my therapist. Maybe she knows of something. Do you know how the author of those you used was called?
I am not scared of my own thoughts though. The thoughts of other people about me scare me. And I realize already, that it doesn’t make sense! For example, I am scared if one of my neighbours overheard something of my phone call with K. and now thinks badly of me. Because, of course I responded to the weird things he said, repeated some of those things in a question. It was a weird conversation and I was confused. But why do I care??? I don’t even know my neighbour, they don’t know me. Most likely they don’t care so much. And they don’t know the whole story. But I know that I have ended it, while he wanted to continue this. I know that honesty is very important to me, while he was not honest. I know that I had no bad intentions, that I only hoped to be with him… I know that I made mistakes (which were no doubt stupid), but that I really want to change and learn from those mistakes. But somehow the actual truth becomes less important than some supposed thoughts of a stranger.
What you wrote is true though, I need to learn to be no longer scared of their (imagined) thoughts and judgements. For a start I try to do other things, occupy myself. But I am also hiding myself, which is likely not so good. Still, I feel a lot of shame for not making good choices and being naive…
But I also try to tell myself that I am still learning. I try to be more compassionate with myself. The problems I have, I have them because nobody was trying to understand me while I was growing up. Somehow there was this conclusion by grown ups that I am difficult and problematic. I did not fit into their narrow expectations and so I was judged. Of course, I don’t want to make this a lifelong excuse to rest on. I want to work to not make the same mistakes again and better myself. But it also explains why I might need some more time for everything compared to others… I want to be more patient with myself and not judge myself so much.
ParticipantDear anita,
hopefully I am making progress, I have to. Something like this cannot happen ever again.
I have to admit, that I was still confused during the phone call. The things he said, admitted to and expected were shocking to me. It took a while until it truly sunk in. But in the end I sent him a message, that I don’t want to see him again.
At the moment, I am not feeling too good about myself, but I am not a person that will give up easily. I try to remind myself, that I already took the first steps in the right direction. I can’t change what happened in the past, but I can learn from it and not make the same mistakes again. And I really, really don’t want to repeat them!
It is very essential for me to learn to not try to please others all the time! But the good thing is, I have already noticed my own behaviour more and am more aware of myself. From now on, I want to always take a moment to think about what I want, before making an important decision or before saying yes. I am sure I am repeating myself already… But these are the things I am thinking about a lot at the moment.
My obsession with other people’s thought’s – where did it come from? Maybe it’s a topic I can discuss in therapy. I already found some solutions that can help me, when I get stuck in this cycle of thinking again (like doing something else, going for a walk etc.). But I can tell you, it is hard to stop these thoughts, they are very persistent. Hopefully it will get better with time.
And how are you doing?
ParticipantDear anita,
I have no more regrets about ending it. And I don’t feel sorry for him or worry about him anymore. But I have other regrets. I am angry at myself for being so blind, for assisting him in mistreating me. For a long time I was very convinced, that he was honest. That there must be something wrong with me. But a good person wouldn’t treat you like this.
Sadly I have very little experience with men. For a long time, I wasn’t even able to speak to them. There was only the experience with the man in the dormitory. Other than that, no experiences. Compared to him, K. treated me better. But there was no high bar there…
For now, I will focus on myself. Not see any men. Hopefully I will feel better with time. I already started to feel better before he called me again. But I learned a lot during this call, so it was worth the pain. It brought me clarity!
From now on, I will observe people’s behavior better. It is my resolution to be on my own side more. Of course, still reflecting about my behavior, but try not to overdo this. Take on responsibility for my own mistakes, but not the mistakes of others. Not let people disrespect me. I have a lot to learn, but I think I took the first steps in the right direction with ending this… I also blocked him on social media and don’t want to hear of him ever again!
Regarding my flatmates: I usually want to be respectful and be nice to everyone. But sometimes I might overdo this, and then it will seem strange. And when I worry about what others think of me, always suspecting that they don’t like me, of course it will show. I get nervous and then I make them nervous or uncomfortable too. I am socially awkward. Social competences is another big thing I need to work on.
Most likely people don’t even think or care about my problems. Somehow I have this obsession with what others will think of me. The fears are very unrealistic! I find lots of reasons why others might be upset with me and many of them are not true to reality. Every little thing I do would be a reason for them to criticize me. Even things that I did not do! What if they thought this of me? Or that? This is how my mind often goes… It makes my life miserable. And people have their own problems to worry about, they likely don’t care about mine.
What helped me before was to go out more, do things that calm me down. To occupy my time with things that will improve my life. Go for a walk, meet a friend, work, study… Then I will think less and less about what others will think.
Your idea of writing parts of our conversation down could be helpful. Maybe I will make a list, or buy a notebook for this.
Hopefully I will make more and more progress. I want to change and better myself. At least I am self aware (I hope) and willing to learn.
ParticipantDear anita,
my faltmates were nicer to me recently. Even the woman, who ignored me, talked to me again. I have no clue what happened with them. The lesson is to not worry about what others might think so much. It is hard for me, but I want to free myself from this way of thinking. Better say stop to myself, when I get into this cycle of thinking again.
But I still want to move out. It is time for a change, and there is also only a limited time you can live in a dormitory. Maybe if I live with only one or two people, it will be easier for me.
K. recently called me. Maybe you will be angry at me, for taking the call, but I was curious about what he wanted. In the end, it helped me see what kind of a person he truly is. He revealed a lot more about his character during the call. He wanted to get back with me, but I told him that I don’t want to see him again. I better don’t tell more about what he said, or you would just get furious again. Now I can move on with no regrets, so it was worth it. In an impulse, I threw my phone into the river. While I regret the pollution, at least he doesn’t have my number anymore now.
You guided me through ending contact with him the first time, which was a good advice and helpful. But I also have to make my own experiences and now I ended it on my own terms and I feel calmer.
ParticipantDear anita,
I am sorry to hear that your foot is not completely healed. But most likely it will be in the future, maybe it just takes time. So with this type of weather you can’t go for your daily walks? Here it is getting warmer, I even saw the first spring flowers already.
I think this girl must have heard me, she even looked at me. And I also saw her several times again and didn’t say anything to her again and she also didn’t say anything to me.
Sometimes I worry too much about every little thing. And I always look for the fault within myself, but actually it was this girl who behaved strange, not me. I never did anything bad to her or anyone at the dormitory. Only that I isolated myself a lot, but that is actually not their problem!
Somehow the mood is weird here, I feel like something is going on, but I have no clue what it is about. But most people still say hello normally to me. Maybe it is nothing or a problem that they have amongst their group. Best to not worry about it. But I also want to maybe find another place to live, where I will feel more comfortable.
What you wrote about value, that some people think that others are worth less than them, I don’t like such a way of thinking. If this girl truly thought like that, it would be the best to not get to know her better. In any case, it is impolite and unkind to ignore another person. So I’m better off not being in contact with her. I only say hello to be polite, to let the other person know that all is o.K. But if she doesn’t want that, I will let her be.
What I want is to try my best to be kind to everyone. No matter their status, job, background or anything. Of course, if they choose to be disrespectful to me, I have to draw the line there. I believe the same thing like you, that every person is equal. I am still learning to keep that balance, in real life I will maybe still make mistakes. But I am now more aware of myself: I want to be kind, but not let others disrespect me.
I also want to do the thing that you suggested, to value myself. Too often I put myself down. For example, I make excuses for my art stuff, when showing it to my professor. Or I say that it was not so good etc. I need to stop this! It is not helping at all.
But somehow I am feeling like the change within me has already begun. Sometimes I feel unhappy, unhappier than before. But at the same time I feel hopeful that change is possible. I have a good feeling about my new therapist and also the conversations here with you have helped me.
ParticipantDear anita,
I am feeling strange. People at my dormitory are acting strange. One person didn’t respond to me twice, when I said hello to her. It made me feel bad, and I didn’t know what had happened. I hadn’t even seen her in weeks and I barely talk to her. She is my next-door neighbour. So I wondered: was I too loud? But I usually use headphones. What else could I have done wrong? I have never said anything bad to her or about her. And I also cannot think of anything else, that I could have done wrong. Maybe I should have asked, but I thought, okay, maybe she just doesn’t like me for some reason. So better leave her alone and respect her wishes. So I stopped saying hello to her and she also doesn’t say anything to me now when I see her. Maybe the problem is not me, but her. I don’t know what she is going through, I should stop taking things personally. But I have a huge tendency to take everything personally.
In the last months I isolated myself quite a bit. I even avoided meeting people. The community kitchen and living room are together, only separated by one door. Once I entered the kitchen, but then heard that someone was in the living room and left, because I didn’t want to meet someone. Another time I thought I was alone in the kitchen and somehow said to myself “I hate you” (sometimes I do, without thinking, it happens). But there was someone in the other room. This could be misunderstood, or at least would seem strange. These behaviours, of course, must seem weird to others. Maybe that’s why they are acting weird? It just happened, because I wasn’t feeling good of myself, ashamed of myself and unhappy.
Another weird thing is, that today most people removed their shoes from the corridor. Very strange and I don’t know what’s going on, because I’m in contact with no one.
I wish life would be easier for once. But I am also maybe just thinking and worrying too much about these things. I don’t know what’s going on with my neighbour. I think I should ask them next time I see them. But I also want to spend less time at the dormitory, as it makes me feel depressed. Maybe I should start looking for a new place to live. A place with only one or two roommates, so that it will be easier to connect with them for me.
But not everything is bad these days. I found out that none of the three friends I wrote about earlier in this thread, who I thought are angry at me, are actually angry at me. This weekend I am going to see one of them and I am very happy about that! Maybe it is a sign that I should just worry less, but it is not easy for me. I also managed to work on my projects better during the last week and was satisfied with my results. And I applied for a program, where you can work with a mentor, that will help you with your career goals. So far I don’t know if I will get accepted, but at least I tried.
I want to try my best to make my life better.
And how are yo, anita? I hope everything is good for you.
ParticipantThank, you, anita!
ParticipantDear anita,
in any case, it is over now. I still think a lot about him, I am still sad. But it will get better with time.
Now it’s time to work on my other problems. And there is still a lot of work to do there.
Thank you for your help and support!
ParticipantDear anita,
you are right. I guess with time I will be able to get over it, especially when there will be no new messages from him. Sometimes I try to understand others too much. But it’s useless. I should either ask them directly about their behaviour, or if they disrespect me repeatedly, let them go.
ParticipantDear anita,
maybe it was just a very bad match. I know that it must have been not easy with me. I have problems showing my feelings, expressing what I want. Sometimes I wanted to hug him, but was too afraid to do it. He also told me a lot about his life, while I am hard to talk to at times. It is hard for me to talk a lot about myself, because of my insecurities. And dating someone, I was very overwhelmed. Maybe the increased bad feelings also just came from the different nature of the relationship. Everything happened way too fast for me and I didn’t know how to handle it. Also my fears about infecting him, must have been very hard to deal with. It must have been stressful for him, hard to understand.
To be honest, I don’t feel so good about having sent this harsh message. It surely was for the best to end it, as this wouldn’t have worked out most likely. But having ended it on such a bad note, it makes it harder for me to move on. Unlike you, I am not sure what to think about him. People are not just black and white, good or bad. Sometimes he was very sweet and genuine. He seemed to care a lot about his family, his country. But he also didn’t seem too interested in me for a longer time and I wish he would have said something. But people also are not perfect, and I am not perfect myself at all.
I guess it is all part of the learning experience. Finding my own way, trusting myself, learning how to deal with things.
What I have learned from all of this, is what I wrote down above: to speak out more, to trust my own gut feelings. This thread has also helped me to see things a lot clearer. And for this, I thank you anita.
ParticipantDear anita,
I don’t know what to think of him, but I know he he made me feel. He made me feel like I was boring, not interesting, lazy, crazy, weird and worthless. Maybe it comes from my own insecurities, but I know my other friends don’t make me feel like that. In the future I don’t want to accept someone who has no time for me anymore. I want to say something if someone talks to others on the phone more than once while meeting me. I don’t want to accept it, that if someone says they will come to visit me now, they arrive one hour later because they have met their sister and had to talk to her. Nor do I ever want to have sex with someone again, if I just met them or don’t feel comfortable with them. I want to listen to my own gut feelings more. If I don’t feel comfortable with someone, there must be a reason for that.
The good thing after all of this is, that I am now seeing these things clearer. After my experience with that other guy, even though it was much worse, I still was confused, I still didn’t get it. In hindsight I think he has done much more damage to me than I realized. He took so much away from me, he was the first man I was with… But I think I am stronger than the two of them together and I don’t want to ever become like them! I want to treat others with respect, want to be honest and work on my problems. I don’t want to let others disrespect me anymore.
Yes, I want to move on. And now, after sending this message, he will hopefully not contact me anymore and distract me like he did before.
This reply was modified 6 years, 1 month ago by
ParticipantDear anita,
yes, I am allright. I went to therapy today, then made food and worked on uni projects all afternoon.
I am thankful for your help. Just, everything got very intense lately and I think I needed to have some time away from focusing on my problems so much.
I still think a lot about K. I think we both were bad communicators. I have a very hard time asking people for something and telling them what I want. My therapist said today, that I don’t express clearly what I want. Sometimes I wish, I could have had a conversation with K. about everything. But then, I already offered him this and he didn’t seem too interested. So at least all the confusion is over now and I have the clarity that I wanted. So I can begin to move on. In the end, I will feel better about everything, I think.
Sorry to hear that your injury hasn’t healed yet. Hopefully you will be well soon! Have a nice and calm walk. Is it also so cold at your area?
This reply was modified 6 years, 1 month ago by