Forum Replies Created
January 9, 2014 at 11:02 am #48803
Lyla McLean
ParticipantHi Pete,
You could list the things you don’t like about yourself and start practicing the opposite. Little by little our actions can bring about changes in our feelings about ourselves.
I can’t think my way into new feelings but I can act my way into a more positive view of myself. Giving of yourself, your time, talents and money, to good causes can make you feel wonderful. Smile whether you feel like it or not. it actually helps. Particularly smile at other people. A smile is a gift that says ” I acknowledge you. “.
I’ve put this in a form of saying what you could do. I’m too lazy to write it again. So I’ll just say that these are the things I do to nourish the best part of myself.
Some things are really easy and fast. i go onto the Greater Good site every day and take a minute to click on sites that give to several great causes. it’s free.
Although I’m not a religious person the description of love from 1st Corinthians is lovely. I need to treat myself with patience and kindness, not boast or carry grudges, not judge others or myself. If you have acted in ways that hurt others you can go to them and clean it up. Apologize and ask if there is anything you can do to make up for your mistake. People are amazingly forgiving when we go to them and admit our wrongs. I suspect you may be carrying guilt. Making amends gets rid of guilt.All the very best, Lyla
January 5, 2014 at 6:27 pm #48453Lyla McLean
ParticipantLove and be loved.
January 5, 2014 at 6:18 pm #48449Lyla McLean
ParticipantHi Cathy,
It takes at the very least,a couple of years to grieve a long marriage or relationship. It sounds like the timing of your relationship was off. The right man at the wrong time for him.
This is probably something that you can’t help him with but it’s great that you both have therapists for support. Maybe you need to listen carefully to what your man is telling you. 1] He has nothing to give to a relationship right now. 2] He doesn’t want talk about love, your relationship, your future. 3] He doesn’t WANT you to wait around.
What you were describing is being ” in love ” which has little to do with real and lasting love. How long did you know this man? Becoming best friends takes a very long time.You sound very romantic but romance is not reality. Your man is telling you in every way that you should move on without him. He wants you to date other men. A man who loves you would not be talking that way. A man who loves you would be totally upset at the very thought. Hey, it was great while it lasted but it’s over. I’m sad for you. it hurts and it will take time for you to heal too but please, for both your sakes, let him go.
January 5, 2014 at 6:03 pm #48448Lyla McLean
ParticipantEric, why so harsh all the time and what’s with the name calling? Aren’t we meant to be offering support and compassion.
January 3, 2014 at 10:18 am #48268Lyla McLean
ParticipantHi Kristian,
One of the most important things I’ve learned as someone who lives with mental illness is that often it’s the illness that’s ” Talking ” and saying negative things about me. it’s hard to have positive thoughts when you are depressed but, if you can remember not to believe everything that you’re thinking, it will go better for you. If you have love and support believe what those people feel and say about you. Believe your girlfriend. You may need to go back to your doctor for an honest talk. it could be that you need a change of medication. Mine has been changed over and over. Best of luck and let us know how you are getting on.
Hugs, Lyla
January 3, 2014 at 10:07 am #48259Lyla McLean
ParticipantHello Miriam,
I’m sorry that you find yourself in this situation. I had a partner who was more involved with his toxic family than he was with me. He’s no longer my partner because I just don’t put up with abuse. It has to be very difficult to be living in the same house with your in-laws. Can you afford to find your own place? it’s just not acceptable for anyone to be bullying you or for your husband not to stand up for you. Threatening you with leaving you is certainly not a loving thing to do. Do you have somewhere to turn? Were you married in a religious ceremony so that you could turn to your clergy person? Is alcohol or drug use a factor here? If so you could go to Al-Anon to get help. If not you could go to Codependents Anonymous. The 12 step programs are really helpful. Either Dear Abby or Ann landers, two advice columnists used to suggest asking yourself this question. ” Would I be happier with him or without him? ” You are young. You can make a better life for yourself but probably not in the situation that you are now in. Do you have family to turn to? A friend who could put you up until you find a place of your own? Is there a women’s shelter in your town. They can give you good advice and let you know what resources may be available to you. There is the YWCA also who have programs that will help you. Let me know how you are getting along. Hugs, Lyla
January 2, 2014 at 9:49 pm #48213Lyla McLean
ParticipantHello Kay,
I have only a couple of minutes but I wanted to reach out to you. You are an amazing person to have come through all of that and not be full of bitterness and self-pity. You are so strong. Your childhood was not your fault nor anything else that has happened to you. i too have had a really traumatic life but I have come to peace about it. I didn’t cause the family sickness nor can I fix it. I’m responsible for my life and only my life. Good for you that you want to better yourself. I have faith in you. I know you’ll make it.
I’ll write more when I can. Big hugs to you.January 1, 2014 at 5:56 pm #48139Lyla McLean
ParticipantHi Lea,
I/m so sorry that you’ve been the victim of this rude, hostile man. Would you not be better off staying completely away from him? Why go back and be hurt again? Obviously he’s got major anger issues not to mention a total lack of courtesy. What was your BFF saying or doing while this was taking place? Did she speak up for you? If not she’s not much of a friend at all. You say that he messed up your relationship but if she remained silent and allowed her husband to abuse you she is every bit as much at fault.
It’s nobody’s business but your own how much you weigh. If you see a need to do something about your weight I’m sure your doctor would help. Weight Watchers and T.O.P.S. also seem to be very successful but you are the only one who gets to decide. Please don’t ever go to their house again for any reason. Don’t give him another chance to spew his poison onto you. I’m sorry for your friend, if she is indeed a friend, and her children. This man needs help but he would probably not be able to see that. His business anyway.Good luck and don’t allow anyone else to drag you down. Own your own power. Hugs, Lyla
January 1, 2014 at 5:39 pm #48138Lyla McLean
ParticipantHi Danielle, Have you asked your man to come and have a quiet talk? Texting someone doesn’t convey emotion. Surely a face-to-face talk would be best? That way you hear the tone of voice, see the facial expression and the body language.
Have you let him know that you are now in therapy and dealing with your negativity? The weight doesn’t seem to be an issue for him. Maybe for now it would be a good idea to just put it aside yourself. I get the hint that he may have a problem with alcohol. Was that a concern for you?
I hope that things work out for you in the best possible way.
Hugs, Lyla
December 31, 2013 at 10:23 pm #48092Lyla McLean
ParticipantDear Melissa, You mentioned alcohol and drug problems. That would seem to be the very first thing to take care of. Are you willing to get clean and sober and live a life that will teach your children how to live. If you are Alcoholics Anonymous has helped over two million people get sober and get their lives back on track. You may be obsessed with this man but you can’t love someone who beats you up physically or emotionally. A book called Facing Love Addiction by Pia Melody really helped me. I hear a lot of my past relationship in what you have shared. I ended up trying to kill myself because I was so beaten down by that man. Today I’d keep him away with a restraining order if I had to.
You know his lies are lies. So why believe them? he may start beating you again. men who abuse continue to abuse and then it’s all hearts and flowers until the next time. Don’t let him use your mental illness against you. That’s what my partner did too. I came to hate the woman I was when I was with him and I came so close to punching him. That’s when I said he had to leave. I sometimes miss having the good parts but I would never again pay the price. Your children need to see you stand up and be strong. get the help of a social worker if that’s what it takes. I wish you well. I wish you strength. it won’t be easy but we women are daughters of the goddesses and God. Let us know how you are doing.December 31, 2013 at 10:07 pm #48091Lyla McLean
ParticipantHi Penelope, Only you can know what is the best thing to do and I think that you do. You didn’t say why your Mother moved in but, if you have given it your best and it’s not working, you might all be better off if your mother goes home. Given some distance and with the pressure lessened you can then see if your relationship with your mother can be improved. Eric is being too tough on you. You have given the barest of details. Not enough for anyone to judge you on. You have your own children to consider. You have your health to consider. It sounds like stress is making you ill. Your mother has had her life and you’re not throwing her out on the street. She’s going home.
Be gentle with yourself. You tried and it wasn’t a success. OK. chalk it up to experience and forgive yourself. You deserve that and peace. May 2014 be a good year for you all.December 31, 2013 at 9:55 pm #48090Lyla McLean
ParticipantI’ve lived a long time and have had to create the meaning and purpose in my life. I think we’re here to leave the world a better place than we found it. I think the meaning is in finding your passion and following it, to find out who you really are and make changes if changes need to be made. I suspect we are here to grow in love and compassion for each other I think the purpose of life is to give as much as possible and to leave this life having fulfilled our potential. That’s just my thoughts for today. I don’t have any beliefs nailed down flat. I’m trying to live the St Francis prayer and I know it will bring me peace.
December 31, 2013 at 9:46 pm #48089Lyla McLean
ParticipantA woman’s point of view Morten. You are asking and these good men have answered you from a place of maturity. As you asked for advice you might take time to consider the advice you have been given. Otherwise what’s the point? You are only 16, only starting your romantic life. She may have many fine qualities, your girlfriend. She also sounds like she is very damaged. That will affect you in a major way. Why not just date around with some nice, uncomplicated girls and have some fun. There are so many red flags with this girlfriend. You don’t have to observe her some more. It sounds like you have an accurate picture now. No, I would not show her this page. I don’t think that would be fair. You didn’t cause this situation, you can’t fix it. I very much doubt that talking to her will make any difference. Why not just walk quietly away. You don’t have to give any reason. Just be busy doing other things. If you stay with her you could become as sick as she is. Poor girl. I feel sorry for her and for you too. You will have the consequences of any action you take, or not take. Think very carefully. Ask yourself why you would even consider tolerating her intolerable behaviour. Isn’t it hurtful to you? Don’t you feel that neither she nor the ” brothers” have any respect for you? Have respect for yourself and care enough for yourself not to stay in a hurtful situation. Good luck. Let us know how it goes for you.
December 31, 2013 at 8:37 pm #48086Lyla McLean
ParticipantOh boy, what a lot of power you’re giving to someone else. You are who you are, a child of God with every right to be here and be happy. You are not a plague and not disgusting. These are only thoughts and thoughts can be changed. You don’t have to believe everything that you think. Isn’t that great? Your thoughts may be distorted at the moment by the pain of rejection but the world is full of people who won’t reject you. We all suffer loss and heartache. It’s part of life. You feel you have fallen but you can get up. I used not to know what it meant to love myself and felt rather irritated with people who talked about it. Be patient with yourself and kind. What would you do to help a friend who is feeling like you do? Do that for yourself. Surround yourself with positive messages. There are loads of wonderful thoughts and kind people right here on Tiny Buddha. I was badly abused and not loved at home but there are kind people who have accepted me as I am. I’ve had to change a lot. Not to make myself more acceptable to anyone but myself. There is a lot of pain in the world but there is a lot of beauty too. I have to focus on what’s good in order to be peaceful and happy. I’m not religious but I try to live a spiritual life. ” God doesn’t make junk. ” Do worthy things. Try to help those more in need than yourself. I’ve gotten a lot of satisfaction by volunteering. The more I give to the world the more the world gives to me. B;less you and may 2014 be a good year for you. I’ll pray for you.
December 31, 2013 at 4:56 pm #48082Lyla McLean
ParticipantHi B,
It takes time to develop close bonds with anyone. Lots of time spent together sharing life experiences and finding out if yours and their values mesh in enough ways for your friendship to become closer. I’m a single woman without children in my late 60s and it isn’t any easier than it was earlier in life. I live to high standards myself and find that I expect too much of others. I’m trying to keep my standards high for myself but lowering them for other people. That being said, I have allowed a lot of toxicity in my life because that was my comfort zone. That’s what home was for me. I’ve only lived where i do for 5 years now and have pleasant acquaintances with some of my nieghbours.
I belong to a 12 Step group and have friendly relationships there too but nobody here that I truly love or who loves me. My closest friends all live far away and there isn’t any family either. I’ve had to be my own best friend, try out friendship with others but, frankly, I’m just not that good at it. I just ended a three year ” friendship” which went on too long. My friend was always putting me down, arguing with me over the dumbest things and showing jealousy at my successes. Who needs that? I’m a passionate activist for animals and another women I had been getting close to decided to treat herself to a lobster and cook it live. That was the end of that. Knowing she was capable of such cruelty I just don’t want to know her. That’s what I meant about having similar values.
I met a nice group of women when I was volunteering for the SPCA. Out of the three there are two that I feel could be good friends. One is caring and supportive, the other is a busy single mother back at school but there’s enough there to build on I feel. I’ve met my share of bad people, some very, very bad and I had to come to realize that I just don’t see the red flags. Another old friend told me it’s not that I don’t see them but I run right past them. I intend to be very cautious in the future. As for the manipulators, as soon as you recognize the behavior, just walk away. I’ve found that I don’t have to say anything. I’m just too busy to see anyone I don’t want to see..
I hope this has been of some use to you. It’s clarified things for myself. Let me know how you feel about what I’ve said.
All the very best in 2014, Lyla -