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ParticipantHi Rahul,
Understand we all share these disappointments and fears and confusions… you are not alone or weird or strange or unlovable
Here is a piece of one of the best movies I have watched in my lifetime **Please do watch 🙂 it is a very important movie you like the scene here is the starting url
You Can Heal Your Life: Louise Hay
ParticipantI am sensing a disconnectedness
a possible
overly critical inner judge who is harmful to self but as much as we don’t like it is also overly critical of othersWhether this really fits here or not I feel to share it
I met an old man in a park who legally named himself after a buddhist teacher, Tilopa. Who also told me he is not a buddhist 😉
So we had a few talks and one time I ask him if I can ask him a serious question that bothers me..
I said I am 40+ years old now and still have upset feelings towards my family and the way I was raised. Why do I feel this way after so long..
“Because you like to feel that way”
So, then I asked him .. I need to have compassion for my parents and the hardships they must have gone through to have such a struggle being kind to their child? And for the struggles they faced with alcohol and money and such…
@@@No, you need compassion for you!@@@I really like Tilopa and have been working on self compassion.. maybe not as much as I could..
Why bring it up.. we are all unique but very the same.. most all people had to overcome x y and z.. see them as having compassionate replies..
This may be something deeper as others are saying..
A wrongful perception of self-worth?
Recognizing there are some things in your life you are not putting much effort into?
I struggle with definitely sensing a better direction for myself and then NOT taking it..…..
pickup some books on public speakingI used to love to sing as a kid..
In college I took a speech class and it really rocked
I have not viewed this video but his others on this topic are very good
ParticipantBe happy that you know feelings like this.. they are not owned by him.. they are yours.. you create these feelings.. not the other person
Direct the feelings elsewhere.. most often towards yourself..
I do not know the separation story but from what I have learned about attachment I feel better when I stay focused on WHO is creating the emotions 😉
How do I feel about this
How would I like to feel about this
How do I choose to feel about this
How do I feel about this nowmaitri2all
ParticipantI asked the most beautiful woman in the world one time.. I just wanted to know her response because most everything about her was amazing
Me; “Who do you love more, you or your children?”
Her; “Why myself of course.”
Me; “Huh 😀 :D?”
Her; “I am their strength”
The wonderful old man in the park .. approximately 75 years old..
I told him
>”Some people think self love sounds selfish”
In a kind loving grandfatherly old voice he replies
>>”Why, it’s the most selfless thing a person can do”NEXT TOPIC.. “Self Compassion”
ParticipantPick today 🙂
ParticipantI felt like you have spent so much time wanting others to love you that the definition may be a bit skewed
When I read that he will not share his family issues with you then that is not true love imho..
Nobody you know will be ok until you are truly ok
Fixing how you perceive Love will help them tremendously
Love is not putting up with your mate etc..
I once asked the most beautiful woman alive
“Who do you love more, you or your kids?“Myself.. because I am their strength”
You must stop giving more than you have especially if you are not content
Pleasant Neutral Unpleasant
Must remain calm
ParticipantAnthony Robbins talks about something called “State Management” .. remembering everything about a time when you were successful.. when you were at your very best…
He has helped many athletes and performers
all three victories Matt mentioned .. you can remember something in you in between each bell that motivated you into the next one
when you remember these you can bring them all together at once and and then you will have a ton of power
I used to hate all fighting sports until I saw the humility and camaraderie they showed each other after the fights..
Bloodiest fight of the night and after the battle they are all hugs and cheering each other on.. something special in that… for certain..
Congrats on finding what helps you
ParticipantBecause you do not know the things to do
in my completely uneducated opinion there are some things about you that you are not wanting to face.. she thankfully interrupted these
Love is about understanding
I think many people struggle to find the balance between a relationship that remains just sexual and friendly and a relationship you are trying to groom into something like a marriage
You let your confusion become anger and then allowed yourself to display that outwardly..
There are tons of emotions and thoughts to choose before anger and a female who first meets someone would never want to feel controlled or fearful
My life says it is best to understand whatever it is you may have done.. don’t call and ask or email and ask.. if you are serious about her you will look seriously into you to find how to
Better please a woman of your dreams.. if she was one then now you know what to look for..
Maybe earn her forgivenessMy recent inquiries about anger tell me that I most often get angered when I am trying to control someone other than myself
Feel joy that you had the ability to attract the one and that you now have a better sense of what you really want.. Take time to see if you have some things you can do that you know will make you even more attractive and more of a keeper…
ParticipantThe why and the what are not as important as the when and the how
We are in a very similar situation… to be faced with the we we created… mindlessly… I started drinking alcohol about 5 1/2 years ago.. 1.5 hours til 9 days sober..
But the odd thing is.. how did I even survive all those years and how detached I became from reality.. from the me I would rather be…
All of that above is based in fear of something… but that is not as important as protecting you and all you are responsible for
You sound like you are fully aware the past being put at the front of the mind can kill the now
Do not go into Guilt.. focus on the emotions of progress and clarity and understanding
You mentioned above that “if I had truly loved them”
^^ This is not about them.“If I had truly loved myself”…..
Try to repeat that
Why do we choose pain… This is a moment in time that will be an incredible abundance of improvement
They all love you.. this is your time to show them how much you love them by choosing to truly love you…
I will share a story from
Peace Is Every Step
The path of mindfulness in Everyday Life
**Parents**When I think of my mother, I cannot separate her image from my idea of love, for love was the natural ingredient in the sweet, soft tones of her voice. On the day I lost my mother, I wrote in my diary, “The greatest tragedy in my life has just happened.” Even as an adult living away from my mother, her loss left me feeling as abandoned as a small orphan.
I know that many friends in the West do not feel the same way about their parents. I have heard many stories about parents who have hurt their children so much, planting many seeds of suffering in them. But I believe that the parents did not mean to plant those seeds. They did not intend to make their children suffer. Maybe they received the same kind of seeds from their parents. There is a continuation in the transmission of seeds, and their father and mother might have gotten those seeds from their grandfather and grandmother. Most of us are victims of a kind of living that is not mindful, and the practice of mindful living, of meditation, can stop these kinds of suffering and end the transmission of such sorrow to our children and grandchildren. We can break the cycle by not allowing these kinds of seeds of suffering to be transmitted to our children, our friends, or anyone else.
A fourteen year old boy who practices at Plum Village told me this story. When he was eleven, he was very angry at this father. Every time he fell down and hurt himself, his father would shout at him.. The boy bowed to himself that when he grew up he would be different. But last year, his little sister was playing with other children and she fell off a swing and scraped her knee. It was bleeding, and the boy became very angry, He wanted to shout at her, “How stupid! Why did you do that?” But he caught himself. Because he had practiced breathing and mindfulness, he could recognize his anger and he did not act on it.
The adults were taking good care of his sister, washing her would and putting a band-aid on it, so he walked away slowly and practiced breathing on his anger. Suddenly he saw that he was exactly like his father. He told me, “I realized that if I didn’t do something about the anger in me, I would transmit it to my children”. At the same time, he saw something else. He saw that his father may have been a victim just like him. The seeds of his father’s anger might have been transmitted by his grandparents. It was a remarkable insight for a fourteen year old boy, but because he had been practicing mindfulness, he could see like that, “I told myself to continue practicing in order to transform my anger into something else.” And after a few months, his anger disappeared. Then he was able to bring the fruit of his practice back to his father, and he told him that he used to be angry at him, but now he understood. He said he wished that his father would practive also, in order to transform his own seeds of anger. We usually think that parents have to nourish their children, but sometimes the children can bring enlightenment to the parents and help transform them.
When we look at our parents with compassion, often we see that our parents are only victims who never had the chance to practive mindfulness. They could not transform that suffering in themselves. But if we see them with compassionate eyes, we can offer them joy, peace, and forgiveness. In fact, when we look deeply, we discover that it is impossible to drop all identity with our parents…..
couple more paragraphs…
Feel fortunate you want to change.. you are willing to improve..
Focus on all the good in you and around you and increase it..
Do not go into guilt… stay focused on who you want to be
Rush “even if you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice”
Control your choices and control your life
“The habit is the problem. All you need to do is be conscious of your choices and responsible for your actions.”Peaceful Warrior – Nick Nolte Drinking at a Bar
Celebrate all the good and you won’t have time to complain
Thank you for starting this topic… must rush to lunch time
ParticipantI blewup my life after a 10yr rerelationship breakup.. I let the outside control the inside instead of the other way around…I’m still in quicksand at times it seems…stuck in the past
It is really hard for me to drop my attachment to others.
In anger management my counselor once asked me…
He said
Be as honest as you can be about what emotion or response you chose.
I will agree if you can answer to yourself
“How is this helpful”
(I didn’t listen )
—————————————-Shad Helmstetter
How do I feel about this?
How would I like to feel about this
How do I choose to feel about this
How do I feel about this now?It isn’t so simple but with changing focus and as hard as it is…to realize just like the bodybuilder…squeezing more out ..putting 110% into it that they then get the results.. our emotions atrophy…sometimes..the emotions of self love…atrophy over time…
Seek to soften the thoughts as they emerge…letting them float by like clouds in the sky…the clouds do not vanish instantly…they sort of soften out and become less volatile and boomy
Currently you are experiencing thunder clouds booming and lightning striking… This too shall pass… You have a lot of control over the booms 🙂 but only by making friends with them and knowing their effects on you…
During meditation it is good to remember moments or people or friends animals flowers etc that bring a smile to our face. That is important all the time but they can help soften your thoughts… Pema talks about how we really really do make most everything larger than it really is… Iirc “we really make things a Big Deal” we fan the flames
She even said when we catch ourselves having those thoughts…to just, with incredible gentleness..and precision..when we find ourselves thinking…like a feather touching a bubble…just say “thinking” and let the thought go”
It has taken a lot of bravery and exposure to tons of thinkers to even create that question…
So, I understand these questions are like hearing the ocean inside the seashell…a far gap distance apart
My hope is that future generations are taught more about choice and how we cannot run from the we we create
I understand more now how Krishnamurti was trying to explain there is no future that does not include right now. Right now is when we must be the change we wish to see in the world.
I have been living in a true prison of mental shame and physical injury…
Why is it harder for me to focus on the good than the bad?
In truth I feel as though I wasn’t trying as hard as I could…maybe like Job.. or the guy who gave up just THREE feet from one of the biggest gold mines…sold it for cheap and left town…
I told the old man in the park
“Some people think Self Love sounds selfish”
He replied with a voice as kind as mother Theresa
“Why its the most selfless thing a person can do”🙂
Thank you for giving me a place to be mindful
ParticipantYou found more freedom than you realize
Do not let others control how you feel
You have permission to be whole even if you’re alone.
It is much better to be single than in a bad relationship
Also…a thought to have is empathy for that other human who is too caught up in selfishness to even enjoy friends
The first place to find strength will be in your mirror
ParticipantI wanted to add edit about the breath
Try to make them a little more full each time..
I find it is like an atonement to my body…oxygen is the most important nutrient for human beings and yet we rarely focus on what nourishes our oxygen supply
Anxiety is a mini hyperventilation…
Thich said mindful breathing reconnects body and mind
Find peace, not control 🙂
ParticipantSounds like opportunity to be alone could be very helpful right now.
Do not let the outside cause so much stress to the inside. This comes when we exert too much energy trying to control what we already know we cannot…The Outside
Who is the most important person you know? They are the easiest person in the world to talk to and knows the answer to everything
Might I suggest a very very tiny small exercise
With no concern to how to breathe…just pay serious attention to at least a three count of counting your breaths
In…out …two
In…out…threeYou can say
As I inhale I relax my body
As I exhale I smileBe gentle with self
Google … Pema Chodron on Maitri
Participant -