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  • in reply to: A Poem to share #85648

    Hi Anita…i really loved the way u speak ur heart from spiritual point of view..the way u give solutions to people over here…its lovely…:)
    poem ..Loved it!

    in reply to: Ex not letting me go #82836

    Hi Dee,

    Its very clear this person is not for your Highest Good.Its good to let go of things which cause u PAIN N SUFFERING.
    your afraid of the unknown…so your hanging onto the known pain(bcoz its familiar).
    your heart is guiding you right .Say Good bye to this person n start Life which is filled with Good things for YOU:)
    dont waste your time and energy with people or things which doesnt work.


    in reply to: I just can't forgive.. #69326

    His Loyalty Should not depend on your presence…even in your absence Loyalty is essential.

    in reply to: I just can't forgive.. #69325

    Hi Doreen

    Trust is everything…invest in the right place…listen to your heart.

    in reply to: Share Your Inspirational Music!! #69324

    Hi Spidey…

    Way to go.. u know to keep yourself in good way;-)

    in reply to: Feeling guilty #69322

    if u love her truly…tell her..let her decide what she wants.

    in reply to: Done with online dating. Tired of non-stop rejection #69317

    Steve i personally think ladies love good n fine men like You.

    in reply to: Need help in opening up feelings #69316

    Hi Vidalevi

    plz dont listen to people who put u down… even if its family…
    even ur mother can give you wrong advice so its best that u
    listen to ur heart…ur precious.. u hv full right to choose n dream now…
    im also in similar situation like you…
    but hv faith in God n in process of life… Even though its Late im sure u will get the best guy.
    but dont make the mistake of choosing randomly bcoz of pressures and age.
    my aunt got married late at the age of 36…today she is fine n happy wit 2 kids…
    im saying abt my aunt bcoz u think ur old to decide things related to heart.
    u hv Now….to change ur reality
    u can be single…but dont be lonely…
    n stop pleasing people..care little less abt their careless words

    in reply to: Done with online dating. Tired of non-stop rejection #69312

    Hi Steve

    You want Love…still ur in that state…so only your attracting wrong people…be the love u seek… ur ideal girl will be present in no time…
    Its good to be a good man… that you are !!
    but dont seek validation for ur Goodness..
    ur already worthy…know that.

    in reply to: Need help in opening up feelings #69311

    Hi Vidalevi

    Hi… im frm INDIA..i can understand the conservative society… y do u need an external acceptance ? love or approval ??
    Start Loving yourself…as u did cut the toxic people out of ur life… be gentle n kind to yourself… everything will fall into place….be open to things nut dont be desperate. start doing things you enjoy … YOUR PRINCE will come in search of u…

    with lots of love…Maya;-)

    in reply to: Life after double betrayal #69267

    Hi dear Mefisto

    Right Now u need good emotional support n lots of reassurance abt U… ur into self-blame cycle… u think all des happened bcoz of u… but its not true my dear Frnd… dont distract ur self by getting busy as if nothing hpnd… be wit the pain…yes it will hurt…feel it to ur core… it will move through U…dont resist…what ever Happens it Happens for our highest good… hv that faith… those people who left u they dont care abt u…yeah true…but y do u behave d same way like how they behaved with u…be kind to yourself… u can nvr say for sure u wont be richer than d guy u compared… Good things will happen to u only wen u know that it will happen n wen u allow it… n even if ur X-Gf was with u now…whats the use of hvg a person who doesnt love u truly for who YOU REALLY ARE??
    The only constant thing in Life is CHANGE..
    ur state right now…not so good…even that will pass…
    who knows nxt year ur life might be Rocking…
    I Believe in being n doing Good…bcoz what goes around comes back to us…

    All the people who replied to u also hv gone thr hurt in 1 or the other way…nobody’s life is perfect or pain free…but learn to be strong…this will make u strong im sure…all these people love u(includes me)…so only we r sending u lots of love from all over the world.

    in reply to: Life after double betrayal #69182


    in reply to: Life after double betrayal #69181

    Hi Mefisto
    Ur a Strong person…thats why ur here…i can understand what your going through now…accept n let it go…it will pass if u dont resist it…n know that it was not ur mistake…it was her loss that she could not get YOU…n ur friend also lost YOU…it was their loss…But in this situation dont loose YOURSELF…UR PRECIOUS…KNOW THAT N LIVE UR LIFE LIKE THAT:-)… Believe in YOUSELF.

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