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ParticipantWhy is a gap year not an option? Because it sounds like that’s exactly what you need.
ParticipantWhat type of meditation technique are you using, exactly? Because the answer may be different, depending.
I do mindfulness meditation, and if that’s similar to what you’re trying to do, you should know you’re already doing it.
I understand why you feel that noticing your leg is uncomfortable, scratching yourself, noticing you’re thinking about nonsense things etc is not-meditation. In fact, it is called the wandering mind. Whenever you notice wandering mind and resit, you experience returning mind. This experience of returning mind is what meditation is, especially at first. After a while you may experience absorption, where the mind doesn’t wander anymore, and that’s nice, but that’s not something you have to wait for. (You could be waiting a long time.)
Did you know that when you lift weight to become stronger, you have to lower the weight before you can lift it again?
Wandering mind – returning mind. Wandering mind – returning mind. This is meditation. I hope it will do you well.
Participantmcsync’s advice is very good. I love that. Yeah, give her those tomatoes. Over and over, as many times as it takes. Lovely.
Waiting or wishing for ‘closure’ can be a real mental trap. You have closure. Whatever happened, happened, and then some other stuff happened, and time passed, and now you’re here still holding that door open to the past. But it’s past. The past is closed, by defition.
Next time you’re lying in bed listening to yourself tell the same old tired story about the purse or the argument or whatever, see if you can pay attention to the emotion behind the story. And not just name (I’m so upset!) and going back to the story, but really feeling what effect it has on your body, where in your body it lives, what texture it has, what colour or sound it makes you think of. And when your mind starts yapping away again (it will), just gently lead it back to the feeling: “OK, I know, I know about that. But let’s feel it. Let’s really feel it, without words.”
Also meditate (this is a meditation technique, so using it in meditation will be useful).
ParticipantSo you’re 18, yes? Good. Your mind is still young and flexible and you can get out of this way of thinking before it spoils your life.
So here’s the deal.
They are not your enemies. They are your family.
Whatever they think and feel and say, I can assure you they don’t wake up in the morning rubbing their hands and going “Heh heh, I wonder what we can do today to make Parth miserable! Shall we make his mother cry? Shall we drive his grandmother to an early grave? Oh ho ho! What fun we are having!”
They are your fellow human beings, man. They are just as flawed and unsure and ridiculous and angry and unable to deal with the difficulties of life as anyone else (including you). Yes, they may be asshats. Asshats are generally asshats because they’re riddles with bitterness and pettiness and horrible feelings of inadequacy, or greed, or rage at the world, or something. When you look at the people who cause you pain and you hate them and call them your enemies and ask god to punish them you only bring more misery into the world. Your misery.
To be angry at someone is like picking up a burning coal with your bare hands to throw it at them. You may hit your target and you may not, but either way you’re going to end up with severe burns on your hands. That’s what the Buddha said, and he said some other good stuff about anger and enemies, too. Have a look for that.If you’re not Buddhist and you want to stick with your own religion, I’m sure your religion will have teachings about forgiveness, and grace, and brotherhood among mankind, too. Read up on this stuff before it is too late, and you’re grown bitter for life.
Please not I’m not saying that the way they behave is OK. They don’t seem like nice people to be around, and you don’t have to be around them. When they come and visit, you can say “good to see you, I was just on my way out to have a nice long walk in the countryside”. But look after your heart. Don’t let hate poison it.
ParticipantYou should know that mindfulness is not easy. Especially at first, or when you’re out of practice, or when you’re just having a bad moment. So know that it is difficult and you’re doing well. One minute is not too small to make a difference. Keep taking that one minute regularly and it will become easier.
When you first start to pay attention to what your mind is doing it can be overwhelming, some people even feel like they’re getting worse because they notice all this nutty stuff going on in their heads. It’s a normal part of the process, and actually being aware of the nutty stuff is the first step to dealing with it.
Good luck.
ParticipantI’m sorry you feel so bad, Sarah Jane. I really hope the pain lets up a little over the next few days, and then keeps letting up.
Try not to heap bad feeling on top of your bad feeling, though. Isn’t it bad enough you’re depressed and suicidal? No need to add the burden of guilt on top. If you feel horrible, you feel horrible. That’s how it is and it’s OK. A lot of people get to dark places like where you are. They can’t be blamed for that, it’s just circumstances and brain chemistry. You’ve clearly been through a lot!
See if you can give yourself permission to feel horrible, just as horrible as you feel now. I bet your family and friends don’t think of you as a burden at all; they want you to be well and happy. Is there anyone you can confide in, who would be able to really listen?
Just keep doing what you’re doing to be your own best friend. Cut yourself some slack. Have another nice bath, or icecream, or a walk, or whatever gesture of kindness you can extend to yourself. Even if you don’t feel better for it, at least the intention is there: you are on team you, and you’ll keep doing things until you find something that does work.
I hope you’ll feel less awful soon.
ParticipantI’m not sure you read that article all the way to the end.
5. Change how you see the inevitability of loss.
The reality is loss is inevitable.
We will all lose relationships, situations, and states of being that we enjoy and love. Even if we practice non-attachment, on some level we will get comfortable with people and circumstances.
You could say that this is what makes life beautiful and meaningful—since nothing lasts forever, each moment presents unique possibilities worth fully appreciating and savoring.
Or you could say this is what makes life tragic—that everything is fleeting, and eventually it all slips away.
How we choose to see things dictates how we’ll experience them. Would you rather see everything as precious or pointless?
You know what the not-tiny Buddha would say to this, right?
It is your craving for this girl, your insistence that you must have her, and only she will do, and things have to be the way they were or you just can’t stand it, that’s making you miserable.
Maybe she’s just distant because she’s distracted, and she’ll come back to you. Maybe she’s just not that into you. There’s not much you can do, there’s no magic formula that you can follow and win the girl. Girls aren’t prizes. You want her, so make that clear, and be available to her. If she wants you too, it’ll work out. If not, it won’t.
Your work should be on letting go of your attachment to the outcome here, and work on loving her and you and everyone, however things turn out. Good luck, man.
ParticipantSo good to hear you’re doing well. 🙂
ParticipantThanks for your post, S (and I hope that **** hasn’t really chased you off, Tiny Buddha is generally a good and kind community). I feel like my faith in humanity has taken a bit of a hit recently, and I recognise some of the things you talk about.
What helps me at times like these is the thought that, basically, we are bonobos. We’re upstart monkeys, nearly paralysed by the fear and rage we’ve inherited from our evolutionary history of scarecity, tribal warfare and brutal oppression. It’s no surprise we’re bad at this stuff. We’ve never been better. In fact, we used to be considerably worse, even as little as 20 years ago.
So if you look around at the kindness and compassion and justice we do achieve, sometimes, I think you can take some heart. I think the long arm of history is still pointing to justice. And yes, it’s been a long time. It may take the rest of our collective existence to get there. But when you say “it is taking too long” or “we should be better than this”, you are trying to force history into your personal timeframe, and no good can come of that.
We are stupid monkeys, scared of the world, scared of each other, scared of the future. Many of us cover that fear in anger. We cling desperately to ideas and notions that give us some sense of certainty, and we don’t see or don’t care how they are bigoted and harmful to others. We suck. But we are trying, each of us in our own way and on our own level, to live right and do right.
I think it’s a big help when you can find others who are somewhere roughly on your level, so you can help each other find the way. I hope you can find those people. I hope you can find the courage, more and more, to meet people and look for the good in them, so you can encourage it. All my best wishes.
October 24, 2014 at 3:17 am in reply to: Anybody Dealt with Severe Drug Withdrawal? Positive Encouragement If Possible! #66728Will
ParticipantHey Trevor,
That sounds really rough. I’ve never dealt with drug withdrawal, but I think if you keep going and doing what you can to deal with your anxiety and other issues in a healthy way, you will get back to yourself again. And yeah, don’t ever go back, for sure. O.o
ParticipantIs there any way you and your husband could move out, or for you to move out and be on your own?
Because I agree with other commentators, this is no way to live. Wishing you relief.
ParticipantI don’t think you would make it in any way more likely, but perhaps you could experience some relief from your worrying by affirming to yourself and the universe that you do not wish for anyone to be raped, your girlfriend, other women like her, any women, any person.
Perhaps there’s even a rape/assault/abuse helpline or a campaign in your area that you could support to make it clear (to yourself, to the universe) that that’s where you stand, and your fantasies are not wishes.
To be clear, again, I don’t think that your fantasies have any effect on the probability of your girlfriend or anyone to get raped. It’s just a suggestion to help you not be so worried, because worrying sucks. My best wishes to you and her.
ParticipantPlease hang in there. I love the writings of this person when I feel down, maybe it will help you too:
ParticipantJust because you think somethign doesn’t mean it’s true.
It also doesn’t mean it’s untrue.
Consider your mind as an unreliable advisor. Some of what it says is sensible, much of what it says is just fearful rambling. You’re doing good in not taking anything your brain says for the truth. And as long as you keep checking in with reality, and watch the results of your actions, you won’t get off course and crash.
ParticipantNo, I think that would be extremely unlikely. Please stop making yourself crazy.
Even if your girlfriend was raped, that would not in any way be blameable on you. Remember that when somebody is raped, the person responsible for that is the rapist, and no one else.