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  • Arden

    I have never thought about this, this is a new perspective for me on this jealousy. I thought I should be working on my ego like everbody else, it’s a toxic thing to have much of it. But I guess, I have to accept that some has it harder in some ways, and it’s not a just world in this regard. What to do then? Do we have to distract themselves from these unjust details and focus on other  stuff? I felt like distraction is just a denial, you will always be coming to that thought later. Maybe it’s time for some quality theraphy reading, like cognitive behavioral theraphy or so on.


    Yes, I realized that I expressed that lack of compatibility. I’m sure that gives you a lots of information about my ego problem directed towards her. I see her less than me in most of the stuff that matter to me. And I agree with you, I see her as more succesful than me as well. I’m not sure how I can minimize this aggression towards her, I can even see her family as more and better than mine, even her relationship with her siblings. Also I realize that she lets herself be most of the time. She has a big ego herself as well, but she also lets the words out of her mouse easily, and so on and so on.


    Hey Anita,

    Thanks for asking. I actually started working at a Health Tourism office here, I have lots of working hours but I enjoy my time at work. So no worries, and I feel better now. This is also a challenging job, so I will be trying hard to fit in and not to be laid off, so it would really improve me. So that’s a plus. How about you? I hope you’re well.

    There is something I want to share. So I started to notice my ego these days. I love it, I like the way it feels. But it is toxic. Earlier this week, I’ve talked with a friend with whom I feel like rivals sometimes, and she talks about getting more opportunities, more easy ways to earn money and actually gain titles the easy ways. So I feel the urge to make her feel like she is ignorant and she always tries to find the easier way. This has been making me attack her, in a cute way of course. I tend to argue how that’s ignorant, or how that’s not rational, or stuff like that. I feel the need to argue with her most of the time. This is actually very toxic of me but I know, deep inside, that she is not very literate. She doesn’t read anything, she reads so rarely and it’s when something is so popular that it attracts her. She is also obsessed with titles and how we look, so she also wants to do stuff that would make people see her in a professional way. And her easy way arounds’ actually disgust me. I know that I get jealous because I don’t really have those easy way arounds. Or I simply don’t see the ways I have in front of me. I wanted to share this, because I have her in my circle and even though I try to not meet with her, we speak in a daily basis. And I feel like it’s an ego problem.


    Also, I feel like your reply will contain sentences to encourage me to end this relationship or separate for a while, at least in terms of where we live. I have come to a state where I cannot even hope for our relationship, I just want to save him. Yes, I would be miserable without him, I would lose my will to live for a while. But I won’t die, I won’t be suicidal. But he might be. And there’s no place for him to get away, and be better. Therefore, I cannot make any radical moves. He has his own room, his own bed as well. So maybe we can lose contact for a while and expect him to get better. I don’t know, but maybe we’ll go on like this and when I managed to go away(abroad) in a safe environment, such as a new school or a new job, then we’ll be okay, together or separately. I don’t know.

    Also, during one of his episodes, my mom was on the phone with him. He kept obsessing over my exes and mom witnessed this. So she is not really happy with this either, she likes him, she has met with him and she worries about us. She also thinks he will not change. And I’m afraid I have doubts about this as well. But it’s really hard to even think about this, it feels like I would be leaving him to be like that. I want to show him that it can always be better.

    But he is tired of hearing the same words over and over. “You’re not making enough effort, you’re not trying!” He’s exhausted as well.


    Although cutting contact with them seems impossible, because I would want to know that they’re safe, I can get far away from them where they cannot harm me anymore. I would visit regularly because if I can manage to move to a better country, then I would be earning enough to provide for the visits. In this country, it’s really hard to make a living and provide for other stuff like airplane tickets n so on. And I actually started to feel like I cannot help my boyfriend anymore. His psychiatrist basically told him that she wouldn’t be working with him, after giving all those meds to him and making him addicted. I’m trying to make him get therapy online from another doctor but during this process, we have gotten worse and worse. I can feel that I’m getting older day by day. It’s really hard to make somebody change and it feels like he doesn’t want to change after all. He has been like this since his childhood and I feel like I’m almost at the end of my rope. I’ve wrenched a rope from him the other day because he was preparing to commit suicide. I also got razors from him during the summer.


    Thanks for the cheesy note, it made me smile!


    Also, after a day with my sister, I was able to name what she’s been doing to me and also what my dad have always done to us. I’ve been reading, watching stuff about it lately and I’m going to be a bit illiterate since this is professionals’ job. But I want to say what I’ve been observing, they are narcissistic. All the years my dad made us feel like nothing, all those days where he did made it look like it’s an opportunity to be his kid but on the inside, it was hell. I remember he telling all the stuff to me while he just tried to get to my mother, when they were separated. He continuously makes himself the victim and this is beyond bearable. And he also survived several chemotherapy treatments because of a brain tumor and metastasis, so it’s even more unbearable now. Because he actually made himself the victim after all those years of abusing his wife and children. So it’s hard to communicate with him now, because you’ll feel like you’re abused but you cannot do anything about that, because you also feel guilty. And I finally saw the same patterns in my sister, she was brought up to be exactly like him. And being exposed to that relationship, makes you feel like garbage. After a day with my sister, I went home and cried for 3 hours. My boyfriend tried to help me but I had to cry that much to get over it. She made me realize and remember all the stuff dad did. And I actually felt like I have nobody else except my sister to share the pain of losing the parents, when that day comes. And my sister simply doesn’t know how to love somebody. She does not care about her family, because she has it. I will be there when she needs it, I cannot help it. But I can say that she doesn’t even know me, she doesn’t have to. She just wants my help when she needs it and that’s it. So besides getting sad about the ‘I don’t have anybody but her, but she is unable to care for me.’, I also have to protect myself from her and my dad. I know that I can do that, it’s just takes practice and being able to see these patterns really makes me want to get in a second university for psychology. I started to consider applying to foreign universities and scholarships. I don’t know how that would go considering the financial crisis we’re in as a country but it’s nice to know something I might want. Or maybe that’s just an excuse to run from working full-time and the adulthood and saving 3-4 more years to work part time and think about what I want. We’ll see.


    Thank you for sharing special parts about your life. I can relate to you about ‘not feeling it like your home’, but I have to admit that I’ve experienced that feeling when my mom and I was living alone after they’ve broken up and she was at work. I used to be by myself, feeling safe and doing whatever I wanted to do. After she married with someone else, I’ve moved to a dorm and then to a shared flat. I’ve tried everyday to gain that feeling again, to feel like home by specific genres of music, by decorating my room in a certain way and even the timing about my activities. For example, I’ve always liked doing my stuff (projects n stuff) on the computer during daytime. It reminded me of those days, with lots of sunlight.

    After a while of being with myself, like being alone for hours on the computer (i do that a lot because i tend to not sleep at night, and my boyfriend eventually sleeps so i’ll be alone till 9 am or so) I remember my old-self. It makes me feel like I am, again, that person who is 13-15 years old, alone in her room, doing stuff on computer. Then, I felt like the most alone person, I’ve always wanted to be like other girls, wanted to have what they’ve had like their families, their opportunities regarding financial ones, and even their boyfriends. I didn’t wanted to be with theirs, I just wanted to experience stuff, because I’ve felt left behind. But when I think about it, I have more opportunities because of my age and time (no school so I can earn money, even though it’s not much, it’s better than those days), I have had boyfriends and experiences as well, but I’m here trying to have the same atmosphere as her. That’s the only thing that makes me feel safe, I guess.
    I agree with you about that aggression. Since we all need similar things, and we all struggle from similar stuff, we often end up with somewhat similar coping mechanisms. It has been one month after the earthquake, we’ve returned to our home, made it checked so we’ll be safe in it. I’ve started to feel okay as well. Even though, I live with my flatmates and my boyfriend. So it’s easy for me to feel okay. But I want to admit something, since the day of the earthquake, I’ve become a better person. I mean I was always a sentimental person but I can feel like I’m even more just these days. I remember a year from my life where I’ve read about pragmatism, also the Prince from Machiavelli and thought, “Yeah, that really sounds logical, I can be a pragmatist as well!” and I’ve had a bad relationships then where I was being cheated on and off. I saw that relationship as a time to invest in me and not feel alone again, so i kept going. It was long distance so it wasn’t so hard to keep going. And I actually ended up cheating on him as well, not felt any guilt about it but I know that if he was a sentimental, good person; I would not forget what I did and blame myself forever. So I can see what kind of a person I want to be in the future, I don’t want to feel any guilt about anything I do. I might not be able to know what I want in life, in terms of career or family, but I know that I want to do my part about what you call “better place”. I’m also considering about going vegan these days, but it’s struggling to give up on cheese. Takes a bit of a hard work to make all the meals according to it, but I’ll try more.


    I guess you’re right. I have to look for ways to get to know my traumas and get over them eventually. For the earthquake part, yes people died because of the poor constructions. We’ve learned that two companies actually broke colons in the ground floor, and two buildings collapsed because of that. It’s going to be hard to get used to live without that thoughts again, I cannot even imagine how those will get used to their everyday life after waiting under the debris for hours. I hope we will never experience this kind of stuff again, since there is terrorism, and actually wars that have started, it’s getting scarry even more. We’ll be very careful about any natural disasters and choose our homes according to that but what about disasters that humans cause? To where will people escape then?


    Thank you Anita, for your kind and wise words. Day by day, I’m trying to see what I do wrong. People tend to pick careers, lifestyles, or something to believe in or pursue, like a family. Since I cannot choose between what should I want, I have to pick stuff to at least move towards them. See, I cannot even say ‘pick something’ here, I’m saying ‘stuff’ which is kind of plural. I’m very diffused, I can talk about 4-5 careers I would like to pursue but the problem is to choose between them. Maybe if I can choose a direction, then that direction will help me to stand still. For example, I’m sure that I’ll be a bad mother, therefore I cannot even dream about a family and I don’t want to either. I’m in no position to decide on that right now, so I don’t think about it. But even though I know I’ll be an unjust mother and I’ll be also very scared to have a child, I’m scared of feeling regretful about it in the future. I have to accept that my decisions are also renunciations and grow up a bit. About those careers as well, I know that if I go on like this, not focusing on one career; then I can feel regretful because I’ll be master of none. But If I choose one, then I’ll regret that I’m no master of the other ones. This thinking is really toxic for me, I’m really tired of this mentality where I continuously focus on what people have and what I have not. Recently, we’ve experienced an earthquake that killed at least 100 people in my city and left thousands of people homeless. And the rest of us, the lucky ones tried to help the others both felt unsafe, traumatized, and lucky in a guilty way. One feels guilty to be in a good situation by chance while some people waited for hours and even days under the debris. This made me realize how much I have, for a day I guess. I was scared for my life and actually shocked how I was able to make my life hell when I was actually luckier than lots of people. But that’s also about my standards which are actually very greedy. Then a couple of days later, my boyfriend which I mentioned to be suicidal stopped using his antipsychotic drugs for just 2 days to feel more awake in case there would be more earthquakes. This made him worse and worse, resulting in him wanting to be hospitalized so that he won’t hurt anybody around him. He was attacking himself during the episodes and the ER gave him tranquilizers n made him sleep for hours there. We waited there, worrying and that was the first time I actually got scared of losing him fully. Either to the ER or rehab or to suicide eventually. So these two events on top of each other was really a reality check for me. Even though I was depressed in my own little world, I guess I needed a reminder to realize how ignorant I was.

    Other than all this, I know that I have to take responsibility for my choices. To this day, I did what was logical and it was easy. I didn’t have to choose anything so radically. But I have to start choosing and deciding my way, all I have to discover now is to what do I want the most..


    Dear Tony,

    Firstly, I want to thank you for attaching your name to what you’ve written. I don’t know if it’s real but you mentioned some trust issues because of an old post of yours and I really appreciate the fact that you trust us here enough to add your name. I was surprised because of your reply actually, thank you for the kind words. My mother tongue is not English, therefore I’ve learned it mostly in my university years through articles and so on. That might be influencing my vocabulary use from urban to maybe a bit more scholar. I’m not sure. I didn’t think that the way I’m seeing the photograph would make sense in a good way. I only saw it as a pathetic side of mine. Your book suggestion is noted as well, thank you for that too. It’s hard to feel you’ve arrived I guess. I don’t know when I will be reaching that point. I’ll try to write even more since you’ve mentioned it. Thank you.

    Dear Anita,
    I’m very much affected by your reply. Your narration of it makes it clear and also exhausting. Seeing this makes me think, I have to pause but then again I’m a jealous person when it comes to achievements. I guess I’ll try to see that friend I’ve mentioned. Even though all the things she’ll talk about would hurt me, maybe I’ll come clean about my feelings in a natural way. Maybe I’ll mention how it hurts me to see everyone else continuing with their lives in a way I’m not feeling capable of. I don’t know if talking or even meeting with her is the right choice but I get toxic easily now as well.


    Dear Anita,
    I can totally relate to childhood-euphoria. Even though I was depressed, I could motivate myself from time to time to hold on, study, and get better. Because I thought it can get better once I get to a good university, then I’ll get to know new people and everything will be fine. Some people would like me, I’ll find someone to be companions with each other and I’ll feel safe, eventually. All of these happened, the university has come to an end as well. But that mental abyss kept growing.

    Dear Canadian Eagle,

    I’m sorry you’ve experienced such a thing. I cannot imagine why would one say that. Since you’ve concluded that I’ve had a happy childhood, I want to clarify that. I didn’t experience a happy one, there were rare moments like the ones I’ve mention that I can call peaceful and happy. But other than that, my childhood was 90% depressed. As for the use of ‘exploited’, I tried to mean that I feel used. This can be because of my unrealistic expectations. I don’t know. But the unrealistic expectations I’m talking about are not much actually, just specific. As I mentioned above, I thought I would be loved someday. This is a vague dream, I was liked, I have had a few boyfriends after those years. But since I was so vulnerable to be manipulated, they kinda did everything they wanted and let me go when they got bored. And during the process, I just thought I was being loved. These also make me feel ‘exploited’ as well. I feel really old, but I’m 22. I cannot dream properly, I cannot make plans. I’m terrified of getting things to myself, buying things, doing nice things, or even just being there. So being content has left the building years ago.

    I also want to add something. Half an hour ago, I saw a former friend of mine sharing a photo on the sea-side, getting sunbathed. The photo was so sincere, nothing like a pose or something. I’ve liked it apparently and I was left with this comparison:
    She can enjoy things. Other than all the other aspects (like her being able to work remotely, for an acquaintance’s company while I’ve been looking for and being rejected for the companies I want and also her being able to do lots of stuff I cannot do just out of nepotism) she can actually enjoy just being present. I didn’t even plan a one-day holiday for myself since I’ve graduated. Because I didn’t want it, I didn’t want to stand still. I did want to find something, accomplish more and more. Then it occured to me, she was brought up to be this way. She was able to go to a nice place for holiday every summer with her loving family. That’s something I cannot even imagine for myself, I don’t ever think I’m worthy of stuff like that. There are lots of subjects I have to persuade my mind otherwise.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 5 months ago by Arden.

    I guess your question clearly represents my need for intimacy. Since I don’t have anybody I feel this much intimacy with, and also because I don’t have anybody that understands me enough to make me comfortable by understanding, I choose to stay in this relationship. I cannot imagine how I can break up with him or make the decision to make him move to another place because both of them could have results such as a suicide or at least excessive self-harm. I, now, don’t have the strength to take this risk both for me and him. He considers himself a lost cause most of the time and I really want to make our lives better even though I know that’s not my responsibility. I don’t want to end anything unless it’s coming from him as well, in that case, he would be offering that in order to prevent more harm to me. He was using 75mg. and today he started using the same drug with 150mg. I really hope that our days can be brighter soon. I have to pass the leaving or separating houses solutions you’ve given me because I am really afraid of the possible outcomes. And he was always there for me when I needed, I feel like I should be there for him and I want to.

    Also, we went to my hometown for 4 days for dental treatment and we stayed at mom’s house together. During those 4 days, since I was again depressed because of my memories with family and hometown, he kind of transformed into a better state and tried to help me and comfort me in any way. The day we’ve got back to our shared-house, I got better a little bit and he started to feel depressed again. This can be also because my mom tried to talk with us about psychological issues and asked him this specific question. “What does make you feel valuable?” He couldn’t reply. I couldn’t find any way to make him feel more valuable since then. I have this problem as well but he has it more I guess.


    he is failing this one and only one expectation that you have of him- then what is there in this relationship for you???

    This sounds accurate but I don’t know how can I put myself first when he is putting me first as well and feeling miserable doing it. That can be a serious problem, I would be miserable to think of leaving him because he makes me unhappy. He doesn’t have anybody with him right now, since he started to lose contact with his parents, I don’t know where he would live and be with. He doesn’t have a place to go or a good friend to count on.

    Other than that, maybe it makes me notice my own depression even less but I don’t know cause everything I get upset about, doesn’t end there. I get upset about one little thing and then I recall every single thing – trauma I feel bad about that subject and focus on those. I do this all the time, so maybe I’m pretty good at noticing mine as well as his’.


    Thank you for your support. He started to use his tranquilizer these days and I didn’t know he took 2 pills today for example. He was first against it, I guess it made him feel even sicker to need them. But then he started to take when he gets weird mood swings, I’ve never seen him angrier by the way. He is also doesn’t think the psychiatrist understands him or cares him enough which is probably true. He thinks that “The doctor and the antidepressants would not make me gain/earn myself, it can only reintegrate me into society.”
    (I’ve translated the full sentence he said, that’s why ‘make me gain/earn’ part seems awkward. He meant something like being normal again, loving oneself again, having hope again.)

    He slowly started to not answer his parents’ phone calls sometimes, I decided for now it’s not my job to say anything to him, his sister has met me so if they feel worried, they can ask me as well, other than that I think it’s better for me to stay outside of this. I’ll search for ways to make us feel better again. We just need some hope in our lives, especially him.

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