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    Thank you so much Peggy. You were a wonderful subject and very tolerant of a clumsy beginner. I was more then happy with the result and I’m ready to do this again any time you choose.

    Love and light



    ” One of these delusions is the idea of a caring, personal God who loves us. I can tell you with great certainty, no such being exists or has EVER existed. It is a mere invention. It is utter, utter nonsense. False hope is the very worst kind of hope. There is no saviour.”

    Have you been looking up in the clouds for that big old hairy geezer with a book in one hand and a thunderbolt in the other ? … What utter bullcrap you are spouting… Who in their right mind (apart from the occasional dogmatic fanatic) actually tries to believe nowadays that there is some sort of anthopomorphic, infinitely wise, saviour figure waiting to shower everyone with mercy and justice …

    Of course there is a GOD .. or whatever else you want to call it .. but it’s no use at all looking outside yourself for it. Go stand in front of a mirror .. dont look … SEE .. and there is your GOD .. right there .. staring you in the face. Until you can see through your almost incomprehensibly solid wall of ego-invented self-loathing and self-aggradisement as a result of your suffering, you will only see an arsehole .. but when you can see past all your own, ego-generated bullshit .. you will see the God that you are .. and that we all are .. and you will begin to RELY ON HIM for your salvation…

    … and your opinion of the Jesus-dude is just as sick .. Jesus was only a person who told others where to find their God … Unfortunatelyhis message has been distorted by progressive degenerative rewrites at the hands of the perpetrators of religious dogma, until the man has become the star and the message has become almost meaningless. Use your obvious intelligence and re-read your Jesus … he might also eventually tell you, perhaaps in kinder or more eloquent terms .. to pull your head out of your ass and look in some of the less shitty places inside yourself if you want to find your God …

    Dont expect me to waste any more of my time responding to any reply you might deign to provide. This was a one-off response, couched, especially for you, in the manner of the attitude you offer to everyone else .. your fate is in your hands .. stop waving it aboy for show and use it instead.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 6 months ago by Kevin.

    Hello again Peggy,

    Yes it’s not difficult to assume everyone is in America … I thought it about you too, until you said you were in the UK (Let me know where when you write to me). I’m actually a Brit, but I’ve lived in NL many many years. I’m currently going through the Dutch natinalisation process to avoid accepting embarassment in proxy on behalf of the people who supported Boris, Farage and Brexit …

    But seriously .. It’s probably a limitation of the forum software. It all steems to be about 9 hours behind me .. which would place the server somewhere on the Western seaboard of the USA.

    “I’m sure my phone can be used on speakerphone although I haven’t actually used this facility before.  Alternatively, I’ll call upon my son for his technical support with WhatsApp”

    In actual fact, you don’t even need a speakerphone. If you have a set of ear buds or headphones that’s even better .. I can go right inside your head if you use those … BWAHAHAHAHAAAA … no .. again seriously … ear buds or headphones will enhance the quality of the sound you hear, so you will be able to pick up on my voice as well as my words … and by my regular meditators I’m told that my voice is an integral part part of my guided meditation experience .. so we can do it that way if you prefer. Telephone earbuds have a microphome so we can have 2-way communication.

    “I, too, would be interested in this experience – it could open up a whole new world for me. “

    I hope it does 🙂 … and yes .. remote connections really do broaden your horizons as far as healing and energy are concerned.

    Waiting to hear from you

    Love and Light



    Hi Peggy …

    Thanks for your analysis of my very embryonic skills now at last, I have an idea of what I am working with.

    I think you will find that the time difference between us is a lot more amenable .. I live in the Netherlands, one hour away from you.

    As for the experiment, I’ve done this sort of experiment by phone before. As long as your phone can be used on speakerphone or you can use a messenger like WhatsApp or Facebook Messenger then we can make the link. We don’t need video, only audio. We basically put the phones down on the table in front of us, each in our own comfy place, and put our hands either side of the phone one hands up and the other hands  down.. like holding hands across a distance … and I guide an energy sharing from hand to hand. Very simple, non intrusive, and often with interesting results.

    The only thing we would need to do is establish a contact time and exchange contact details, which would obviously have to be done outside a public forum. If  you wish to connect in order to discuss more, please email me on radiotrib@gmail.com.

    Love and light



    Very beautifully said Peggy.


    Love your spirit Peggy .. and the idea of “errant souls in your head” was a wonderful image … hehehe .. I find it hard enough just dealing with the one called ego who wants to own mine 🙂 …

    “What do you class as energy work? ” 

    That’s hard for me to really explain. It’s not one of the recognised ritualistic things like Shamanism, or prescribed practices like Raiki. In fact I tried having a Raiki session and it left me unconvinced. In my case I tend to be somewhat modern and unconventional, and very much hands-on .. although I have experimented with sharing energy over long distances .. talking on What’sApp audio whilst guiding a meditation with energy sharing between here in the Netherlands and Ohio USA, Liverpool England, and other places in the Netherlands .. with some measure of success.

    I guess it all came out of something my ex-girlfriend said about my touch. She was always very enthusiastic about the way I touched her, and I recall feeling that I was “reading the story of her body” with my fingers, and “telling it back to her skin”. I kinda just thought that it was a normal thing to be able to touch a lover that way, but it seems not.

    After the breakup and my sudden “awakening” into this spirituality thing, I began to find, more and more, that I could “see inside” people by touching them .. and then much later, that I could redirect and share the healing energy that is “Divine Love” .. the energy of the One that passes through all things.

    I can also, with people who have extremely strong feelings, take some of their concerns away with the same connection. Although I don’t know how it would feel to be empathic, I think it must be a bit like being an emotional empath, but in my case I need to put my hands on someone, and it’s their body I read rather than their emotions … and their body’s response to their emotions leads me to be able to help with emotional issues like Anxiety, Anger, Fear and Depression.

    I’m still beginning to find out what is really happening to me, but as long as I act instinctively and intuitively, it all seems to just work and flow through me .. when I start to think about it, it gets much more difficult. I suppose that was why it was so easy with my ex-g/f in the beginning.

    For the most part, I tend to prefer guiding my meditation groups. That work is helping me to grow quite rapidly, and each time I host a session I seem able to give more next time .. and without giving too much of myself away in the process. This weekend I had a very small group .. only 2 people, and I was a little more adventurous with my guidance … Once they were present and open, lead them both to take their first step outside themselves, and experience infinity from a safe place … I was very happy .. because I took myself out there too .. and bathed in it whilst I guided … such a divine experience. When we explore together, I can feel the minds of these two people opening up wider and letting in more light in every session .. and I cannot be anything but grateful to my angels for being allowed to experience this with them.

    I have experimented with sharing energy over long distances”

    Depending on your location, time difference, energy sensitivity, and trust, I would be happy to engage in a little 30-40 minute online experiment with you some time. Maybe it will work, maybe not … but for me it would be worth a try …


    Some time ago I adopted a guiding angel .. I  named him Marshall and talked to him every day … However, I was never sure if it was just me playing a game with myself .. then one day I asked “him” for a sign.

    When I arrived at work tyhat same morning, I was cleaning out my spam emails, and came across one which offered me an opportunity to expand my bandwidth at no cost …. and the spam sender’s name was ….

    Marshall Luna …

    I might not have picked up a strong impression on just seeing “Marshall”  .. but my birthsign is Cancer, and my planet is .. the moon .. Luna …

    Coincidence? Syncronicity? Miraculous? .. I dunno .. you tell me ….

    BTW … I’ve never seen another spam mail from the same name, nor do I ever recall seeing it in the past … only once, on the day I aked for a sign.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 6 months ago by Kevin.

    Hi Peggy,

    The sessions are now gaining momentum. Because I had such a positive response for the wednesday evening sessions I also scheduled a Sunday afternoon … The first two (wed and Sun) were very poorly subscribed (3 plus me in both cases) but as time has passed the numbers are picking up, and I am getting some very positive comments about their effectiveness. I have also started 1:1 sessions for a couple of people with special needs outside those provided by the general guided meditation group sessinos, and am expanding my energy work as well.

    All in all, things are going very well and ast time progresses I am being pulled deeper and deeper into the work. It might just end up with my giving up my day job and makig this my life work.

    I’m sorry to hear about your setback, but you know .. sometimnes, writing from a position of emotional pain or discomfort can put an edge on your writing .. either a negative twist, or more properly a deeper understanding as you continue to work through it.

    Stick at it Peggy … I want to know all about it …

    Much Love



    Beautiful anecdore Paggy 🙂 .. I only sit on the edge of metaphorical chairs  🙂 ..

    I’m all there .. right behind you and sending you all the positive vibes I can spare.

    My sessions start officially on Wednesday this week, with a full house (9 plus me) on day 1, but I have had some run-up sessions with my grown-up daughter, which went well, and I did a couple of 1:1 online energy sharing sessions with two other people. I also have an extremely interesting young lady who wants me to work with her on some specific issues as well as the more general work in the group sessions, so my available time is filling up quite rapidly.

    I am feeling very fulfilled and grateful to be doing such good work.

    Love and light



    I’ll be sitting on the edge of my seat waiting for news of your first session Peggy … Go for it 🙂



    I think you might benefit from reading Ekhart Tolle – “The Power of Now” … he has a lot to say about your question .. in fact almost the entire book … There is also a smaller and more consise version called “Practising the Power of Now” which is an easier read for some …

    Love and Light



    I’m sorry to be a wet blanket Suzy, but I am old, and blunt with my words 🙂

    It looks to me as though you are trying to enter into some kind of a romantic entaglement with expectations … You are wanting things to happen and expecting results … that is not Love … that is your ego not wanting to be “lonely”.

    Such a situation is a recipe for disaster even in the most “loving” of situations.

    I have recently broken up with my lover of 3 years .. the relationship started out as something absolutely wonderfun, but reapidly degenerated into “mutual emotional dependency”.. which really boils down to simply using each other to satisfy our ego-feelings of neediness, expectation and attachment. The last 18 months (12 months of the dying “relationship”and 6 months of the break up and acrimony) were a terrible and constantly painful “blunt trauma”of trying and failing to first let go and then cling onto eachother .. and on analysis, it all developed out of the ego-attachment each of us had for the other.

    If you truly LOVE this man, then you will have no problem in being there for him and giving him the space he needs to “find himself”. If he does find himself, and you are still around, it will be so much better for both of you, and even if he returns but doesn’t stay, or if you move on later, at least the time you have together will be wonderful, and the lessons you learn will be of benefit in the future.

    True love is uncondition. It is one-way and it is only joyful. Anything else is “Lurve”.. the stuff Isaac Hayes sings about.

    So step back. If you truly love him, give him the love you feel for him. Do not ask for, nor expect, anything in return. It cannot hurt you to do that. If it does hurt then your spirit is not feeling the love … your ego is inventing it out of its need for attachment, dependency, neediness … This is not the real, divine love we all have inside us.

    And if it is any of those things .. save all that energy and give your real love to yourself instead .. because in the end .. you are perfect, just as you are. There is only one you, and she is beautiful. You don’t need anyone else to confirm that for you … The universe knows this, and when it is ready it will adjust its energy streams and float the perfect person into your world …

    or not ..

    but is that such a bad thing anyway .. “Lurve hurts” after all … In the long run, for an awakened spirit, it is better to be alone and happy than attached and miserable.

    Love and Light


    • This reply was modified 5 years, 7 months ago by Kevin.

    Great to hear Peggy,

    You are opening to your own possibilities and abilities. It’s good to remember that a small group is much more intimate, and the work you can do with such a group is personal. It’s a process of give and take. working with feedback, both audivle and visible and responding from your intiutuin and sensitivity. Public speaking – delivering a speect – is a much more challenging situation, and if you can manage what you have just described, then you are already more than aable to sit with a group of 6 or so peole and work with them from your heart.

    Just remember, when you do start to do this, keep some back for yourself. Someties the enthusiasm, empathy and desire to hlp causes people to let themselves be drained. Always remember to recharge, and to accept with gratitude the positive responses you receive. They will keep you strong and able as you bring the light to more people.

    Much Love



    Thank you dear Peggy … I’m certainly going to keep on keeping on .. and as you noticed from other posts of mine . I am expanding my spiritual pusuits to include other people as a way of giving back, and as far as it seems to me, fulfilling my life purpose to help people come into the light.


    “I don’t claim to be religious but I do believe that death is just another state of change and that the spirit lives on – we’ll probably just have to beg to differ on this one.”

    I also subscribe to no particular religion, bit I have beliefs …

    In my own belief system, I feel that there are many parts to us as human beings. some of those parts are transitory – body, intellect, personlity, ego, all are born, develop, age and die. Other parts are constant. They do not develop, grow, age and die, but still cease to exist when we do (in particular the emotional body).

    But there is an eternal element which is a part of that which contains all things, and that which is contained by all things. This is Spirit. In non-human form it is either placed in, or decides to become, human form for a reason. That reason is part of the universal purpose, and that particular spirit which is you, or me, is connected to all other sapirits to be the One, the Source, God or whatever you want to call it.

    It is here, in human form, for a reason. Maybe it has lessons to learn, maybe it has things to do, maybe it needs to feel some form of suffering or joy as an experience to bring back to the Source … it is up to us all, as the hosts or protectors of that eternal light, each to find that purpose and fulfil it. From another post on which we corresponded, I think you already know your soul purpose .. your spitit’s reason to be living within you.

    And when your earthly bodies are done, that light within you, will fly free, reconnectd to the Source, and share its experiences with all things, before, maybe one day, coming back, fresh and new, with anoyther portose, thing to do or lesson to learn …

    Much Love and Light


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