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  • in reply to: Positivity and Manifestation #308795

    Dear Peggy .. Thank you so much for replying. Yes after 47 years my wife knows me like she knows herself 🙂

    As for your cycle of planning and considering … this can go on forever if you let it. Be bold, trust the Angels and the Ascended Masters, and make it happen. Go to meetup.com – Start a group with the right title and description, wait for enough people to sign up, once you have enough, organise your first home sessions and then watch people register to take part.

    IT REALLY is that easy.

    Don’t worry about any lingering “can I do it” doubts. Push them aside. The very fact that you have “come out” and told this forum, and me, of your wishes is sufficient proof to yourself that you are ready .. and that you are ready NOW …

    Put your first foot on the path, take your firat step, and trust your Angels to steer, guide, and support you … if your intentions are pure they will not let you down…

    walk the path of your spirit. Fulfill your soul purpose.

    Much Love and Light


    • This reply was modified 5 years, 6 months ago by Kevin.
    in reply to: How to create a connected afternoon #308793

     “I work with young children with developmental disabilities, and I give them so much of my energy that when I come home I feel like I’m in a haze, which often leaves me feeling annoyed or too tired, etc.”

    It is a common syndrome amongst people dedicated to the well-being of others for them to give out care and nurture without thinking about their own needs. From what you say, seems to me that you might be this sort of person .. someone who wears herself out every day for the sake of the other people.  If you have no time or energy for yourself, how can you give it to others?

    I am not suggesting that you stop caring. I suggest that you withold some of that love especially for yourself. An “M&M” whenever possible, positive and loving  affirmations, and allowing yourself to bathe in the love your charges show to you are good ways to “recharge your love batteries”.

    When you take time for an M&M allow your true inner voice to tell you:

    • In-breath –  “I am breathing in love, light and energy”
    • Hold – 2 seconds –  “I am bathing in love and light”
    • Out-Breath – “I am breathing out tension, tiredness and negativity”
    in reply to: How to create a connected afternoon #308671

    Hi Emilia … I have a mentally taxing job .. so I have that problem of losing connectedness as the day progresses.

    I tend to punctuate my day with what my young guru calls “M&Ms” … Tiny meditation breaks (M&M == Mindful Moment, Momentary Meditation) .. only 10 to 15 breaths in duration, they serve as brief moments of re-connection… Each time I wait for the kettle to boil as I make my Sensha tea I take a 2 minute mindful break at the kettle … nothing in the world except me and the water, boiling into steam and merging wiht the air … M&Ms are so flexible you can do them at any time and in any situation where you have about 30 seconds to a minute .. (and who can honestly say they don’t have at least 2 or 3 one-minute “moments” during even the busiest day when they could “M&M”)

    As a result, I don’t feel so disconnected when I finish and go home, and around 8pm I round off the day with a prayer of gratitude for the skills and attributes I have used today, and for the day itself and all it contained, and follow that with a 20 -30 minute meditation on the connectednes of all things .. “seeing the space between”

    Love and Light


    • This reply was modified 5 years, 6 months ago by Kevin.
    • This reply was modified 5 years, 6 months ago by Kevin.
    in reply to: Mornings …. #306615

    Hi Anita. Sorry for the late reply, I’m not in very often lately … way too busy playing in 3 bands and giving guided meditaitons to friends and small groups 🙂 …

    The accident was a simple thing … At 70 yrs old, and with the mind of a 35 yr old, I tend to forget myself sometimes. I had been sitting on the floor watching TV while my wife lay on the settee behind me. I think I must have been pinching one of the larger nerves in my right leg (sciatic maybe) because when I got up to go to bed, my right leg was as controllable as a tube of cotton wool …

    It gave way and I came down like a felled tree. In the process of going down, I sort of twisted and bent at the waist. My head went to the left, my legs fell away to the right .. and I landed imn a double whammy, straining my right-side quadrus lumborum .. it stretched the muscle and affected the attachment at the ribs end, so now, if I’m not careful, I get a viscious twinge in my right lower back when standing up from a chair.

    Other than that there is no serious damage, except that the outer side of my right leg is bruized deeply, and my hip joint aches from the over-rotation … but after a week, I’m back to 5km per day walking, so when it’s all active I’m good .. Though I don’t think I’ll be doing any mad antics at any of my rock band performances for a good few months to come … 🙂

    Thanks for your concern.

    Much love


    • This reply was modified 5 years, 6 months ago by Kevin.
    in reply to: Mornings …. #305157

    Thank you Anita and Peggy. I am always honoured and very grateful when my words touch someone, and your responses were so lovely …

    All my mornings now seem to be going the same way lately .. for the past week my days have started the same way (apart from the poached eggs .. my lovely wife likes a bit of variety at breakfast 🙂 ) … In fact, yesterday and today are the fist 2 days when that routine was broken. Yesterday was a whole morning of guiding and meditating with a new friend who is struggling to control her “monkey mind” … “ego” … and who is full of emotional and physical blockages to her spiritual growth, so my early morning session was short yesterday. I made my devotions and affirmations, said a prayer of gratitude, asked for help, guidance and support … and that was that … but then I did spend almost 4 hours in meditation and energy sharing so …

    And last night I fell and damaged my hip .. so this morning I had to meditate in pain in bed … Bah !! …

    but I’m still a big old happy bear despite the setback …  🙂

    in reply to: Mornings …. #303905

    “Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared.” ~Gautama Buddha

    in reply to: Should I fight for him back or just let go? #303693

    Marta .. In my (70 years of) experience .. and from the other side of the great divide between men and women .. I can assure you .. you can’t KEEP anyone .. and you shouldn’t even think about “fighting to get them back” … Let them go, both in the real world and in your head/heart, and see what happens. You may find the universe pushes someone more suitable in your direction, or your current guy might realise it was good and come back as a more suitable him, OR …

    You may be on your own for a while (and what’s wrong with that?) … which will give you some time to contemplate the previous situation. Regardless of how your relationship situation develops, don’t blame either him or you, nobody “did it” .. it happened … and don’t try to fit your analysis around him and what you would like to happen next … keep your mind open. I strongly urge you to take time to examine your heart, your motives, your needs/desires/dependencies and go deeper into yourself to see if you can find the origins of those feelings … See if you could have done things differently, see if the relationship actually was for you, see if you were “in love” or “in need of love” ..

    and all the time remember ..

    There is nobody in the world who is like you. You are unique and because of that you are perfect in yourself .. a reflection of the One which is everything … Show yourself compassion. Give youself the sort of adbvice you would give to your litytle sister or your best friend .. honest and frank … and remember .. you have to be able to love yourself before you can give love to someone else … you can’t expect to receive it in exchange for “devotion” .. A loving relationship is a free flow of pure emotion between people, without constraints and without expectations …

    Keep on being Beautiful



    • This reply was modified 5 years, 7 months ago by Kevin.
    • This reply was modified 5 years, 7 months ago by Kevin.

     I constantly feel this hole inside of me that I want gone! It totally prevents me from feeling good about myself.

    The first step is to start loving yourself a lot more.  Fill that hole with your own love of yourself…

    From the things you have said,  your don’t seem to have a particularly high opinion of yourself and if you’d don’t love yourself, you will tend to radiate those signals to other people, making you less attractive (as in less lovable) Weren’t the most popular kids at school always the ones who were “full of themselves” and looked like they loved themselves… ?

    If I recall,  there are some excellent posts on Tiny Buddha about self-love and self-compassion. It’s not a quick fix.  Like all ego reprogramming exercises,  it will require patience and dedication,  regular practice and the honest desire to change..

    But is worth it if you can stick at it.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 8 months ago by Kevin.
    • This reply was modified 5 years, 8 months ago by Kevin.
    in reply to: Anxiety interfering with relationships #301207

    “I am keen to accept that for myself”

    I recommend you take a look at the book by Eckhert Tolle – The Power of Now … He says it so much better than I can.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 8 months ago by Kevin.
    in reply to: Quarter life crisis #301171

    The main issue for me is that I’m slowly realising I have nothing figured out and it makes me very anxious. I’m usually very hands on and practical and I’ve always had a plan, but so many changes in my life have made me nervous and afraid, since life is obviously not going the way I expected whatsoever. I’ve always been a happy and cheerful person and I find myself very prone to sadness this past year. I easily crumble and struggle to see the positive side of things these days and I’m afraid that’s going to be me from now on.

    Try replacing every place you put “I” or “me” or “myself” with the words “my ego” …

    The main issue for my ego is that it’s slowly realising it has nothing figured out and it makes my ego very anxious. My ego is usually very hands on and practical and it’s always had a plan, but so many changes in my life have made my ego nervous and afraid, since life is obviously not going the way it expected whatsoever. My ego has always been a happy and cheerful person and it finds itself very prone to sadness this past year. It easily crumbles and struggles to see the positive side of things these days and I’m afraid thatmy ego is going to be ME from now on.

    It is your ego asserting itself and trying to control your life .. to become you and do everything .. and one of it’s best tools is to sew fears and uncertainties into your real person and tthen offer to sove them .. Thst way it slowly makes itself indispensible and you allow it to run your life for you .. That way lies suffering …

    Ego lives in the past and the future, constantly trying to extrapolate into the future (often lookg for bad things to avoid) and using incomplete historic data (memories) to (unsuccessfully) work out how to cope with all the imagined scenarios. That is at best uncomfortable and at worst disastrous for your true, inner, divine self.

    Nothing happens in the past .. it happeneD … nothing happens in the future, it MIGHT happen, and any attempt to see into the future is pure speculation .. The only place anything happens .. The only place wwhere everything happens .. is NOW. Try it .. try to read a new book three weeks ago  .. try to turn on the light 1 minute before you go into the room …


    You are the master/mistress of your destiny. Start to become present in the moment, and make mindful decisions and actions. Stop letting your ego determine what is right or wrong, bad or good, desirable or not, based on a distorted view of the world and an overwhelming desire to fit in, be noticed, be liked, avoid fear and pain …

    Mindful meditation will help a lot. So will reading a lot of the blog posts all over the internet about the dangers of an unconscious ego. You are VERY fortunate that you have spotted the struggles your ego is having and to which you are attaching yourself. Tiny Buddha, Eckhert Tolle, Jim Tolles .. all have plenty to say on the subject.

    At your age you have the perfect opportunity to step onto the path of ego “retraining”. It gets mch harder the older you get. The ego is like an onion .. and stripping off the layers, one aat a time, is tedious and painful .. you only have a few .. imagine how big my ego onion was when I recognised it .. at age 60 ..

    I recommend reading Eckhert Tolle’s book “The Power of Now” .. it spoke the right words to me ..

    however, you have to find your own way.

    Peace and love


    • This reply was modified 5 years, 8 months ago by Kevin.
    • This reply was modified 5 years, 8 months ago by Kevin.

    Dear Alexandria,

    Jealousy and envy are constructs created by ego and conditioning. They don’t come from the soul .. so they are not “you”.

    Recently I have been forced to take several journeys into myself looking for the core issues which gave rise to the rather uncomfortable ego I have come to know as myself … More than a few of those inward-looking explorations started from incidents involving jealousy and envy, and I was eventually able to track them back to early childhood and the arrival of my younger sister … Until she arrived I was the only child and had “everything” … anyway … you know the rest of the story … but that only relates to me.

    The big point is that as my body and mind matured over the nexy 65 years or more, those primal influences became honed to razor sharpness and adult strength as ego-attachments .. with an comensurate increase in the level of ego-invented suffering.

    Boiling it down to an emotion rather than a suffering … The primal negative emotion here is fear. Jealousy is fear of loss – of having something/someone taken away from you. Envy is entirely ego-derived and comes from the conditioning inherent in society to always “have the best” … Envy is the ego converting the fear of not being good enough into suffering … Fear, pain etc. will always be there, suffering can be eliminated by training the ego to know it’s true place in your life. You will always have to deal with primal emotions like fear, anger, pain .. but without the ego overlaying them with additional layers of suffering, you will be more able to meditate and “breathe into the emotion”, acknowledge it, let it run its course, and return to your regular beautiful self again without that nagging voice in the back of your head making you suffer …

    “There is always going to be someone, prettier, smarter, etc. than you.” 

    The true answer to that statement above is “bullshit”. Comparisons and judgemental statements are always ego derived… Your natural staate is just to BE, not to be something.

    And as for “better than you” … There is nobody on this entire planet who can be “just as pretty as you” or “just as smart as you” .. because you are unique in every respect. You are perfect exactly as you are, and if you feel you are not, then question yourself deeply with one simple question…

    “Is it ME who is telling me I need to improve, or is it my ego, socretal conventions and standards, marketing images etc. which are making me feel that way”

    If the answer is ME … then it is a fgood thing. Its a sign that your body and soul are getting more into line with each other and telling you they would feel even more like you if you maybe did this or that …

    If the answer is ego, or “the socially acceptable standard” … then flip it the bird, give yourself a huge internal hug, love yourself and carry on being perfect.

    … and the easiest way to identify which of the two you are feeling is to see whether that feeling is based on some sort of an implicit comparison with anything outside yourself … If it is .. It’s ego.

    Always keep one eye on the ego. It’s a slippery little devil 🙂 … It was originally there to help you run your life, NOT to run it for you, and definitely NOT to give you an identity to live inside … but if you allow it, it will become you and you will be identified by your ego.

    Ego is doing, Self is being … Be beautiful ..

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 8 months ago by Kevin.
    in reply to: Anxiety interfering with relationships #301159

    Kevin thank you thank you
    Thank you for sharing. It makes complete sense for me and I appreciate you

    You are very welcome Vicki. I am just grateful to the One that I was able to share and that you were able to make use of my words.

    Love and Light


    • This reply was modified 5 years, 8 months ago by Kevin.
    in reply to: Anxiety interfering with relationships #301015

    My apologies for all the typos .. It was a thought stream, typed at speed and I forgot to proof read it before I hit Submit … dohhh !!

    in reply to: Anxiety interfering with relationships #301009

    Hi Julie

    I’m answering your question as much for myself, as an affirmation, as I am for you, as a thought you may wish to consider. Also .. in case ity makes any difference 🙂 .. I am a man so my perspective is on a recently broken, 3.5 year long relationship with a much younger woman. The actual break-up which only finalised in May, was dragged out over almost 18 months and the final straw was whgen she introduced someone eose into the picture and turned away from me almost totally.

    I really don’t want to address the question of the fidelity or infidelity of your lover. That is not really an issue IO can comment on, but I would say that your “ionternal” treatment of the issues is something I can realte to on the deepest of levels … That “suspicion” drawn out of speculation about what “might be” happening .. the eventual acceptance of your completely non-factual imaginings as the most likely truth, the way you tear yourself up when you don’t have “one eye on his tail” to make sure you don’t get the chance to imagie the worst … fear of loss, fear of rejection, bubbling anxious jealousy …. I bet you imagine them messaging each other when you see that both of them are active at the same time in Messenger, Skype or What’sApp too .. 🙂

    And NONE of it is based on any observed facts beyond noticing a few facebook encounters. ALL of it is your very own captive ego-demon winding you up … I know .. I lived in your shoes for 12 months or more even before the real thing appeared and the end was well and truly in sight. I don’t have any easy words for you but I can tell you briefly about my own process if you like …

    I was in the depths of pain coming from every angle … despair, disgust, jealousy, anger, sense of injustice, self-loathing  for feeling all that, and a deep and abiding love for her which was being denied any opportunity to express itself … and then I woke up.

    She is just another person. She is entitled to live her life any way she choses to live it. For me to call it “wrong” or to censure her for living as a free person was my first indiation that ALL OF THIS was an ego-construct .. Ego attachments developed over many many years, forged in childhood and enhanced, strengthened, and made more concrete by a succession od almost identical, recurring life events. I had fallen victim to the all-consuming ego. That little bit of Artificial Intelligence we are supposed to be using as a tool to filter out all the unneccessary stuf and make sense of the complicated stuff, had actually taken over. It had seduced me with its “don’t worry – I’ll handle that” into believeing that IT was ME … that what it “thought, worried about, the way it acted, the things it wanted” were my desires. It was as true in my relationships as it was in my choice of motor car or the job I did. All my relationships up to right now, were not real love .. they were ego-love .. the sort of love than is given in the expectation of something being returned, and if the return falls short of the ourgiving .. ego gets pissy about it and starts making problems.

    And there’s another cool thing about egos (if you’re an ego .. of you’re nor it’s seriosly uncool) …. Ego is designed to solve problems. If there aren’t any problems it invents them and then tries to solve them … If it’s left to run away uncontrolled, it will do exactly what you described .. invent scenarios (in the future) and then try to fix them (using its memories of past similar scenarios) and you get to watch it spinning in circles from speculation about the future and dredging up all the stuff from the past .. which, incidentally, most times only serves to fuel the speculations … and down we spiral again. And ego doesn’t like to be alone. Many years of advertising, subtle and direct, many images of people together, and the fact that ehgo hates to be alone inside you … all conspire to convince you and ego that you NEED .. or MUST HAVE .. another person to make you feel complete. A Yang for your Yin … and so ego gets your motor fired up and goes off in search of your “perfect match” … Sooner or later it forms an ego-dependency called “lurve” attached to some one person … and off you go “in lurve”.

    It might hurt, I might be called cruel for saying it but … GET RID OF HIM … not because og what you think or what you are feeling inside … Get rid of him because that beautiful bundle of puyre joy an divine light that is the REAL YOU is being smothered by the ego she is wralled up in.

    Get rid of him and don’t .. ABSOLUTLEY DON’T go out looking for domeone else. Instead .. go in looking for someone you used to love when you were a kid … Show her all the love you have inside you. Water and nurture that beautiful flower with divine the love and light which has always been there, deep inside you. It won’t be easy. You will feel pain, you will feel loneliness, but here, on Little Buddha you weil lfind a supportive community and all the advice you ned in the blog. Find your princess, teach her to become a goddess, ansd let the universe bring the right person into your life …

    And give him/her unconditional love .. in the moment .. the past is dead .. you can do nothing in the past .. it is lust a memory. The future does not exist. You can’t reach into the future and make things happen .. the onlyt place in your entire existence where you can know what is happening and hacve an effect by doing something .. is NOW. So you cannot, if you love unconditionally and mindfully, you CANNOT expect a soul partner to always be there, or always be what oyou want, and you cannot expect them to want you “forever’ …

    Everything changes every instant.

    Lose the ego lover

    Use the pain of that loss to awaken the real you

    Stop trying to be loved and start being love itself

    Love everybody

    and always know that you are loved .. by everybody .. even a tired old stranger like me …





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