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  • in reply to: Can't stop being sad because of past mistake(s). #123960

    The car goes were the eyes go. When a car enters a spin and your eyes stay fixed on the tree by the side of the road your afraid of hitting that is exactly what you will hit. The car goes were the eyes go.

    In this moment of time and space you can’t take your eyes off the memory of your mistake and so that is where your car/self goes. By focusing on this memory you intensify it and give it power. You are not required to be perfect, your are not expected to forget but you are expected to learn and in learning grow.

    We are more then the sum of our parts, more then the things that we think or the things that we do. We make mistakes and hopefully we learn and then we do better. Learn better do better what more can we ask of ourselves. If someone close to you made the same error in judgment would you continue to define them by that single event for the rest of their life? We are asked to love our neighbor as our selves but often some of us treat others much better then they treat themselves. In this case it may be appropriate to love yourself as you would love others.

    in reply to: Healing from Shame #123890

    Our relationship to our mothers and fathers are very complex. Part of the path of individuation/becoming requires the coming to terms with our mother and father complexes. This involves recognising your parents as individuals with hopes and fear, failures and successes… as well as repressive of the idea of mother and father – nurturer, protector, teacher, discipline…

    As an archetype, the mother points to nurturing, growth and unconditional love (not to be mistaken for unconditional allowing)
    When we connect to this archetype energy in a positive way we learn how to nurture and nourish ourselves, we learn how to love ourselves. When we relate to the archetype negatively the mother becomes the “step mother” the negative self talk that we repeat telling ourselves how horrible we are…. Becoming unable to nurture and love ourselves.

    Our parents become our first projections of the archetype of mother and father as well as our mother and father. Part of the task of becoming requires that we separate our experience of our mother, as an individual, human, issues of her own and as the ideal we hold of the ‘mother’. Doing so we learn to become our own mother, our own nurturer. You appear to be well into this process

    An apology from you mother the individual who failed to provide you the nurture you needed (but also must have succeeded as you seem to have developed the strength to overcome) may or may not help you but in my opinion is dependent on your mother’s personal growth. Sometimes we can only give ourselves what others cannot give us even a apology.

    Anyway, you may find the book helpful ‘Shame and Grace Healing the Shame we Don’t Deserve by Lewis B. Smedes.

    Forgiving does not erase the bitter past. A healed memory is not a deleted memory. Instead, forgiving what we cannot forget creates a new way to remember. We change the memory of our past into a hope for our future. Lewis B. Smedes

    in reply to: The loneliness of spiritual growth #123827

    A quick google search for spiritual loneliness reveals that you are not alone.

    Almost all wisdom traditions recognize the conundrum of spiritual awakening and loneliness and even warn that this will be a hurdle along the path for those that practice. It seems that ignorance or unconsciousness is truly bliss.

    Seeing the world as it is and saying yes to this world as it is, yes to life as it is, is bitter sweet. Becoming opens the door to compassion, love and even calmness but at the cost of knowing that life must, no will, come at the cost of the sacrifice of life, that learning comes from confrontation with hope and expectation… we seek holding a balance of becoming and acceptance – bitter sweet

    You recognize the loneliness of acceptance of the things you cannot change that you see so much clearer.

    Ram Dass: There is an intense desire, once you have tasted something as sweet as spiritual awakening, to want to share it with people you love. Sometimes it’s so strong that you get into a proselytizing stance that awakens in them a paranoid defense, because you’re saying to them, “Who you are, just as you are, isn’t enough; if you only knew what I know, or had what I had, you could be happier than you are, and I want that for you.”

    After a while, you come to appreciate that what you can offer another human being is to work on yourself to be a statement of what it is you have found in the way you live your life, and one of the things you have found or will find is the ability to appreciate what is, as it is, in equanimity and compassion and love that isn’t conditional; that is, you don’t love a person more because they are happier the way you think they should be.

    What you cultivate in yourself is the garden in which they can grow, and you offer your consciousness and the spaciousness to hear it.

    I have become an environment that is available, I am living my life in such a way that some people come up to me at an airport, and they say, “You know I’ve been watching you, and there’s some quality about you; could we have a cup of tea?” or something like that, and then I’d know it’s really “out there”; it’s really working; and what I find is that if I just am what I am, when people are ready they will ask, and now I really wait for people to ask. I don’t come on to people, I don’t like to teach where I’m not invited to teach.

    The above may be wisdom but it can be loneliness if the desire is to be asked.

    You may be interested in reading about the principle of vibration, the law of attraction and the concept of synchronicity. It won’t remove the problem of spiritual loneliness but it does show how a person becoming can influence the lives of those around them in loving ways. It is however another doing by not doing.

    in reply to: Looking for "Real" News Sources. #123685

    How to find Real news

    I think the difficulty people are having is identifying “real news” is identifying the deference between news, opinion and editorial. To often I think opinion and editorial becomes news overshadowing the actual happening.

    Social media which also qualifies as media (though many do not as yet consider social media to be a part of the “Media” that they don’t trust) is almost all opinion. Opinion which then becomes the “news” people talk about including the other news media outlets. So, it gets confusing.

    We have to go back to basics: who, what, where, when – why and how – discernment.
    Who What where when ought to be easily verifiable while why and how may require greater discernment which can be subjective.
    Like predicting the weather the how and why can be difficult to isolate and there are always factors that can’t be seen or known. Consciousness is to limited.

    We all, the reader and reporter (news source) have our own biases, shadows, and projections. It is each of our responsibility to discern our own bias and projections which will help us discern the bias and or projections in the information we take in.

    It is important to remember that bias does not make a story less “real”. Bias does not negate facts (what, where, when, who) which are verifiable. Today I think many use the label of bias as a reason to discount a story and even the idea of truth and in doing only justify their own bias.

    We live in the information age but the life skill of discernment has not kept pace. Discernment requires a great deal of self knowledge. Before identifying “real news” we need to understand and identify the filters through which we experience the world through.

    in reply to: Can you trust again? #123302

    I also believe living in the present, so in times like this it’s hard to challenge living in the present ‘as if nothing has happened’ but also using what has happened to determine my path.

    I appreciate your posts as you attempt to work out your experience that I think many people can relate to. How to build trust when trust has been tested and made even more difficult by the hope of being loved.

    Perhaps the question that needs to be answer first is do you trust yourselves again after your experience?

    The foundation of adult trust is not “You will never hurt me.” It is “I trust myself with whatever you do.”
    ― David Richo, Daring to Trust: Opening Ourselves to Real Love and Intimacy

    I also struggle with the concept of living in the present and memory however I don’t think living in the present means living as if the past hasn’t happened. Our memories are a part of who we are and so present in us.

    And then there is the memory of the imagined future hope for…
    “The most painful state of being is remembering the future, particularly the one you’ll never have.” ― Søren Kierkegaard

    How much are we willing to overlook in order to keep a dream alive and not experience this most painful state of being?

    in reply to: How to find love? #123299

    But now i think i should be the person i seek( i should be the Love i seek:) )

    Love that!

    in reply to: Anxiety about new relationship #123233

    I definitely think that I have some form of Relationship OCD

    One of the purposes of relationships is to heal or past so repeating a pattern is expected. Not OCD
    The goal is to become conscious of the patterns and step out of them when we notice them.
    We will always trip into old ways but the sooner the we notice the sooner we can respond to the situation.

    I found the book ‘How to Be an Adult in Relationships: The Five Keys to Mindful’ Loving by David Richo Helpful.

    Lots of tools to help a person become aware of the patterns being repeated so they might step out of them.

    in reply to: Mental or Emotional Prison? #123230

    What comes first the chicken or the egg?
    Do our thoughts and angst create the imbalance or does the imbalance create the thoughts?

    Like the serpent Ouroboros that devolves its own tail… mind, body, soul become codependent feeding off of each other.

    So with regards to the question Mental or Emotional Prison? Both but its complex

    In the hermetic teaching there is a riddle – as above so below, as below so above.
    We are influenced and we are influenced. We are fated and we have free will. Free will is just more difficult to exercise.

    The reality is that for most people the outer world influences them more than they are able to influence the outer world. Most people live the stories the outer world has written for them and forget how to participate and write their own story. .

    As above so below, the outer world influences the story you live.
    As below so above, the inner authentic self participates in the writing of the story you live

    It’s complex and simple as this kind of story creating requires learning the art of doing by not doing. One enters the present moment perhaps with intention and then lets the moment unfold.

    As Yoda said there is no try only do

    If you watched the Dog whisperer Ceaser describes it as leaning to become ‘calm assertive’.

    Calm and assertive sounds like a contradiction but it’s not. You can be assertive/clear in your intention of what you are aiming at while remaining calm.

    To train a ‘dog’ (our thoughts and feeling that have become instinctual) one needs to set boundaries so that we notice where we are and what we are aiming at, set our intentions firm and clear and then calmly let the intention unfold.

    The challenge is setting our boundaries and knowing what it is that we want and actually aiming at let alone not trying to control and manipulate the how the moment unfolds.

    in reply to: Anxiety about new relationship #123219

    One of the quickest way to lose the experience of joy or happiness is when we try to capture them for examination.
    Whenever you find yourself evaluating your feelings you’re not feeling them your thinking them.

    in reply to: Anxiety about new relationship #123206

    I firmly believe that we create what we fear so having anxiety issues is going to make discernment difficult. The car goes where the eyes go. Staying focused on the anxiety and that is what you will see.

    Your statement about Not having the feeling of wanting to rip his clothes off, reminded me of a song by Collin ray

    “Not That Different”

    She said we’re much too different
    We’re from two separate worlds
    And he admitted she was partly right
    But in his heart’s defense he told her
    What they had in common
    Was strong enough to bond them for life
    He said look behind your own soul
    And the person that you’ll see
    Just might remind you of me

    I laugh, I love, I hope, I try
    I hurt, I need, I fear, I cry
    And I know you do the same things, too
    So we’re really not that different, me and you

    She could hardly argue
    With his pure and simple logic
    But logic never could convince a heart
    She had always dreamed of loving someone more exotic
    And he just didn’t seem to fit the part
    So she searched for greener pastures

    But never could forget
    What he whispered when she left

    I laugh, I love, I hope, I try
    I hurt, I need, I fear, I cry
    And I know you do the same things, too
    So we’re really not that different, me and you

    Was it time or was it truth
    Maybe both lead her back to his door
    As her tears fell at his feet
    She didn’t say “I love you”
    What she said meant even more

    I laugh, I love, I hope, I try
    I hurt, I need, I fear, I cry
    And I know you do the same things, too
    So we’re really not that different, me and you


    The statement “It’s so easy for them, why is it so hard for me. Life’s not fair.” Is more likely then not a cognitive distortion.

    First you can’t know what others are experiencing so are only imagining that such is so ‘easy’ for them. You also can’t know how much work they may have done to get to where they are.

    Second the notion that life is or should be fair is man made measurement as it does not exist in nature. Our ability to measure such a concept of “life being fair” is very limited so we tend to do it very very badly. What we usually end up doing is projecting our fear onto others.

    That said we are a product of our nature and nature and the gifts we might have will be greatly influenced by that. Some will be more gifted and have more possibilities then others.

    A cat can’t be a bird no matter how much it admires how easily it fly’s. We must respect our natures.

    Anyway what are some of the things you can say to yourself when the thoughts come up?
    Your half way there.

    The first step is to notice that you’re telling yourself this particular story with out labeling or judging yourself for doing so. Just notice.

    Second step. Stop and create space. In this space you might move on or if the story persists used to identify the cognitive distortions for what they are. Check if you are creating/projecting villain and victim stories so that you might take ownership.

    Third, the Car goes where the eyes go. Take your “eyes” off what others may or may not be expecting as well as any any villain or victim stories you’re telling yourself and instead look towards where you want to go. Your goals, your gifts, what you have to work with.

    in reply to: How to find love? #123197

    The difficult portion is for its practical application, and which is why so many people end up frustrated on what to do for finding a life partner.

    Yes, my question is only specific to a personal relationship with another person hence the wordings in my post which started the thread – “How to find a soulmate, a life partner?”

    Watched the movie ‘Collateral Beauty’ over the weekend. It was interesting how the philosophy, theology, apologetics, platitudes about Death, Time and Love do not comfort in the times of anguish. For myself I would have wrote the letters to Life and Love but I suppose that Life would have been played by the same character as Death, probably, Love as well. They are all part of each other.

    Anyway your right understanding and even experiencing Love at a universal level does not at first glance help the practical application in a personal relationship. Understanding is not wisdom

    I do however feel that understanding love at the higher levels creates space in which we might respond to love as a practical application of a personal relationship.

    I start from the premises that each of us is the meaning of our life and so our task is in becoming and that Relationships are the crucible in which we discover ourselves and become.

    So what does this mean at a practical level?

    Psychologically by the age of 5 by nature, nurture, karma, sins of the “father” (however you want to identity it) how we are going to experience relationship is pretty much set and we will spend the rest of our lives working on healing.

    What this means is that we will set up and replay scenarios in our relationship, usually unconsciously, so that we can work through them and doing so heal. As in all things the possibility for growth or getting stuck exists.

    In a healthy relationship each helps the other work through there scenarios, become more conscious, and end the loop. (The show ‘This is Us’ shows how this is done).

    In relationships that become co-dependent instead of working through the scenarios the scenarios remain unconscious and so feed of each other and the couple become stuck. In such cases Love often requires the pain of a relationship ending to push the process forward.

    Love/Life always pushes upward to the light. Though it is painful it is still love.

    This is just my opinion. Life will put into your path people who through relationship will push you to become as you are ready. By ready I mean open to seeing and letting Life/Love happen. We work for that which no work is required. It might sound easy enough but being open to being loved as we are is very difficult. It is easier to give then to receive.

    Understanding and respecting the many experiences of Love as it is, Life as it is, while in relationship you create space to respond instead of react to the lessons you need to learn and heal the hurt and transcend karma. In this space you learn to pull back projections, recognize your shadow, and in doing so learn to see and love the other and yourself as they and you are.

    When you and your partner participate in the process of growth and becoming I think is when you discover you are in relationship with a soul mate.

    in reply to: Can you trust again? #123018

    Can you trust again? Yes it requires work

    Can people change? Yes and no. We change jobs, partners, where we live but how we experience life, how we experience our sense of self experiencing life… that is much harder and my own opinion is that it stretches but does not change much.

    How can I find out if you want this or no? Only you can say. You say “I know I cannot trust him”. As long as you ‘know’ this I think you have your answer.
    Your ex’s “revenge” justification sound immature to me so he has work to do.

    in reply to: How to find love? #123017

    ‘Fish don’t know they’re in water’ likewise Humanity don’t know they’re in ‘love’

    Love has many leaves and so experienced in many ways. I suspect one of the lessons of becoming is to discover that love exists in all of our experiences even those that are painful. Sometimes I wonder if setting up a goal like finding love is what keeps us from finding it. We become seekers lost in the seeking failing to see the water we are swimming in, failing to become finders.

    How to find Love? Be open to seeing with eyes anew.

    Perhaps rephrasing our question might help?

    What you seem to be looking for is the experience of a journey of love within a personal relationship with another individual.

    How do experience Love in relationship? Be open to seeing yourself and the other with eyes anew. Be open to experiencing love in all is simplicities and complexities.

    in reply to: I feel stuck and I hate it. #122862

    I’m so scared that I’ll spend the rest of my life not doing what I want to

    The source of the fear you’re experiencing in the present is coming from an imagined future.
    The purpose of fear is to get our attention so that we might deal with what it’s pointing to.
    As this fear is coming from a possibility that hasn’t happened yet you can change the story and start working toward your hopes by turning them in to goals. Avoid living in a imagined Future and return to the Present.

    Dreams and hopes that never become goals are fantasies.

    It could be that if you are focusing on the feelings that the fear creates is what is keeping you stuck.
    Fight, flight or freeze. In this case the fear of a imagined future seems to be keeping you frozen. As this the fear is about a future that has not happened yet you have space to create a plan and respond (fight) to the fear and not react (freeze)

    Examine your fears and let them teach you and they will dissipate.

    Fear is more often than not False Evidence Appearing Real. Mediate on the stories you are telling yourself and take your eyes off any false evidence. Live now

    The car goes where the eyes go. If you focus on the fear you will create it, take your eyes off the false stories and instead focus on where you want to go (goals).

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