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  • in reply to: My notion of truth #391246

    Hi Peter

    I wonder why is identifying with emotions bad? Or rather – how is not identifying with emotions good – you are then attached to your notion of being unattached, no? Constantly evaluating whether you are attached or not – is there peace in that? You will possibly let go of feelings, while still feeling them, but you must let them go? Just like I would unconciously identify with my feelings. You would now identify as not being your feelings. Are you really free then? Maybe I twisted what you were conveying too much. But what I getting to is, what does true detachment look like? ( After I wrote the next paragraph, I realize we are more balanced when we don’t identify with our emotions, so it’s a good thing. Just worrying about what true detachment is, is unproductive, it is not the point)

    the Lion ate the rabbit out of hate or anger that would be a very different experience to the Lion eating the rabbit because Lions eat rabbits, as rabbits eat grass, as grass eat nutrients in the soil… – the only difference I see is that the Lion was not angry when it killed the rabbit. But did it change anything. If you are attached to whether or not emotions were the driving force – there is a difference. But I see your point. The Lion killing something anytime it is angry would be disastrous vs only when it must to survive. We are dangerous when we act focussed on our emotions, I will take that to heart and remember it.

    Where do you learn your lessons from? Are there resources online I could use? I would love to be introduced to these concepts as well. This was very profound – I am my emotion, anger, and I act. Or I have experienced a emotion of anger and I act.
    And My Actions did not succeed, I have failed, I am a failure, Life is unfair…. verses I had a experience, I am not the action or the result. Life Is as it Is and we engage with it as it is.

    And I’d like to learn how to ponder over this We work for that which no work is required – I have some thoughts around this but would love to know how to discover things over time.





    in reply to: I want to be normal #391243

    Hi anita

    Your explanation makes sense, but I am not sure how to express my confusion. So, I will let it go for now. Serenity – feeling balanced, so in this case, making sense of things from a balanced place, so the thought process is clear and I can let go of things.

    Will I feel better if I let things go? They always come back. Take comfort in that it will pass? I suppose holding on to things doesn’t help either, so let it go? The confusion starts again.

    My joy is tempered, and when it does snow again, I will feel less anxious and not at all disappointed because I expected it to happen. Less joy now, less anxiety and disappointment in the future, in regard to snow. – I used to be like this. But for me, this was fear based. Fear of being sad again, so holding back on fully feeling joy.

    apply it repeatedly, every time you notice a feeling, any feeling, and let me know how it goes, will you? – I will.



    in reply to: My notion of truth #391238

    Hi Peter

    Detached (from the labels and such) AND engaged with ones truth. The challenge is that a such a detachment can easily become indifference. – when you engage with something, aren’t you attached to it anyways? I understand the words and their meaning, but I don’t understand how to practice, and I understand it is something like be calm and work for justice vs getting riled up. But how do you know you are coming from being detached or not? Not worrying about the outcome? What are you acting for then?

    You’ll have to tell me what to take from the story. What I’m taking from it is the samurai realized the revenge was not his to take? I don’t know 🙂

    in reply to: My notion of truth #391233

    Hi Peter

    You’ve cleared it up for me. . A Unitive awareness might experience the broken leg as it IS and not a Good or Bad Either Or…Essentially labelling things as good or bad vs just taking things as they are, in the now?

    But if that is the case, is there room for morality? Harming others is bad, don’t we need to label it as such. This is what I’m struggling with. What do you accept and what do you label and dislike/ reject/ try to change.

    in reply to: My notion of truth #391232

    Hi Tommy

    I understand your point about living in the present mindfully.

    Karma is very complicated. Sometimes it has nothing to do with your actions. Your analogy is good. Your actions now determine your future. This may not apply to what Buddhism teaches, but from what I’ve been taught, I would push it further to say if the wind carried apple seeds into your yard and the rain watered it, you would still get an apple tree.

    in reply to: My notion of truth #391222

    Hi Tommy,

    The story you wrote is one I read on quora just this morning, a couple of hours ago, when looking into how to deal with failures.

    It concluded that you don’t know if a moment is really a failure.

    It’s so interesting that I saw it again 🙂

    What I take from it is life is a series of events – and you can choose how to look at each event, but since it already happened, you accept it and move on because you don’t know what the next moment holds. I suppose this would apply to failure/ sad events and success/joyous events.

    in reply to: My notion of truth #391221

    Hi Peter

    The duality (ego) consciousness experiences life as suffering and joy. We tend to pay more attention to pain, fear and measure accordingly. I think the ego is there to protect us from other “egos”?. So pain is more intense than joy. It is more common to experience pain than joy because of that?

    Life feeds off of Life = inevitable suffering. – I did not understand this.

    I don’t understand what you mean by duality. Could it be similar to dvaitam – advaitam? You believe you and “god” or a higher power are the same vs you believe you can elevate yourself to “god”.?

    I will go over your post again to respond to other parts. I am confused for now 🙂


    in reply to: I want to be normal #391219

    Hi anita

    What you’ve written helps me. But there are certain things I am confused about, on how I can apply these principles to my life. I’m wondering, what is attachment –

    Don’t get attached to any particular feeling, be it joy or sorrow. Peel off fear from this – is spirituality ( wrt to dukkha, annata and annica) about accepting everything. If I am suffering because of a situation, is wanting something else not considered spiritual? Aren’t there situations worse than mine, with abuse, with torture – is wanting to change that wrong? I am confused about action. Is taking action against something that is – wrong? When do I know I should act vs accept?

    Your face, your body, your thoughts, perceptions, sensations, feelings- all these will get their final break. It is a certainty. Take comfort in this certainty – the break I want is not from any of these. Feelings yes, but only in the context of my experience. I want my experience in this moment to be a little better. The final break gives me no comfort. I want to have a better experience before that final break. I will lessen my attachment to these wants as you’ve said.  I understand I can change my experience. But the present is hard. But, I can apply this now – Don’t get attached to any particular feeling, be it joy or sorrow. Peel off fear from this feeling, and any other. Hush the fear, Girija, hush….



    in reply to: My notion of truth #391218

    Hi Tommy

    I will look into this Buddha’s four noble truths 

    Is it not enough to be given the chance to live. Experience joy, love? A chance to escape suffering and the cycle of life, death and rebirth?  I suppose I hadn’t yet learnt to look at this as a chance. You’ve taught me that, thank you.

    in reply to: I want to be normal #391197

    What if this moment is too painful. I know there is work to be done, to change myself and the situation around. But, right now it’s too painful. I don’t want to live right now. I don’t want to go through tomorrow. I don’t want to be who I am in the situations I’m in. I want a break from this.

    in reply to: My notion of truth #391195

    Hi Tommy

    I am very sorry for your loss.

    Dukkha is very clear for me now.

    The story about the mother and baby makes me sad. Why do we have to be born at all when we know it’s going to be suffering Who is the metaphorical baby that has sent us splashing like this, and why? Why do we need to exist like this? We can learn to avoid suffering, but why is it there in the first place? Why do we exist to experience joy at all? Why are we required to experience anything at all, in this form. Why does this form exist? Why did we get these bodies and why are we creating all these things – good and bad. These were just my thoughts.


    in reply to: Am i too clingy or is he pulling away #391189

    This may sound rude but nobody is in an almost relationship. You are either in one or not. And you are not. Don’t let people drag you along. If he wanted to, he would. And he doesn’t want a relationship. You are just lurking on the sidelines waiting for him to give you the validation of being his girlfriend/boyfriend


    Nobody should have you on your toes. A relationship should be about belonging and companionship. I don’t really care about attachment styles. If someone is triggering anxiety in you it is best for you and them to put an end to it.

    He has already shown you what this is:

    he takes longer time to reply, and the answer is usually short – not interested
    2. the frequency we text each other has declined a lot – not interested
    3. we still share lunch photo daily – is the bar this low?
    4. he no longer ask questions and cares about me – not interested
    5. our interaction has gotten less fun than before – not interested
    6. we no longer wish good night sleep daily (occasionally yes) – please, stop this!

    You deserve to be in a relationship where you feel secure, wanted and loved. I wish him well and hopes he finds that too. But I want to help you. The attention he gave you in the start had you hooked and you have let 2 years go by with crumbs of hope that you will “get” him. He is not a prize. Stop chasing people when they have shown you what they think of you.

    Please work on your self-esteem. Why are you accepting almost relationships. For 2 years? You are lacking a healthy sense of boundaries and standards. I did too, so I am not judging. Please wake up. And you may get advice to communicate but this I am against. Some things are bare minimum. Even if you got into a relationship with him, you already know what it’s going to be like – not fulfilling and anxiety inducing.

    I’m always worry about him getting close to other girls especially now that he got back into office. So by my paranoia mind I always assume to the worst case scenario, which in this case, it felt like he is pulling away. So I’m not sure if i’m being too clingy or he’s just getting busy with the ‘new normal’ life. – he is not your partner so you are wrong here to expect anything. But in the future, if a partner makes you insecure about loyalty, introspect on if it is really you or if that person is not meeting your needs. Don’t try to be the “cool girlfriend”. You trust people when they earn your trust.

    Your anxious attachment style is tied to your self-esteem issues. Do work on that.

    This person is not even a proper friend. Take your time and energy back. If you need to cut contact to recover from the almost relationship. Do it. Focus on you. Be with people and invest in activities that fill you up with joy.

    Sorry if it hurt your feelings but I need you to recover from this and fly high. I know you deserve good things, please believe that.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 2 months ago by samy.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 2 months ago by samy.
    in reply to: My notion of truth #391185

    Hi Tommy

    I would like to discover further if you don’t mind.

    To be sad of feel sadness is human. To have problems is human. If you feel love or pain then that is human. – I was using the literal meaning to understand. But, I need help with this. I understand loving without attachment. But, is there sadness without attachment? Isn’t wishing something was one way and not another the root of sadness. Whether it is health, or how the world is, or how your situation is – if you wish it was different, it would cause sadness. But isn’t wishing also desiring? I understand it is human. And human existence is one of experiencing dukkham. This is a truth.

    I understand the definition of annica. This is a truth as well, we see it in our experience.

    Annata you’ve helped give me some clarity on this. Please correct me if I have understood it wrong. Would it mean that we should not assign meaning to who we think we are in this body. Taking birth in this body, in this time, in these circumstances gives us a particular “identity” – of being an individual – defined by our experiences, desires and attachments. But that is not who we are? When the body dies, that identity dies. This identity is tied to the body. It cannot exist without a body. There is no atma, our nature is not one of having atmas, individual “energies” without bodies – an-atman. We are not a collection of atmas. Instead, there is one of some kind and we are all that? And there is no “we”.


    in reply to: My notion of truth #391161

    Thanks for mentioning the truths, Tommy.

    I am writing what I understand currently as I have been meaning to explore Buddhism.

    Dukkha is suffering, sadness, problems.

    Anicca is Anityam – not daily, so in this case, not to be expected daily – it is not forever. So it’s not going to be around forever – hence, impermanence.

    Annata is anatman in sanskrit, which would mean without an atma- so this would mean “not a soul” or “does not have a soul”?  You are not a soul? This I am not sure how to interpret. Searched the internet but it is not clear yet.

    in reply to: I want to be normal #391159

    Hi creation impeccability

    Thanks for elaborating. I understood you correctly the first time. Language was not an excuse, I don’t really need an excuse here. Nor am I trying to argue.

    I appreciate your perception of your life and the way you are living. You seem to have discovered and truly felt a deeper truth. I am yet to feel or experience that in my life.

    I’ll pray for your life partner and you.


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