Forum Replies Created
ParticipantHi Annie,
I think it’s very recognisable for many of us, craving attention and closeness and physical touch.
I also struggle with that often.
For myself, what i have found, is that i divert all my attention away from myself towards others, and the more i’m craving those things, the more i’m out of touch with myself. And those times, what i actually need is to learn again to relax with myself, to be alone and be at peace with that, to be able to enjoy that. And then i can much easier have a genuine contact with others. Well, i’m learning this, i’m not good with this at all, i’m just learning that this is how it seems to work.
I too find it a lot harder when i’m busy, because that already means that we are running around to fulfill more external things, and there is less time to be with yourself.Do you do any meditation?
For me, that is one of the main things that helps me the most.
If meditation is something that you do and helps you, or otherwise if you have something else that does you good (for me personally it is also very supporting to read, or to go for a walk, or to crochet…), perhaps it could help you to schedule time for that everyday, even though if it is short. It could help to stay with your own little things and perhaps divert you a bit from craving your ex and that other guy. Do things for yourself and the contact with that guy might go a lot easier, without feeling desperate for waiting for him around the corner.Sorry if i put it a bit simplistic. I am just starting to learn in this area as well and wanted to share with you what i’m learning, don’t know if it is any good.
I’m sure there’ll be more people coming in with more sound advice 🙂
ParticipantThank you Anita 🙂
I will see where the road brings me later on. But in the meantime i am still working with my CBT therapist and trying to get back more into the meditation and mindfulness and that does already a lot for me.
I am trying to take more care of myself now, of what i think i need, it’s going on and off but at least i’m trying 🙂Sann
ParticipantDear Anita,
Thank you for your reply, it’s often interesting to read your views on things.
I have to let it soak in a bit what you said. I think you are right, she doesn’t do assertiveness.Yes i feel it’s harsh to do it the way you write it, but i have already seen a lot of times, that it doesn’t work to try to open a conversation with her and talk like 2 adult people on how to arrange things.
I have tried to ‘bark’ at her, at least, to say her things and try to make it sound short and more curtly, i don’t know to which extent i managed. And in the beginning she reacted anxious and would run to do whatever she forgot. Now she just tells me that it’s not true or that it isn’t a problem. She feels so at ease there now and she knows that she can mess around with me.
Maybe i’ll try to bark harder but it is really not my way of doing things, it feels so wrong.Often i even act very sociable to her, laughing and making jokes. That seems to be something that i do when i’m afraid of people, i seem to pretend that we are friends or something, but it is so tiring. It might be better to go back to being short and quiet with her, more the way that i feel towards her. She knows more of my personal life than the others, it’s a very silly way of me to try to feel safe around ‘unsafe’ people.
I just can’t wait for the end of the busy season and hoping that she won’t work there anymore. But that’s not the best way, cause i want to see what i can learn from this situation.
ParticipantHi Pink,
Thank you for your short and sweet advice.
Most people at work are self serving and don’t care about you.
That is something that i find hard to get. Because i’m too much the opposite. And i’m lucky that many people there at the workplace are not like that, but very helpful and relaxed. In my previous workplace as well, we would help each other when we could. Not always the same but i don’t mind about that, as long as we can work together in a nice way. For me it’s already natural that i’m helping them more than they do, but i usually don’t mind that.
This woman is a strong exponent of this quote of you and i’m still trying to accept that. That is not the way i want to live, even though i should become a bit like that.I think you say it right: train people not to mess with you. And i don’t seem to be doing well in relation to that woman. Only yesterday i decided it was a bit ridiculous that i’d jump away so easily for her just because she decides that she wants to do my task. So i told her i’d do it and she said ok. But she still stayed there and started to do some things involved. So we got into a kind of discussion, she told me ‘yes but i’ll do it as well’ – 1 person is enough. So i kept quiet until she left. I was glad with that experience but now i feel that i have done this, i should keep quiet in my corner again for a week. It is a struggle and i hope to learn something from it, but perhaps i will have to respect that i will only progress in my own pace.
I think i will also have to train myself in having the right attitude from the beginning on. Learn to take on a bit of a stance to look more confident and to make it more clear that my space is there to be respected. Not to try to please them but observe them more.
With this woman it might be hard to change things but i will have to try.
Thank you so much for your support.
ParticipantAnnie – your post was interesting. You wrote it partly because of your own experience, and you bring up a lot of possibilities for reasons why things are going that way and some suggestions.
I would like to reply to a lot of things but i don’t want to make this post too long. I will try my best to keep it more or less short.You say: there might be issues of helplessness or co-dependency..
I can only speak for myself: i think that i have an issue with co-dependency. I have a long history (from early childhood on) of supporting others, who often leaned very easily on me, and doing everything i could to help them. Until it made me completely empty and not caring about myself anymore. So it is important for me to learn to get to know my own boundaries and it will still be a long progress.
So when this woman came in at work, so nervous and anxious, and needing my help, i was going far beyond my own limits to support her, to reassure her, to tell her she doesn’t need to be afraid it’s a really nice place to work and everybody is nice… To show her how the work is done… Times and times again. Until i realised that i was doing that same old pattern again so i tried to stop it. But she was already so used that i was always available to her and that my patience was endless… And yes, of course it probably wasn’t nice to suddenly not reply to everything anymore, and if she shouted i sometimes ignored her for a short moment. But i think it was necessary to do something to try to stop this kind of contact.I think i can say that i tried quite a lot of times to talk to her, and to ask her to communicate with me. Also the day after the incident with this post, i tried to talk to her how i felt about the way she went about it, without even talking with me, and she didn’t seem to understand. One day she just left, she told me she was going to so something for 2 minutes and left me with the rest of the work, later i heard that she had left a long time ago. I was angry. The next time i saw her i asked her what happened and she just said that she was finished, which she obviously wasn’t. I tried to ask her, if she wants to leave early, to just tell me and i wouldn’t mind, but this was strange. She kept telling me that she was done and that there was no problem. But i feel like shit if they do like that. And again, yesterday she did the same, so she doesn’t seem to care about how this feels for me. In the beginning, i tried to tell her a lot of times, to clean up things after herself because i was always doing it after her and didn’t want to do that. But i don’t like being a nag, so i do it a lot less. And because i’m so frustrated with this, i don’t know how to say it in a nice way. When i do she just tell me that it’s not true and give me a look of ‘what are you bothering about now’.
Yes, there might be issues with her and reasons or difficulties that she had, but is it my task, to find those issues and to support her with that? Don’t get me wrong, for a long time, i was always doing that: trying to understand why somebody acted to me in a certain way, trying to support them… I’ve gone way too for in that tendency and i usually don’t even know anymore if my boundaries are being stepped on. My therapist is making a lot of effort to make me see that it is not my task to think in other people’s place and to solve their problems for them – that is why i mentioned the co-dependency in the beginning of this post.
For a long time i told myself, she just can’t help it, she doesn’t think. She forgets everything, and often if they tell us what to do, when we are upstairs she has already forgotten it or messed it up. Often after work she forgets to bring the things back to the office like keys etc. So i have taken on the role to watch, to remind her the whole time about what we need to do and what we should wait, to ask her if she has given her keys back… Certain things i’ll just do myself because it is easier. I have never complained about her running off straight away and leaving me with the tidying and put things back or replenish things for tomorrow. I just do them – i don’t mind cause i’m paid for it, but i’m often anxious about what the bosses will think that i’m often finishing 15 or more minutes later.
But now, i don’t know about that: she just doesn’t know any better. I notice the different way she acts to me when we are alone and to me when there are other people around, and the way she does to other people. So i can only think, that’s because she knows very well, that i let her do that, that she doesn’t need to respect me because i clean up her mess anyway without complaining.No, i don’t think that she is treating me badly, in her eyes, and she doesn’t realise how it feels for me, she doesn’t understand it. And i don’t want to bother about it because that’s just useless. She just seems to think about herself and want to make a good impression. I am the quiet one and quite shy, and she’s always talking and always saying to the boss like: look how wonderful i did, look how great i am, that kind of talk. But nobody sees how much i’m trying to help her in the background because i don’t go around boasting about that. And i am worrying about after summer, when it gets quiet at work, will they only keep one of us, so will they prefer her, because she is so good at talking? I know i shouldn’t worry about it. Unless i tell my frustrations to the boss, which i probably won’t. So then i think i should just keep doing my work good and see what happens.
Ok i think this post is way too long, and i have the feeling i am defending myself to you.And it’s silly cause i’m trying to not think about her anymore outside of the work hours, and when she is not there, and here i am writing ages on a post about her.
I do think that in the first place i need to stick up for my own place, but in reality i’m moving in the other direction again. Giving her everything how she wants it and keeping all my frustrations for myself.
And i don’t seem to manage to have an honest talk because i feel that just gets taken advantage of or laughed away. So the easiest thing for me is to avoid and NOT stick up for myself.Sann
ParticipantHi, thank you so much for your replies. Sorry i didn’t reply earlier – for me it’s a sign of respect or gratitude to reply when somebody does the effort to read my story and reply to it. I was busy and struggling with my moods because of the tiredness and probably stress at work.
Icy, i’m sorry you are having such a difficult situation at work. Yes it’s probably a lot harder when it’s your boss. I’d find it a lot harder to say something when that person is above you. I don’t know what to say to you as i’m struggling with these things myself. I had a few situations at work where the person above me was doing something that i didn’t consider kind (like, watching football at very busy moments when even some machines weren’t working, and leaving us alone with all the busy work), but luckily that doesn’t happen too often. I can’t imagine saying something to those persons. I hope things will get better for you in some way.
We have to find a way that we can just relax and realize nothing bad will happen to us if we respectfully stand up for ourselves…the world won’t end…you won’t get punched in the face…it will be ok. It is easy to say but hard to do unfortunately.
Very well said. It’s difficult yes, but we will only make some progress (however slow it might be), if we try it.
I often tell myself: it’s only work, don’t bother so much, go there and leave it behind you when you’re done. But that’s again my avoidance-attitude. It’s work, and also there i have to learn to let myself be respected. I don’t know how to go about it. It’s such a habit already to let that woman walk over me, and it has probably made me see some things, that towards some people you need to make strong boundaries. I can try to learn to put boundaries now, but now she nows very well that she can treat me in any way, it will be hard to turn this around, so it’s mostly about me trying to practice something.Sann
ParticipantThanks jng15. I guess you are right.
These days i am the whole time stressing and worrying about ‘what am i going to say when i am at work, when i see this or that person’, and that makes that i can not be relaxed or real at all. On moments that i do get to relax even a little bit, it’s all ok and i can be funny or whatever (i don’t need to be funny the whole time anyway).
I need to learn to be in the moment, to be with what i am doing, and then i will be able easily, to know what to say or how to lighten up the situation, in the moment itself, without preparing it.
It’s difficult because it’s such an automatism, as soon as i’m awake in the morning, my mind is already going to ‘what should i say this morning…’, during breakfast and in the shower and on my bike to work, i’m already making imaginary conversations with whoever i think i might meet during that day (which doesn’t make sense because situations in real life are always different than how we imagine it), and that goes on the whole day. It’s so exhausting. I’ll have to train myself to focus on what is here now and meditate more again – that seems to be the main remedy for most things that come up lately, so you’d wonder why i don’t do it properly..
And i guess i need to give myself permission to be ‘normal’ , that it is ok to have boring days, where i don’t even know what to say. I am still so much trying to fit into the ‘social norms’ – or what i think the social norms are, that i have to come across intelligent and funny and witty and spontanuous the whole time or i am not good enough for the others… I don’t think that is realistic and that is not what i am.Thank you for your contribution 🙂
ParticipantHi, I am sorry for my late reply here. I kept thinking about it, but i was so tired with my work, that i couldn’t find the energy to go into that. I am sorry to hear how much suffering you went through Anita, and how you blamed yourself for all of it. I recognise quite a few things what you write, although i still find it hard to see that it wasn’t my responsability.
And i still feel guilty most of the time for being around other people, wasting their air and their view. Although i can now see that these are one thought patterns that are strong because i have built them up over so long time, i don’t seem to manage to let go of them for longer than a while.When we were writing these posts i was thinking about looking for an other therapist, who could help me to look into all of these feelings. But at the moment i’m just continuin with my therapist in my home country.
Maybe i feel that there is still a lot to gain for me with DBT, maybe i’m just scared to go into all these things. Because i’m a bit scared, that i wouldn’t know how to cope with it all and how to get out of it.
Often i just feel like, just stop bothering about those things, and get on with my life, do something useful and open up. Although i already feel, while i’m writing this, that it’s not really going to work, it seems that i’m still in the denial phase. I find it difficult, the idea of going through such and emotional therapy, having no social network where i could find support, and having to be able to manage my job – a very easy job, but when my emotions get out, i can get really messy and unproductive.
I guess i’ll keep it in the back of my mind, and perhaps i’ll do something with it later.
Thank you very much for sharing your story with me and for making me think 🙂Sann
ParticipantI’m sorry to hear you have such a hard time in your job… Since we spend quite a big part of our day there, it’s important that we feel more or less good there – although it probably won’t be sunshine everyday..
I feel for your situation, i started my current job almost half a year ago – before that i hadn’t worked much for a while so i was very anxious to start this new job. And it took me a long time to feel a little bit at ease there, the first months i always wanted to leave there, it’s only quite recently that i’m starting to love the place and don’t want to leave.
I don’t know if i have advice for you. I guess, it’s up to you to feel if it is worth to stay. It doesn’t sound as if the work is very fulfilling, and the social atmosphere isn’t either.
For me, the work isn’t anything special (cleaning, while i think i would be able to do something more challenging than that), but now i realise, the atmosphere and the kindness is so good for me, that it helps me.You started a month ago… it might be that your colleagues are used to having new employers and don’t tend to do much effort to welcome them, but just go on with their daily stuff with the people they already know and are familiar with. Perhaps it might take a bit more time to get used to you and to trust you. I don’t know if it would help to try to chat with them individually, so that they get to know you a bit more and see that you are a nice person. And following them to lunch… i don’t know how it goes at your place, but is it really following them, is it not normal that you sit and have lunch with your colleagues…? They might just have lost their reflex of doing some effort to make a new person feel welcome.
And one month is still quite short, do you think there will be a chance that you workload will inrease when you get more used to the place?Sorry, i don’t mean to make your problem sound small, but from a few lines that i read on the internet, it is of course not possible to form an idea of how it is at your workplace – and my own experience is that these things can change. I also felt like crap for quite a while and now i am so grateful that i’m in such a wonderful place, with such a lovely colleagues – even though their organisation has a lot of room for improvement (to say it nicely), i feel there’s a lot of love there and there is actually some space for my own initiative and they don’t put any pressure on me. Only the one colleague that i have to work closely with, is a comletely not-fit for me, and i sometimes would like to quit the urge of being polite and take my lunchbreak at a different time, or just by myself.
I have no idea if it would be similar for you, but sometimes these things can change over time.
I guess it’s up to you to see what’s in there for you. Do you think there is any challenge in relation to the work, that might change when you are there a bit longer? Do you think it would be good for you to quit now, if the situation really isn’t right (do you usually quit quickly or just stay too long in hard situations?), or could it be rewarding to stay in a difficult situation and challenge yourself..?
Sorry i’m tired, so i’m writing too much and not sure if i’m getting my point across.
It might not hurt to have a look around at job openings in the meantime, and send an application if there is something you really like.
Anyway, good luck.
ParticipantThank you Anita.
Right now i’m an emotional mess because of some other things, so i don’t even mangage to read everything you wrote. Hopefully tomorrow. But then i don’t know if i will have the energy/find the right words to reply immediately. Thank you for being concerned. I’ll reply as soon as i can.Sann
ParticipantDear Anita,
Thank you for your reply. I am a bit late in replying – i had actually already written this reply a few days ago, on an other sleepless night, but i felt that because of the sleeplessness, i’d better read it again first, but i’m too tired these days so i’ll just post it now. Even though it’s maybe a bit too long.
You say that you understand that fear – fear for the guilt and the pain of the things i said to my mother. Did you have something similar? (I assume it is ok to ask you this because you are talking so openly about your things, so i assume that they won’t trigger you.. If it does, please tell me and then ignore my question..)
You are welcome to write or ask me things if you’d like to, i think i can cope with that 🙂
If not i will tell you.I’m not sure if i understand what you say with this: “That option meant I was indeed a perfect victim. Taking on the guilt meant I was not a perfect victim, that I had some power. ”
Maybe i’m too tired to think clearly at the moment. I will read it again later when i manage to get some proper sleep.I recognise what you write about seeing yourself as faulty, i have perhaps never thought it through as thoroughly as you, but i think that is a normal thing to conclude if you are treated right. As a child, you form your perception of the world, so if people – well especially the ones who have the biggest role in your life, which are usually your parents – treat you like you are unwanted, you go believe that. I feel different than you because i don’t think my mother was bad and she didn’t want to hurt me. She was in too much fight within herself and couldn’t cope with herself. She probably wasn’t ready or able to raise a child but she was not bad.
Yes it works as a coping mechanism, to make beliefs about yourself at that time. It must be heartbreaking to face each moment of the day, knowing that you are a good, innocent and love-needing and love-deserving child who is being denied this most basic human need. And you can’t change anything for what’s happening to you for a long time, so you end up too frustrated and too bitter if you’ll face it that way the whole time.
But, that is the time that you learn what life is about, and if nobody ever told you or showed you, that you are good, just like anyone else and deserve love and care just like anyone else, where are you going to learn this?
People seem to be different, some people/children seem to get more rebellious when they’re not treated right. Me i got into the victim role, and adapting role very easily, trying to become a good little girl that tried not to bother anybody (which i’m still doing for the biggest part, it has become me). So i don’t know, does that have to do with our previous lives (if you believe in reincarnation), that some children seem to have a stronger sense of their worth and rights, and react more powerful when their needs are not being met? Perhaps I learned similar things in my previous lives, that i wasn’t very valuable or perhaps i was living in a lower rang of a society, or perhaps i did some wrong things which i’m paying for now with my reduced power.No don’t worry, it is not distressing to talk about it at all. If it was, it is up to me not to reply to it.
What i meant was, that i just assume that i am staying so at the surface of this, maybe the reason for that is that i am scared to go deeply into these things i once said to her – with a therapist. To write about it on a forum doesn’t touch me too deeply because i’m quite distant from these things inside of me.
And actually i don’t know if it makes sense, that that is the reason, because if i do decide to look for a therapist to look into these things deeply, it will probably be a slow thing, building up thrust and if it’s a good therapist, he/she will probably also take the time to consider my pace.
And, as far as i remember, i kept distance from myself, didn’t want to look into these things or couldn’t manage to find myself important enough to go into that process to acknowledge damage that was done to me, and my need for healing.You are suggesting me a certain kind of therapy:
“Regarding what therapy and how you know- when you get together with a therapist- CBT I hope, with DBT and mindfulness (what I had)-”
And i’m wondering why you say that now. Because earlier on you suggested me to find a therapist who would help me to experience, and feel again the experiences of then, to learn to acknowledge it. And that sounds quite far away from CBT and DBT (i assume that is cognitive behavioral therapy and dialectical behavioral therapy?) – the DBT therapist i have now, doesn’t go much into these things. She mentions it sometimes, but i feel it’s more as a way of explaining why i have such difficulties with certain things, more in an intellectual way.
So that seems to be a bit of discrepancy, of course you don’t know me and you can’t advise me a certain kind of therapy, but i’m interested to hear why you’re suggesting this.It’s interesting that you write this advice about a therapist. To look for somebody who offers more than just the hour every week. My initial reaction is very typical: why would i expect somebody who is willing to occupy his or her time outside of the hour that they get paid? As if i’m so important? And if i do find a therapist, that i think might work, i wouldn’t be so arrogant to think that they are not good enough because they don’t want to spend more time or energy in me outside the pay-hour.
You wrote this: ” I wouldn’t go to one who seems like the only time she remembers you is during the 50 minutes or so you are there. i would need one- like the one I had- that is concerned about me” So you are saying, you would like a therapist that sees and treats you like a valuable human being, that is important enough to care about during other times as well. I’ve heared other people saying that, and my current therapist is like that actually, and i’m seeing her now 8 or 9 years and i still find it difficult sometimes. Although she keeps insisting that i can always phone her or mail her, and mail her exercises in between sessions, i do it but still find it hard and often with a lot of apologies. Although she has always replied very caring, she almost always respond to my phone calls even when she was on a holiday or very busy (which makes me wonder what kind of superwoman she is), i still find it hard to accept. Hard to accept care for me?
So, you say you’d want a therapist that treats you like a human being and makes time and effort for you, which is probably what a lot of people want, but for me it is still so scary, to be treated like a human being. It is much easier to be treated like a put-away thing and that’s what i usually look for, people to treat me like that.Anyway, i think i’ll take it easy with a new therapist. I will talk about these things with my current therapist, about maybe needing to look into certain things more deeply and about the contact being mainly through skype, and what she thinks about it. And if i/we do decide that it is better to change, than i think i’ll take the time for it. The contact with her is too valuable to just put it away
ParticipantHi Anita,
Thank you so much for your replies.
I have actually, in the past, confronted my parents, when i started to realise that these things did cause me some hurt. Especially my mother, i said some very, very harsh things to her (probably the worst things that a child can say to their mother), then i switched the phone off and didn’t take contact for a year or so. Then we had a talk with the therapist in the hospital where i was, and then some on and off contact again (in a bit an awkward way), and a few years later she died. I can’t even dare to start to imagine what that must have been like for her.
Perhaps i am putting so much emphasis on understanding her, because i still feel guilty for that.
Almost a year after she died i had another job that didn’t work out, and then i started a day therapy, that was the Linehan, 2 days per week. About half a year into that i became suddenly very suicidal and desperate, i come out of it but i still think that it was all the guild for saying these awful things to her and treating her like that. I couldn’t cope with that.
So i don’t know, but i think that might be (a part of) the reason that i am so afraid to go really into it, more than just with my mind. I might still be afraid that i will have to deal with these words of mine and not being able to deal with all the self-hatred and self-blame that comes up.And also about the dwelling in the past, i do feel that i have said so many times already: this and that is the source of my problems, and it feels like each time the same song. That i should focus more on doing interesting things and learning things, because now it seems that i have almost only that to talk about. But i guess i should find a good therapist, who helps me to EXPERIENCE these things, instead of just talking about it.
And yes, i want to be too nice, what you say about figuring out my mother’s reasons. I always do that: i want to call other people good and try to only see good things about them. Even though they are assholes i don’t manage to see that. Because i find myself so unimportant and low, that i find it very hard to say: somebody did this to me, i was hurt and that damaged me. I guess you have to be able to give yourself some kind of importance to say that you were treated the wrong way.
Even when i’m in terrible physical pain or if someone is unkind, unfair to me, i used to just say: oh it’s nothing, and put on a big (forced) smile. I have that less than it used to be but it is so difficult for me to just acknowledge that something is not well for me.These several quotes that you take from me, about ‘maybe’ and ‘probably’, might be because i find it hard to take myself so serious, to say: these things damaged me and i need to work with that. Because i still find it hard to respect myself enough to really look after myself. As long as i can keep going, and i am very strong with getting out of bed in the morning and do everything i need to do, and keep pushing myself. As long as i can do that (There are times that i can’t do it at all anymore if i have pushed myself for too long and too hard – and then people probably just say that i’m lazy, but i don’t think it’s laziness at all), i can push away the need to look into myself, and to face that i’m unhappy and breaking down inside, and to look at what i can do to become happy.
It is still a big drama for me to pay much attention to what happens inside of me. The thing that matters is, how i come across to other people, and yes, am i pleasing other people, am i doing what they expect from me.This evening i was feeling terrible again. Now i’m trying to make a little bit of chat at work, but of course it feels awful. I don’t even dare to make eye contact and i feel so extremely clumsy. I feel that it’s so forced and that i’m probably making a fool out of me. Of course it works contrary if i put so much pressure on it.
I phoned this telephone helpline, that i have phoned a lot in the past already, and i told him also about your suggestions, about this kind of therapy, going into it. And he also suggested that it would be a good idea.
He adviced a kind of therapy where they work with roleplays, where we would go into situations with family, or also in situations with collueges that feel uncomfortable, and that way learn to relax more with those people.
I don’t know much about it but i will remember his advice. He seemed to know what he talked about.So i won’t write: perhaps i should do that – i always tend to write and talk with these kind of words, which is maybe not good -. But i guess it’s time to look for an other therapist. Also i moved to an other country a few years ago so my contact with my therapist is not always through skype. It might be better to talk with somebody in real life, although she notices quite a lot through skype, it does create more distance.
So that’s 2 very scary things: i have to talk to my therapist about stopping and i have no idea how to start about that. And then i have to let go of that contact, while i’m not good at letting go of things.
And second, finding a new therapist. How do you go on about that. Finding someone that fits with me, that i feel good with. I saw one therapist here about 2 years ago, and i remember that i didn’t feel too much confidence in her, maybe i should try her again. I did a quick google, and found someone that looked very qualified, but askes for a big fee, more than i can afford. So should i just go to some random person and see if it works for me, and if he/she can offer me what i look for? Kind of trial and error?
I don’t know. But i think it’s time to look for some phone numbers and after the weekend call at least somebody, and not keep postponing it…Thank you for reading all of this.
It is all quite scary but i think it’s time to take some steps. Stop avoiding and put a kind of film over myself (don’t know if it makes any sense this expression, it kind of makes sense in my mind…) and trying to change little things about myself.
Although i don’t know if that is a good thing, for somebody with borderline, but maybe i need to do what i think that i need, and not what some doctors tell me that i can or can’t with my borderline-diagnosis (which is after all, just a diagnosis, and not even a truth. perhaps i have these borderline symptoms because i’m not allowing myself to fully be. does that sound reasonable?)Sann
ParticipantAnd Anita, you gave that examply about the baby being too self-conscious to normal do his human need (don’t know how you say that in English in a nice way 😉 ) in his diapers, and i assume you were just giving an example, not talking about yourself.
It is probably not surprising if i say that i struggle a lot with constipation problems (sorry hope i’m not too offensive now with that word…?) since a long time. It is all related with holding yourself in and not being able to let go. It will depend a lot on what i eat, but in some periods where i was daily meditating, i often could go during or after the meditation. When i take a moment to relax and not put any pressure on myself…
But actually i just remember, my father told me that i had a lot of severe constipation problems already when i was a baby. So yes, that might show that i learned from very little to be blocked on holding myself in – of course i don’t know anything about that time, but i assume that it was an emotional reaction to what was happening, much rather than a physical condition.
ParticipantHello Anita,
Wow, thank you so much for your words. I woke up too early this morning, and your words are touching me – perhaps they touch me because i’m tired. When i am well-slept i can more easily go over something like this.
You are probably right, that the way from when i was a child still has a major influence on me, has shaped me actually. But i usually don’t like to dwell on that because so many people have gone through much worse things, with me it was just the way i was treated, there was not really physical abuse, so what am i complaining about..? Although yes, the way you get treated and the affection/love/encouragement that you are being denied, can damage you even more than physical wounds.
And, one of my parents is dead, and the other does so much for me, so i don’t like to go on about how they didn’t have the best way to raise me, because they did what they could. My mother had major mental AND physical problems herself, and she just wasn’t in control of herself, she had such a hard time with herself and i think she just wasn’t ready for a child. That is why i don’t want children, i’m too afraid the same would happen. So i feel like keep dragging in the past by keep going back to that, and that it is me who have to change something, by creating a more positive attitude and way of living. Which i am working on, slowly, but perhaps you are right and i need to look into the causes of why i feel constantly in such a terror.Yes i am fortunate, and i have a very loving partner, a very special and wise person, he has seen me in quite some terrible states where i was sure i would lose him because of that, but he loves me and i think he understands much more about me than i realise. Although we are far away from each other and don’t know when we will manage to be together, i am missing him terrible sometimes, i do feel we are coming closer together and he does wonders for me.
I do have a therapist… I had several therapists in the past and i’m going to this one since about 8 years. She is a Linehan-trainer, perhaps you know that therapy, since you mentioned BPS in an other reply to me a while ago…?
But sometimes i do wonder, if this is still good for me, because we keep going over the same program, and sometimes i wonder how much progress i’m actually making. Linehan is a kind of training program where you learn skills around certain areas, and sometimes i do wonder if it would be good for me to go to somebody who treats the whole person. Because it does feel sometimes that we are going in circles a bit. But on the other hand, she knows me so well, that i am afraid to lose her. I sometimes phone to such a phone-helpline, where there are people who are there to listen and talk with people who need a listening ear, and they have also sometimes suggested going to see a new therapist – but then, they don’t know my whole story out of one phone conversation.
Also, i moved to an other country a few years ago, so my therapist and i talk through skype. I don’t always know if that is the best way to communicate, even though she sees quite a lot about what’s happening inside me, because of my facial expressions.
I asked her a few years ago what she thought about me doing psycho-analysis, and she said that it would be a ‘landscape where i would get lost in’, so i always took it as that i’m not strong enough, and that i need the specific training/therapy for the borderline.
Don’t know if you have any thoughts on this, since you have experience with BPS as well, and seemed to be much farther than me with it?
Perhaps i can talk with her about it, and try to agree that i can come back to her if it doesn’t work out.And i guess you are totally right, i should not try to be more funny or humorous, because then again i am trying to please others, trying to do or be something to be accepted. Even if i talk in a boring tone, and say things that i find at that moment, it is probably much better than to try to be nice for them. I guess i will still try to interact more at work, because hiding is not going to help, but try to focus on how i feel inside and try to respect that – will probably be a long journey.
Yesterday i wrote here about a few collegues how i feel about them and how i interact with them. This morning i woke up and i realise, that person that i said that i like, that is maybe mainly because he smiles a lot, so also at me, so that makes me feel as if i’m accepted. And then i often smile back (again, the same thing, trying to please and copy the other) and then i felt that he has a good influence on me to help me smiling. But recently i started to feel awkward about that smiling, especially since we don’t manage to talk much (he’s a man, i’m a woman, so i started to worry that i was putting wrong messages across). Yesterday i tried to make a little chat with him (which means, i asked a few little questions about work which got a few short answers, so maybe that was not very succesful) as an attempt to restore the awkwardness that i feel we got. And this morning i realise, maybe i say i like that person because of the smiling, but it’s again the same thing, smiling back as a way to please the other, instead of out of myself. Don’t know if you understand what i mean, but it’s again giving up on my own way, and just folding myself in relation to the other. It is definitely not healthy.
Perhaps i should try now and then to smile to others out of myself. I do it a lot to strangers on the street. In general i am a lot more spontanuous with strangers and for example with hitchhiking, then with people who i have to see regularly again. It is probably obvious why, after the insightful piece that you wrote about me and my fear of rejection and ridiculed – the risk is much, much less with people i won’t see again.I don’t know why i’m writing all of these things, it feels awkward again. But you are inviting me to do it, and apparantly i do have a big need to exchange or share with others about these things, so i decided to take you helping hand.
Thank you so much for taking your time and helping me, i appreciate it so much.
ParticipantAt the moment mainly Tinybuddha (reading the blogposts and the forum, not writing much),
And a forum aobut borderline personality disorder, but lately i seem to be less motivated to read and write there, which i think might be a good thing because it is a way to keep defining myself. -