
maggie mac

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  • in reply to: He won't talk to me #217857
    maggie mac

    I wrote you back but do not see it. Did you get it? ( Anita)

    I found it in my sent emails. I will copy and paste and add a little something because right now I am absolutely sick with grief about this. The thought I might never see him again is so painful. I am trying to be logical. Thinking about it makes my head hurt but I keep thinking that after 4 years and how close we are that he wouldn’t just throw all of this away.

    Anita, Your observations are right and true.  I can talk to him about things if I approach him in a non-accusatory way. I forget or get upset and that is what happened this time. I am OK with it this way because you are absolutely correct in saying that it is possible to have a relationship without drama or fighting because my mom and dad had this type of love and life together.

    I am praying that after he gets over this, he will call me. It is hard to imagine he would give up all the good we have because we have much much more good than bad.

    All I can do for now is wait on him.

    Thank you, Anita.

    I want to stay positive and hopeful that things will not end. I believe this is helpful to do that.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 3 months ago by maggie mac.
    in reply to: He won't talk to me #217741
    maggie mac

    Mark, you raise some great points. I agree with on all of them. It is so hard for me to express why this doesn’t bother me more. I mean, not talking to him bothers me but the fact that he is this way I understand for some reason. His last relationship of 17 years was very abusive and I believe he just is messed up from it and probably cannot change. I know people CAN but just not sure if he would even want to try. He has had ALOT of therapy in his life.

    I wish I wouldn’t let things build up and then approach him in the wrong way.

    I feel like I am the one who needs to change because he is so easy to be with and is so good to me in every other way.

    I think deep inside of me I am afraid he wouldn’t want to have to change or go to therapy.

    I just want him in my life to talk with and be with.  If I were to run him off I would be mad at myself.

    Thanks again for your wise words, Mark.


    in reply to: He won't talk to me #217719
    maggie mac

    Yes, Anita. He had just left from being here for a visit and had gone back to work. One of the last things we talked about before he left is how he is streamlining his office so he can come here more. Thank you so much for your reply. I hope he contacts me too. In one way I have lots of faith in our relationship. In the other way, I am afraid everything is just going to fall apart.

    in reply to: My long distance affair and sad breakup #192069
    maggie mac

    Anita, I agree about the 30-year yearning. I have my doubts.

    Abubin, Especially since she has gone from yearning for you to somehow making a very fast and unfair judgment about one thing you said.  She sounds unstable. You cannot build a relationship with this kind of stuff. I think if you really dissect what has happened you will agree that this isn’t meant to be. And you are being saved from something that isn’t going to turn out well.

    I am so sorry you are hurting and it will get better. You have been on a fast and furious ride and your head is still spinning.

    in reply to: How do I forgive him? #188079
    maggie mac

    Just run. Biting your face is all I had to hear. He won’t stop and it won’t get better.


    in reply to: Am i throwing away 'mature love'? #188073
    maggie mac

    How does it make you feel to think about not having her in your life on a daily basis? The answer to that will tell you a lot. Mature love, to me, Doesn’t mean we don’t feel anything. It means the love has grown and gotten richer and deeper. There should be more feelings in my opinion. From what you have written I feel you don’t have the passion or connection that makes love so special and beautiful. Yes, you can settle for less than that. It doesn’t sound like you want to though.

    in reply to: Help Me Understand If You Have Any Insight Into This #182435
    maggie mac

    Poppy, I understand about the honeymoon period and how we can drop one relationship only to repeat the same thing in a new relationship because we haven’t solved the problems. It wasn’t like we had it and it gradually lessened. It is more that he just doesn’t talk about US. He doesn’t  make plans or talk about our future. It’s weird. But I get what you are saying.

    Anita, I didn’t even want to have lunch really… I just did it to catch up. I feel so strongly about guy #1 that it would make me ill even thinking of being with another guy. I didn’t think I had room in my heart for another feeling about someone else. I understand the options and how I could transfer my feelings from one to the other, but if that is so, then where does love come into play? If I love him then HOW can I just all of a sudden feel that the little I am getting isn’t enough? I still love him. If not then what even is love? I don’t want to think I was just loving him because there was no one else available. He is still the man I have been crazy about for over 3 years. You are right that I want and need love and attention and to be with someone or at least feel we are moving that way. I really want all this from Guy #1. He might not be able to give it.

    in reply to: Help Me Understand If You Have Any Insight Into This #182433
    maggie mac

    I understand about the honeymoon period and how we can drop one relationship only to repeat the same thing in a new relationship because we haven’t solved the problems. It wasn’t like we had  it and it gradually lessened. It is more that he just doesn’t talk about US. He doesn’t  make plans or talk about our future. It’s weird. But I get what you are saying.

    in reply to: Help Me Understand If You Have Any Insight Into This #182325
    maggie mac

    Inky this is a continuation of another post to you so don’t miss the other one but, now even if he asked me to marry him I am not sure anymore! Before I would have been the happiest girl on earth. Now, I know I might have to go through life with someone who isn’t equipped to show me the kind of love I want.

    in reply to: Help Me Understand If You Have Any Insight Into This #182321
    maggie mac

    Inky, that is exactly how I want to feel. I want to feel like I am being fought for! The fact he has let me languish out here for every Tom, Dick, and Harry to have to fight off their advances I think you are right!! I am upset that he hasn’t put more value on me. I even told him this the other night. I didn’t tell him I had lunch with him but I told him that there was someone interested in me that wants to date me and says he cares about me. Do you know he didn’t say anything? I know he can’t because he hasn’t proposed or made a commitment. He is having financial problems and I know he feels like he has nothing to offer but if he would just say something like… ” I know you have been waiting a long time and I want to be with you. I can’t get you much but I want to know you are mine and I would like to get you a ring of some sort.” But he seems to have the mindset that if it is meant to be that I will want to be with him and if I dated someone else then maybe I didn’t love him as much as I said I did. He has a hard time in all areas, not just commitment with me but he just sort of goes through his daily routine and takes it as it comes. He is very motivated in fitness, health, and other things but when it comes to me… I don’t feel it. But I do know he loves me but is love enough? Don’t I have to be loved in a way that makes me happy?

    in reply to: Help Me Understand If You Have Any Insight Into This #182319
    maggie mac

    Yes, I want to be open about our feelings. When we first started seeing other people he told me he wanted to marry me and how much he adored me. He seems to have VERY deep feelings about things but he has a hard time showing them. I ask him sometimes why he never mentions our future together anymore and he doesn’t say much about it. He just says that he wants to marry me and that he loves me more than anything. But that is all he says. I am wondering if because I like this other person when I didn’t have any idea I could have feelings for someone else, that I have lost some of my feelings for my current boyfriend.

    Maybe not lost… maybe just see him in a different more realistic light. He makes me laugh all the time and came to me at a time when I needed him. He made me believe in love again and gave me a reason to believe in myself again. I don’t want to turn my back on all of this. But, I like the way this other one is so open and wants to do things with me. Maybe I am just tired of being alone. My current boyfriend live 12 hours away and all we do is talk on the phone and I haven’t seen him since June of this year. That is 6 months! This new person, although I am having to get used to him because he is so different from the other one there is something about him that makes me feel like I really belong and I feel safe. My current boyfriend seems to hold things at a distance. Maybe I feel like he is holding me at a distance.

    in reply to: Help Me Understand If You Have Any Insight Into This #182289
    maggie mac

    But why would all of a sudden I start to lose some of my affection for him?

    in reply to: Help Me Understand If You Have Any Insight Into This #182287
    maggie mac

    I have been in this relationship for 3 and 3/4 years. I do tell him. He says he wants to be with me all the time and that he loves me. He seems to have a hard time with up close and personal dealings of an emotional nature. Like maybe he is detached or is hard to talk about his feelings. I don’t  know… maybe this is why I am so tired.

    in reply to: Help Me Understand If You Have Any Insight Into This #182279
    maggie mac

    No, he comes here about every few months. His mom lives here. He even bought a car and left it here with me so that when he comes to town he could drive it. He is a good man but I am wondering if his lack of really making us a couple type thing has worn me out. Like… if he had made me his by some show of commitment (more than just us saying we are committed) I wouldn’t have had lunch with the other man.

    I feel he has left me out there hanging in this world when I guess I want a man to say, “hey she is mine!” You know the protective kind of thing that some women like. Maybe I have waited for that for so long I am just tired.


    • This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by maggie mac.
    in reply to: Help Me Understand If You Have Any Insight Into This #182275
    maggie mac

    No, I am not married. Thank you.

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