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  • #73322

    There’s some Good news and some Bad news….
    First, the good news….you’ll be easily able to empathize with your future patients !
    The bad news is that you may not make it that far….

    There’s a physical and mental aspect to all of this.
    Your body is obviously stressed and probably permanently in the Fight or Flight mode, and, as you probably know, it shuts down a lot of the facilities that it decides are not essential. That makes decisions and actions that much harder to make. In my country, Australia, workplace stress is defined as..”adverse reaction experienced by workers when workplace demands and responsibilities are greater than the worker can comfortably manage, or are beyond the workers’ capabilities “. Are we getting close.

    If this is allowed to continue, then you’re in for a world of pain. The obvious answer is to do something about it…like reducing workload etc. However, I think you’re saying that you know that, but your mind is rejecting it.

    Next question…why is your mind rejecting the obvious solution?
    As you say, you have placed your worth on being able to cope…with the alternative being failure and weakness.

    Next question…how do I change this attitude?
    See a Mental Health Counsellor…..only joking!! But actually, it’s not such a joke. These are the people who can help you change your attitude and beliefs…if you wish to.

    You can certainly try it yourself, but it is difficult. The goal is to change your beliefs so that you KNOW that your worth is in YOURSELF, not in passing exams, getting a job, conquering Everest, becoming a Counsellor in record time.

    Once you accept your worth, regardless of achievement, you’ll always make the right decision for your body.


    Okay…I look at it a bit differently.
    Forgiveness is SO important and it’s as much about forgiving yourself, as him.
    Perhaps you need to forgive him as an aid in forgiving yourself for “being such a fool”. That’s what I read between the lines….but I could be wrong, as I have been…once in the past !

    So, step one…..UNDERSTANDING. If you can understand why he, and you, have made these decisions, you’re a good part of the way there. In general, people don’t set out to be tools. Most of us try to live our lives well and get on with everyone else. However, we have all been programmed by our past lives…so we all think and act a bit differently. Underneath, he and you are both good people, trying to get by as best you can. Our actions are somewhat separate from us…and are dictated by our past programming. What I’m saying is play the ball, not the player. He has made his decisions and you have made your decisions based on what you believe and what you have been programmed with. Sometimes those decisions work, sometimes they go belly-up. That’s life.

    If you can accept that his, and your decisions, may not have been perfect…based on what has happened since…you will be able to see the learning from those decisions. Both he and you will probably act a little different if a similar situation comes along. That’s learning. Be thankful for that.

    If all that makes sense, then certainly you can feel some hurt…it’s a natural emotion…but forgiveness shouldn’t be too far away. You’ll then be ready to move on to the next stage of your life…better equipped to handle the inevitable curve balls.


    Hi Dee,

    I’m sorry that you are going through this.
    My first point…..what “Kath” said. She’s hit the nail on the head.
    Second point….you probably know this, but you don’t know how to change your mindset. That’s the hardest part for all of us and there’s no quick fix. It’s a lot of hard and repetitive “head work”.

    One thing I do know is that this old saying is very relevant…” Blame, anger and resentment is like drinking a glass of poison and expecting the other person to die”. The only person hurting here is you.

    Your challenge is to work on your mindset…little bit by little bit…until:

    1. You can accept that the reality is that people make mistakes, and they most often do that, not maliciously, but by ignorance or other distractions or other priorities. We don’t all live and think and react in line with your formula of how the world should work.
    2. You accept that you you can make mistakes, once again, not on purpose, but because you had other beliefs or priorities at the time of the decision…eg the decision not to get a building inspection. I bet if you looked back at that moment in time, you had a very good reason NOT to get one. Just because events have turned out differently, doesn’t make your initial assessment any the less valid.
    3. You accept that, because of items 1 and 2, life doesn’t always go to plan…and we have to make the best of what we have been dealt with. There is no alternative.

    You won’t come to these understandings immediately, but over time, if you are persistent, you can change your beliefs. And it is your beliefs that will dictate how you react to everything the world throws at you.

    Good luck in your journey….if you choose to take it.


    Hi Nicole,

    I have a few thoughts on these issues, but you may not like them…and that’s fine. At least you’ll have the opportunity to hear another perspective. I’ll take it step by step…

    First…TRUST…the age old biggie. My general definition of trust is the ….”need for everyone else to act as I anticipate and believe they should”. I don’t care for the term trust. If I did, I, in turn would have to accept that I must act as others anticipate and expect me to act. I don’t care for that either. I make my own decisions, for good or for bad, based on my assessment at the time…not on what others expect me to do. I also believe others are likewise entitled. Our decisions may displease others at times, but that’s their problem. They are then entitled to react how they deem appropriate.

    For example…you said that you had been unfaithful in all your relationships. You obviously made those decisions for good reason. How did you expect your, then, partners to react? Should they have TRUSTED you not to be unfaithful?

    Once again, your Mother…you are expecting her to act as you believe she should. Is that realistic or fair?
    I believe in respecting other people’s decisions…even if they are not in my best interests. We don’t know why other people make particular decisions, but they obviously have a good reason…in their minds. If I don’t like how it affects me, I either “make other arrangements” or live with it. it’s MY problem, not theirs.

    As for deserving….where is that written? How many brownie points do we need before we are entitled or deserving?
    No one is deserving. The Universe will decide how we are treated…irrespective of our evaluation of our worthiness.

    The bottom line….as I see it….we don’t deserve anything, we are not entitled to other people acting in line with our “wants” and do we really need to forgive other people for living their lives how THEY want to?

    As I said…mightn’t be what you want to hear, but it’s what I think….


    Unfortunately, the reality is…as long as you believe you have been hard done by and aggrieved…you will be bothered by it.
    So, the only way to change that “bothered” emotion is to change what you believe about the situation. That’s just logic and maths.
    Having said that, I know it’s easier said than done. We can’t just turn the tap off.
    The trick is to do it in steps. We’re not machines. Is there a different way you could look at the situation?
    For example….” I know x has happened to me. I would prefer that it didn’t, however, the realities of life dictate that these disagreements do happen to some people. It just so happens that it’s my turn to cop it.”
    Now you are saying that it’s not AWFUL or HORRIBLE that it’s happened to me. You’re accepting reality.
    Once you get to that stage…I would be looking at all the lessons you gained from having this episode. Are you a bit wiser? Have you had to stretch your thinking paths? Have you learnt any new life coping techniques? Would you approach a tenancy arrangement differently next time?
    Now, just imagine that absolutely nothing bothered you. You would be always happy and never upset. That’s the goal we should be aiming for. Yes, you may laugh, no one will ever reach that place…but the closer we get…the less tiresome the world becomes.


    Hi Megan,

    I’m sorry that you are hurting…but it doesn’t have to be this way.
    You said you didn’t want encouraging words, but the cold hard truth…well, you’ve come to the right place!
    I deal in reality and sometimes people see me as lacking in empathy or sympathy…but my goal is to help people find a way forward…not feed their victim mentality. As they say…if you want sympathy, talk to your girlfriends!

    Having said all that, grief is a real emotion and it can’t be argued away. What can be argued away is the reason for the grief.
    That’s what you have to attack. I would ask you…why are you grieving? Did you expect your first relationship to last forever? Are you different from the rest of us, in that most of us have some good relationships, some bad ones and some for life. The chances of you meeting your “soul mate” straight out of the barriers is pretty remote. The reality is, wise people use their early relationships to learn about ourselves and others. We enjoy them while they last and we understand that there’s every chance that we may not be compatible in the long term, and that we might decide to go our separate ways at some time. That’s life.

    I think, rather than grieving, you should be so happy that you had the opportunity to have the good times you did and that you learnt the things you did and that you are now in a better place to dodge the hurdles in your next relationship. You should make peace with your ex…a fellow traveller who’s also just trying to navigate life’s pitfalls… and look forward to the next adventure.

    If you decide to hold on to the grief and regrets, it’s going to be a fairly painful journey for you.

    Now…back to being Mr Nice Guy….I hope everything works out for you….



    Forgiveness is not the answer. To forgive is slightly arrogant. It implys that I am right and the other is wrong. How can I be right if I can only perceive part of reality? Not forgiveness. Love is the answer. For me,

    What a great concept Chris. Thanks for sharing it. I think you’re well on way….

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by Steve.

    I hear what you’re saying. Just chanting affirmations ain’t gunna cut it.
    New beliefs shouldn’t just be “dreams” e.g. “I am rich”…they should be based on reality and have substance.
    I would only put my mind to adopting a new belief of, for example, ”I am a real trier, and I sometimes achieve my goals, however, I still need to work on X”…if every word was true.

    If your mind can accept an old belief, for example, “I will never be healthy”…that is totally out of whack with logic and reality, shouldn’t it be worth trying to adopt a new, reality based belief? I know you do want to, but just can’t find a method.
    Hopefully, others on this forum might offer some suggestions. I can only speak from experience and the way I changed my core beliefs was:

    1. I had to be told and convinced that my existing belief system was dodgy. That was a real eye opener and turning point. I couldn’t believe what I had been doing for 40 odd years was so wrong.
    2. I had to be given suggestions on new ways of thinking and be convinced they were correct….which doesn’t mean I had adopted them at this stage.
    3. I had to have a triggering event, that proved the validity of the new beliefs. It was a painful event, however, I will be forever grateful for it, as it changed my whole life
    4. I had a follow up event, which reinforced the validity of my new core beliefs beyond doubt. This is one of the reasons that I believe that so much learning and wisdom can come from the difficult parts of our lives.

    I still have the old ones surfacing occasionally, as I’m just a fallible human being, but I manage to mostly knock them on the head.

    I wish you well in your search ….


    Hi Dori,

    You said…”maybe they made sense at that time but were wrong decisions, cause they were not compatible with my heart desires.”
    This is a common feeling. “How could I have done that, when I really wanted to do such and such. I’ve sabotaged myself”
    The reason for this supposed self-sabotage is …PRIORITIES.
    I’m guessing you had a good reason to do the cookery course and a good reason not to. When we have competing beliefs like that, we draw on our “priorities” to adjudicate between them. Obviously, your priority was some sort of practical reason…which over ruled your heart.
    So, you just have to accept that, all things taken into account…at the time…you decided against the course. Trust your past decision making. Since then, you have learnt more information which has indicated that the better way might have been to follow your heart. That’s great, you’ve learnt some more and gained some wisdom…but that makes the original decision no less authentic or valid.

    As for changing beliefs. There’s no getting past its difficulty. But its a softly, softly process. Your brain needs to disconnect those old, strong connections that your current beliefs have created. It does this by slowly building up new connections…which have to battle against the stubborn old ones.

    Let’s look at your belief that “‘I am not good at anything”.
    If you reviewed that objectively and honestly, you’d agree that it’s an irrational and limiting belief.
    If you agree, then the next step is to replace it with a new belief.
    Perhaps it could be something like…”I am a real trier, and I sometimes achieve my goals, however, I still need to work on X”
    For that belief to replace the old one, it has to be repeated over and over again. This is the way the brain grows new connections. Another way that the connection can be re-enforced is by “proof”. Every-time the belief is realised or acted out, the connections grow in the brain. Every time you hit a mark or achieve a goal…the new belief is re-enforced.

    It’s very hard, but worthwhile, work. There is no easy way. But the rewards are enormous.


    Okay Dori, let’s have a look at these. I don’t have all the answers. Only you can change, no one can force or make you change…assuming you want to. But let’s see if we can make it a bit easier.

    1. “I should have gone to cookery school”. Why? Obviously things have happened since you made the decision not to, that has brought this on. But I challenge you to revisit the original reasons you decided not to. Were they valid reasons THEN? ….which I’m sure they were. Using 20/20 hindsight to second guess past decisions is irrational. We can’t base our current decisions on what happens in the future. That’s illogical. You made a best guess and that’s all we fallible human beings are capable of. Until you can accept past decisions, you will be cursed with a life of regrets.

    2. “I will never find my life’s purpose”. Too late, you’ve have found it. It’s to live…and interact with other people…and make mistakes…and learn lessons…and provide learning opportunities for others…like me. There’s no bells or whistles or fireworks or harps. It’s just life.

    3. “I am not good at anything”. I call bollocks on that. You can put two words together. You can express your feelings. Make a list of what else you can do. Little steps. Sure, there’s stuff you can’t do…as there are many things I can’t do. That’s because we are all different…by design.

    4.”I will never be healthy”. Perhaps you won’t. Some people aren’t. But that’s a pretty broad statement about yourself. Again, list what works in your body and what’s worn out. Set some goals on fixing the broken bits.

    There’s some thoughts to start the ball rolling.
    It’s a matter of really looking at what unwanted emotions are being triggered, what happened to trigger them, what must I believe about that happening for that emotion to be triggered and is that belief rational and realistic? If not, start slowly converting it to an empowering belief. Easier said thatn done, I know…but it is possible.


    I think you’ve answered your own question in those paragraphs.
    Go with the flow…if it works great…if you don’t get what you want out of the relationship, in a time-frame you’re comfortable with, move on. As you say, you can’t make someone love you. The only person you can control is yourself.


    Hi Kate,

    Sorry you feel down, but I have to say….welcome to the human race.
    Stop searching…you’re already there.
    Our purpose is …to be alive…and to interact with other people…to learn, and to provide lessons for others.
    Yes, each of our journey’s is different…some smooth, some bumpy…but a journey all the same. That’s the way the Universe made things.
    Through your adversity, you’ll grow stronger and new avenues WILL open up. Don’t be scared to make decisions or take chances.
    I learnt this late in life, which meant that I missed out on “going with the flow” in my earlier years. But that’s okay. Better late than never.
    You mentioned a lot of shoulda, couldas. I say, dump the regrets. It’s the one most significant decision I ever made. I swapped anger and regret for peace and contentment. The best deal I ever made.
    I put it to you that all your past decisions were made with the best of intentions and with the best information available…at the time of the decisions. Don’t let 20/20 hindsight blind you to that fact.
    Just keep moving…in any direction…and see where life takes you. None of us know what’s ahaead of us…and that’s the beauty of it all.
    Happy journeys !


    Hi Alyana,

    I certainly have travelled outside the United States…as I’m an Australian.
    I’ve visited the USA, Europe, SE Asia, India and the Pacific Islands.
    It’s a great passion of mine and I have lived for some time in Singapore and Thailand.
    If you’re under 27 years old, you are normally eligible for a working holiday in many Countries….such as Australia, the UK and Europe.
    If you’re not into working, and have a little money behind you, you can easily fund yourself in many SE Asian and South American countries, where the cost of living is quite low.


    Hi Chris,

    I would go in another direction.
    I believe it’s important to “understand” her…even if you don’t “condone” her actions.
    At the moment you are angry because you can’t understand how she could have done the things she did.
    Once you have the understandings, peace and finalisation should follow.

    The first thing to understand is that people only make decisions that THEY think are correct. We can’t make an incorrect decision for ourselves…based on what we are thinking and how we feel at the time of the decision. Therefore, try and consider what beliefs she must have had to do the things she did. You will probably find those beliefs quite contrary to yours…but she had them none the less. Most probably, she has had those beliefs ingrained in her for a very long time…as we all do. How they were obtained is a whole other discussion and we may never know, in this case.

    Once you UNDERSTAND why she made the decisions she did, accept that they were based on beliefs contrary to yours and make a firm decision to accept that fact. Who are we to judge how someone else adopted particular beliefs…it could have been childhood experiences, teachers, her peers, books she read…and the list goes on.

    Now is the time to accept our differences and move on with your journey. As the old saying goes….holding a grudge is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die.


    Tricky one indeed!
    Like you, I have a formula for such situations and people:
    1. Accept the situation/decision/action
    2. Attempt to change the “perpetrator”
    3. Walk away..

    As you say, your lease probably dictates that 3. isn’t an option…unless you’re really strong, and willing to take a financial hit.
    Sounds like you have tried 2…..and failed
    So, looks like you are stuck with option 1.

    However, to ease the pain a bit, you could:
    1. Try to understand where the landlord is coming from…even if you don’t agree with him
    2. Perhaps try and change your perspective or beliefs…seeing you have to live with it anyway. May as well go with the flow as fight it all the way…the only person who looses, that way, is you.

    No easy answer, I’m afraid.

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