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I think the overwhelming opinion is no one liked me on here, well at least not the ladies ahaha. I will not put you on the spot @Jay2023 and ask for your initial impressions! But bro it’s good to hear from you! I’ll leave it to Sammy to give you the dressing down for your disappearance. I knew you probably needed time to reconfigure but women! Actually to be upfront before Sammy has a field day, i was very concerned about you too, if I’d known you’re sound, I could have avoided writing my autobiography!

What’s happening? All in your own good time though bro. Sounds like you’ve knuckled down and done a full 180! It’s good to hear you sound healthier and haven’t allowed yourself to sink into that dreaded void.

I could be wrong but as a fellow lad I’d be willing to wager a bet, I think someone special has caught your eye if you’re over your ex to that extent given where you were! If that’s the case mate all I’ll say is don’t let swing of emotions confuse you or fear stop you! Carpe diem! Have courage to grab your happiness. Look forward to your update, fingers crossed whatever it is or you’re unsure about works out well for you bro and its not long before we hear back from you!

Really glad me sharing my journey has had a positive effect on you and I was touched by your words, especially the last bit. I think everyone deserves that comfort and knowing they are loved. It’s uplifting to know we have all got our own individual wounds but heartbreak really is universal. It makes us all stronger!

You make sure you take care of your human too and not give up. Fears are what hold us back don’t give into them.

Thank you for saying you’re proud. Everytime I hear that it gives me a buzz. Throughout life I barely heard it as a guy from anyone other than parents but I think it makes a huge difference in knowing you are making others proud.

What you wrote in reference to soulmates was very moving but then you had me splurt out my coffee this morning too! Not just two pervs touching each other? You’re hilarious mate! Ahaha!

I cross my heart and hope to die. I’m going to love ‘B’ from a place of wholeness.

I’ve never framed it like that myself, but you’re right it took a lot to take that first step to resist against the fear of rejection, the ego, the depression and fight for her but I did! I will make a mental note of that and when I become stuck remind myself I have the courage and I have already overridden the voice. Very useful point!

I’m not even going to comment on the cork and cherry but bring it on! Ahahaha! Although fingers cross this Indian strain doesn’t throw a spanner in the works for the wedding. Covid is a nightmare to plan around!

Therapy session 2 was only 30 mins yesterday, I had to cut it short ended up with a conflicting schedule. We discussed the techniques to develop more grounded thoughts when met with an emotion that feels overwhelming and behaviour activation. It was brief but I think it will help, I think the first session alone has done a lot. I like the therapist isn’t rigid, she’s flexible to park a thought if I’m not ready and come back to it or work on something else. She said between 6-8 sessions I should make headway but it was down to me really how quick or slow that progress is. Let’s see!