
Posts tagged with “wisdom”

3 Simple Words to Help You Feel Present, Grounded, and Nourished

“The little things? They’re not little.” ~Jon Kabat-Zinn

Remember Halloween, 2018? No? We wouldn’t, either, except that it happens to be the day our mindfulness journey—and our lives—changed forever.

First, some background. We (Deborah and Willow) met when our boys played on the same fifth-grade soccer team. We connected quickly through our shared love of books, writing, dogs, hiking, and strong coffee.

Something else we had in common: We were both failed meditators. To be honest, we were a bit embarrassed that we couldn’t make a mindfulness practice stick.

Thank Goodness We WEREN’T Paying Attention 

Now, back to the story. …

It Takes Two People to Make a Relationship Work

Raise Your Children to Be Impressed By…

She Will Always Be Okay

You Don’t Have to Be Everyone’s Cup of Tea

The Greatest Project You’ll Ever Work On

People Who Love You Care About How You Feel

The Strange Things That Make Your Weird Little Heart Happy

There Comes a Time When You Stop Trying to Make Things Right

We’re Simply Communicating

What Song I Played on Repeat

The Highest Form of Love is Consideration

3 Simple Steps to Create More Joy in Your Life

“Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.” ~Carl Jung

“Should I move back?” was the question I asked myself. It was 2018, and I had moved to Berlin eight months prior. And everything had gone wrong. So wrong.

I moved here for a relationship, but that relationship ended. I also moved for different work but found myself in a toxic environment. I had very little support from the community after my relationship ended. And I found myself horribly ill and in a hospital.

The easy thing to do would have been to move back to London. It was still

Grief is the Last Act of Love

Aging Isn’t About Lost Youth

They Deserve Less Access

Please Don’t Tell a Depressed Person…

Maybe Love Isn’t What We’ve Been Told

You Can Be a Positive Example

We Are Not Machines