
abusive people are hurt people…

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    Dear sossi:

    I didn’t think I had to make the choice to stay away from my parents but I see I should have instead of seeking any comfort there which was a bad choice“-

    – It is a bad choice to stay with and/ or to reach out to people who hurt you, no matter who they are: parents and strangers. Parents don’t have a .. parental right to hurt their children (of minor age and of adult age). There is no such legal or moral right. We children- of any age- are not our parents’ property to do with us as they please, to treat us any which way. We are People, not Property.



    Hi Anita,  Ive been still very busy working…but having to also take a mental break from these conversations and thoughts that are very hard to deal with and relatively new realisations. Im not sure if it is this that also makes me very tired all the time. I feel like everything just totally drains me. I also feel anxiety a lot and have difficulty in relaxing anyway.  it has been a demanding time like i dont remember previously, people pulling and pushing to get what they want. So, instead of taking a break and enjoying life a bit…im spending hours on small tasks (like how to work some App or similar), emails and getting frustrated and irritated (noisy neighbours, competitive colleagues). I guess that is what getting older is! But when i get home there is no break from it.

    In the back of my head i have a “must do” list of personal items i just can´t get around to…i should get myself online and meet someone (that has been a lost priority for a few months now), i should find activites and make new friends (dont know where to look for that), I feel i have to get presents for my family for christmas but its a hollow experience as im not talking to them. My niece is going to be 4years old and i wanted to get her something at least but have no idea what she likes. She will grow up thinking im the strange auntie..my sister seems distant and has not reached out at all to me for over a year. She is the older sister but honestly, i dont know if she even cares. I told her before that it was hard being around our parents and mom´s mean behaviour and she apologised to me which came as a surprise at the time (why are YOU sorry?). Then i realised, she felt she had dumped me with that problem and face to face she felt guilty but at a distance she feels ok. She can tell our parents anything at a distance, and have control of the situation too. She doesnt like to hear my difficulties..so she just goes mute. great huh?

    I think its good that she has a child to care about as i think that may have changed perspectives for her but for me, sadly there is a coldness. Seeing as she has been on the phone with our mom every other day, without thinking to ask me how im doing, i can only conclude that i am competition for her. She doesnt hear what mom is like after their conversations, dissecting everything. Mom and i used to agree however, my sister would never ask how you were doing at these times…only talking about herself.

    So, whats new in the world..i dont understand my family! great. I guess im just coming to terms with my personality and what shaped it. Im still angry with my parents and also my sister, for their lack of care and for the times i filled in the blanks with humour to hide the sadness.

    Im trying to turn this around to focus on people as you say, who do deserve attention and kindness..to not continue the same ill behaviour.







    Dear sossi:

    Good to read from you again, and I get your point about being anxious, irritated, tired and being drained by everything.  A human being needs positive connections with people, otherwise the person gets anxious. A dog is a social animal: with no positive connections with other dogs or with people, the dog gets anxious, irritated, barks a lot and eventually gets drained and depressed. When a healthy dog positively connects with another dog, or with person, its tail wags because its energy is renewed and refreshed, energized by the positive connection. Same with humans, being the social animals that we are. We are not meant to live in either social isolation or in a situation where we experience only neutral and negative social connections. We need positive social connections to calm our anxiety and energize us.

    You are experiencing negative social connections with people you work with and with neighbors (“people pulling and pushing to get what they want… noisy neighbors, competitive colleagues”), and no positive connections with family members (“my sister seems distant and has not reached out at all to me for over a year… I’m still angry with my parents and also my sister, for their lack of care”), no boyfriend in your life, no real friends as far as I know.. so no wonder you are anxious, irritated and drained.

    Trying to find positive social connections with your mother and siblings seems like a lost cause. But there is hope for you to positively connect with new people in your life, people “who do deserve attention and kindness”, like you wrote. You have to find a way to make it happen!




    Hi Anita,

    My anxiety stems from family for sure. They dont show the kind of care you would expect..but its demanded of me in return. My mom sent me a text to come over and see them a day ago..completely ignoring the fact she has been silent for months since her previous messages when i was really slammed with work and stress, telling me im selfish and difficult. She wants of course to dip out of apologising, so will pretend its all on me, im very busy with work etc. I didnt reply because im still so angry about it that i dont know what to do. Ignoring it wont make it go away but she is unlikely to offer up reason, im expecting a fight and more stress.

    Its clear my parents want a clean slate before christmas, totally expecting me to be game for all their usual behaviour.

    But now i feel different. Both my mother and sister are not reaching out, they both want me to do it all. They are the ones with partners and support to go through difficult things like when they are mad at other people, but im alone. Does that mean i have to take every authoritative word they say? Does it mean i have to chase after them even though they throw poison darts at me? Or is it literally the fact that i am the youngest child and expected to fall in line? My sister is so disappointing…as an older sister she was never there and i accepted it, i even filled in her place and she was just always resentful and jealous. Its finally made me angry, and finally made me complain that she is selfish, now expecting for her child (an extension of herself) more and more of the attention she could never be bothered to give in return.

    My parents came and rang my door to “demand” a reply from me. My mother looked sulky and handed me something of mine that had been at their house, an item of clothing. This is a routine she does when she is annoyed. of clearing things out of her house that belong to me. Its a therapy of sorts, I understand that now, many years later…getting even small items handed back to me like its a big problem for them to have them there, reminding them of me. I always find it an offensive thing to do, its a rejection of course.. My parents didnt speak up about their feelings either but pretended to talk about other things. Have i contacted my sister? no, putting the emphasis of blame and guilt back on me and putting themselves in control again. More irritation and anger.

    I denied getting her message on my phone….because i dont want a confrontation today, im really not feeling well and i have a lot to do. It was a coward thing to do i know, as she wanted to be able to explode at me and get her reward while having my dad to support and help her do it. I just dont want to deal with them. Afterwards i felt angry and very sad..sad because i really dont want to see them.

    When you are being chased by sadness and miserable behaviour its hard to focus on happiness. Having family problems is really at the core of who you are as a person. When you have an imbalance there it affects everything else. Im looking at a lifetime of feeling even more lonely than i was before but im contemplating just simply not being around them anymore. because i need to time out, i need to heal. They have spare keys of mine. First intended as helpful i now feel its intrusive. Ive relied on them in the past when ive locked myself out by accident…they act over worried as though im going to kill myself but never say a thing, just imply it. When i dont answer the phone..its a drama, we were worried! Its control though. Thats the reality. Its a way of keeping tabs on me and having power over me.


    Dear sossi:

    Both my mother and sister are not reaching out, they both want me to do it all… Does it mean I have to chase after them..?“- NO!

    they throw poison darts at me“- Keep yourself in a safe distance from them, so that their poison darts can’t reach you!

    Or is it literally the fact that I am the youngest child and expected to fall in line?”- see how as adults, we still feel like children when it comes to our families-of-origin, how stuck we tend to be, in our early roles of childhood?

    My parents came and rang my door to ‘demand’ a reply from me. My mother looked sulky and handed me something of mine that had been at their house, an item of clothing. This is a routine she does when she is annoyed. of clearing things out of her house that belong to me…I always find it an offensive thing to do“- yes, it is offensive, and it is a shame that a mother intentionally (with the obedient support of her husband/ your father) offends her own daughter!

    Having family problems is really at the core of who you are as a person… I’m contemplating just simply not being around them anymore“- good idea, sossi: it’s the way to keep yourself safe from being hit by the poison darts you mentioned in the beginning of your post!



    How are you, sossi?



    Hi Anita,

    Thanks for asking..you probably wish you hadnt.

    Im having a hard time . Feeling guilt is always part of the whole mess. Now i feel totally awful all the time.

    My parents (mainly my dad) reached out to me recently a few times, to drop off some mail, to leave something of mine (as said previously). Mom came along to that visit with a sheepish look on her face but said nothing about her behaviour. Just same as always. Im always stressed by work and am in no mood to have a fight, so drama continues.

    In the meantime i re-read several times what we had said in our texts that caused all this….and stupidly, because my phone was full…i deleted the conversation since….(subconsciously that could be my way of wiping the memory out, of trying to forgive them as i did similar things with my ex´s messages). Now i cant point it out to them!! so i have no proof of how she wrote to me. But actually…that doesnt matter because my father and sister wont support me or stand up for me…so yeah,

    My dad came around again to check on me the other day as they fully expected me to come for christmas and my mom sent a text message asking if i wanted to come over and do some baking which i didnt respond to….im really struggling with these feelings that i just dont want to feel.being the scapegoat and this denial on their part that anything bad happened.

    My dad has been “in between” but blandly and blankly staring at me as though i should make amends and as though he honestly doesnt know why im acting up..He said ” did you see the text your mom sent you yesterday?” and all i could think was, why was he here managing things for her? pretending that nothing happened. How about Sorry? I honestly think my dad is brainwashed. It was sadly pitiful the way he said its up to me if i want to come over to see them and that i needed “more time”.

    If you understand…these feelings, behaviours and reactions, dont come out of nowhere but have built up over years and years of low level bullying and abuse. I cant get through to him and he refuses to stand up for me. He said they “wished me well” and loved me and that they were there for me if i needed but it was devoid of any emotion whatsoever.. like a handkerchief waving you off. It seemed to me, if i had a gun wound, there was my dad, standing over me saying it was a shame. If i need their help meaning money, there will be a bigger price to pay. That i felt nothing as he said these things to me is perhaps even more shocking as i realised….this has been going on and on for so long. No one cares in fact. Just be good and come for dinner.

    I really believe that my mom´s understanding is that i should take her nasty messages and just keep going. Irrespective of my difficulties in my work and personal life while she can turn and cry dramatically to her husband that everyone is being so unfair to her. Is it really ok for someone to say to me in capital letters, that im a horrible person but that they still love me?

    Following my last visit from my dad over the weekend i felt terrible..but didnt cry, i just felt sick.  I spoke to a friend and she listened but i know, its not something nice or easy to hear. To be honest, culturally i dont think she understood how they could be so cold like that. But there it is, my reality.

    Then the next day i saw my mom had sent an email. The title read “olive branch” and stupidly i felt a little hopeful that it might be salvageable…but reading the first few lines, “your father came home very upset”..(your fault) then skimming further down…i had to stop reading.

    She let out her frustration again: throwing everything at me- im mean to my sister, not supportive of my mom or my father, i was mean about my old school friend (the start of this whole argument- she doesnt care but likes the dramatic news of someone else´s daughter having problems…and i hate gossip) etc etc etc. But that she loved me and hoped to see me at christmas!!! the text is peppered with CAPITAL letters to emphasize her anger. But more stinging is the total disregard to what i have said….”dont send me messages like that”.


    Im feeling very weak and sick, its hard to wake up and feel so alone. As everything gears up to christmas its the time of year people get flaky, you are the 2nd or 3rd choice if they are not busy, most people around me have children and extended families…i have no 1st choice of my own but im also very introverted and fear the pity and rejection (happens anyway!). And so my mood has been really rollercoasting..one minute i think i can manage this….other times im feeling desperately alone. I know im a strong person but i once again just cant understand why this happens. Why am i dumped on? whether i stand up for myself or not…its actually the same! After months of my sister calling my mom every day it seemed whenever i was there. i asked my dad if they were in touch and he said only once every few weeks! it seems even more proof that jealousy was being stoked by my mom and competition between family. I cant understand why she wouldnt want to foster a loving relationship between sisters? between her and us? its sick and i feel, wrong.

    I hate writing this, ive been literally feeling physically sickened by my life.

    I have a dog that i took on about 2 years now..initially i had seriously wanted to get a dog for years already..then this dog was available and i decided to try. She is very very hard to settle, hard to manage and keep calm. Under the circumstances, it has been the worst match for my own anxiety and stress because she is reactive. And of course i love her and dont want to give up, shes all i have really…but almost ever since i got her, ive thought maybe i should let her go as it has been SO difficult. I dont have a yard but thats not really even it…she needs specialist attention, someone with a large family, plenty of exercise in big fields. I thought hopefully that it could lead to meeting more people but on the contrary…people look warily at me and most of the time their dog either attacks or barks at mine! what are the odds that this would happen right but once again it seems im directed back to being alone. A neighbours dog even hates mine so much that if i jangle my keys it barks. My dog´s barking has become a real issue..but i cant keep her calm. I just feel like giving up.


    Dear sossi:

    Thanks for asking… you probably wish you hadn’t“- it wouldn’t be fair of me to ask you an open question (How are you?), and then complain that you truthfully answered my question, would it. But I am bracing myself before reading the rest of your post (I will be reading it part by part, responding to one part before reading the next, it’s more interesting this way, more like a real-life conversation):

    I’m having a hard time. Feeling guilt is always part of the whole mess. Now I feel totally awful all the time“- I am not a fan of guilt. Guilt rained on my parade of life big time, for decades!

    My parents (mainly my dad) reached out to me recently a few times…“- so to rain on your parade of life…?

    I deleted the conversation since…. Now I can’t point it out to them!! so I have no proof of how she wrote to me. But actually…that doesn’t matter because my father and sister won’t support me or stand up for me…so yeah“- before I read the “that doesn’t matter” part, I thought it to myself: it wouldn’t matter, your mother wins no matter what the facts and evidence points to.

    They fully expected me to come for Christmas“- you don’t have to!

    My dad has been ‘in between’… pretending that nothing happened“- you need someone (1) to be on your side, not in between, and (2) to speak and acknowledge the truth.

    I can’t get through to him and he refuses to stand up for me“- this perfectly fits with what I just wrote above, before reading this sentence.

    He said they ‘wished me well’ and loved me and that they were there for me if I needed but it was devoid of any emotion… this has been going on and on for so long. No one cares in fact. Just be good and come for dinner“- better not have Christmas with people who do not care for you!!!

    Is it really ok for someone to say to me in capital letters, that I’m a horrible person but that they still love me?“- no, it is not okay. The message of love does nothing to take away from the sting of the you-are-a-horrible-person message.  The intent behind the but-we-still-love-you addition to present themselves as the victims of your alleged horribleness, and make you feel badly, an intent that has nothing to do with love!

    She let out her frustration again: throwing everything at me- I’m mean to my sister, not supportive of my mom or my father…But that she loved me and hoped to see me at Christmas!!! the text is peppered with CAPITAL letters to emphasize her anger. But more stinging is the total disregard to what I have said….’don’t send me messages like that‘”- you can have such a nice Christmas all by yourself, with no one to accuse you, blame you and sting you: a low-key, no capital letters Christmas! You can post on your thread, and we can chat on Christmas Day!

    I’m feeling very weak and sick, it’s hard to wake up and feel so alone… one minute I think I can manage this…. other times I’m feeling desperately alone… whether I stand up for myself or not…its actually the same!“- it’s the same because like I wrote to you earlier in this message, your mother always win, and you standing up to her is useless. I think that the only way for you to be standing, is not to try yet again to stand up to her, but to have no contact with your mother and with those wh0 side with her and against you. Maybe without any contact with them all, you will not be feeling desperately alone!?

    I hate writing this, I’ve been literally feeling physically sickened by my life“- remove the contact= future contamination, and you will have the opportunity to heal!

    I have a dog… the worst match for my own anxiety and stress because she is reactive… I thought hopefully that it could lead to meeting more people but on the contrary…people look warily at me and most of the time their dog either attacks or barks at mine!… My dog´s barking has become a real issue… but I can’t keep her calm. I just feel like giving up“-way better that you give up on having any future contact with your mother and her supporters than that you give up on life, for crying out loud!

    Regarding your dog: our neighbors’ dog is restless, but for a while he was much more restless, panting and barking and couldn’t stay in place. The neighbors took him to the vet and discovered that he has a thyroid imbalance of some sort, got a medication for him, pills, and he is significantly more settled since.



    Dear sossi,

    i once again just cant understand why this happens. Why am i dumped on?… I cant understand why she wouldnt want to foster a loving relationship between sisters? between her and us? its sick and i feel, wrong.

    ive been literally feeling physically sickened by my life.

    Your problem is that you are still hoping that your mother (and father) will change, so you can feel better about yourself and your life. But I am sorry to say – they won’t. They will stay the same –  your mother being the narcissistic person that she is, and your father being her enabler. You don’t have a chance of a better life – if you depend on them changing.

    But you do have a chance of a better life if you stop hoping that they would change, and instead, give yourself that what you are hoping to get from them: love, appreciation and validation.

    They will never give you what you need, but you can give it to yourself. I think you would benefit a lot from therapy, from having someone give you the understanding and appreciation you never properly received from your parents. You need to heal those childhood emotional wounds, and then you can be free.

    What do you think?


    • This reply was modified 3 years, 2 months ago by Tee.

    Dear sossi:

    I hope your Christmas was okay. It is a very White Christmas where I am, so much so that I cannot leave the house, the snow being so thick and deep. I wish you a Happy New Year and a better year ahead!



    It’s been such a long time since we talked, sossi. I hope you are having a better year than last!



    And I hope, sossi, that 2022 was better for you than the year, has it? How are you???

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