
Am I at the end of my journey?

HomeForumsTough TimesAm I at the end of my journey?

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    I posted on here 6 months ago about losing my nephew to suicide. For many years before this happened I’ve struggled with depressive episodes and severe social anxiety. Since having a mental breakdown, I have become a recluse. I live with my husband, I don’t have any friends. My only son rarely visits.
    The only reason I’ve kept going is for my dog. It would cause her distress if I wasn’t around anymore. She  is 14 now and the thought of losing her is unbearable.
    I’m dragging my husband down and I am a burden. I know he would be better off if I set him free.

    I was seeing a therapist which helped a little but it magnified the absolute hopelessness of where my life is now at.

    This heavy weight of grief on top of my mental illness is all too much. I’m exhausted.  Life is so much darker.
    I sit outside and listen to the songbirds, I feel the sun on my face and breathe in the scents of spring. It’s my favourite time of year. It’s as though I’m on my last days of a holiday and want to take in all the sights and sounds before I leave. It all really does feel so final.


    Dear Andromeda:

    There is a quote, I forgot who said it, paraphrased, it says: the worst thing that can happen to a person is not losing one’s life, but losing the reason for living. A famous book that comes to mind, written by a man who survived the WW2 concentration camps, is A Man’s Search for Meaning.

    If you found a Reason and a positive Meaning for your life- that could make the difference between hopelessness and hope, between emptiness and having a value you live for.



    This sounds so painful. You have been let down, and not gently. If I felt the way you did, I too would wish my journey’s end so that my life partner, children, friends, and dog could run stronger.



    you can
    start anew. Find one class, and ace it. Genius w/o education is like silver in a mine. (Franklin). You have a genius. Our pain can end, if even only for a day.


    Dear Andromeda,

    I am sorry for losing your beloved nephew, and now feeling hopeless, exhausted and like a burden. I’d like to offer a different perspective, hoping that it might help a little.

    In your previous thread, you said about your nephew that he was a beacon of light:

    He was special, very popular, funny, intelligent, spiritual, quirky, his friends and family described him as a beacon of light.

    He was very popular in his home town and also when he moved away.

    On Sunday evening, all his friends held a vigil at a special place he used to visit, which was high up on a mound overlooking the city. … There was an area carpeted with candles and flowers, surrounded by so many people, so much love.

    He was loved and appreciated by his family and friends, surrounded by so much love, and radiating much love too… but he didn’t believe that, he felt alone and abandoned. At some point something shifted in him and he stopped replying to your messages. He alienated himself. When he lost a place to stay, he didn’t take up your offer to help him with accommodation. He told your other sister (his aunt) that “he didn’t want to come back home, said he would rather kill himself.”

    He was sinking deeper and deeper, and he probably felt alone, although he wasn’t alone. You were reaching out to him, he had friends around him who loved him. But he didn’t see it, or it wasn’t enough to soothe his pain.

    His pain was overwhelming, and it seems to be related to his early childhood, growing up with an ill mother, who couldn’t properly take care of him. In the last conversation he had with his mother, he spoke about that:

    My sister told me the last conversation that she had with her son, it was painful to hear. He was clearly distressed. He talked about growing up, how bad he had felt, not living with his own family.

    His mother couldn’t take care of him, she had her own cross to bear with MS. But I can imagine that in his childhood brain, this lack of care, this inability of his mother to meet his needs, meant as if he was not lovable enough. And I can imagine that this feeling persisted into his youth. And no matter how loved and popular he was, this feeling was probably eating him up. The pain was too big.

    Add to that his health issues (he was fearing he might end up with a debilitating disease), and the situation with his housemates moving to a different place… he probably felt completely abandoned and unloved. It only solidified the feeling he had from his early childhood, his false belief that nobody loves him or cares for him.

    Whereas the truth is that so many people loved him and cared for him, including  you. And that he was so lovable, so worthy, so appreciated.

    But he didn’t know it, he didn’t believe it…

    I would like to draw a parallel here with you, Andromeda. With you feeling like a burden, feeling that your presence has no positive impact on people:

    I struggle with my mental health and my negativity pushes people away. My presence has no positive affect on people.

    I’m dragging my husband down and I am a burden. I know he would be better off if I set him free.

    This sounds like the same kind of thinking that your nephew got caught up in. Believing that he is unlovable, while being loved by so many. Believing that he is a burden, while he was actually a beacon of light.

    Dear Andromeda, I want to tell you that you are lovable and that you are loved. And needed. And that you matter. And that you have the light in you, which you believe you don’t.

    I sit outside and listen to the songbirds, I feel the sun on my face and breathe in the scents of spring. It’s my favourite time of year.

    I hope you can open yourself to this idea: that the sun is not only outside of you, where you feel it caress your face, but it is also inside of you. Beautiful light is inside of you <3



    Dear Andromeda:

    Man’s Search for Meaning is a 1946 book by Viktor Frankl about his experiences as a prisoner in Nazi concentration camps during World War 2, a place of much suffering.

    (Wikipedia): “Frankl observed that among the fellow inmates in the concentration camp, those who survived were able to connect with a purpose in life to feel positive about, and then immersed themselves in imagining that purpose such as conversing with an (imagined) loved one…. Man’s Search for Meaning belongs to a list of ‘the ten most influential books in the United States.’ At the time of the author’s death in 1997, the book had sold over 10 million copies and had been translated into 24 languages”. (I boldfaced the above).<sup id=”cite_ref-InstituteVienna_3-0″ class=”reference”></sup>

    Here are a few quotes from the book: “Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms—to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.”

    “When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves.”

    “Man does not simply exist but always decides what his existence will be, what he will become the next moment. By the same token, every human being has the freedom to change at any instant.”

    “Those who have a ‘why’ to live, can bear with almost any ‘how’.”

    “For success, like happiness, cannot be pursued; it must ensue, and it only does so as the unintended side effect of one’s personal dedication to a cause greater than oneself”.

    “In some ways suffering ceases to be suffering at the moment it finds a meaning, such as the meaning of a sacrifice.”

    “For the first time in my life I saw the truth as it is set into song by so many poets, proclaimed as the final wisdom by so many thinkers. The truth – that Love is the ultimate and highest goal to which man can aspire… The salvation of man is through love and in love.”

    The title of your thread is “Am I at the end of my journey?“- perhaps you are at the end of one journey, but at the beginning of a different journey, a journey of… (you choose it, you live it)!

    I hope to read from you again.




    Depression is a very hard disease to deal with. Not knowing what the cause is. Chemical, biological, situational, ???? Reading the first post, it paints a picture of a final journey. Looking at thing for the last time as leaving a vacation spot. But, to answer your question, “Am I at the end of my journey?”, no you are not. You are in one stage of many. Your thinking of this life as complete. It isn’t. Humans are in a unique position to learn the truth of life.

    People are like drops from a splash of water in the ocean. Each drop has its own trajectory. Flying hi or flying low. Each with a life of its own. This drop more salty and that drop with more life inside. Each unique in its own way. Up, up and away. Spends it time in the air and then comes down back to the big ocean. Never lost. Soon, another splash and away we go again. The cycle goes on and on. So, how do we break free?

    Buddha, after having his enlightenment, saw all his past lifetimes. And, with this enlightenment found the truth and the end to this endless journey. So, in his teachings, there are the four noble truths. This is where the beginning of the journey to wisdom and compassion and love opens up. This is the path to freedom.

    I am sorry I can not give you the help that you need to bring you out of this depression. This Dis-ease has taken many. I wish you find the help that you need. The forum is a nice place to express feelings. People try to lend an ear and listen. May be tell you its not so bad. So, bad. I wish you find something that can involve you and your mind. To find something of interest. Good Luck.


    Hi Andromeda

    I’m so sorry to hear that you are struggling after a mental breakdown and your nephew’s suicide. It still hasn’t been very long since he passed. Grieving can be a lengthy process. I remember when my step father passed suddenly, it took me at least 6 months to even begin to start processing the experience.

    Taking a break from the outside world when you need it isn’t necessarily a bad thing. It can be hard to deal with everyone else when you ate struggling.

    Your dog is a good reason to keep fighting. The love of a dog is unconditional and very healing. I love seeing the joy they experience.

    If you would like to share anymore about your feelings I’m sure there are many caring people who would love to listen. I know I would.

    Wishing you all the best! Love and prayers ❤️🙏


    Dear Andromeda

    I’m dragging my husband down and I am a burden. I know he would be better off if I set him free.

    I am sorry that you feel that you are such a dark painful place. Do you realise that if you chose to exit this life, your husband could end up feeling like you do after your nephews death. I say this not to guilt trip you, but to give yourself a chance to pause and in that pause you may get a chance to see that there are other ways for your pain to end and joy to be in your life.

    Even in that darkness you found the strength to feel the sunshine and listen to the birdsong. so there is something strong & vital inside you that can bear this pain & connect with the joy & beauty of this world.

    I pray that you get support from the members of this site as well as those around you





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