
Approaching 30: single and depressed

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    Hi everyone, my topic title might be a little bit of a stretch because I’m actually going to be turning 28, but I wanted to give you an idea of where my mind is at.

    In approximately a couple of short years I’ll be turning 30 and I’m nowhere near the point in my life I thought I would be. My close social circle and most of my extended social circle are in long-term relationships, living with their significant others, engaged, married, buying homes, and having kids. I will sometimes have dreams that I have a baby boy or baby girl and wake-up sad that I don’t have a partner or a family.

    For the past year I have tried online dating to no avail. In the past 12 months I went on at least one first date with a total of 22 men. 1 of the 22 I did meet “in real life,” and he did actually ask me to be his girlfriend, only to confusingly break-up with me 2 months later over a text message saying he had “too much going on in his life.”

    I’ve been on Match.com, eHarmony.com, OkCupid, Tinder, and Coffee Meets Bagel. I’ve since deleted every account. I went into every date trying to state my intention before meeting (that I was looking for something with the potential to be long-term and not casual/non-committal dating). I was conscious about not texting too much or too little. On dates I always did my hair and make-up and got advice from friends that my dresses were appropriate. I would engage in thoughtful conversation. I feel very comfortable talking and asking/answering questions on a first date. I’ve agreed to “fun” dates like bowling. I will kiss on the first date, but I don’t have sex. Of these 22 men, I felt I had a connection with and wanted get to know 11 of them better. They did not feel the same way about me and either never asked me out on a second date or made it clear they were only interested in having sex (and when that wasn’t reciprocated on a second or third date, then I’d never hear from them again).

    I feel extremely heartbroken. I keep asking myself myself, “What is wrong with me?” After 12 months of 22 dates, countless messages, opening my heart and then ending up rejected numerous times, I feel depressed. I’ve been numbing myself with unhealthy food, hours of TV, odd sleep schedules, and isolating myself from my friends. For example, I’ll listen for my roommates to leave before coming out of my bedroom or I’ll leave the apartment without telling anyone where I’m going or when I’ll be back. It’s just been a coping or defense mechanism for me.

    Help… :(. How do I pick up the broken pieces? Maybe it’s time to accept that “the universe” doesn’t want me in a relationship?


    i am really sorry to hear that . i think you should take break if it is draining your energy . or try find someone who is equally serious like you .i know its difficult but never loose hope. i have been to similar situation . i know it hurts . but than i just do what i like and concenterate how to be happy without keeping my happiness depending on someone .you have to keep patience . i am doing the same now . guess what out no where people starting liking me the way i am . i feel u should concentrate on few or may be one at time . to make it work . i do that trust me it works i concentrate only one person i like it becomes so much easy hassle free . and other person also respect me since they understand the fact that . i am actually giving them my attention ,care so they feel special . so i wish best of luck and lot of patience and . be strong . dreaming715


    listen to this


    Sometimes the more you try and get something the more you drive it away. I was completely in your shoes 6 years ago. I was lucky enough to be able jack everything in and go travel – I spent 6 and half months travelling overland with 40 people on a truck and then two years doing working holiday visa in Austraia and Canada.

    In Australia in picked up a book called ‘how to make every man want you’ and don’t let the title put you off I found this book pure gold because it was not about ensnaring a man it was about getting to a place where you were ok with life and the absolute most attractive thing about a person is someone who is happy and comfortable in their own skin. This book with what i gained from travelling turned my life round (with a lot of work on me and my brain in the process I might add lol)

    So i found the man of my dreams right – this is how these things end. Well I thought I did. I had the most amazing relationship with a guy but he wasn’t in the same place as me and had his own things to deal with and in hindsight we wouldn’t have worked but I was so happy about who i had been in that relationship. Not putting pressure on it, not trying to make him responsible for my happiness. I could have allowed the break up to destroy me as I would in the past BUt something from that book helped and it was ‘Relationships are spiritual opportunities not needs based exchanges’. That relationship was to help me learn about how I idealise LOVE and believe romantic love it is the highest calling (damn you disney films 🙂 )

    I am now with a wonderful guy (who i met on Match!) and talking about marriage and moving across the world to create a life with him. Its not the hollywood passionate, i dont care that you are terrible for me, i love you and thats all that matters, relationship. Its a slow burning, friendship based, we want to create a beautiful life together as a supportive team enabling each of us to be who we are as separate people in something that is greater than the sum of our parts type relationship and its something i could never have had, never have grown in to this person that frankily I like a whole lot more than the me 6 years ago if I hadn’t had the experiences I had.

    Maybe I wont end up having children because it took me a lot longer, maybe i will. If I do then they will get a much better mother and role model because of the way my life panned out.

    Anyway your post struck a cord with me because I was there at the same age with everyone else getting married and even starting to have kids while I couldn’t get anyone to even date me (so you are ahead of me there).

    Take the pressure of you and the men you meet. Spend some time investigating you and your attitudes to love and relationships. Men have an amazing ‘desperation’ sensor that causes them to run a mile and for people that are generally considered to be a bit clueless about feelings they tend to be pretty good at knowing when someone is not happy in themselves. The not so nice ones will use that to their advantage and nice ones will run a mile 🙂

    Turned out the only thing wrong with me was my attitude to relationships, maybe that’s the only thing that you need to change too 🙂


    Dear dreaming715:

    You wrote: “Maybe it’s time to accept that “the universe” doesn’t want me in a relationship?” No “universe” or higher power type wants you to be or not to be in a relationship. No such destiny, fate, says I!

    Welcome back, dreaming715. I noticed in this post that you remembered and practiced input from previous threads and you are still not involved in a relationship and heart broken over it. In your last thread I went over what a particular man told you and what questions you could ask him to find out what he meant, so to detect manipulation and figure out a man’s thoughts and intentions as they are. You responded there that it was helpful to you.

    If you’d like, you can write to me here some of the things you tell a guy and we can look into those things to see if there is something off putting about them. This in the effort to still investigate the Why and still learn in How to operate more effectively when on dates/ communication with potential partners.



    Well I’ve always believed that waiting for somebody to come along and make you happy was a bad plan. First of all, you have no control over your own happiness that way, its in somebody else’s hands who may or may not even exist. Second, since happiness can only come from within, the poor person who gets involved with you is already saddled with the impossible burden of making you happy. He will fail, you’ll blame him, and start the cycle all over again with somebody new.

    The best way to go about it, is to concentrate on your own happiness and find out why you arent happy. Take the steps to correct that problem in your life. Saying ‘all my friends are married and having children’ is no reason to go out and get hitched. It tells me that your mindset is is about following others, and defining yourself by comparison to your friends. I’m going to tell you that this is a disastrous way to make life decisions and will almost always lead a person to become unhappy in the long run. Whatever you do in life should come from you, your decisions must come from deep introspection and a firm understanding of your happiness goals. What your friends are doing is absolutely irrelevant and should never even enter into your thought process.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 9 months ago by Kirk.

    Dear dreaming715,

    There are few things I noticed in your story and I feel like you have developed like many of us, wrong believes about life. I would like to give you suggestions. I will try to be short, for both gender and very straight. So, that it might benefit some guys as well. Sorry, if they are brutally honest.

    Flawed believes/ ideas

    1. I will be 28 or soon 30 with no man/woman in my life and I am running out of time as I am getting old.
    2. All my friends are married and have kids, why I am single. There must be something really wrong/ flawed with me.
    3. I will strive for a relationship by registering to all dating websites just the way I have done for work/job/fitness to find a man/woman for me.
    4. I feel lonely and empty, there’s a void in me that I want to fill with finding a right partner and by someone loving me.
    5. By getting a man/woman ( or marriage or kids), I will be happy.
    6. I am inherently flawed as I continue to fail.

    And then you are using mind altering activities to numb pain ( like Tv, unhealthy food etc). Some people use drugs, alcohol, recreational sex, overworking, overexercising and many other things to distract themselves from the everyday torture of their mind.

    Now here’s the biggest truth which will not make sense for sure but IF ONLY YOU ARE WILLING to understand it will surely save you. It is this – even if you get that perfect lover who marries you and have kids and makes you happy, you will not have lasting happiness. I would like to add more but I am just going to stop here as not many people are ready to learn this truth.
    I will end with some questions that if you are ready to ask yourself it might give you directions.

    Questions to ask yourself
    1. Why I believe that I must marry and have kids? Is it because of culture, media influence? Is it also my desire? Will be really happy?
    2. Why I believe that my friends are married with kids are all happy? Are they really? Have you seen other people in this whole world who have got their deepest desires fulfilled and they are happy? If yes, then all those celebrities and rock star who lose themselves completely?
    3. Why I believe that striving for relationships by going to as many dates as possible, I will end up finding right partner? Will you?
    4. Why I am scared of being alone? What is loneliness? How can I be happy by not being with someone? What if happiness is different from pleasure?
    5. Why I believe that by being married with kids, I will be happy? What about those people who are getting divorced everyday? What about those people who are leaving their spouses because they cheated? What about those parents who are deeply disappointed because of their kids poor behavior/ violence to others? Surely, being married with kids was way to achieve fulfillment and happiness in life and then these people wouldn’t be unhappy?

    If you read this post carefully and try to understand what these questions are pointing at, it will make you understand what happiness. If not, do not worry, time will come for that.

    Good luck


    I am not saying that one shouldn’t get marry or have kids. That’s not what I am saying. There’s nothing wrong in fulfilling your deepest desires.

    P.S. I am a 30 year old guy who struggles with loneliness.




    Thank you for your post, it is thoughtful, insightful and without judgement. I actually went ahead an looked into the Book you mention and have started reading it and find it very helpful! Thanks for the suggestion, and I encourage others to look into this book as well it more about creating a better you then it is on “getting the guy” because in the end whether you have the “guy” or not you won’t be happy unless you are happy with yourself and whatever relationship forms won’t necessarily be healthy (as the book puts it). This is really helping me through my time with wanting “the relationship”, “the guy” and instead of chasing this guy I really like I am learning to let it go and turn towards myself!

    Thank you again Eris, and anyone else going through the same thing should look into this book, don’t be fooled by the title! this book has some great questions to answer that really get you thinking about yourself and your relationship with others

    thank you!

    Nina Sakura

    Hey dreaming,

    I get it. Everyone’s getting married or having babies while you cant even seem to have that successful dating phase – it must take a hit on your self-esteem – you must be feeling like something is wrong with you, maybe thats why this isnt working out for you.

    Firstly, ask yourself how your relationship with yourself is? Do you like yourself with or without a partner? How are the other areas in your life going – other relationships, career, your interests etc?

    Secondly, I dont think the universe doesnt want you to find someone. Its just that the universe wants you to slow down and let it go a bit, take it easy on yourself – when the time is right, we meet the right person without even trying. It just falls into place in some strange way. Let go of this cycle of dating for now and really relax. Breathe in, take a vacation with girlfriends or go alone.

    Thirdly, believe it or not, it is okay to feel pissed at what you’re going through. Its shitty to take in rejection after going into something. Consider the case of Ted Mosby for example – who wants to get married after meeting the right girl. He eventually does without even trying but there is a long story before that happens. He meets so many people who dont work out before that for example while his friends get married, have a baby…The only way you can start feeling better is to find something new to occupy your mind, to drive you outside of this pain. When you are ready, really ready, things will fall into place, trust me on this!


    Sandstorm: Thank you for your response. I agree with you and have decided that taking a break is best right now because it is draining my energy. So all my dating apps and subscriptions have been deleted! Also, I like your idea of concentrating on one person at a time. I’ve read articles that say you should keep your options open because that’s most likely what the person you’re dating is doing… but that gets draining and I don’t think you’re giving the people you’re seeing a fair shot. By the way- I LOVE that song! 

    Eris: “The more you try and get something the more you drive it away.” Ahh yes, this does seem to be true. I hope to eventually gain as much positive insight as you have. Your optimism really came through in your post. Thanks for sharing your perspective!

    Anita: To this day, I STILL think about that post you wrote me!  I’ve done a lot more critical thinking while talking to men and it has helped. I feel I’m more familiar now with signs that they aren’t interested (or if they’re saying extravagant things during the first or second time I meet them- that’s a red flag).
    So I tried to think of things I tell guys that may be “off putting,” but I can’t really pinpoint anything specific? Sometimes I feel it’s what I DON’T say. For example, I’m turning 28 but haven’t had the chance to do much traveling due to finishing school and working at the same company for the past 3 and a half years. I make a modest income but still try to talk about the things I do enjoy. Example, “Hey! I saw this great exhibit at the art museum the other weekend!” “Have you ever heard of Blue Apron cooking class? I’ve been meaning to check it out.” “The other day I heard about a music festival coming to our city… what is your opinion on ___ kind of music?” I feel like I’m taking somewhat of the right approach? Unfortunately, I don’t have any exciting trips to talk about, like: “I just went back-packing in Argentina!” Or “I just had work published in a literary magazine!” Maybe I’m too average on dates…? =/

    Kirk: Thanks for responding! You made a great point that I have control over my own happiness and another person shouldn’t have to fulfill that. But what if I’m actually fairly happy with my life and I just long to have a partner to share happy experiences with? I like that you’ve challenged me with this thought, but isn’t it sort of natural as a human to crave interactions with a partner? Or do you feel I’m missing the mark on this one?

    Brav3: Thank you for your response. Good call on pointing out my flawed beliefs and ideas. They aren’t facts… they really are intangible beliefs and nothing is set in stone. So I shouldn’t spend energy focusing on them. Also, I liked the questions you asked and will spend time thinking about my answers to them. It IS possible that I could end up married with a husband, a house, and kids, and STILL be unhappy. So where is the unhappiness coming from? What is the source? That’s actually a great question. Also, I’m sorry to hear you’re also struggling with loneliness. Just know you’re absolutely not alone and we’re all here for you.

    Thoughtfullearning: I actually did read a book called “Get the Guy” by Matthew Hussey… I don’t think it worked for me. It seemed hyper-focused on “do this to make him feel this…” It’s not that easy and the interactions aren’t always that black and white. So I’ll have to check out the suggestion from Eris.

    Nina Sakura: Thanks for responding. I thought about your questions. “How is your relationship with yourself? How are other areas of your life going?” I struggle with this question. I feel a little beat down by several aspects of my life. My poor relationship with my mom (she just isn’t capable of having a loving relationship with me). Working hard to earn a degree and not feeling happy about my current income. Being diagnosed with a chronic illness (nothing life-threatening, but I have to manage it daily). I guess the one thing I want is a significant other to love me and I can’t even get that. So I’m kind of at a point of, “Well… you tried, but your past 27 years have been mediocre at best. Nothing that will go down in the books as exceptional.” And you’re right. I feel I should metaphorically “wave the white flag,” and just let go of this all. And by that I mean focus on myself and not the outside factors of my life (which somehow always seem to go wrong or lead to never-ending struggle).


    Dear dreaming715:

    Again, I am impressed how thoroughly and graciously you answered every person that replied to you. You have my personal Wow! for doing that.

    The examples you gave, those conversation starters- because I happen to be a trivia- ignorant person, that is I don’t know about exhibits or movies (except a few), or anything much except my interest: people’s motivations and such, I would be at a loss with those questions. I know a few people though with much interest in trivia, what I consider trivia. I know one particular person who tries to engage others with trivia all the time and it makes me very sad because it is not working for him. He is not successful at making friends even though he is excellent at trivia. People respond, conversations happen, but no continuation into friendships.

    This is my personal experience. I would be curious to hear how trivia works for others in making long term friendships and relationships… Maybe a new thread topic. I will think about it. Wonder what you think about it as well.



    Hi Dreaming715,

    As scary and silly as this sounds…. try clearing your mind, and relaxing into yourself. We are social creatures, and are drawn energetically to love, joy, peace, centred-ness (if thats a word??) (We are still drawn to it even if its not) 🙂

    My dating strategy as a male of 43 is…… be me! If someone is drawn to who I am, there is no need to study conversations, or adjust who I am, or play a role that at some point will change.

    I could dress like a young, guy, buy a sports car, wear lavender shirts and sweet smelling aftershave…. talk about…. well not sure as I don’t travel like most do, and I tend to live simply…. so I would have to research topics to talk about, and study how dating has changes in 25 years. Maybe refresh my body language skills, and touch up on some psychology of middle aged, separated divorcee’s with kids, and join the gym and buy the obligatory tshirt………

    Hmmmm get the picture 🙂

    Have faith in yourself! You convey yourself beautifully and thoughtfully over the forum. You have compassion and empathy and a desire to improve yourself. Certainly positive and energetic… Love who you are without guilt, or question.

    Anyways….. gotta go…… I hear there is a clothing sale down the road. Never know what I might find!




    Hi Dreaming715,

    Before I go shopping I thought I might mention a few other things that may help….

    How to be yourself out there:- You can not help but know what you desire. By focusing on this, you automatically sort, and pigeon hole people, and interactions, and in essence the outcome of any connection with another person. Be open to all possibilities, and choose much later on – providing that your intuition is active and you are not in danger, then allow yourself to explore another person. They are an expression of life as you are. That in itself is exciting. Clear your mind of what your outcome is, and enjoy the moment. Go have a beverage, and allow the possibility of interaction…. but don’t seek it, desire it, force it, just allow it to happen. Our minds can not comprehend the possibilities, but our hearts can guide us.

    Connection:- First and foremost. This comes way, way, before a relationship, or suitability, or compatibility. Connect to another as if they are you. In fact they are you, just a different expression. Speak your truth, your views, your understanding of life. You could fill a library with your knowledge of your experiences already. None of that is mundane or boring. Talking about things that are light and fluffy with no meaning to you only weakens the connection that may be there already.

    Patience:- You are unique….. it takes time to share yourself, and allow another to share themselves. No rush required. In this space comes openness to explore. Compatibility surfaces naturally without seeking from a need.

    Courage:- Say only what is for you – say it clearly, and directly. If you have feelings, say it, then think about it. You can take all the time in the world to panic after you have said it.

    Rejection:- Funny word this one…… It is not that you are unacceptable, but simply a correction back to your true path. That path will lead you to someone who can share what you wish to share yourself. It does hurt a bit, but only when your head gets in the way of your heart.

    Relationship:- Two whole people sharing themselves. Not two halves needing completion. You can do that right now for yourself. Be whole and complete and perfect now. When you are sharing of yourself, another will be drawn to your energy. No seeking required.

    You may know all this already, but I felt the need to share it with you.



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