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December 2, 2022 at 1:11 am #411085
ParticipantDear Dan,
good to hear from you! At the moment I am sick with covid and am struggling with some unwanted side-effects, like insomnia (and feeling pretty beaten during the day due to lack of sleep), although the respiratory symptoms are almost gone. I hope it goes back to normal… Thanks a lot for inquiring!
Nothing really has changed. I’m still sad about the whole thing and depressed most days.
I am sorry to hear that. Are you going to therapy? I think you would need as much support as possible. It would be great if you could surround yourself with supportive people, rather than isolating yourself and staying alone with your thoughts…. Do you have friends (or one good friend) whom you can talk to and confide in?
December 2, 2022 at 4:19 am #411092Roberta
ParticipantDear Dan
Sorry to hear that your life has not moved forward. I note that your birthday was difficult because your estranged wife did not reach out to you on that day.
What are you planning to do over the Xmas/New Year? as this is also an emotionally difficult for many especially the first one.
There are many groups like the Salvation Army etc. which do a communal lunch for anyone who is by themselves on that day and or volunteering can be a fulfilling & uplifting experience giving something back to your community fosters a sense of belonging.
Wish you all the best
December 6, 2022 at 1:30 pm #411425Dan
ParticipantI hope you’re feeling better. Lots of fluids helps.
I do have a couple of good friends but it’s still tough. I wrote a letter out today to her (sappy stuff) but I didn’t send it. I wanted to send it for Christmas but I’m not sure if that’s a good idea. Maybe it would cause me more torment than anything. Basically just saying that I love and miss her (I’m a hopeless romantic) and acknowledging some of my faults and just wishing her and the kids a merry Christmas. I want to send it but again it may not be a good idea.
I have some family and friends. I didn’t think it would be this hard but this is the first holiday season that I’m alone in a while. Thank you for your reply it means a lot.
December 7, 2022 at 12:26 am #411444Tee
ParticipantDear Dan,
yes I am feeling much better, can sleep again normally and all the other symptoms are gone too. I am grateful!
I wanted to send it for Christmas but I’m not sure if that’s a good idea. Maybe it would cause me more torment than anything.
Quite possibly, because you would again expect an answer, and if it doesn’t arrive, you would feel even worse. Perhaps again thinking how unlovable and unworthy you are, taking her silence as a proof that something is wrong with you. I’ve shared my thoughts about it on October 31, in regard to her not congratulating you your birthday. I said back then:
I can imagine it hurt, and I think not just because she didn’t bother to congratulate, but also because it “confirmed” again what your inner critic has been telling you: that you are unworthy and unlovable. You might have interpreted her lack of happy birthday text as another rejection, and perhaps not just a rejection of you as her romantic partner, but also rejection of you as a person. And it hurts bad… Am I right in thinking that?
If you see her every rejection, or every lack of response, as a proof that you’re bad and unworthy, it’s making things very hard for you. If you make her the sole judge of your worth and likeability, then you’ll feel bad about yourself for a long time. And if you make her the sole creator of your happiness, then I am afraid you’re bound to be unhappy for a long time.
Can you see that? You put your life, your future and your happiness in her hands. But what if she can never give you what you want – not because you’re not good enough, but because she is unable to? Because of her own limitations?
Let me remind you that even the last Christmas wasn’t a happy one for you, even though you were with her:
Our house got smaller and smaller with her and I both working from home. I would go to my moms place to get away as I knew my wife needed some space. Then Christmas hit and something didn’t feel right but I was kept in the dark.
She didn’t want to talk to you, she didn’t want to say what’s wrong, but you felt that something was wrong. And you said that this was her style – she wouldn’t want to talk to you when there was a problem. She would keep you in the dark, wondering “what have I done wrong?”. Maybe there is nothing wrong that you’ve done, or even if you have, in a healthy relationship people talk to each other and share their concerns. They don’t just give you the silent treatment (or the could shoulder) and then a week later tell you they want separation. This is not how things are done in a healthy relationship.
Dear Dan, you’re idealizing her and remembering only the times when she treated you nicely, and forgetting the times when she didn’t treat you so nicely. Please don’t tie your happiness and your self-worth to her.
I do have a couple of good friends but it’s still tough.
It’s tough because you want only her, and until you get her, you’ll be miserable. You’re focusing on what you don’t have and despairing about it, instead of focusing on what you do have. You still have good people in your life, you still have your health, you still have your brains, you have all the potential to be happy…. you just need to let go the false belief that only SHE is your salvation and your happiness. Because she isn’t. You are.
December 8, 2022 at 7:57 am #411498Dan
ParticipantYou are right with everything you say. I can’t put my happiness on her and that’s not fair to her and it’s not helping me. I get lonely and then yes I do only remember the good times, mainly because there weren’t a lot of bad times. The good moments I believe outweighed the bad ones. But I can’t do anything about it. I’m still obviously very much in love and it’s a hard pill to swallow. Her last texts the other day were all business like and kind of impersonal. I guess I just don’t get how we can go from being best friends to this. When we reunited earlier this year she said that I’m her best friend. And now it’s like she wants nothing to do with me and again that’s hard to take. I’m trying to tell myself that if it’s meant to be it will be, that the universe doesn’t make mistakes. How do you feel about that?
December 8, 2022 at 3:41 pm #411527Dan
Participanti really want to text her and just ask why she won’t talk to me. Like I’m looking for a reason, some kind of explanation that might give me some closure. Just ask her why. I often interpret it like it’s something I did wrong, however I don’t think this is the case. I don’t know, what do you think? I know it’s my lack of self love etc that contributes to this, but do you think it’s a good idea to just ask that question? Thanks.
December 8, 2022 at 8:19 pm #411537Dan
ParticipantNew development. I went to the pharmacy today and they said I had been taken off my wife’s insurance so I texted her and asked if she had taken me off. She said that she had back in September. My medication is expensive so I asked if she could possibly keep it the same. I said that because we’re technically married that by law it’s ok. And she said “but we’re not”. She is then texted “this is a good opportunity to tell you that I’m filing for divorce in January and that she didn’t want it to be a surprise”. I lost it. I started bawling. I guess I should have expected this. She was waiting for the year to pass to file since she had no grounds before this. It’s the finality of the word that makes it so hard. I know it’s just a piece of paper but I didn’t expect it. It was sudden. I’m upset, devastated, sad.
December 9, 2022 at 2:14 am #411542Tee
ParticipantDear Dan,
I am very sorry. You were hoping all this time that she might decide to get back together some time in the future, but unfortunately it wasn’t what she was thinking. She was planning to file for divorce, as soon as the law permits it.
I think it wasn’t fair that she didn’t let you know that she took you off of her health insurance – that you had to find it out in the pharmacy. I think it was sneaky. And then she used the opportunity to inform you she would be filing for divorce.
It seems to me that she is using the same tactics now as she used during your marriage: hiding things from you, not wanting to talk to you honestly, planning for separation while keeping you in the dark…. And now, taking you off her health insurance without letting you know, and finally, planning to file for divorce without mentioning anything.
It’s the same dishonest and sneaky tactics, Dan. It’s not how one would treat a friend (she claimed you were her best friend). I don’t know her reasons – maybe she is just so afraid to be honest and speak her truth, that she’d rather keep silent about it, and then do something “unexpected”, even shocking (such as announce that she wants a separation). But it was shocking only for you – because she was hiding her true feelings and intentions from you. It came as a shock because she wasn’t honest with you.
And she kept doing it after your separation too. After that brief reunion, she again started hiding her true feelings and intentions, and she simply stopped communicating with you. Already in September she took you off her health insurance, but never told you. And even in the recent texts she exchanged with you, which you said were cold and impersonal, she still didn’t mention that piece of information. It’s like whatever is unpleasant and might hurt the other person – she does it in a sneaky way, behind your back. But that in fact hurts even more than if she were honest about it.
I am saying this so you can see the reality of the situation. That she wasn’t such a wonderful and loving wife as you perceived her to be. Because a kind and loving person wouldn’t behave like that. They wouldn’t hide their true intentions and then suddenly “boom, I want a separation!”
I am not saying she did this on purpose to hurt you, but nevertheless that’s what her behavior is: hurtful. It would be to anyone, not just to you.
I lost it. I started bawling. I guess I should have expected this.
I understand why it was a shock for you. Because she never told you that it’s over between the two of you, and that she is planning to file for divorce. After your separation she was telling you that maybe when the kids get older, you might get back together. Then she even initiated a reunion. All those were positive signs for you, which gave you hope. It’s true that in the recent months she stopped communicating with you, she didn’t congratulate you your birthday, and her recent texts were cold and impersonal. But still, she never told you her plans. She wasn’t honest with you. And so, no wonder it was a shock for you.
I’m upset, devastated, sad.
I hope you can see that she wasn’t playing fair. She wasn’t honest with you, she was hiding things from you. She did it the way it was easier for her: keep a pretense as long as possible, and then a sudden cut. What kind of partnership is it? What kind of friendship?
I hope you can see that your loss isn’t such a huge one as you thought it was. That she wasn’t the dream woman, or your best friend. Neither did she consider your feelings in all of this.
I hope you can see the reality – which although painful is also sobering. And that this will allow you to shake it off and move on with more determination than before.
December 9, 2022 at 7:12 am #411553Dan
Participantyeah I know. It hasn’t been fair for me but there’s nothing I can do. After she texted that she was filing, I haven’t responded. I’m not sure if I should or if I just stay silent. Maybe silence speaks more volumes. I have a hard time getting angry, I don’t really ever get angry, I usually get sad and upset at myself. I don’t think getting angry helps anyone or anything.
December 9, 2022 at 7:16 am #411554Dan
ParticipantMaybe I should ask her to meet in person so that I can get some closure. Although I know that I would probably lose my composure if I saw her.
December 9, 2022 at 7:56 am #411555Tee
ParticipantDear Dan,
I have a hard time getting angry, I don’t really ever get angry, I usually get sad and upset at myself.
Yes, you’ve mentioned that before – that you never get angry, even with people who clearly abused you, such was your brother. Not getting angry at your abuser but instead, getting angry at yourself is a trauma response. That’s a typical reaction of a child who was abused and never protected. The child always, without exception, puts the blame on themselves. Unless there is a loving and compassionate adult who can help him process the trauma and put the blame and responsibility where it belongs: on the abuser.
So please know that you not getting angry is the result of the unresolved childhood trauma. Anger in this case would be a natural self-defense mechanism, telling us that we are violated. Anger is necessary to protect ourselves.
So I think it would be super important for you to see a therapist, preferably someone specialized in childhood sexual abuse, and process that trauma. During the healing process, you would be able to express anger at your abuser as well, which would help you not feel helpless anymore. Getting out of powerlessness and helplessness is key in healing trauma.
I don’t think getting angry helps anyone or anything.
Actually it does, as I’ve just explained. Because anger is a natural self-defense reaction. But it’s best if you deal with it in therapy, and get angry in a controlled, safe environment. Getting angry at your abuser (in a safe, therapeutic setting) can be extremely healing.
Maybe I should ask her to meet in person so that I can get some closure. Although I know that I would probably lose my composure if I saw her.
I don’t think it’s a good idea to meet her in person, because she’s already made up her mind. And as you say, you would probably start crying and begging her not to do it, and it would leave you even more hurt, even more inconsolable. I don’t think that anything good would come out of meeting in person.
After she texted that she was filing, I haven’t responded. I’m not sure if I should or if I just stay silent. Maybe silence speaks more volumes.
You don’t need to respond. I mean, whatever you say won’t change her mind anyway. She probably knows how hurt you are. So, if you don’t feel strong enough to respond, don’t. You don’t need to be polite with her. Sometimes indeed silence speaks volumes.
December 25, 2022 at 7:10 am #412616Tee
ParticipantDear Dan,
merry Christmas! How are you coping? I hope you’re not alone, but do have some supportive company to spend this time with…
December 26, 2022 at 8:50 pm #412683Dan
ParticipantHi Tee.
Merry Christmas to you as well. I’m obviously a bit sad at this time, trying to cope with things. I do have family around and spent time with them. I won’t lie it’s been rough even some suicidal thoughts but nothing major and I did tell my mom about that. Those thoughts came about a week and a half ago and since then I’ve been feeling a bit better. I’m trying to stay sober as I’ve been resorting to drinking and playing poker a lot, keeps me distracted and takes the pain away temporarily but ultimately as we all know I feel like shit afterwards. I’m trying to get back into martial arts and find a little part time job on the weekends to keep myself busy. I hope you had a nice Christmas:). Thanks for checking in.Dan
December 27, 2022 at 12:51 pm #412697Tee
ParticipantDear Dan,
glad you have family around and can spend time with them. Also that you can talk to your mother… is she supportive?
I am very glad that your suicidal thoughts didn’t last, and that you’re feeling a bit better now. Also, that you’re thinking about taking up martial arts again! I guess it’s a good way to build up not only your physical strength, but also mental power, i.e. the feeling of power in your own life. At least that’s what I associate martial arts with… perhaps it’s different for you?
If you have a full-time job, perhaps having a part-time job on the weekends would be too much? I mean it would leave you little time for resting and doing the things you enjoy. But if that part-time job is something you enjoy, then it seems like a good idea.
Yes, I had a pleasant and peaceful Christmas, and an extraordinarily warm one. Very far from white Christmas 🙂 Thank you for asking!
December 31, 2022 at 1:28 pm #412948Dan
ParticipantHi Tee.
Well I’m in Canada so we always have a white Christmas:). Yeah martial arts does help both physically and mentally. It’s something I’ve done since I was 6 years old and always loved it. I work mostly from home and do have quite a bit of spare time on the weekends, especially during the winter so I will be looking for something to pass the time. When I feel down and out lately for the past year I’ve been resorting to unhealthy habits that I want to change. I still feel sad and I know grief has no timeline but it’s hard as time seems to standstill at times. Anyway, happy new year and perhaps we can keep chatting in 2023!