
How to have patience

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    Long story short I am in the middle of a career crisis at the moment. I have two options, one of which is looking more appealing to me at the moment but I need to wait another 7 weeks until I can properly make my decision.

    Until then I am stuck doing a boring, pointless part time job that is not giving me anything, I dont feel fulfilled by it all but have to stick with it for another 7 weeks!

    How do you advise having patience in this situation to just see the next few weeks through? Im sure once i get through to the other side it wont seem so bad but right now it seems like the longest time imaginable!!


    Hello lexy99

    I can understand the frustration and impatience you are having. I have been through the same thing.

    I think u should look at the bright side after this.. After all its just 7 weeks.. It will soon pass away and in the end, it really won’t seem bad. If you are 100% sure of choosing the career option you have chosen, then patience is gonna be fruitful in the end.

    You can just have a countdown and stay positive that your pointless part time job is getting over and you will be entering a new phase of your life.
    All the Best

    • This reply was modified 10 years ago by smit.

    Hey Lexy,

    I am in the exact same position except I only have one week left to wait (after waiting for 3 months). During this period, I started to focus on the other aspects of my life like moving house, buying new furniture, planning a holiday, do yoga, meditate and post on Tiny Buddha! I also started doing a bit of reading for my new job which helps to focus on the future mind set rather than the current one.


    I too am in this position, I always feel like I am in this position though. Eagerly waiting for the moment but usually I feel my fate is left in the hands of others. Yoga helps me a lot, it calms me down and helps me realize that there are somethings that are just out of my hands and I need to somehow become content with that. Breathing, and trying to focus on other things until the time is right. 🙂

    Jim McCarthy

    Hey Lexy

    What would it feel like to be and do your best at the present job you have now?
    Practice mindfulness by becoming aware of your feelings, senses and surroundings.
    What are you noticing about you others and your environment?
    What lessons or insights can you possibly learn from your current situation?
    Hope this is helpful

    Ashley Arcel

    Hi Lexy,

    I think you’ve got some great advice here. Do the best you can until it’s time to move on. there is honor in fulfilling your obligations well. Best,


    Kenai Epps

    I just left a decent paying job because I was unhappy and I had to wait about three months before I could get out of it. The job wasn’t the same when I first started and it affected my overall happiness. I just did the best I could until I was able to start my new job. I found comfort in photography, taking short road trips, reading – anything to make the transition easier.

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