
I just randomly and suddenly fell out of love

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    Here’s my situation (I care enough about my recent ex to create an account and post here as I think this topic has a lot of useful information in it!)

    Relevant factors: I’m a male (38) dating a female (30), so a bit of an age gap. We are both newly dating as divorcees, both were divorced around 1.5 years ago. She has two small children and a job, so as a single mother she is always very busy.

    We have dated around 4 months. It was very hot and very fast. To the point that I was curious if I was just a rebound to her. It felt like we had both known each other forever with personalities and senses of humor that meshed really well. Outside of one vacation and a couple other random nights she was free, we saw each other at least every Tuesday the last 4 months. Movie dates, dinner dates, or sometimes just make dinner in and chill. She did talk of me to her parents and siblings. Constant contact all day every day the entire 4 months: multiple forms of media, all initiated by her. Then last week, the dreaded break up text out of the blue. No call, no talk. “I can’t commit to someone else at this time, it’s not fair that I can’t see you more than once(ish) per week, we’re in different stages of life, I’m always here if you need something, it’s nothing you did and there’s no one else, I think you’re a great person, I’d like to stay in touch.” Sort of a “it’s not you it’s me” approach. It had seemed like in the week before the texting had lessened a bit – I know the comment is always the dumper always knows about this way before the dumpee, but I could tell there was a change. I had assumed she could have been busy working 50 hours a week. This obviously blindsided me a bit, especially having it all come via text…enter age gap joke here. I couldn’t help but think there was maybe more to the story – maybe someone else – and she was just trying to make me feel better about myself. Like there’s no way she’s just never going to date people because she has kids. Someone in her stage of life (single dad) would have much less time than someone like me without kids…I can meet with her whenever she wants.

    We had talked about futures together, holidays, trips/vacations, what it would take to get married again, who would handle which household tasks, all kinds of things. It felt serious.

    Reading a lot of these replies has been very helpful. I believe she has an avoidant insecure attachment. She admitted to having ADD. She has shared stories that would put her in the “daddy issues” category. Her father was always a part of her life, but was gone a lot. Later on it was discovered that he had a long-term affair. This led to her parents divorcing, then reconciling. All within the last couple years. She has also said there have been times in her life in which her, her sister, and her mom wouldn’t talk to her father for months…and potentially over major holidays. I feel like that’s also very relevant here.

    It just blows my mind that things can go from hot-and-heavy, seemingly almost too much contact, words and actions of affection and long-term potential, to nothing at all without any other external factors. I can’t wrap my head around it, but based on this feed I can see this does happen.

    I plan to give her space – it was REALLY hard the first couple days to not reach out since the idea of sending 50 messages to her every day (like the previous 120 days) felt innate at this point. I can’t imagine this doesn’t feel eerily weird to her as well. When she has her kids she’s probably very busy, but when she doesn’t she has to notice the gap in her life. She also has a much larger family/friend support group than I do, which may allow her to keep her mind busier than mine. My goal is to continue to work on myself while giving her some space. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t care if she ever reached back out to me – at this point, I’m still hoping 2-4 weeks out she’ll realize she misses me and wants to reconnect. I also know that may never happen.

    I believe it’s not the length of the relationship that matters, but the depth. I feel almost ridiculous saying a 4-month relationship was so deep, but this one hit differently in my heart for whatever reason.

    I think that is all for now. Happy to share more info as needed.



    Dear Dave:

    It was very hot and very fast… Then last week, the dreaded break up text out of the blue. No call, no talk. ‘… it’s nothing you did…’… We had talked about futures together… It felt serious… It just blows my mind that things can go from hot-and-heavy… to nothing at all without any other external factors. I can’t wrap my head around it, but based on this feed I can see this does happen“-

    – the moment she texted “It’s nothing you did“, I figured it’s the standard, convenient breakup line, revealing nothing of honesty or substance.

    This means that there may be someone else, and it may be that something you did, or didn’t do, turned her off. I don’t know, and neither do you. You know how it feels to be into a computer game, or to watch a movie and feel like you are in it, into it, “very hot and very fast… hot-and-heavy“.. and then game over, The End..?



    Hi Dave

    I’m sorry to hear about the break up. Perhaps the depth of the relationship at 4 months led to the break up? Sometimes these things moving so quickly means that a decision needs to be made because if a decision isn’t made it means that you are leading the other person on. For whatever reason, she was not ready to continue the relationship. Perhaps she was trying to be kind by letting you down now, as opposed to later. Perhaps she was being honest in that it was nothing that you did. Perhaps she was just acting on her own feelings?

    Love and best wishes! ❤️🙏


    Dear Dave:

    I want to read and reply to you more thoroughly this morning:

    You (38) and her (30) are both new divorcees, and she has two small children and a job, always very busy. You saw each other every Tuesday for 4 months (that’s 16 times), plus one vacation and a couple of other random nights. Total 18 in-person meetings and a vacation (of a couple of days, I am assuming, being that she is very busy).

    It was very hot and very fast… It felt like we had both known each other forever… Constant contact all day every day the entire 4 months: multiple forms of media, all initiated by her. Then last week, the dreaded break up text out of the blue. No call, no talk“- reads like she lost interest in you/ in a relationship with you.

    I am sorry, I know that it hurts when this happens.

    Re-reading the message she sent you, “‘I can’t commit to someone else at this time, it’s not fair that I can’t see you more than once(ish) per week, we’re in different stages of life“- reads like she referred to a dissatisfaction that you expressed to her about not being able to see he more often than once per week. And seems like she was referring (?) to an interest in commitment that you expressed to her. It may be that facing your expressed interest in seeing her more often and in being committed to each other.. she withdrew, not interested.

    Then last week, the dreaded break up text out of the blue… It had seemed like in the week before the texting had lessened a bit“- the breakup was out of the blue for you, but in the making for a week, on her end. Looking at the title of the thread you chose to post in, “I just randomly and suddenly fell out of love“, reads like it seemed random and sudden to you, but it took at least a week, a week of contemplation perhaps, on her part.

    Back to her breakup message: “it’s nothing you did and there’s no one else, I think you’re a great person“- maybe she referred here to self-doubt that you expressed to her, as in concerns that you said or did something wrong.. (?) Maybe she meant it (and I tend to believe that she did mean it), that she values you as a person. Nonetheless, these words, this reassurance is often used to deliver breakups so to promote peace, to prevent anger on the part of the person one is breaking up with.

    I can meet with her whenever she wants…the idea of sending 50 messages to her every day (like the previous 120 days) felt innate at this point“- you were willing and able to see her whenever she wanted, and you sent her 50 messages every day for 120 days.

    I can’t imagine this doesn’t feel eerily weird to her as well. When she has her kids she’s probably very busy, but when she doesn’t she has to notice the gap in her life.  She also has a much larger family/friend support group than I do, which may allow her to keep her mind busier than mine“- you don’t have children and not many interactions with family and friends. She has many more interactions with family and friends (when she is not too busy), and she has two children who emotionally and physically depend on her. The gap that the breakup leaves in your life is therefore larger than the gap left in her life. Her absence from your life leaves a big gap, and therefore it feels eerily weird.

    Reads like emotionally and socially, you needed her more than she needed you. Perhaps, having two children who emotionally depend on her, she didn’t want another dependent, so to speak: a man emotionally depending on her..?

    I believe it’s not the length of the relationship that matters, but the depth. I feel almost ridiculous saying a 4-month relationship was so deep, but this one hit differently in my heart for whatever reason. I think that is all for now. Happy to share more info as needed“- is the depth you are referring to, is it the depth of your need for her?

    When you say “this one hit differently in my heart“, do you mean differently than previous relationships/ marriage affected you, and if so, how?


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