
Intrusive and Anxious Thoughts

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    Dear Anita,

    It’s 12:45 here, I have an exam tomorrow at 9:30, and here I’m crying and spiralling from the last one hour. It began with scrolling of some chats of that time and led to a full spiral.




    Dear Kshiti:

    It’s 1:32 am now, 47 minutes after you posted. Are you still awake, how are you feeling now?



    Dear Kshitij:

    Better that you have a night time routine/ ritual where the same things happen every night, before and as you go to bed: nothing new/ nothing out of the routine, so fewer chances for triggers. I hope you are sleeping restfully right now, Thurs 2:20 am, and that if you wake up before morning, that you are calm, and go back to sleep.




    Dear Anita,

    I could not understand the message completely, but it is not only a nighttime ritual. It still happens randomly at different times of the day and it is so difficult that even on crunch situations like next-day exam, my intrusive thoughts add on to my difficulties. It feels unfair that I am not able to experience and enjoy the thing I wished for because of these emotions. It is like a quagmire, all you need to put one foot over it and it will just swallow you in.




    Dear Kshitij:

    By ritual I meant routine, a bedtime routine, so that you do the same things at bedtime. Similar to suggesting a daytime routine earlier, it’s helpful for anxious people. I have my daily routine.

    I wish no quagmires for you, Kshitij, a quagmire-free life, day and night.



    Dear Kshitij:

    my intrusive thoughts add on to my difficulties… It is like a quagmire, all you need to put one foot over it and it will just swallow you in.“-

    * Simplified, cognition = thinking, metacognition = thinking about thinking.

    Today, I found out today (after reading a reply on the forums by Rosie) of a term called Cognitive Attentional Syndrome (CAS), and Metacognitive Therapy that goes along with it.
    <p class=”jsx-3897347038 c–grey-neutral-800″>I read on the topic that CAS is an unhelpful style of thinking, a vicious cycle where one’s only focus is on one’s problems and the person feels worse as a consequence (the quagmire you mentioned yesterday). It’s about placing all of one’s attention on problems, overthinking pessimistically, and getting stuck. It’s a pattern of negative, pessimistic thoughts and painful emotions that the person can’t seem to let go of, a pattern that include rumination, worry and fixed attention.</p>
    The purpose  of Metacognitive Therapy is 1) to discover what the suffering person believes about his/ her thoughts (it’s called Metacognitive Beliefs), 2) to show the person how his / her beliefs lead to unhelpful responses that unintentionally prolong and worsen the suffering, and 3) to provide alternative ways of responding that allow a reduction of the suffering.

    What do you think/ feel about the above, Kshitij?


    <p class=”jsx-3897347038 c–grey-neutral-800″></p>



    Dear Kshitij:

    my intrusive thoughts add on to my difficulties… It is like a quagmire, all you need to put one foot over it and it will just swallow you in.“-

    * Simplified, cognition = thinking, metacognition = thinking about thinking.

    Today, I found out today (after reading a reply on the forums by Rosie) of a term called Cognitive Attentional Syndrome (CAS), and Metacognitive Therapy that goes along with it.

    I read on the topic that CAS is an unhelpful style of thinking, a vicious cycle where one’s only focus is on one’s problems and the person feels worse as a consequence (the quagmire you mentioned yesterday). It’s about placing all of one’s attention on problems, overthinking pessimistically, and getting stuck. It’s a pattern of negative, pessimistic thoughts and painful emotions that the person can’t seem to let go of, a pattern that include rumination, worry and fixed attention.

    The purpose  of Metacognitive Therapy is 1) to discover what the suffering person believes about his/ her thoughts (it’s called Metacognitive Beliefs), 2) to show the person how his / her beliefs lead to unhelpful responses that unintentionally prolong and worsen the suffering, and 3) to provide alternative ways of responding that allow a reduction of the suffering.

    What do you think/ feel about the above, Kshitij?



    Dear Anita,

    I think CAS is something relatable, I cannot let go of my intrusive and pessimistic thoughts no matter what. I have also begun observing that my mind is somehow habitual of that state, of depression, of rumination and the subsequent hopelessness. I do not know if I have told this before but many times, I start searching things on the internet out of nowhere and read articles etc. which is not for self-help but triggers the vicious cycle of intrusive thoughts. I think my internal beliefs worsen my suffering in many ways. We have already talked about shame, and sometimes I feel that my internal shame binds me from doing things that will improve and enrich my lifestyle.

    My intrusive thoughts are causing pessimistic and hopeless thoughts these days. Sometimes, when I am in that vicious cycle, I ask whether life is even worth living if suffering is the ultimate reality? I remember your post about repressed anger, and I agree with it. That repressed anger overwhelms me during the spiral, where I  imagine hurting myself emotionally(I think I have shared this in an earlier thread) as well as pushing away all my friends in that anger. I will write another thread about the repressed anger tomorrow and if it is okay, can I also share one thread about my enraging thoughts that were occurring today.

    One more question, Anita. There is a recent development in my intrusive thoughts that first happened in the nightmare (mentioned by me a few days ago). I do not think if this forum would be the safest place to mention that, how can I share it with you?






    Dear Kshitij: I was out all day and now, it’s Sun night here. I will read your recent post and reply Mon morning (my time)



    Dear Kshitij:

    Repressed anger overwhelms me during the spiral… I will write another thread about the repressed anger tomorrow and if it is okay, can I also share one thread about my enraging thoughts that were occurring today“- yes, of course it’s okay.

    One more question, Anita. There is a recent development in my intrusive thoughts that first happened in the nightmare (mentioned by me a few days ago). I do not think if this forum would be the safest place to mention that“- while not sharing about the recent development here, can you tell me anything about why it’d be unsafe for you?  (It’s okay if you don’t).

    “how can I share it with you?“- since there is no private messaging option on this website, what are you suggesting?



    <p style=”text-align: left;”>Dear Anita,</p>
    I had a session with my therapist today, she thinks that there might be early signs of depression, although she has told that it is not a surety right now. I think that this fits accurate with what I am feeling and describing


    Regarding the question I asked you, is there a medium (email or anything else) through which I share that thing with you. I understand if that is not possible and please feel free to let me know accordingly.




    Dear Kshitij:

    You are welcome. Good thing you saw your therapist again.

    Regarding the question I asked you, is there a medium (email or anything else) through which I share that thing with you“- do you feel comfortable to post an email address here for me, on this public forum?

    Keep in my mind that sharing these thoughts with me does not mean that the thoughts will go away.



    Dear Anita,

    I can post my email address here for you- kshitijjain415@gmail.com

    I understand that sharing these thoughts does not mean they will go away but I feel it is important to share them


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