
Letting go of what you envisioned

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    Do we have to let go of “dreams” when you start realizing your life isnt meant for it or its becoming too late for them? How does one remain happy, fullfilled and at peace with that notion? Or the opposite.. does letting go of these dreams / plans make you more at peace and happy? I feel very conflicted on this subject. Some days I hold onto what I want and some days I feel well life hasnt presented that to me therefor I should let it go and just live without expectations or attachments to thoughts…

    The Ruminant

    Hello Jane!

    Something struck me in your post, and it kind of connected with some of your other posts here, so I hope you don’t mind a bit of analysis first 🙂

    You’re saying “life hasn’t presented that to me”, as if you are patiently waiting for your dream to come true. This kind of correlates with waiting for your partner to notice what he should be doing, and not expressing your own needs. It is as if you are passive and powerless in your own life. That is a choice though, because if you have some control over something, it’s you and your actions.

    I’m not trying to criticise you, but rather want to point out that perhaps the answer is so near to you that you can’t really see it yourself. Also, I am speaking as someone who used to have huge problems expressing needs out of fear of sounding needy and who somehow sabotaged her own dreams and goals because didn’t feel like they were deserved. I kind of also waited for something big to happen whilst reacting passively to the events in my life.

    I don’t know what your dream is or why it would be too late to achieve it. Sure, some specific dreams do have an expiration date. But one specific thing shouldn’t be the source of all your happiness and focusing on what you can’t have would neatly justify not working towards taking responsibility over your own happiness.

    You do need to be active and take action towards your goals. There are people who have worked towards their dreams their whole lives, relentlessly and not waiting for someone to hand it to them. I am not one of those people, but I admire those who are 🙂 I do believe though that if I really, truly wanted something, it would be down to me to make it happen, and if I’m not willing to work on it, then I’m not allowed to blame the circumstances.

    Quite honestly, I’m not sure if letting go of dreams would leave you at peace if you haven’t really tried to achieve them. If you really try and fail, then at least you have tried. No regrets. The bitterness and regrets lie in the passiveness and feeling like you aren’t in control of your own life.

    …and I’m sorry that I’m having a bit of a “tough love” approach in my responses to you, but there is a reason to it. I have been passive and had all kinds of elaborate defences built around me, and then felt bad and looked for the answer outside of myself and in other people. So, I feel like I want to shake you up a bit and say “no, look, it’s you, it’s you!” 🙂 Take your power back! Freely express your needs and desires and take action and do things that make you feel happy. It might feel weird at first, but the more you do it, the more confident you’ll feel, and the easier it becomes!

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 7 months ago by The Ruminant.

    Hi Jane,

    Physical things tend to have an expiration date: i.e. professional ballet dancer. But, anyone can dance at any age!

    When you talk of waiting, maybe it’s an emotional dream: i.e. falling in love. You may or may not fall in love, but you can have a blast like this girl who wrote about her 100 Dates!

    For mammoth dreams: i.e. become a famous actress, you may not even get an agent, but you can take classes and make YouTube videos!

    What I do (Great American Novel, anyone?) is do the work, but also accept it for where it is. I like to have fail proof plans. Like, I also do “outsider art”. A cartoonist, really. No museums, however, I did have a small following after I made a website. Am I “famous”? Hell no. But at the same time “the gods” seem to place me/want me in totally different things.

    Follow the Journey, not the Destination. And try to find a way to have fun with it!!


    Hi Jane @goodkarma1

    It is a rather interesting and deep question that you have posted. I would like to share my perspective with you in the hope to inspire you to keep chasing your dreams. I have not read TR’s or now Inky’s post prior to writing mine so pls excuse any doubling up if any.

    Who decides if life is meant for something or not ? Who tells us that we are not to go on a certain path ? Who tells us if a certain partner is the right choice and we will have heaps of beautiful bubs with them and live merrily ever after etc ? WE DO.

    No one has to let go of any dreams or desires to live peacefully in the world. However, most of us come close to giving up on our dreams easily if we have faced couple of failures (while trying to chase this dream). We sometimes lack the persistence to keep chasing the dream. I think it all comes down to the importance of that dream in your life and what price you are willing to pay to achieve it.

    If a dream is really important for your inner happiness and contentment in life, then you have to chase it until it is very clear to you that you are not going down the right path. And trust me, your inner being will tell you when it is time to give up the chase and find a new better dream. Until then, it is chase time, lol

    Many people who have succeeded in living a life of their dreams have done so with persistence and introspection. At every step, they reflect on the importance of the dream to their well being and are not afraid of failures. However, if a dream is constantly bringing you sadness, instilling fear, poor health, self-doubts etc then this dream is not worth striving for OR the hidden message is that you need to change your expectations and strategy for achieving that dream.

    Life works best when it flows like a river. Try dropping stones or big objects into the river and the water will still find its path around those objects and continue to flow. When the water becomes stagnant for whatever reasons, it breeds diseases. We are so similar. Keep flowing with life and everything feels awesome. Become stagnant with unresolved issues and we start to develop all sorts of anxiety, panic attacks, diseases etc.

    And what I have learnt so far is that, no matter how much wisdom we gain or spiritual we become etc….if our worldly dreams are not fulfilled, we aren’t climbing the ladder of spirituality to the max. Only when our deep desires are fulfilled that we are able to progress on the path of self-realisation or reach a state of no-attachments.

    Keep striving woman. If one path doesn’t work to getting you where you want to be, then change the path. One of those paths will definitely help you reach where you need to be. Everything happens perfectly for our highest good in the big scheme of things. We just need to develop that vision by being kind to ourselves and our needs 🙂

    Best wishes,



    TR, Inky and Jasmine – I had a horrible restless night last night and to wake up to all of your replies helped me so much today I cant even tell you. Thank you truly! i’ll share what this dream of mine is – its the want of family and marriage. I haven’t been the type of girl that envisions marriage and a team of children since childhood, in fact I didn’t even really want kids in my last relationships which was throughout my 20s. However, now that Im approaching 35 in sept, its been heavy my mind more and more. Call it the womans internal clock ticking well, perhaps but whats really having me come to terms with the idea of letting that dream go is the realization my current relationship has me in. I go though periods where I feel he distances himself, and The Ruminant, here is where I am taking your advice by speaking up and taking my power back 🙂 I am and will do this, promise you. Its hard too, as my guy is being insensitive lately. It was quite evident last night. He’ll ignore and act like nothings happened as if Im not even worth the time and effort, He didn’t use to act like this. I’m going to really put it all on the table when I get a chance and ask him if he wants to go our separate ways – perhaps that is his tactic, to push me away for me to say that. Its been bothering me which is why I brought up this question. In my mind I feel if this were to end then itll be some time before the next (I know myself, it is difficult for me to find yet fall in love again). I know Im projecting into the future but this is how I feel. Its been overwhelming lately making it hard for me to focus and perform at work. And yes, this is something deep down I don’t want to give up. I don’t know what to think, how to act, or how to not act anymore.


    Wait ~ is this the guy with The Room Mate??

    OK ~ and this is just me ~ if you’ve been dating for more than a year, a proposal/a ring is forthcoming. Because we women go crazy with The Clock thing (and it’s a real thing!!) then why would you let him get in the way of your future children? That’s how I see it. Who is this guy who is standing in between my children and grandchildren? Is he the father or just some guy? If he is the father, we have a biological time limit, baby! If he’s just some guy ~ well, see ya!

    Tell him you need an engagement or you will be dating other people who want the same thing. He is, of course, the first choice, but he has to want it too. And when he does, you will be there if free!

    There will be even more anger. Trust me. But, it is possible that when he sees other guys take you out, reality will crash into him and he will realize what all the dating was for.



    Yes…sigh.. Inky he is the guy with “The Roomate”. Regarding what I want, I haven’t pressed the issue or even discussed it – yes, partly my fault I know. I’ve been happy just being with him up until this point – but I have set an internal time, if nothing happens by end of this year, im moving on. However with how things are going the way they are, that time may come sooner rather than later. It knocked some sense into my head when you said, how can a man stand in the way. Thanks for that! What I worry is, if he will think its too soon and walk time apart which make me feel at fault for not being patient or if I just chill out things will fall into place later. Do you know what I mean? If I do speak, I’m going to have to be prepared what his answer esp now with how things are going. Its just hard to grasp when someone you want to be with cuts you off. Im very confused at the moment.


    How long have you been dating, and how old is he ~ or rather how is his maturity level?

    Yes, I know the feeling ~ You want it to come from him, and you feel bad for wanting, but you want nonetheless.

    You could have your own internal timeline, but unless he’s psychic, he won’t know. Guys don’t usually think, “GF in mid-thirties, might want a family now”. Unless he has some wise uncle-type who tells him, “Don’t date someone for more than two years without proposing. It’s not fair to the girl.”

    We’re supposed to be all enlightened, but that pesky biology thing!

    My main worry for you is that he might assume this is a reaction to the roommate. Do you think he’s distant now because he’s annoyed with the roommate topic, that he’s been comparing/contrasting in his mind or because they’re having talks?

    What I would do:

    1. Say, “Now that I’m in my mid thirties I’m beginning to freak out about having children b/f it’s too late.” Say it in passing, as if you’re venting or anxious. See if he says anything. (He might not!!)

    2. Now that he knows it’s “a thing”, during the holidays say, “Listen, this is really bothering me, I have to date other people b/c I want a family b/f I can’t have one.”

    3. (which should be 2 lol) Maybe gently urge him to talk about it a few time before. DON’T nag about it! Don’t get moody/depressed around him!! If you do it right, he will think it’s his idea! But if he’s not right for you, you have let him know and broken up with him in the gentlest way possible.


    He is turning 38 in sept as well. He is very smart and quite spiritual himself. He is a hard worker but seems to live moment to moment (check to check) which worries me as well. Don’t get me wrong, Im not assuming a man should take care of me while i stay home – I work my butt off and pay for everything if not 50/50 with everything when we go out. Im very dutch (lucky for him huh?!)

    But yes exactly, I do want it to come from him and be genuine without me having to say this or feel like im threatening him. Oh, another thing I have to mention, hes been married before. He wed in his 20s to a girl from another country and moved there to be with this girl. I don’t think that the failed marriage affects his outlook on marriage, but since he has had many relationships since so I dont know. Maybe Im wrong. Regarding the roomate, I dont know if they have talks what I said or how I feel. They’ve been friends for years so it could be possible.

    I like your ideas! its like putting a bug in his ear and putting it in his court to make action or else if I want to break it off then he will know why. I win because I expressed how I felt and can walk away knowing that and if he doesn’t want that then, hey we’re not the right fit. We briefly spoke during the day today and still it was so hard for him to discuss things! Hes just doesnt want to deal with it.


    ** edit: “pay for everything I have for myself, not for him : )


    ** another edit: I realized I sounded like an a-hole when I wrote ” I win”. I realize its not who wins game. What I meant was I will have been settled knowing I did what I can – kind of way


    My DH was 40 and probably gun shy about marriage (with old girlfriends he definitely had “the talk”). I think early on I said, “I want to know where this is going” and that was it.

    Another friend resented when everyone told him to get married. But once he did he was (and is!) over the moon! Go figure!

    Good Luck!!!!

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 7 months ago by Inky.

    Remember ~ bring it up at least once, but three times at the most ~ let him think it is his idea ~ and you are worried about your Clock, not him!


    This clears up my mind a lot. Glad to hear about your friend is over the moon now : D Thats awesome, sometimes its what we least expect. I will remember to bring it up and at most three times and not nag about it. If something should come out good or bad I’ll be sure to keep you, TR and Jasmine posted on this thread. Thank u thank u. <3

    The Ruminant


    I figured that might be your dream. You just have to be with the person who shares your dream.

    At first I’d like to say that even though I’m happy that you seem so psyched about taking your power back, when you actually do, you don’t have to be forceful about it 😉

    This is a dream that you need to prioritise and if your partner does not share your vision of the future, then you’ll need to find someone who does. And I don’t mean that you need to blackmail him into it, but that it is the reality. This is something that I’ll probably go and share in the thread about expressing feelings as well, but I do think that it is very important that adults can discuss reality without having to resort to different tactics or becoming overly emotional. Of course you can have feelings about the subject, but discussing the facts of life needs a bit of detachment.

    Taking the power back also means that you shouldn’t give up on something you really want just because other people might not share your vision. You’ll then need to find the people who do share your vision. If you give up on that because you’re placing other people’s desires first, you’ll end up bitter, and a bitter Jane isn’t going to be a fun person to be with later in life.

    I have this friend who was dating a man for about five years. She was around your age when they were dating. They did live together, but didn’t get engaged and weren’t moving towards marriage and kids, something that she really wanted. Well, I’m not so sure about the marriage part (she had been married before), but she did want a family and children, very much. She wasn’t able to conceive during her marriage and she knew that if they decided to have children with her BF, that they might have to resort to all kinds of treatments and that it would take time. So she was really pressed for time. They had a painful discussion around the topic around once per year. I’m not sure how that discussion went, but clearly they never decided to move forward with their relationship. It was pretty painful to watch as I knew how much she wanted to be a mother. He wasn’t at all sure about being a father.

    Then after about five years they finally broke up. I can’t remember what broke the camels back, but it was slightly dramatic and not as amicable as it could’ve been. Then really rather soon after the break-up, he got involved with a single mother and they became a little family unit. They got married later and I think they have a child or two of their own now. Harsh? Well, things turned out well for my friend as well. She started seeing a man, she was direct about her feelings about motherhood right from the start and said that she truly can’t afford to wait around. Some time after that, she got pregnant. She had a child and bam! Pregnant again. Now she is a mother of two and lives a suburban life with the father of her children.

    It is so weird how things turned out from the perspective of watching those two feel awkward around the subject for five years. But it is one of the greatest stories I’ve witnessed that teaches about letting go in order to allow things to come to fruition. If they wouldn’t have let go, I don’t think things would’ve turned out that well.

    I’m not saying that you need to let go of your boyfriend. Just that if it starts to look really difficult, then it’s better for everyone’s sake to let go and move on to other people. It is scary, but it’s better than growing old and bitter with each other. I also wouldn’t dance around the topic and then once per year have a huge emotional discussion about it that felt anxious to everyone (even those of us watching from the sidelines).

    Be honest with yourself about what you want and then be honest with other people. I hope you’ll get what you desire.

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