
Mindful Fitness

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  • This topic has 21 replies, 20 voices, and was last updated 11 years ago by Anna.
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    Exercise is a great way to enjoy your life and bring more attention to your body.

    I’m curious what people’s favorite activity is and how it helps you pay more attention to your life.

    Maria Brilaki

    I love:

    1. Going for walks, and appreciating the nature around me – even if that is just the blue sky.

    2. The elliptical – I use my headphones and get “lost dreaming” as I listen to my favorite music!


    Lisa H.

    Running, running and even more running. There is no other activity that gives me the feeling that running does. It is my joy, my passion, my meditation, my church. It permeates through all aspects of my life. It has taught me about grief, loss, frustration, anger, joy, happiness and love. It is what greets me first thing in the morning and puts me to bed peacefully at night.  I love the burn of a steep hill. I love the fatigue of a progression run and I love the outright speed of a short interval track workout. I run when its hot. I run when its cold and I run whether I feel like it or not. It is not about running, it is about working towards a goal and being better today than I was yesterday. 🙂


    I enjoy Pilates and walking. Love to go for a walk with my girls, pick up sticks, flowers, leaves. They point me every dog, every child and they show me an amazing world.


    yoga, walking, running, intervals at the gym.

    Angela Horn

    I’m so with you, Lisa H! There’s nothing like running. I hurt my heel a while back and not running is so frustrating! looking forward to getting back into it 🙂

    Lisa H.

    @ Angela: Sorry to hear about your heel. I too am no stranger to injury. Hope it gets better soon. 🙂


    Kickboxing class twice a week.
    Weight training class twice a week.
    Spin class once a week.
    All these classes have pushed me past my comfort zone, and continue to.   I want to kick higher, I want to curl a heavier dumbbell … I want to be thinner and stronger!   I am so much more conscious of what goes in my mouth and how my body looks and feels.  This month is two years for me at the gym and I can’t imagine NOT going to the gym anymore.  Classes have made me more mindful of how good my body can feel.

    Kim Thirion

    I love to swim. It is, by far, my favorite way to move. There’s just something about it that feels happy, fun, youthful. For me, it’s the one thing that doesn’t have “excercise” written all over it, because I enjoy it.

    It’s pretty powerful for connecting me with life, with now… mindfulness is built in, since you have to always be aware of how much breath you have. I just love it.


    Rollerblading, racquetball, tennis, squash and some yoga techniques.


    For mindfullness, yoga is it for me. I’m a new yogi, but just being in a room surrounded by others completely focused on the same task as you, in the present moment, it really held me connect to myself and enjoy it. I love running too but its hard on my body and I also am careful to limit high intensity exercise in times of stress as it just does me more harm than good. Now I want to go do yoga!

    Shreya Mohanty

    There are lots of things to do for getting a cured and fitness life. Yoga, morning walk, gym, drink plenty of water, sleep 7 hours per day, swimming are few elements of fitness.The whole complete package comes under the Divine Health Care fitness segment.


    I love walking and yoga. I find both are great to really get lost in deep thought and feel connected to myself.


    Workout 4x/wk, including yoga, power lifting and aerobics. I was circling the drain in the hospital two years ago and am getting ready to celebrate my 2nd gym anniversary. For me, working out and getting in shape was a step on the road to positive thinking and whatever’s next in that direction.


    Swimming laps….I meditate in the quiet of the water around me. The exercise stretches my entire body. I hike a local trail when the weather is not too hot. It is challenging and again gives time for mindfullness and the quiet of nature.

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