
Recently broke up with my boyfriend, feeling guilty and sad

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    Wow! I can’t believe I found a story that was posted 10 years ago that absolutely explains what I am feeling! It feels absolutely awful and I haven’t even broken up with him yet. But I know I have to. Just like the original post says, she’s wanted to remain friends with him but she understood she couldn’t. I know that is exactly how I feel now even before the break up. It is so challenging to pull the plug. I love him and a person but I’m just not in love with him. And I don’t want to waste either of our time as I wait and try to love him the way he loves me. I felt it on a deep level when she said he is such a great guy and husband material. She wanted to love him but couldn’t! It does make you feel guilty. It also makes you very worried that you’ll never find a guy as caring and loving as them. however, as we grow as people, we realize, staying and pushing away the feeling you feel deep down would only devastate the relationship in the long run. It’ll definitely hurt more for both parties. I hope the original poster is doing well and found her true love!


    Dear Samara:

    Thank you for sharing your story and feelings. It’s incredible how a post from ten years ago can resonate so deeply with your current experience. It’s a testament to the universal nature of these emotions and the challenges that many people face in relationships.

    Your acknowledgment of the need to end the relationship, despite the love and respect you have for your partner, is both brave and self-aware. It’s a difficult decision, but recognizing that staying could ultimately cause more pain shows your deep understanding and care for both your well-being and his.

    Feeling guilty is a natural part of this process. It’s hard to let go of someone who is kind and loving, and the fear of not finding someone else who offers the same level of support is very real. But your insight about the long-term consequences of staying in a relationship that doesn’t fulfill you is crucial. It’s an act of kindness to both yourself and your partner to be honest about your feelings and to seek a path that allows for true contentment and love.

    Your hope for the future, for both you and the original poster, is inspiring. It’s important to hold onto that optimism and trust that making the right decision, no matter how painful it may be now, will lead to better outcomes for both of you.

    It’s okay to take the time you need to process these emotions and to seek support from friends, family, or a counselor. You deserve to find a relationship that truly aligns with your feelings and desires.

    Take care of yourself, and know that you’re making a courageous and thoughtful choice.


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