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October 6, 2023 at 10:15 am #422841
ParticipantDear Shookie:
Thank you! Hunter was hit by a deer and died during surgery. I still hear him sometimes and see him as I drive in, or out, I see him waiting for me.
Reading about Stash hanging on is inspiring! I had the first smile of the day on my face reading about your precious fur babies: Stash, frisky Izzy, and your Balinese. You are taking very good care of them all. They are fortunate to have you!
Take care of yourself, My Friend!
October 7, 2023 at 5:13 pm #422858shookie
ParticipantHi Anita,
I am so sorry about how your Precious Hunter passed. I am sure each & every time you pass the spot it is painful.
I still feel the pain of my Loving Parents everyday & each morning when I wake I look for Stash afraid of seeing him when it is his time for passing. He is such a precious baby. I have noticed some changes in his demeanor and I am worried as what to do. As I mentioned before I want him to pass in my arms except that is not in my hands to have his death a peaceful one. I have been researching on ways if he is having a heart attack to help him pass at home. It would take a lot of strength to do what the only 2 options are & I will need to stay strong.
How is the weather for you today? It is supposed to be 44 here tonight. At least the humidity is gone. Summers are nice except I don’t have the hair for humidity & It makes me feel terrible. My hair just turns to ring-let curls.
I went out today running some errands & people are getting so mean. I was in the grocery store & 2 women fighting over a can of fruit. Many shelves are bare when it comes to fruit, except fighting over a can of food is a bit extreme. I went and paid for my items & couldn’t wait to get home.
I am going to watch a comical movie tonight & try and relax. I am so glad in these moments I live alone.
I am so torn about a situation & maybe you can share your wisdom on the subject. Here goes, My girlfriend which I would give my life for if needed & both of us mirror one another with the exception of religion. She keeps telling me if I don’t start going to Church & believing in God I will go to hell. I believe in a higher power except not the same beliefs as her. I usually don’t talk politics & religion with people due to everyone has their own beliefs. When she tells me I will die & go to hell due to not going to church I change the subject. I love her & we have already made plans on spending Thanksgiving together. I have told her I respect & love her but our beliefs are so different. When she comes to my home she tells me I need to remove all my Buddhas. My house is decorated Very Oriental & I enjoy my Buddhas. I don’t want her to feel uncomfortable, except I am not going to put them away for anyone. My house~
I wish you a Beautiful and Peaceful evening & will be thinking of you with a smile on your face.
Your Friend,
October 9, 2023 at 12:50 pm #422891anita
ParticipantDear Shookie:
Thank you for your empathy, My Friend. I extend the same to you: empathy for the pain you suffer every day about your parents not being alive. And for your fear of losing Stash, particularly if it happens when he is not in your arms, or not at peace. I know that you are the best pet mom there is, so Stash, all your fur babies are fortunate.
The weather here has been quite hot and sunny, after being colder and grey for a while. Humid or not, I wear my hair in a ponytail and keep it orderly using hair gel.
“I went out today running some errands & people are getting so mean. I was in the grocery store & 2 women fighting over a can of fruit“- I think that the world overall is getting meaner. There is a recent study done somewhere, finding (what I suspected before) that there is a connection between the weather and how mean people are: the hotter the world, the meaner/ more violent people become.
“I am so torn about a situation & maybe you can share your wisdom on the subject. Here goes, My girlfriend which I would give my life for if needed & both of us mirror one another with the exception of religion. She keeps telling me if I don’t start going to Church & believing in God I will go to hell. I believe in a higher power except not the same beliefs as her…”-
– my input: there’s nothing you can do about it: she believes that it is her job/ her calling as a Christian to help you end up in heaven with her, in her Christian brand of heaven. She will not be satisfied with your belief or brand of a higher power unless it is equal to hers. She’ll keep hoping that you become a Christian like her, and you can’t make her stop hoping. She means well.
“We have already made plans on spending Thanksgiving together…When she comes to my home she tells me I need to remove all my Buddhas… I am not going to put them away for anyone. My house“- it is of course, your house= your choice how to decorate it. I was thinking that if I was in your shoes, and let’s say she was my guest for Thanksgiving, I would take the Buddha decorations down just for that one evening, out of respect for her. But I imagine that doing this would encourage her to try even harder to turn you into a Christian…?
October 9, 2023 at 7:00 pm #422909shookie
ParticipantGood Evening Anita,
My day hasn’t been a pleasant one. Many things have been happening, a stalker which won’t stop coming by and this has been going on for a couple of weeks. I called the Sheriffs Department and was told there wasn’t anything they could do for me to call my Sheriff’s Department because we live in different counties.
I was recommended by a neighbor of a man which was supposed to be a good worker & I had to leave the garage door open so he could get the products I purchased to do the jobs. He rang the doorbell leading into the house asking to use the restroom & I was sick so I asked him to use the restroom in the back of the house which he urinated on the seat & floor. I locked the door behind him and he got irate. I went back to bed and the doorbell rings again and he asked me if I would pick him up some lunch/drink and stop by the store and pick him up some toiletries so he could take a shower before he left. I told him he was “NOT”coming back in the house for anything.
I told him I was sick & not going to drive. He got angry again and left without finishing the job after I purchased over $600 of supplies.
I went back to bed and at 11:00 at night he pulled into my driveway, he was back ringing the bell again & I went to the door and told him if he didn’t leave I was calling the police. He said he had left something in my garage, screaming for me to let him in. I spoke in a soft voice & told him he had 3 seconds to get off my property and he did. Have not heard from him since.
I know Lowe’s Hardware & Home Depot recommend contractors which I don’t trust due to having work done by one of their workers & it was horrible.
Being single & not knowing but a handful of people I am at a standstill. My house needs so many repairs which I can no longer do with the sight in my eye being so bad. If the sun comes out it blinds me & all I see are white specks. Also the work needing to be done requires a 16 foot ladder because it is gutter & roof work. Also under my crawl space to attach my dryer duct because it has fallen out of the floor & needs to be re-attached & I can’t wash and dry my clothes.
That’s only 1/2 of it. I will stop complaining. I have so many emotions running through me right now I don’t know where to start writing a list and putting everything in order.
I hope you had a better day than I have. Maybe tomorrow will be better.
I feel so ashamed for being so gullible believing in these workers. My Father would be so dissapointed in me. I feel that upsets me the most.
Your Friend’
October 9, 2023 at 8:58 pm #422915anita
ParticipantDear Shookie: I feel sad to read that your day hasn’t been a pleasant one. I read only a part of your post (I am just about to go to bed, and still listening to disturbing news about our troubled world), but will read and reply further Tues morning.
October 10, 2023 at 8:11 am #422927anita
ParticipantDear Shookie:
A man you hired to do construction work in your house urinated on the seat & floor of your bathroom (and did not clean after himself), demanded that you buy him toiletries so that he could take a shower in your house… And he pulled into your driveway and rang the bell at ELEVEN AT NIGHT, screaming for you to let him in?.. And this is “only 1/2 of it“?
The neighbor who recommended this worker from hell.. did you talk t him about this..? And did you eventually call the correct Sherif department?
“I feel so ashamed for being so gullible believing in these workers. My Father would be so disappointed in me. I feel that upsets me the most“- I would like to think that your Father is looking down at you from above with love in his heart, extending nothing but care and compassion for you!
October 10, 2023 at 11:57 am #422933shookie
ParticipantHi Anita,
Thank you for the kind words about my Father. It makes me feel better. I haven’t slept in 2 days and am angry at myself.
The county I live in is small and most still live in the past. The Sheriffs department actually closes at 5 and your 911 call goes to another county which takes them a minimum of 30 minutes to get here. I was also a paralegal & 2 semesters of law school & understand that they have to be caught on my property. Just like the stalker can sit in front of my house 24/7 as long as he is not touching my property.
I haven’t been out in 2 days. The war going on is so sad & seems like the world is falling apart.
I would give almost anything to live back in the 60’s. Technology has ruined the world.
Hope I read from you soon, I am at a loss for words.
Maybe tomorrow will be better.
Your friend,
October 10, 2023 at 12:16 pm #422934anita
ParticipantDear Shookie, My Friend:
You are welcome. I understand your situation better, in regard to the stalking.
There is a special sentiment on my part, to refer to you as my friend in this post because you mentioned the war, and if you are indeed referring to the war in Israel, which started on Oct 7, it feels like the ending of the world to me.. and your mention of technology is something that’s been very much on my mind: the proud filming of acts of extreme cruelty and spreading them online. It is devastating to think of the hostages and the injured and the traumatized.
Maybe tomorrow will be better.
October 11, 2023 at 8:44 am #422963shookie
ParticipantHi Anita,
Hope you are doing well. The war is heart-breaking & the hostages which are being held are terrible.
I am glad my opportunity of traveling was years ago. I lived in many places including Taiwan & wouldn’t go back.
Egypt & Japan are 2 countries I would enjoy seeing again except with so much conflict I would probably be disappointed as
to what they would look like now. Egypt especially since so much building has been going on around all of the places I would like to visit.
I’ll have a place in my head where I see them as they used to be. So sad sacred places being surrounded by restaurants & stores.
Have a nice day.
Your Friend,
October 11, 2023 at 9:24 am #422975anita
ParticipantDear Shookie:
I slept okay, so that’s good. On the other hand (literally the other hand, the one I am not using to type) is hurting, carpal tunnel syndrome, I think.
The human suffering involved in war is indeed heartbreaking.
Similar to you, I don’t care about travelling to other countries, even at peace time. Last I saw, every big city looks the same/ lost its old uniqueness.
October 11, 2023 at 6:35 pm #422991shookie
ParticipantHi Anita,
Long day, my car has been to 4 different places & all tell me it is a different problem and they need to keep it for a week at a time. It has been a month now and finally back in the garage. It is 23 years old & has a battery drain, so each mechanic has to check basically every component /fuse & electrical system in the car. Each time I get it back something is not working which was before I took it to be worked on. The car is so old & hard to find parts for. Now the radio does not work & the seat remote is not working. I am going to keep a portable charger in the car and drive it until the wheels fall off.
I hope your day went well. My stomach gets in knots when I read about the war & all of the hostages they have taken.
Carpal tunnel is very painful & surgery takes a while to heal & you must type most of the time.
Know in your Heart how many people you have helped turn their life around. If not for you I would not have gotten as far as I have with the hurt I was going through. You have earned a Gold Star from me.
I wish you were my neighbor. You have a huge Heart to do what you do & I can’t thank you enough.
Sleep well my friend,
October 12, 2023 at 11:17 am #423017anita
ParticipantDear Friend Shookie: I am looking forward to read and reply to you Fri morning.
October 13, 2023 at 8:04 am #423047anita
ParticipantMy Dear Friend Shookie:
Your words mean so much to me at this difficult time… I don’t think that I helped anyone that much, but your sentiment, your honest intention to make me feel better- is much appreciated, thank you!
I wonder if it’s possible for you to get a different car, one without the chronic problems of the current..
I just had the thought of you being my neighbor, right up the road from me, and it brought the first Fri smile t my face!
October 13, 2023 at 10:00 am #423079shookie
ParticipantHi My Friend,
My neighbor mentioned selling my vehicle due to the problems. I have come to the solution to keep the battery charger in the car & if needed in the future have the hydraulic system changed to a regular system. It is a 2022 S 430 Mercedes Benz with only 47.287 miles & I have had the car for 11 years. It is Black Pearl with Black Leather seats. It looks new because I am the only one that drives it. The dealer offered me $500 for the car. I politely said no thanks. They know it can be fixed & want to fix it and keep the car for themselves. After researching changing the suspension in a few years if needed would solve the problem. I’m sure other things may pop up & I’ll fix them. Better than to have car payments & higher insurance.
My neighbor called me this morning and asked if I knew who to call because someone hit a large opossum in front of his house. He said this thing is so big I don’t know what to do. I told him to give me a few minutes and I would come and get it. I laughed so hard because he had those work horse cutting props on each side of the poor baby in the middle of the road.. I put on a glove & picked it up and took it into the woods. I laughed so hard because it was probably only 3 months old. I took his props & put them back in his garage & hosed off the road. He said the blood made him sick. He is also the one I got the snake out of his garage & took into the woods. It was alive, only a black snake.
I hope you are having a nice day. The weather here is 69 & cozy. My babies are doing well & I need to clean the house except not in the mood. Too much on my mind.
Have a great day & will be thinking of you my friend.
October 13, 2023 at 10:53 am #423083anita
ParticipantDear Shookie:
Reads like a good looking car and it is very new. I hope this means that the work done on it is under warranty. I am not surprised that you are the neighbor’s savior as far as opossum and snakes are concerned, putting on a glove and doing what needs to be done!
It’s 57 degrees here, sunny and I plan to be picking pears today for a local farm down in the valley. I already filled in two large bins of pears.